994 resultados para CORPUS-CALLOSUM
Este artigo constitui uma reflexão sobre as vantagens da utilização de corpora no processo de ensino/aprendizagem das línguas. O trabalho com corpora na sala de aula acarreta uma aproximação entre as práticas de investigação e as práticas de ensino-aprendizagem. O aluno adquire o papel de um investigador que pretende obter respostas a partir dos dados disponíveis no corpus. Deste modo, o aluno descobre a língua por meio das suas próprias observações, transformando-se em agente do seu processo de aprendizagem. Equacionada sob um certo ponto de vista de configuração tradicionalista, a utilização da informática na análise lexical afigura-se improfícua, no entanto, muitos estudiosos das Humanidades em geral, para além de revelarem a salutar consciência da indispensável adesão das Humanidades à informática, como forma de garantir a vitalidade das Humanidades, no que respeita à análise estatístico-lexical, preconizam que a utilização do computador constitui uma mais-valia. Ao longo deste artigo, procuraremos refletir sobre as seguintes questões: Quais são os benefícios das abordagens lexicais inspiradas na exploração de corpora ou em conceitos da Linguística de Corpus? Qual é o papel da informática na análise lexical? Que novas potencialidades apresentam as concordâncias na sala de aula?
El uso de (grandes) corpus textuales como base empírica para el análisis de fenómenos gramaticales ocupa un lugar central dentro de la lingüística contemporánea. La gramática histórica del español no es ninguna excepción, y desde principios del presente milenio los historiadores de la lengua disponen de dos grandes corpus diacrónicos ampliamente usados en el mundo entero, como son el CORDE de la Real Academia Española y el Corpus del español de Mark Davies (2002-). Al lado de los grandes corpus muestras de textos de menor extensión, pero con características relevantes para la investigación en cuestión, también se utilizan como base de análisis empíricos.
In evaluating Plutarch’s contacts with other cultures of his era, scholars have not reached consensus so far regarding the relationship between the Chaironean and Early Christian writers. A good example of this lack of consensus rises when we come to the views of the creation of human soul. The aim of the following paper is to deal with those contacts by, after an analysis of Plutarch’s texts, taking into an account the sources of NHC, heresiologists, and also the contemporary Corpus Hermeticum in order to highlight their similitudes and/or differences about the motif of the soul’s birth.
Thematization is recognized as a fundamental phenomenon in the construction of messages and texts by di erent linguistic schools. This location within a text privileges the elements that guide the reader in the orientation and interpretation of discourse at di erent levels. Thematizing a linguistic unit by locating it in the rst-initial position of a clause, paragraph, or text, confers upon it a special status: a signal of the organizational strategy which characterizes di erent text types playing a role as a variable in the distinction of registers, text types and genres. However, in spite of the importance of the study of thematization for message and textual structuring, to date there are no linguistic studies that have undertook the task of validating its aspects in a comparative manner, either for linguistic or computational purposes. This study, therefore, lls a research gap by implementing a methodology based on contrastive corpus annotation, which allows to empirically validate aspects of the phenomenon of Thematization in English and Spanish, it also seeks to develop a bilingual English-Spanish comparable corpus of newspaper texts automatically annotated with thematic features at clausal and discourse levels. The empirically validated categories (Thematic Field and its elements: Textual Theme, Interpersonal Theme, PreHead and Head) are used to annotate a larger corpus of three newspaper genres news reports, editorials and letters to the editor in terms of thematic choices. This characterization, reveals interesting results, such as the use of genre-speci c strategies in thematic position. In addition, the thesis investigates the possibility to automate the annotation of thematic features in the bilingual corpus through the development of a set of JAVA rules implemented in GATE. It also shows the e cacy of this method in comparison with the manual annotation results...
El amplio dominio del inglés como lengua global también está dejando huella en el mundo académico. En un principio fue la lengua a través de la cual se realizaba gran parte de la investigación y la publicación de los conocimientos específicos de cada disciplina académica. Actualmente también se está convirtiendo gradualmente en lengua de instrucción. A pesar de que en numerosos contextos a lo largo de la historia la enseñanza a través de una lengua extranjera ha sido más la regla que la excepción, las repercusiones que está causando a todos los niveles (político, económico, social, educativo y pedagógico) hacen de este fenómeno educativo un objeto necesario de investigación. Uno de los principales factores que han llevado a la adopción del inglés como lengua de instrucción en la educación superior ha sido la internacionalización de la universidad. Además, puesto que su implementación ya constituye una práctica extendida y aceptada en previos niveles educativos debido a la expansión del aprendizaje integrado de contenidos y lengua (AICLE) en primaria y secundaria (Dafouz & Guerrini, 2009; Dalton-Puffer, Nikula & Smit, 2010), continuar con este enfoque parece una elección lógica y, en principio, no muy costosa y problemática (Coleman, 2013: XIV). A este hecho hay que sumarle el factor competitivo que lleva a las universidades a atraer a estudiantes nacionales e internacionales, a profesores e investigadores con vocación y éxito de todas las partes del mundo y a alumnos de postgrado con talento con el objeto de incentivar la reputación y el prestigio de la universidad (Graddol, 2006; Ramos, 2013; Dafouz, 2015)...
Entre 1598 y 1606 la procesión del Corpus en Antequera quedó suspendida por desavenencias entre los miembros del concejo y el clero de la Colegiata por ocupar los mejores puestos y más cercanos a la Sagrada Forma para significar así su posición predominante en la sociedad del momento. Las alteraciones a describir en el presente artículo forman parte del proceso de institucionalización de una fiesta, cuyo culmen estético y simbólico se confirma durante el siglo XVII, bajo la ideología contrarreformista de Trento. Between 1598 and 1606 the Corpus Christi’s procession in Antequera was suspended because of disagreements between the members of the Council and the clergy. These disagreements focused on the matter of who must occupy the best positions in the procession (that is: as close to the Communion Bread as possible). These locations signify the status in that society. The changes described in this paper are part of the process of institutionalization of a festivity, which reach its crowning moment (aesthetically and symbolically) during the seventeenth century, under the ideology of Trento.
Little is known about Ancient Arabia before the arrival of Islam as it was an area with few inhabited settlements and it was mostly a passageway for traders. In those inhabited settlements we could find some settled Arabs, but the prevailing life style was that of the rest of the population, nomadic Bedouin Arabs who travelled from place to place looking for water and pasture for their cattle, which they lived off. The desert was their natural habitat, a hostile environment full of danger where life was not easy. Camel taming made it possible for them to live that nomadic lifestyle, and the Bedouins became inseparable from their camels and from their horses and cattle. In order to make a living they worked as hunters, transported caravans, and plundered too. In the pre-Islamic era, knowledge was transmitted by oral communication, so very little written information about that time and place remains. One thing that has been handed down are proverbs, which after the 8th Century started to be collected by several writers in various written works. Given the characteristics of those proverbs, which are conserved almost intact from their origins, we can learn much about the lifestyle in Ancient Arabia. What is to be investigated within this thesis is whether through Paremiology it is possible to learn more about this area at this historic moment that precedes the arrival of Islam, and the first years of this religion. To learn about history, we usually rely on historians and palaeontologists, but this work will demonstrate that through Paremiology it is possible to know other aspects of culture, their knowledge, the way of life, thinking, society, etc...
A distinct metonymic pattern was discovered in the course of conducting a corpus-based study of figurative uses of WORD. The pattern involved examples such as Not one word of it made any sense and I agree with every word. It was labelled ‘hyperbolic synecdoche’, defined as a case in which a lexeme which typically refers to part of an entity (a) is used to stand for the whole entity and (b) is described with reference to the end point on a scale. Specifically, the speaker/writer selects the perspective of a lower-level unit (such as word for ‘utterance’), which is quantified as NOTHING or ALL, thus forming a subset of ‘extreme case formulations’. Hyperbolic synecdoche was found to exhibit a restricted range of lexicogrammatical patterns involving word, with the negated NOTHING patterns being considerably more common than the ALL patterns. The phenomenon was shown to be common in metonymic uses in general, constituting one-fifth of all cases of metonymy in word. The examples of hyperbolic synecdoche were found not to be covered by the oftquoted ‘abbreviation’ rationale for metonymy; instead, they represent a more roundabout way of expression. It is shown that other cases of hyperbolic synecdoche exist outside of word and the domain of communication (such as ‘time’ and ‘money’).