978 resultados para Castor Oil


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The comparative effect of tuna oil (TO) and salmon oil (SO) on the plasma and liver lipid and fatty acid compositions in Sprague Dawley rats was investigated. The total triacylglycerol (TG) and total cholesterol (TC) concentrations in liver was significantly decreased in the TO group; TG level in liver was also significantly decreased in the SO group. The mRNA expression of HMG-CoA reductase in liver was significantly down-regulated in the TO and SO groups relative to the control group. The plasma TG and TC were decreased in TO, but not in SO; plasma low-density lipoprotein and very low-density lipoprotein levels in TO and SO were decreased compared with the control group. The total n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) in plasma and liver phospholipids was significantly elevated in the TO and SO. Docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3) and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) in tissues were significantly increased in the TO and SO, respectively. In this study, TO had a more beneficial effect on liver TC and plasma TG, TC, high-density lipoprotein in rats than SO. The likely mechanism for lowering liver and plasma cholesterol by n-3 PUFA is to suppress the mRNA expression of gene encoding HMG-CoA reductase responsible for cholesterol biosynthesis.


The beneficial effects of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) from fish and fish oil on human health is derived from their role in modulating membrane lipid composition and affecting metabolic and signal-transduction pathways. In the present study, we demonstrated that n-3 PUFA, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) from tuna and salmon oils can be effectively incorporated into tissue membranes. Tuna oil rich in DHA has more beneficial effect on liver total cholesterol (TC) and plasma triglyceride, TC and HDL in rats than salmon oil, which is rich in EPA. The present data could provide information for the potential application of fish oils as components of functional food, and selected for fortification with different fish oils.


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The thesis examines complex new oil and gas field developments, when growing the business from current capabilities and practice to the frontiers of undeveloped reservoirs. The contributors to complexity were identified, and an integrated methodology for opportunity and risk management, assessment and analysis was developed to produce more credible forecasts.


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Fish oil use in aquacultural feeds is an unsustainable practice. This study investigated the efficacy of vegetable oil inclusion on the growth, fatty acid composition and lipid metabolism of Murray cod. Results indicate that fish oil can be substituted only partially without compromising fish growth and final quality.


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Oleocanthal has gained much interest as a natural anti-inflammatory phenolic component in olive oil. The studies conducted as part of this thesis demonstrate that oleocanthal is a stable olive oil phenolic with potential to be a prime health benefiting compound.


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The compliance or elasticity of the arterial system, an important index of circulatory function, diminishes with increasing cardiovascular risk. Conversely, systemic arterial compliance improves through eating of fish and fish oil. We therefore tested the value of high intake of alpha-linolenic acid, the plant precursor of fish fatty acids. Fifteen obese people with markers for insulin resistance ate in turn four diets of 4 weeks each: saturated/high fat (SHF), alpha-linolenic acid/low fat (ALF), oleic/low fat (OLF), and SHF. Daily intake of alpha-linolenic acid was 20 g from margarine products based on flax oil. Systemic arterial compliance was calculated from aortic flow velocity and aortic root driving pressure. Plasma lipids, glucose tolerance, and in vitro LDL oxidizability were also measured. Systemic arterial compliance during the first and last SHF periods was 0.42 +/- 0.12 (mean +/- SD) and 0.56 +/- 0.21 units based on milliliters per millimeter of mercury. It rose significantly to 0.78 +/- 0.28 (P < .0001) with ALF; systemic arterial compliance with OLF was 0.62 +/- 0.19, lower than with ALF (P < .05). Mean arterial pressures and results of oral glucose tolerance tests were similar during ALF, OLF, and second SHF; total cholesterol levels were also not significantly different. However, insulin sensitivity and HDL cholesterol diminished and LDL oxidizability increased with ALF. The marked rise in arterial compliance at least with alpha-linolenic acid reflected rapid functional improvement in the systemic arterial circulation despite a rise in LDL oxidizability. Dietary n-3 fatty acids in flax oil thus confer a novel approach to improving arterial function.


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Recent research on the olive oil phenolic, oleo canthal has led to speculation that it may confer some of the health benefits associated with a traditional Mediterranean diet. Oleocanthal produces a peppery, stinging sensation at the back of the throat similar to that of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), ibuprofen. This led to the hypothesis that the perceptual similarity between oleocanthal and ibuprofen may indicate similar pharmacological properties. Subsequent studies have proved the hypothesis and oleocanthal was shown not only to inhibit inflammation in the same way as ibuprofen does, but it was found to be substantially more potent than this NSAID. It is important to note that inflammation has been demonstrated to playa significant role in the development of a number of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and certain types of cancers. Therefore, as a result of dietary feeding with olive oil as a part of the traditional Mediterranean diet, a reduction in inflammation produced by oleocanthal is speculated to be the potential mechanism that is partially responsible for the health benefits associated with this dietary pattern. This review summarizes the current knowledge on oleocanthal, in tenns of its physiological and sensory properties, as well as a discussion on the factors that have the ability to affect oleocanthal concentrations in extra virgin olive oils (EVOOs).


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The use of fish oils by aquaculture is the key impediment on the future growth and sustainability of the industry. Fish oil, the key provider of health-beneficial omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, fluctuates drastically in supply and cost, and is extracted unsustainably from world oceans. Resultantly, its persistent use has fueled a heated global debate and sparked a generation of research focus into possible means of reducing the aquaculture industry's dependence on this resource. This chapter introduces the subject of fish oil usage in aquaculture on a global basis, and briefly traces the history of related issues. Accordingly, the major fish species utilized for fish meal and fish oil production are traced and the chemical and nutritional characteristics of fish oils of different origins are provided. The future expected availability of fish oil for aquaculture and the sustainability of the reduction industry are subsequently discussed.


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Rapeseed (canola) and other monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)-rich oils are viewed as good candidates to replace, at least partially, the fish oil normally included in aquaculture feeds (aquafeeds). In fact, their utilization as a dietary lipid source for aquatic animals has some advantages over other readily available terrestrial alternative oils and fats; however, this is not without difficulties. MUFA are, indeed, easily digestible and a good source of available energy, and their deposition into fish flesh is considered to be less detrimental than other fatty acid classes, from a human nutritional viewpoint. This chapter attempts to review the principal information available regarding the utilization of MUFA-rich vegetable oil (VO) in aquaculture feed. Initially the chapter focuses on the rapeseed oil eRa) industry, agronomy, quality improvement, processing, and uses, and the main chemical and physical characteristics of rapeseed oil and other MUFA-rich va such as olive oil, peanut oil, and rice bran oil, amongst others. Following this, the potential advantages and challenges of using these alternative oils in the aquaculture feed industry are presented and discussed.


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As aquaculture production continues to grow, there will be an increased use of lipid resources (oils and fats) alternative to fish oil for feed production. The potential for the use of these alternatives varies depending on the feeds in which they are included according to the production phase of the animals to which they are being fed. In starter feeds, where rapid growth, high survival, and normal development are critical priorities, there will remain a need for the use of lipid resources high in omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFA). Fish in this starter phase have a critical requirement for the n-3 LC-PUFA docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and fish oils remain the only cost-effective source of these nutrients in the volumes required. However, the greatest demand for lipids is in those diets for the grow-out phase. Most studies on alternative lipid use with animals in this part of the production phase show positive outcomes, in that there are few studies where all the added fish oil cannot be replaced. There are some species, however, where potential replacement levels are suggested to be more conservative, and a general substitution level in this production phase of 75% has been suggested. One of the key effects noted across the grow-out phase is that all alternatives affect the flesh fatty acid characteristics by reducing the level of n-3 LC-PUFA. This issue has provoked the concept of finisher diets, whereby a high n-3 LC-PUFA content diet is fed in order to restore the desired meat fatty acid profiles. Studies examining this concept have found that the tissue triacylglycerol fatty acids were greatly modified and responded in a simple dilution process to the added oil fatty acid composition, whereas the fatty acids of tissue phospholipids were less influenced by dietary fatty acid makeup.


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The aim of this study was to determine the concentration of oleocanthal in olive pomace waste and compare this to its concentration in extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO). The concentration of oleocanthal in freshly pressed EVOO and its subsequent waste was analysed at early, mid and late season harvests. Oleocanthal concentrations were quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry. In oil, oleocanthal concentration was as follows: 123.24 ± 6.48 mg kg¯¹1 in early harvest, 114.20 ± 17.42 mg kg¯¹ in mid harvest and 152.22 ± 10.54 mg kg¯¹ in late harvest. Its concentration in waste was determined to be: 128.25 ± 11.33 mg kg¯¹ in early harvest, 112.15 ± 1.51mg kg¯¹ in mid harvest and 62.35 ± 8.00 mg kg¯¹ in late harvest. Overall, olive pomace waste is a valuable source of oleocanthal.