996 resultados para Charleston Orphan House


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En los tiempos de la optimista eclosión del Estilo Internacional en América y del comienzo de una nueva domesticidad en California, la peculiar mirada que hiciera el fotógrafo Julius Shulman de la casa Loewy, construida por Albert Frey en el desierto de Palm Springs en 1947, nos permite reconocer las claves de una excepcional pieza de arquitectura. La simbiótica aportación que hiciera Loewy junto a Frey permite superar ampliamente los rigurosos estándares de lo moderno y consigue exaltar el hedonismo de la cultura del bienestar de la posguerra americana. Atmósfera e intención se unen en una fantástica creación tanto de un espacio como de un tiempo.


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However, the State of Missouri was not going to go down without a fight. In mid- January, 1939, John D. Taylor, a representative from Keytesville, MO, introduced a bill in the Missouri legislature designed to postpone integration of the University. Taylor, chairman of the House Appropriations committee, proudly called himself “an unreconstructed rebel.” Taylor’s proposal, House Bill No. 195, authorized Lincoln University to “establish whatever graduate and professional schools are necessary to the equivalent of the University of Missouri.”


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Este projeto tem como objetivo realizar uma análise da forma com que vem sendo realizada, na prática, a Comunicação Interna no Brasil por meio de house-organs. Para tanto, utiliza-se de duas fontes principais de consulta: a bibliografia publicada sobre o tema e os vencedores do Prêmio Aberje dos últimos 7 (sete) anos. Com isso, pretende-se verificar, de um lado, o que autores e especialistas sugerem e indicam como ideal para execução da Comunicação Interna através de house-organs; de outro, analisa-se, com base nessa teoria, o que vem sendo feito na prática. A escolha dos vencedores do prêmio Aberje categoria House-organ para Comunicação Interna, tem como objetivo apenas apresentar um critério lógico para a seleção das mídias analisadas, uma vez que se trata de um prêmio concedido pelo principal órgão de representação da Comunicação Empresarial do Brasil. O foco deste estudo é exclusivamente o conteúdo dos veículos e neste se encaixam itens como o fluxo do discurso organizacional (ascendente, descendente etc.), mensagens, o tipo de linguagem utilizada etc. Não se focarão, dessa maneira, aspectos de diagramação e estética.(AU)


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Este projeto tem como objetivo realizar uma análise da forma com que vem sendo realizada, na prática, a Comunicação Interna no Brasil por meio de house-organs. Para tanto, utiliza-se de duas fontes principais de consulta: a bibliografia publicada sobre o tema e os vencedores do Prêmio Aberje dos últimos 7 (sete) anos. Com isso, pretende-se verificar, de um lado, o que autores e especialistas sugerem e indicam como ideal para execução da Comunicação Interna através de house-organs; de outro, analisa-se, com base nessa teoria, o que vem sendo feito na prática. A escolha dos vencedores do prêmio Aberje categoria House-organ para Comunicação Interna, tem como objetivo apenas apresentar um critério lógico para a seleção das mídias analisadas, uma vez que se trata de um prêmio concedido pelo principal órgão de representação da Comunicação Empresarial do Brasil. O foco deste estudo é exclusivamente o conteúdo dos veículos e neste se encaixam itens como o fluxo do discurso organizacional (ascendente, descendente etc.), mensagens, o tipo de linguagem utilizada etc. Não se focarão, dessa maneira, aspectos de diagramação e estética.(AU)


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LXRα is an orphan member of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily that displays constitutive transcriptional activity. We reasoned that this activity may result from the production of an endogenous activator that is a component of intermediary metabolism. The use of metabolic inhibitors revealed that mevalonic acid biosynthesis is required for LXRα activity. Mevalonic acid is a common metabolite used by virtually all eukaryotic cells. It serves as a precursor to a large number of important molecules including farnesyl pyrophosphate, geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate, cholesterol, and oxysterols. Inhibition of LXRα could be reversed by addition of mevalonic acid and certain oxysterols but not by other products of mevalonic acid metabolism. Surprisingly, the constitutive activity of LXRα was inhibited by geranylgeraniol, a metabolite of mevalonic acid. These findings suggest that LXRα may represent a central component of a signaling pathway that is both positively and negatively regulated by multiple products of mevalonate metabolism.


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Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1), an orphan member of the intracellular receptor superfamily, plays an essential role in the development and function of multiple endocrine organs. It is expressed in all steroidogenic tissues where it regulates the P450 steroidogenic genes to generate physiologically active steroids. Although many of the functions of SF-1 in vivo have been defined, an unresolved question is whether a ligand modulates its transcriptional activity. Here, we show that 25-, 26-, or 27-hydroxycholesterol, known suppressors of cholesterol biosynthesis, enhance SF-1-dependent transcriptional activity. This activation is dependent upon the SF-1 activation function domain, and, is specific for SF-1 as several other receptors do not respond to these molecules. The oxysterols activate at concentrations comparable to those previously shown to inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis, and, can be derived from cholesterol by P450c27, an enzyme expressed within steroidogenic tissues. Recent studies have shown that the nuclear receptor LXR also is activated by oxysterols. We demonstrate that different oxysterols differ in their rank order potency for these two receptors, with 25-hydroxycholesterol preferentially activating SF-1 and 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol preferentially activating LXR. These results suggest that specific oxysterols may mediate transcriptional activation via different intracellular receptors. Finally, ligand-dependent transactivation of SF-1 by oxysterols may play an important role in enhancing steroidogenesis in vivo.


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The androgen receptor (AR) binds to androgen response elements and regulates target genes via a mechanism involving coregulators. Here we demonstrate that the AR can interact with the testicular orphan receptor-4 (TR4) and function as a repressor to down-regulate the TR4 target genes by preventing the TR4 binding to its target DNA. Interestingly, the heterodimerization of AR and TR4 also allows TR4 to repress AR target gene expression. Simultaneous exposure to both receptors therefore could result in bidirectional suppression of their target genes. Together, these data demonstrate that the coupling of two different receptors, through the heterodimerization of AR and TR4, is a unique signaling pathway in the steroid receptor superfamily, which may facilitate further understanding of the complicated androgen action in prostate cancer or libido.


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Nuclear receptors constitute a large family of ligand-modulated transcription factors that mediate cellular responses to small lipophilic molecules, including steroids, retinoids, fatty acids, and exogenous ligands. Orphan nuclear receptors with no known endogenous ligands have been discovered to regulate drug-mediated induction of cytochromes P450 (CYP), the major drug-metabolizing enzymes. Here, we report the cloning of an orphan nuclear receptor from chicken, termed chicken xenobiotic receptor (CXR), that is closely related to two mammalian xenobiotic-activated receptors, the pregnane X receptor (PXR) and the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR). Expression of CXR is restricted to tissues where drug induction of CYPs predominantly occurs, namely liver, kidney, small intestine, and colon. Furthermore, CXR binds to a previously identified phenobarbital-responsive enhancer unit (PBRU) in the 5′-flanking region of the chicken CYP2H1 gene. A variety of drugs, steroids, and chemicals activate CXR in CV-1 monkey cell transactivation assays. The same agents induce PBRU-dependent reporter gene expression and CYP2H1 transcription in a chicken hepatoma cell line. These results provide convincing evidence for a major role of CXR in the regulation of CYP2H1 and add a member to the family of xenobiotic-activated orphan nuclear receptors.


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To identify the physiological functions of the retinoid-related orphan receptor γ (RORγ), a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily, mice deficient in RORγ function were generated by targeted disruption. RORγ−/− mice lack peripheral and mesenteric lymph nodes and Peyer's patches, indicating that RORγ expression is indispensable for lymph node organogenesis. Although the spleen is enlarged, its architecture is normal. The number of peripheral blood CD3+ and CD4+ lymphocytes is reduced 6- and 10-fold, respectively, whereas the number of circulating B cells is normal. The thymus of RORγ−/− mice contains 74.4% ± 8.9% fewer thymocytes than that of wild-type mice. Flow cytometric analysis showed a decrease in the CD4+CD8+ subpopulation. Terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) staining demonstrated a 4-fold increase in apoptotic cells in the cortex of the thymus of RORγ−/− mice. The latter was supported by the observed increase in annexin V-positive cells. RORγ−/− thymocytes placed in culture exhibit a dramatic increase in the rate of “spontaneous” apoptosis. This increase is largely associated with CD4+CD8+ thymocytes and may, at least in part, be related to the greatly reduced level of expression of the anti-apoptotic gene Bcl-XL. Flow cytometric analysis demonstrated a 6-fold rise in the percentage of cells in the S phase of the cell cycle among thymocytes from RORγ−/− mice. Our observations indicate that RORγ is essential for lymphoid organogenesis and plays an important regulatory role in thymopoiesis. Our findings support a model in which RORγ negatively controls apoptosis in thymocytes.


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Objective To determine whether patients with asthma who are sensitive to mites benefit from measures designed to reduce their exposure to house dust mite antigen in the home.


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The immediate early gene NUR77 (also called NGFI-B) is required for T cell antigen receptor-mediated cell death and is induced to very high levels in immature thymocytes and T cell hybridomas undergoing apoptosis. The Akt (PKB) kinase is a key player in transduction of anti-apoptotic and proliferative signals in T cells. Because Nur77 has a putative Akt phosphorylation site at Ser-350, and phosphorylation of this residue is critical for the transactivation activity of Nur77, we investigated whether Akt regulates Nur77. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments showed the detection of Nur77 in Akt immune complexes, suggesting that Nur77 and Akt physically interact. We further show that Akt specifically phosphorylates Ser-350 of the Nur77 protein within its DNA-binding domain in vitro and in vivo in 293 and NIH 3T3 cells. Because phosphorylation of Ser-350 of Nur77 is critical for its function as a transcription factor, we examined the effect of Akt on this function. By using luciferase assay experiments, we showed that phosphorylation of Nur77 by Akt decreased the transcriptional activity of Nur77 by 50–85%. Thus, we show that Akt interacts with Nur77 and inactivates Nur77 by phosphorylation at Ser-350 in a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent manner, connecting the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent Akt pathway and a nuclear receptor pathway.


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Yeast co-expressing rat APOBEC-1 and a fragment of human apolipoprotein B (apoB) mRNA assembled functional editosomes and deaminated C6666 to U in a mooring sequence-dependent fashion. The occurrence of APOBEC-1-complementing proteins suggested a naturally occurring mRNA editing mechanism in yeast. Previously, a hidden Markov model identified seven yeast genes encoding proteins possessing putative zinc-dependent deaminase motifs. Here, only CDD1, a cytidine deaminase, is shown to have the capacity to carry out C→U editing on a reporter mRNA. This is only the second report of a cytidine deaminase that can use mRNA as a substrate. CDD1-dependent editing was growth phase regulated and demonstrated mooring sequence-dependent editing activity. Candidate yeast mRNA substrates were identified based on their homology with the mooring sequence-containing tripartite motif at the editing site of apoB mRNA and their ability to be edited by ectopically expressed APOBEC-1. Naturally occurring yeast mRNAs edited to a significant extent by CDD1 were, however, not detected. We propose that CDD1 be designated an orphan C→U editase until its native RNA substrate, if any, can be identified and that it be added to the CDAR (cytidine deaminase acting on RNA) family of editing enzymes.


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