981 resultados para Carbon stable isotopes
Total mercury (THg), methylmercury (MeHg) and stable isotopes of nitrogen (d15N) and carbon (d13C) were measured in three invertebrate, five fish, three seabird and three marine mammal species of central West Greenland to investigate trophic transfer of mercury in this Arctic marine food web. The food web magnification factor (FWMF) estimated as the slope of the regression between the natural logarithm of THg or MeHg concentrations (mg/kg dw) and tissue d15N (per mil) was estimated to 0.183 (SE = 0.052) for THg and 0.339 (SE = 0.075) for MeHg. The FWMFs were not only comparable with those reported for other Arctic marine food webs but also with quite different food webs such as freshwater lakes in the sub-Arctic, East Africa and Papua New Guinea. This suggests similar mechanisms of mercury assimilation and isotopic (d15N) discrimination among a broad range of aquatic taxa and underlines the possibility of broad ecosystem comparisons using the combined contaminant and stable isotope approach.
Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios in Eocene and Oligocene planktonic and benthic foraminifera have been investigated from Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean locations. The major changes in Eocene-Oligocene benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotopes were enrichment of up to 1 per mil in 18O associated with the middle/late Eocene boundary and the Eocene/Oligocene boundary at locations which range from 1- to 4-km paleodepth. Although the synchronous Eocene-Oligocene 18O enrichment began in the latest Eocene, most of the change occurred in the earliest Oligocene. The earliest Oligocene enrichment in 18O is always larger in benthic foraminifera than in surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifera, a condition that indicates a combination of deep-water cooling and increased ice volume. Planktonic foraminiferal d18O does not increase across the middle/late Eocene boundary at our one site with the most complete record (Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 363, Walvis Ridge). This pattern suggests that benthic foraminiferal d18O increased 40 m.y. ago because of increased density of deep waters, probably as a result of cooling, although glaciation cannot be ruled out without more data. Stable isotope data are averaged for late Eocene and earliest Oligocene time intervals to evaluate paleoceanographic change. Average d18O of benthic foraminifera increased by 0.64 per mil from the late Eocene to the early Oligocene d18O maximum, whereas the average increase for planktonic foraminifera was 0.52 per mil. This similarity suggests that the Eocene/Oligocene boundary d18O increase was caused primarily by increased continental glaciation, coupled with deep sea cooling by as much as 2°C at some sites. Average d18O of surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifera from 14 upper Eocene and 17 lower Oligocene locations, when plotted versus paleo-latitude, reveals no change in the latitudinal d18O gradient. The Oligocene data are offset by ~0.45 per mil, also believed to reflect increased continental glaciation. At present, there are too few deep sea sequences from high latitude locations to resolve an increase in the oceanic temperature gradient from Eocene to Oligocene time using oxygen isotopes.
Cold-water corals (CWC) are frequently reported from deep sites with locally accelerated currents that enhance seabed food particle supply. Moreover, zooplankton likely account for ecologically important prey items, but their contribution to CWC diet remains unquantified. We investigated the benthic food web structure of the recently discovered Santa Maria di Leuca (SML) CWC province (300 to 1100 m depth) located in the oligotrophic northern Ionian Sea. We analyzed stable isotopes (delta13C and delta15N) of the main consumers (including ubiquitous CWC species) exhibiting different feeding strategies, zooplankton, suspended particulate organic matter (POM) and sedimented organic matter (SOM). Zooplankton and POM were collected 3 m above the coral colonies in order to assess their relative contributions to CWC diet. The delta15N of the scleractinians Desmophyllum dianthus, Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa and the gorgonian Paramuricea cf. macrospinawere consistent with a diet mainly composed of zooplankton. The antipatharian Leiopathes glaberrima was more 15N- depletedthan other cnidarians, suggesting a lower contribution of zooplankton to its diet. Our delta13C data clearly indicate that the benthic food web of SML is exclusively fuelled by carbon of phytoplanktonic origin. Nevertheless, consumers feeding at the water sediment interface were more 13C-enriched than consumers feeding above the bottom (i.e. living corals and their epifauna). This pattern suggests that carbon is assimilated via 2 trophic pathways: relatively fresh phytoplanktonic production for 13C-depleted consumers and more decayed organic matter for 13C-enriched consumers. When the delta13C values of consumers were corrected for the influence of lipids (which are significantly 13C-depleted relative to other tissue components), our conclusions remained unchanged, except in the case of L. glaberrima which could assimilate a mixture of zooplankton and resuspended decayed organic matter.
Benthic foraminifera, stable isotope record and sedimentology of Holocene sediments in the Skagerrak
A high-resolution multi-proxy study of core MD99-2286 reveals a highly variable hydrographic environment in the Skagerrak from 9300 cal. yr BP to the present. The study includes foraminiferal faunas, stable isotopes and sedimentary parameters, as well as temperature and salinity reconstructions of a ca. 29 m long radiocarbon-dated core record. The multivariate technique fuzzy c-means was applied to the foraminiferal counts, and it was extremely valuable in defining subtle heterogeneities in the foraminiferal fauna data corresponding to hydrographic changes. The major mid-Holocene (Littorina) transgression, led to flooding of large former land areas in the North Sea, the opening of the English Channel and Danish straits and initiation of the modern circulation system. This is reflected by fluctuating C/N values and an explosive bloom of Hyalinea balthica. A slight indication of ameliorated conditions between 8000-5750 cal. yr BP is related to the Holocene Thermal Maximum. A subsequent increase in fresh water/Baltic water influence between 5750-4350 cal. yr BP is reflected by dominance of Bulimina marginata and depleted d18O-values. The Neoglacial cooling (after 4350 cal. yr BP) is seen in the Skagerrak as enhanced turbidity, increasing TOC-values and short-term changes in an overall Cassidulina laevigata dominated fauna suggesting a prevailing influence of Atlantic waters. This is in agreement with increased strength of westerly winds, as recorded for this period. The last 2000 years were also dominated by Atlantic Water conditions with generally abundant nutrient supply. However, during warm periods, particularly the Medieval Warm Period and the modern warming, the area was subject to a restriction in the supply of nutrients and/or the nutrient supply had a more refractory character.