999 resultados para Cancer inequalities


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The status report provides a review of developments against the data since the publication of the Programme for Action in 2003. It considers progress against the Public Service Agreement (PSA) target, the national headline indicators and against government commitments. The report highlights the challenging nature of the health inequalities PSA target for 2010.


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This report focuses on inequalities in primary care as indicated by the Quality and Outcomes Framework.


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Exploring and using summary measures of inequality often used in economics such as Gini Coefficients and Theil Index to summarise and compare intra-PCT health inequalities


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This briefing describes inequalities in access to revascularisation using data from both the NHS and the independent sector.


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This document describes the methodology for examining inequalities in access to revascularisation in the NHS and in the independent sector. It is a technical report.


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The incidence, prevalence, and mortality of many diseases are known to vary by ethnic group.There are well documented inequities in access to prevention, treatment, and palliative health and social care services based on ethnic group. There are, too, reported differences in the quality of services received by different ethnic groups and of outcomes of treatment and care. Many of these inequities are amenable to change. However, in order to address them they must, first of all, be comprehensively defined and documented. Mainstreaming ethnic monitoring/data collection is a vital step in the process. The history of such data collection in the NHS is poor, whichever of the key datasets is examined: hospital episode statistics, general practitioner data, cancer registrations, and disease registers. While steps are now being taken to remedy some of these deficiencies, the continued non-availability of ethnic monitoring data and in some cases of compatible ethnically-coded denominator data remains a problem. In particular the lack of ethnic group in births and deaths data has been the subject of widespread comment by specialists in demography and public health and is probably the single action that could most improve the evidence based for addressing ethnic/racial inequalities in health and health care.


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Inequality reports from the London Health Observatory from 1996 to 2010.


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This paper describes the data and methods used in the London health inequalities forecast: A briefing on inequalities in life expectancy and deaths from cancers, heart disease and stroke in London. Links to relevant data sources and further information are also provided where possible.


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This briefing considers the national health inequalities targets which must be met by 2010. The targets include those set for heart disease and stroke, cancers and life expectancy.


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This tool contains the data for the LHO briefing "The London Health Inequalities Forecast: A briefing on inequalities in life expectancy and deaths from cancers, heart disease and stroke in London". The tool enables local areas to monitor their progress towards the national health inequalities targets for life expectancy, mortality from heart disease and stroke, and mortality from cancers.


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This document answers some common questions about the use of the Spearhead Health Inequalities Intervention Tool.


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This document describes the technical detail behind the Spearhead Health Inequalities Intervention Tool.


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This tool is designed to support Primary Care Trusts with their Local Delivery Planning and commissioning


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This review was established to consider why, despite a general improvement in infant mortality rates, health inequalities in infant mortality between different social groups remain. It identifies a range of issues and makes recommendations relevant to the health inequalities 2010 PSA target. Its recommendations are being shared with the NHS and others before the department issues further guidance.


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Contexte Le plasmocytome isolé osseux est une tumeur maligne rare des cellules plasmocytaires. Les données issues de la littérature ne permettent pas de se déterminer sur la dose radiothérapeutique optimale. Dans cette perspective nous avons conduit une vaste étude rétrospective dans le but d'évaluer l'évolution, les facteurs pronostiques aunsi que la dose radiothérapeutique optimale chez les patients présentant un plasmocytome isolé. Méthodes Nous avons réunis les données de 206 patients présentant un plasmocytome isolé osseux sans évidence de myélome multiple. Chaque cas a été documenté histopathologiquement. La majorité des patients (n=169) ont été traités par radiothérapie seule, 32 par une combinaison radiothérapie-chimiothérapie, et 5 par chirurgie. La durée de suivi médiane fut de 54 mois (7-245) Résultats A 5 ans, la survie globale est de 70%, la survie sans maladie de 46% et le contrôle local de 88%. La durée médiane de développement vers une myélome multiple est de 21 mois (2-135) avec une probabilité à 5 ans de 51 %. Les analyses multivariées indiquent l'âge (<60 ans) et la taille de la tumeur (<5cm) comme facteur favorables pour survie. L'âge (<60ans) se dégage comme facteur favorable pour la survie sans maladie. La localisation de la tumeur (vertébrale vs autre) indique la probabilité de contrôle local. L'âge plus avancé (>60 ans) est le seul prédicteur de myélome multiple. Aucune relation dose-réponse n'est mise en évidence pour les doses supérieures à 30 Gy, même pour lés tumeurs les plus étendues. Conclusions Les patients les plus jeunes, principalement ceux présentant une localisation vertébrale, présentent la meilleure évolution sous traitement radiothérapeutique modéré. La progression vers le myélome multiple reste le problème thérapeutique principal. Les futures investigations devraient se focaliser sur les chimiothérapies adjuvantes ainsi que sur les nouveaux agents thérapeutiques.