967 resultados para Canopy
Herbicides, particularly diuron, were correlated with severe and widespread dieback of the dominant mangrove, Avicennia marina (Forsk.) Vieth. var. eucalyptifolia (Val.) N.C. Duke (Avicenniaceae), its reduced canopy condition, and declines in seedling health within three neighbouring estuaries in the Mackay region of NE Australia. This unusual species-specific dieback, first observed in the early 1990s, had gotten notably worse by 2002 to affect > 30km(2) of mangroves in at least five adjacent estuaries in the region. Over the past century, agricultural production has responded well to the demands of increasing population with improvements in farm efficiency assisted by significant increases in the use of agricultural chemicals. However, with regular and episodic river flow events, these chemicals have sometimes found their way into estuarine and nearshore water and sediments where their effects on marine habitats have been largely unquantified. Investigations over the last three years in the Mackay region provide compelling evidence of diuron, and possibly other agricultural herbicides, as the most likely cause of the severe and widespread mangrove dieback. The likely consequences of such dieback included declines in coastal water quality with increased turbidity, nutrients and sediment deposition, as well as further dispersal of the toxic chemicals. The implications of such findings are immense since they describe not only the serious deterioration of protected and beneficial mangrove habitat but also the potential for significant direct and indirect effects on other highly-valued estuarine and marine habitats in the region, including seagrass beds and coral reefs of the Great Barrier Reef lagoon. This article reviews all key findings and observations to date and describes the essential correlative and causative evidence. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Early work has shown variation in the grain yield of rice cultivars grown under water stress conditions to be associated with the plant water status, mainly with the maintenance of high leaf water potential (LWP) at flowering and grain filling stage. Considerable variation for LWP among rice varieties has been recorded. The present work was designed to investigate genotypic consistency in water potential within the plant and under canopy manipulation to vary plant water requirement. In a glasshouse experiment, with six rice genotypes, a consistent water potential gradient from stem base to leaf tip has been observed. Leaf tip water potential has been found as the minimum LWP that can be recorded at any time of stress. Genotypes with similar canopy size could maintain different levels of LWP under stress conditions. In a field experiment, with four selected lines, four canopy sizes and two canopy mixture treatments were introduced prior to the imposition of control, mild and severe water stress conditions. It was found that the line differences in LWP and relative water content (RWC) were expressed under both mild and severe stress conditions, regardless of canopy size, tiller number and whether they were mixed with another line with different capacity to maintain LWP. Although there were some differences among canopy size treatments for radiation interception in three water conditions, canopy manipulation (plant size) within a line did not affect the expression of LWP and hence genotypic variation in LWP was maintained. Under both glasshouse and field conditions, lines that maintained high LWP had larger xylem diameter and stem areas than those that had low LWP. The results indicated that the size of the vascular bundles could influence the maintenance of plant water relations under water deficit. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fires are integral to the healthy functioning of most ecosystems and are often poorly understood in policy and management, however, the relationship between floristic composition and habitat structure is intrinsically linked, particularly after fire. The aim of this study was to test whether the variability of habitat structure or floristic composition and abundance in forests at a regional scale can be explained in terms of fire frequency using historical data and experimental prescribed burns. We tested this hypothesis in open eucalypt forests of Fraser Island off the east coast of Australia. Fraser Island dunes show progressive stages in plant succession as access to nutrients decreases across the Island. We found that fire frequency was not a good predictor of floristic composition or abundance across dune systems; rather, its affects were dune specific. In contrast, habitat structure was strongly influenced by fire frequency, independent of dune system. A dense understorey occurred in frequently burnt areas, whereas infrequently burnt areas had a more even distribution of plant heights. Plant communities returned to pre-burn levels of composition and abundances within 6 months of a fire and frequently burnt areas were dominated by early successional species of plant. These ecosystems were characterized by low diversity and frequently burnt areas on the east coast were dominated by Pteridium. Greater midstorey canopy cover in low frequency areas reduces light penetration and allows other species to compete more effectively with Pteridium. Our results strongly indicate that frequent fires on the Island have resulted in a decrease in relative diversity through dominance of several species. Prescribed fire represents a powerful management tool to shape habitat structure and complexity of Fraser Island forests.
Government agencies responsible for riparian environments are assessing the utility of remote sensing for mapping and monitoring vegetation structural parameters. The objective of this work was to evaluate Ikonos and Landsat-7 ETM+ imagery for mapping structural parameters and species composition of riparian vegetation in Australian tropical savannahs for a section of Keelbottom Creek, Queensland, Australia. Vegetation indices and image texture from Ikonos data were used for estimating leaf area index (R-2 = 0.13) and canopy percentage foliage cover (R-2 = 0.86). Pan-sharpened Ikonos data were used to map riparian species composition (overall accuracy = 55 percent) and riparian zone width (accuracy within +/- 3 m). Tree crowns could not be automatically delineated due to the lack of contrast between canopies and adjacent grass cover. The ETM+ imagery was suited for mapping the extent of riparian zones. Results presented demonstrate the capabilities of high and moderate spatial resolution imagery for mapping properties of riparian zones.
Government agencies responsible for riparian environments are assessing the utility of remote sensing for mapping and monitoring environmental health indicators. The objective of this work was to evaluate IKONOS and Landsat-7 ETM+ imagery for mapping riparian vegetation health indicators in tropical savannas for a section of Keelbottom Creek, Queensland, Australia. Vegetation indices and image texture from IKONOS data were used for estimating percentage canopy cover (r2=0.86). Pan-sharpened IKONOS data were used to map riparian species composition (overall accuracy=55%) and riparian zone width (accuracy within 4 m). Tree crowns could not be automatically delineated due to the lack of contrast between canopies and adjacent grass cover. The ETM+ imagery was suited for mapping the extent of riparian zones. Results presented demonstrate the capabilities of high and moderate spatial resolution imagery for mapping properties of riparian zones, which may be used as riparian environmental health indicators
Increased rates of nitrogen fertilizer application lead to increased spikelet sterility. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects on engorged pollen production and spikelet sterility, of nitrogen and assimilate availability during microspore development, in two rice cultivars (Doongara and Amaroo) grown under two different water depths. Despite the temperature not being low enough during microspore development to cause spikelet sterility, the number of engorged pollen grains was lower in cv. Doongara than in cv. Amaroo. Nitrogen application decreased the number of engorged pollen grains per anther through increased spikelet density. Nitrogen application increased spikelet sterility as a result of increased panicle density showing pronounced indirect effect of N on spikelet sterility. Engorged pollen number was also closely related (r = -0.636*) to the nitrogen content of the leaf blade, indicating a direct negative effect of plant N status on engorged pollen production. The results suggest that the intrinsic pollen producing ability is the key element in the difference in cold tolerance between the two cultivars, particularly under high N rates. Opening the canopy for increased solar radiation interception by the treated plants increased the level of engorged pollen, indicating the importance of immediate assimilate availability for engorged pollen production. Shading reduced crop growth rate, but did not effect engorged pollen production. There was no effect of variation in assimilates production on spikelet sterility.
Trees in plantations established for timber production are usually grown at a sufficiently high density that canopy closure occurs within a relatively short time after planting. The trees then shade and outcompete most herbs, shrubs or grasses growing at the site. The closer the spacing (i.e. the greater the density) the faster this will occur. Subsequently, as the trees grow larger, this between-species competition is replaced by within-species competition. If unmanaged, this competition can reduce the commercial productivity of the plantation. Thus, there are two management dilemmas. One is knowing the best initial planting density. The second is knowing how to management the subsequent between-tree competition in order to optimize overall plantation timber productivity. In this chapter we consider initial spacing and thinning for high value timber trees grown in single and mixed species plantations. From growth studies in stands of different ages recommendations are proposed for managing both types of plantations where the primary objective is timber production. It seems that many rainforest species will require more space to achieve optimal growth than most eucalypts and conifers. On the other hand many rainforest species do not have strong apical dominance. Care will be needed to balance these two attributes.
Government agencies responsible for riparian environments are assessing the combined utility of field survey and remote sensing for mapping and monitoring indicators of riparian zone condition. The objective of this work was to compare the Tropical Rapid Appraisal of Riparian Condition (TRARC) method to a satellite image based approach. TRARC was developed for rapid assessment of the environmental condition of savanna riparian zones. The comparison assessed mapping accuracy, representativeness of TRARC assessment, cost-effectiveness, and suitability for multi-temporal analysis. Two multi-spectral QuickBird images captured in 2004 and 2005 and coincident field data covering sections of the Daly River in the Northern Territory, Australia were used in this work. Both field and image data were processed to map riparian health indicators (RHIs) including percentage canopy cover, organic litter, canopy continuity, stream bank stability, and extent of tree clearing. Spectral vegetation indices, image segmentation and supervised classification were used to produce RHI maps. QuickBird image data were used to examine if the spatial distribution of TRARC transects provided a representative sample of ground based RHI measurements. Results showed that TRARC transects were required to cover at least 3% of the study area to obtain a representative sample. The mapping accuracy and costs of the image based approach were compared to those of the ground based TRARC approach. Results proved that TRARC was more cost-effective at smaller scales (1-100km), while image based assessment becomes more feasible at regional scales (100-1000km). Finally, the ability to use both the image and field based approaches for multi-temporal analysis of RHIs was assessed. Change detection analysis demonstrated that image data can provide detailed information on gradual change, while the TRARC method was only able to identify more gross scale changes. In conclusion, results from both methods were considered to complement each other if used at appropriate spatial scales.
Three-dimensional computer modelling techniques are being used to develop a probabilistic model of turbulence-related spray transport around various plant architectures to investigate the influence of plant architectures and crop geometry on the sprayapplication process. Plant architecture models that utilise a set of growth rules expressed in the Lindenmayer systems (L-systems) formalism have been developed and programmed using L-studio software. Modules have been added to simulate the movement ofdroplets through the air and deposition on the plant canopy. Deposition of spray on an artificial plant structure was measured in the wind tunnel at the University of Queensland, Gatton campus and the results compared to the model simulation. Further trials are planned to measure the deposition of spray droplets on various crop and weed species and the results from these trials will be used to refine and validate the combined spray and plant architecture model.
1) In a beechwood, male shoots of Mercurialis perennis were more frequent than female shoots in canopy openings, while females were more frequent at treebases than in canopy openings. 2) Flowering shoots were more frequent than non-flowering in openings. 3) The pH, moisture and organic content of the soil were similar at treebases and openings. The light climate was similar in both habitats in April but greater in the openings in August. 4) Removal of canopies of Pteridium aquilinum and Rubus fruticosus, above populations of M. perennis, resulted in a greater increase in the numbers of male shoots than of female shoots. 5) These results suggest that male and female plants differ in numbers, or growth, in different woodland microhabitats and that these differences are correlated with the above-ground environment (e.g. light).
Dispersal of soredia from individual soralia of the lichen Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. was studied using a simple wind tunnel constructed in the field. Individual lobes with terminal soralia were placed in the wind tunnel on the adhesive surface of dust particle collectors. Air currents produced by a fan were directed over the surface of the lobes. The majority of soredia were deposited within 5 cm of the source soralium but some soredia were dispersed to at least 80 cm at a wind speed of 6 m s-1. Variation in wind speed had no statistically significant effect on the total number of soredial clusters deposited averaged over soralia but the mean size of cluster and the distance dispersed were greater at higher wind speeds. The number of soredia deposited was dependent on the orientation of the soralium to the air currents. More soredia were deposited with the soralium facing the fan at a wind speed of 9 m s-1. Moisture in the form of a fine mist reduced substantially the number of soredia deposited at a wind speed of 6 m s-1 but had no effect on the mean number of soredia per cluster or on the mean distance dispersed. The data suggest: (1) that wind dispersal from an individual soralium is influenced by wind speed, the location of the soralium on the thallus and the level of moisture and (2) that air currents directed over the surfaces of thalli located on the upper branches of trees would effectively disperse soredia of H. physodes vertically and horizontally within a tree canopy. © 1994.
To create hydrologically sustainable wetlands, knowledge of the water use requirements of target habitats must be known. Extensive literature reviews highlighted a dearth of water-use data associated with large reedbeds and wet woodland habitats and in response to this field experiments were established. Field experiments to measure the water use rates of large reedbeds [ET(Reed)] were completed at three sites within the UK. Reference Crop Evapotranspiration [ETo] was calculated and mean monthly crop coefficients [Kc(Reed)] were developed. Kc(Reed) was less than 1 during the growing season (March to September), ranging between 0.22 in March and reaching a peak of 0.98 in June. The developed coefficients compare favourably with published data from other large reedbed systems and support the premise that the water use of large reedbeds is lower than that from small/fringe reedbeds. A methodology for determining water use rates from wet woodland habitats (UK NVC Code: W6) is presented, in addition to provisional ET(W6) rates for two sites in the UK. Reference Crop Evapotranspiration [ETo] data was used to develop Kc(W6) values which ranged between 0.89 (LV Lysimeter 1) and 1.64 (CH Lysimeter 2) for the period March to September. The data are comparable with relevant published data and show that the water use rates of wet woodland are higher than most other wetland habitats. Initial observations suggest that water use is related to the habitat’s establishment phase and the age and size of the canopy tree species. A theoretical case study presents crop coefficients associated with wetland habitats and provides an example water budget for the creation of a wetland comprising a mosaic of wetland habitats. The case study shows the critical role that the water use of wetland habitats plays within a water budget.
Decomposition of domestic wastes in an anaerobic environment results in the production of landfill gas. Public concern about landfill disposal and particularly the production of landfill gas has been heightened over the past decade. This has been due in large to the increased quantities of gas being generated as a result of modern disposal techniques, and also to their increasing effect on modern urban developments. In order to avert diasters, effective means of preventing gas migration are required. This, in turn requires accurate detection and monitoring of gas in the subsurface. Point sampling techniques have many drawbacks, and accurate measurement of gas is difficult. Some of the disadvantages of these techniques could be overcome by assessing the impact of gas on biological systems. This research explores the effects of landfill gas on plants, and hence on the spectral response of vegetation canopies. Examination of the landfill gas/vegetation relationship is covered, both by review of the literature and statistical analysis of field data. The work showed that, although vegetation health was related to landfill gas, it was not possible to define a simple correlation. In the landfill environment, contribution from other variables, such as soil characteristics, frequently confused the relationship. Two sites are investigated in detail, the sites contrasting in terms of the data available, site conditions, and the degree of damage to vegetation. Gas migration at the Panshanger site was dominantly upwards, affecting crops being grown on the landfill cap. The injury was expressed as an overall decline in plant health. Discriminant analysis was used to account for the variations in plant health, and hence the differences in spectral response of the crop canopy, using a combination of soil and gas variables. Damage to both woodland and crops at the Ware site was severe, and could be easily related to the presence of gas. Air photographs, aerial video, and airborne thematic mapper data were used to identify damage to vegetation, and relate this to soil type. The utility of different sensors for this type of application is assessed, and possible improvements that could lead to more widespread use are identified. The situations in which remote sensing data could be combined with ground survey are identified. In addition, a possible methodology for integrating the two approaches is suggested.
The pine rocklands of South Florida, characterized by a rich herbaceous flora with many narrowly endemic taxa beneath an overstory of south Florida slash pine (Pinus elliottii var. densa), are found in three areas: the Miami Rock Ridge of southeastern peninsular Florida, the Lower Florida Keys, and slightly elevated portions of the southern Big Cypress National Preserve. Fire is an important element in these ecosystems, since in its absence the pine canopy is likely to be replaced by dense hardwoods, resulting in loss of the characteristic pineland herb flora. Prescribed fire has been used in Florida Keys pine forests since the creation of the National Key Deer Refuge (NKDR), with the primary aim of reducing fuels. Because fire can also be an effective tool in shaping ecological communities, we conducted a 4-year research study which explored a range of fire management options in NKDR. The intent of the study was to provide the Fish and Wildlife Service and other land managers with information regarding when and where to burn in order to perpetuate these unique forests.
The liana Artabotrys hexapetalus (L.f.) Bhand., which is widely planted in the Tropics and native to African rain forests, produced new reiterations (new leader shoots) normally and after damage induced by Hurricane Andrew (August 24, 1992). In each new orthotropic shoot, there is a gradient in lateral branch structures from basal thorns, to vegetative leafy branches, to distal leafy flowering branches. We noted that reiterations developing in shade had more thorns than similar reiterations developing in full sun. Tents with clear (66% photosynthetically active radiation [PAR]) and shaded plastic film (12%–14% PAR) were placed over nodes when the axillary buds began to expand to produce reiteration shoots. After 2 mo of growth inside the tents and in the open, the types of lateral outgrowths (thorn vs. branch) were recorded. Shoots in spectrally neutral shade (red to far red of full sun) and spectrally altered shade (red to far red of canopy shade) produced significantly more thorns at the lower nodes of the shoots as compared to those in full sun. Shoots in control clear plastic tents were the same as those in full sun. We conclude that the fate of lateral bud development is controlled by irradiance (light level) but not by light quality. Increased thorn production in shade could be advantageous to plants growing in the deep shade of rain forests. Thorns in the self-shaded regions of the plant, and well below the forest canopy, could aid in protection from herbivory and in climbing by acting as hooks.