998 resultados para COMUNIDAD ANDINA DE NACIONES (CAN) – 2007-2010
While the robots gradually become a part of our daily lives, they already play vital roles in many critical operations. Some of these critical tasks include surgeries, battlefield operations, and tasks that take place in hazardous environments or distant locations such as space missions. ^ In most of these tasks, remotely controlled robots are used instead of autonomous robots. This special area of robotics is called teleoperation. Teleoperation systems must be reliable when used in critical tasks; hence, all of the subsystems must be dependable even under a subsystem or communication line failure. ^ These systems are categorized as unilateral or bilateral teleoperation. A special type of bilateral teleoperation is described as force-reflecting teleoperation, which is further investigated as limited- and unlimited-workspace teleoperation. ^ Teleoperation systems configured in this study are tested both in numerical simulations and experiments. A new method, Virtual Rapid Robot Prototyping, is introduced to create system models rapidly and accurately. This method is then extended to configure experimental setups with actual master systems working with system models of the slave robots accompanied with virtual reality screens as well as the actual slaves. Fault-tolerant design and modeling of the master and slave systems are also addressed at different levels to prevent subsystem failure. ^ Teleoperation controllers are designed to compensate for instabilities due to communication time delays. Modifications to the existing controllers are proposed to configure a controller that is reliable in communication line failures. Position/force controllers are also introduced for master and/or slave robots. Later, controller architecture changes are discussed in order to make these controllers dependable even in systems experiencing communication problems. ^ The customary and proposed controllers for teleoperation systems are tested in numerical simulations on single- and multi-DOF teleoperation systems. Experimental studies are then conducted on seven different systems that included limited- and unlimited-workspace teleoperation to verify and improve simulation studies. ^ Experiments of the proposed controllers were successful relative to the customary controllers. Overall, by employing the fault-tolerance features and the proposed controllers, a more reliable teleoperation system is possible to design and configure which allows these systems to be used in a wider range of critical missions. ^
In 2010, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) released a safety analysis software system known as SafetyAnalyst. SafetyAnalyst implements the empirical Bayes (EB) method, which requires the use of Safety Performance Functions (SPFs). The system is equipped with a set of national default SPFs, and the software calibrates the default SPFs to represent the agency's safety performance. However, it is recommended that agencies generate agency-specific SPFs whenever possible. Many investigators support the view that the agency-specific SPFs represent the agency data better than the national default SPFs calibrated to agency data. Furthermore, it is believed that the crash trends in Florida are different from the states whose data were used to develop the national default SPFs. In this dissertation, Florida-specific SPFs were developed using the 2008 Roadway Characteristics Inventory (RCI) data and crash and traffic data from 2007-2010 for both total and fatal and injury (FI) crashes. The data were randomly divided into two sets, one for calibration (70% of the data) and another for validation (30% of the data). The negative binomial (NB) model was used to develop the Florida-specific SPFs for each of the subtypes of roadway segments, intersections and ramps, using the calibration data. Statistical goodness-of-fit tests were performed on the calibrated models, which were then validated using the validation data set. The results were compared in order to assess the transferability of the Florida-specific SPF models. The default SafetyAnalyst SPFs were calibrated to Florida data by adjusting the national default SPFs with local calibration factors. The performance of the Florida-specific SPFs and SafetyAnalyst default SPFs calibrated to Florida data were then compared using a number of methods, including visual plots and statistical goodness-of-fit tests. The plots of SPFs against the observed crash data were used to compare the prediction performance of the two models. Three goodness-of-fit tests, represented by the mean absolute deviance (MAD), the mean square prediction error (MSPE), and Freeman-Tukey R2 (R2FT), were also used for comparison in order to identify the better-fitting model. The results showed that Florida-specific SPFs yielded better prediction performance than the national default SPFs calibrated to Florida data. The performance of Florida-specific SPFs was further compared with that of the full SPFs, which include both traffic and geometric variables, in two major applications of SPFs, i.e., crash prediction and identification of high crash locations. The results showed that both SPF models yielded very similar performance in both applications. These empirical results support the use of the flow-only SPF models adopted in SafetyAnalyst, which require much less effort to develop compared to full SPFs.
Background: Obesity, a growing epidemic, is a preventable risk factor for cardiometabolic diseases. Obesity and cardiometabolic diseases affect Hispanics and African Americans more than non-Hispanic Caucasians. This study examined the relationship among race/ethnicity, obesity diagnostic measures (body mass index, waist circumference, subscapular and triceps skinfold thickness), and cardiometabolic risk factors (hyperglycemia, high, non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and hypertension) for adults across the United States. Methods: Using data from two-cycles of the National Health and Examination Survey (NHANES) 2007-2010, and accounting for the complex sample design, logistic regression models were conducted comparing obesity indicators in Mexican Americans, other Hispanics, and Black non-Hispanics, with White non-Hispanics and their associations with the presence of cardiometabolic diseases. Results: Differences by race/ethnicity were found for subscapular skinfold thickness and hyperglycemia. Waist circumference and subscapular skinfold were positively associated with the presence of hyperglycemia; dyslipidemia, and hypertension across race/ ethnicity, adjusting for age, gender, smoking, physical activity, education, income to poverty index, and health insurance. Race/ ethnicity did not influence the association of any obesity indicators with the tested cardiometabolic diseases. All obesity measures except triceps skinfold were associated with hyperglycemia. Conclusions: We suggest that subscapular skinfold thickness be considered as an inexpensive non-intrusive screening tool for cardiometabolic risk factors in an adult US population
While the robots gradually become a part of our daily lives, they already play vital roles in many critical operations. Some of these critical tasks include surgeries, battlefield operations, and tasks that take place in hazardous environments or distant locations such as space missions. In most of these tasks, remotely controlled robots are used instead of autonomous robots. This special area of robotics is called teleoperation. Teleoperation systems must be reliable when used in critical tasks; hence, all of the subsystems must be dependable even under a subsystem or communication line failure. These systems are categorized as unilateral or bilateral teleoperation. A special type of bilateral teleoperation is described as force-reflecting teleoperation, which is further investigated as limited- and unlimited-workspace teleoperation. Teleoperation systems configured in this study are tested both in numerical simulations and experiments. A new method, Virtual Rapid Robot Prototyping, is introduced to create system models rapidly and accurately. This method is then extended to configure experimental setups with actual master systems working with system models of the slave robots accompanied with virtual reality screens as well as the actual slaves. Fault-tolerant design and modeling of the master and slave systems are also addressed at different levels to prevent subsystem failure. Teleoperation controllers are designed to compensate for instabilities due to communication time delays. Modifications to the existing controllers are proposed to configure a controller that is reliable in communication line failures. Position/force controllers are also introduced for master and/or slave robots. Later, controller architecture changes are discussed in order to make these controllers dependable even in systems experiencing communication problems. The customary and proposed controllers for teleoperation systems are tested in numerical simulations on single- and multi-DOF teleoperation systems. Experimental studies are then conducted on seven different systems that included limited- and unlimited-workspace teleoperation to verify and improve simulation studies. Experiments of the proposed controllers were successful relative to the customary controllers. Overall, by employing the fault-tolerance features and the proposed controllers, a more reliable teleoperation system is possible to design and configure which allows these systems to be used in a wider range of critical missions.
Este estudio analiza los efectos de la política de financiamiento de la educación básica, por intermedio de los Fundos contables, Fundef y Fundeb, y su proposición en valorar el magisterio, considerando las dimensiones de carrera y de la remuneración de los profesores de la red pública estadal de enseñanza del estado de Rio Grande do Norte, en el período entre 1996 y 2010. Para entender las condicionantes de la evaluación de las políticas públicas, se buscó también las contribuciones de Marx (1996) segundo quién “el concreto es concreto” y que la dialéctica del concreto se puede auxiliar en el intento de captar el fenómeno estudiado. Se utilizó aún, el referencial teórico bibliográfico relacionado al financiamiento de la educación y a la valoración del magisterio, a partir de la literatura referente a las dimensiones del objeto (fundef y Fundeb) y (carrera y remuneración). En la investigación documental, además de las legislaciones, directrices nacionales y locales pertinentes, se utilizaron datos referentes a los recursos disponibles en la Finbra. Tesoro Nacional, SIOPE/RN, INEP/MEC, datos de resumen del folio y folio de pagamiento de Secretaria de Estado, de la Educación e de la Cultura (SEEC), y 289 sueldos de 21 profesores. Se realizó entrevista semi estructurada con nueve profesores, referente a la carrera, además de un cuestionario aplicado a 12 profesores relacionado a remuneración. Se considera que en los resultados referentes a los indicadores educacionales, en el período Fundef ocurrió una reducción en las inscripciones de la red pública de enseñanza, como también en las funciones docentes, de la enseñanza base (fundamental), que corresponde a 37%. A partir de la vigencia del Fundeb (2007 – 2010), estos indicadores fueron puestos en ecuación. En todo el período entre 1996 a 2010, ocurre un aumento en las inscripciones de 119,03% y en las funciones docentes de 77,44%. Sobre los datos de financiamiento, se constató que, del mínimo exigido (60%) en la aplicación de recursos de los Fundos en la remuneración del magisterio se aplica en el período de los dos Fundos, pero el mínimo exigido, o sea, 83,29% a 98,89% de los recursos. Los efectos de los Fundos en la carrera de los nueve profesores, considerando la promoción y la progresión, no han sido satisfactorios. En la promoción de los nueve de estos docentes, apenas uno evolucionó el Nivel (titulación), pero retrocedió en la progresión. En la progresión de los nueve profesores, ocho se hallan con la progresión retrasada, entre dos y cinco clases, acumulando un perjuicio que varía de 10% a 45% en su ganancia. La diferencia de una clase a otra corresponde a 5% en la renta anual. Se observa que las ventajas pecuniarias contribuyen con la remuneración con porcentaje más alto que la renta, disminuyendo esta diferencia en el período de Fundeb. Sobre la remuneración, un profesor con 24 años de carrera, con formación (magisterio), no consigue, después de años de profesión, ganar ni siquiera dos salarios mínimos. El profesor con 30 años de carrera, con maestría, tiene una renta, en 2010, correspondiente a menos de tres salarios mínimos, o sea, 2,82 y una remuneración que equivale a poco más de tres salarios mínimos, o sea, 3,66. Si comparamos la profesión de magisterio con otras que igual exigen formación superior, la primera es, en general, de bajo nivel, causando un resultado negativo sobre la búsqueda de la profesión del magisterio. Por los efectos en la remuneración, se concluye que hubo una mejoría, pero aún insuficiente, sobre todo al comparar con el Salario Mínimo Anual. Se evalúa, una vez que los fundos – Fundef y Fundeb – no fueron capaces de promover la valoración del magisterio en las dimensiones de la carrera y de la remuneración. Se constatan algunos resultados negativos en la política de Fundo ya que tendría que ver, principalmente, con la incapacidad de la referida política a valoración de magisterio, siendo una de las causas, o financiamiento con restricción de presupuesto.
Este trabajo analizó el protagonismo de los Movimientos Sociales en el proceso de construcción y de aprobación del Plan Nacional de Educación (PNE 2014 - 2014) con énfasis en las metas para da Educación Universitaria. Las cuestiones que problematizan la investigación son: ¿En qué contexto histórico los Movimientos Sociales asumieron el acceso a la educación universitaria com o un derecho social? ¿Qué protagonistas se involucraron en el debate sobre la política de educación universitaria en el PNE (2014 - 2024)? ¿Qué confrontaciones y antagonismos están presentes allí? ¿Cuál es el papel de los Movimientos Sociales en la Conferenc ia Nacional de Educación (CONAE) y en el Foro Nacional de Educación (FNE)? Para contestarlas, articulamos la política educacional propuesta por el PNE con las reivindicaciones históricas de los Movimientos Sociales por el acceso a la educación como un dere cho social, evidenciando el proceso de construcción de las directrices, las metas y las estrategias en los contextos políticos de articulación, proposición y reivindicación en los que se produjo la actuación de los protagonistas para la elaboración y la ap robación de esta política, tanto cuanto los antagonismos identificados. Como aporte teórico/metodológico adoptamos como objeto de estudio empírico los procesos de construcción y aprobación del mencionado PNE dentro de los espacios de participación colectiv a, en la construcción de acuerdos y proposiciones como la Conferencia Nacional de Educación realizada en 2010 en Brasilia/DF, las conferencias municipales, intermunicipales y de los Estados, el Foro Nacional de Educación (FNE) y la Comisión Especial de la Cámara Federal que lo antecedieron. Para el análisis de los documentos y de los testimonios de los protagonistas de los Movimientos Sociales seleccionados como sujetos de la investigación, los guías teóricos y los fundamentos conceptuales fueron la sociolo gía de las ausencias, la sociologías de las emergencias y el procedimiento de traducción propuesto por Boaventura Santos ( 2005; 2006; 2007; 2010), en diálogo con otros guías teóricos, como las nociones de confrontación política y oportunidad política organ izadas por Sidney Tarrow (2009). Partiendo de esa base conceptual, privilegiamos la relación de los Movimientos Sociales con la agenda de la educación brasileña cuando direccionados al PNE, analizada en base a las contribuciones de Germano (2013; 2011; 200 8; 2007; 1982), Dourado (2011; 2010; 2006); Saviani (2014; 2010; 2009; 2007; 2004,), Gohn (2012; 2010; 1997; 1995), Dagnino (1994) y Scherer - Warren (1993), entre los autores que contribuyen con el carácter transdisciplinario de esta investigación. Las cont ribuciones de estos autores propician el entendimiento de la diversidad epistemológica encontrada en las experiencias llevadas adelante en los Movimientos Sociales mediante sus actuaciones en los diversos espacios sociales e institucionales, observando las conquistas obtenidas en la política educacional contenida en el PNE 2014 - 2024, así como la comprensión de la lucha por el reconocimiento social y sus conexiones con los temas emergentes presentes en el debate de la educación nacional. De este modo, el est udio indica elementos que posibilitaron la confirmación de la tesis de que la Política de Educación Universitaria aprobada en el PNE 2014 - 2024 (Ley nº 13.005/2014) representa las resonancias de las movilizaciones y reivindicaciones de los Movimientos Socia les por el acceso a la educación como un derecho social inalienable.
This study aims to investigate the music and the existing music education in Central Temple of the Evangelical Assembly of God Church of Natal/RN. The research question asks how are the musical practices, teaching and learning music that happens in this place. I used the qualitative approach conducting a case study. The theoretical framework were Arroyo (1999, 2000a, 2000b, 2002), Kraemer (2000), Souza (1996), Souza (2000, 2008, 2009), Green (1997), Queiroz (2004a, 2004b, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2011, 2013), Geertz (1989), Nettl (1992) and Merrian (1964). I conducted semi-structured interviews and participant observation with the direction of the music department, teaching coordination, students, teachers, musicians and conductors of the church. The study revealed that the relationship between music and education is beyond just a musical training, there are many relationships established as faith, belief in God and devotion. It was found that the views of musicians and conductors think the music teaching in the church to play in worship and praise God. In the musical training of students, he was working not only musical content; It was understood that music is a mediator of meanings that go beyond experiences and musical practices. The worship of God and the worship featuring musical practices and their effects are direct music classes. The research contributes to reflection and understanding of music and music education happens in the evangelical church and a greater understanding in the relationship between music education and the cultural context where it happens.
In comparison to other sectors of the marine system, the palaeoceanography of the subarctic North Pacific Ocean is poorly constrained. New diatom isotope records of d13C, d18O, d30Si (d13Cdiatom, d18Odiatom, and d30Sidiatom) are presented alongside existing geochemical and isotope records to document changes in photic zone conditions, including nutrient supply and the efficiency of the soft-tissue biological pump, between Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4 and MIS 5e. Peaks in opal productivity in MIS 5b/c and MIS 5e are both associated with the breakdown of the regional halocline stratification and increased nutrient supply to the photic zone. Whereas the MIS 5e peak is associated with low rates of nutrient utilisation, the MIS 5b/c peak is associated with significantly higher rates of nutrient utilisation. Both peaks, together with other smaller increases in productivity in MIS 4 and 5a, culminate with a significant increase in freshwater input which strengthens/re-establishes the halocline and limits further upwelling of sub-surface waters to the photic zone. Whilst d30Sidiatom and previously published records of diatom d15N (d15Ndiatom) (Brunelle et al., 2007, 2010) show similar trends until the latter half of MIS 5a, the records become anti-correlated after this juncture and into MIS 4, suggesting a possible change in photic zone state such as may occur with a shift to iron or silicon limitation.
[EN] The 70 km of white sandy beaches of Boa Vista island in Cape Verde harbours one of the largest rookeries of the endangered loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta. From middle June to early October, approximately 2000 to 4000 females lay up to 20000 nests annually. However, female beach selection, nesting success and nest density strongly varies among beaches and spatial patterns of nest abundance and distribution are relatively constant among seasons. The numbers of nesting activities and nests have been recorded along all beaches of the island during four nesting seasons (2007-2010)
Introdução: A consequência resultante da prestação contínua de cuidados é denominada de “sobrecarga” ou “exaustão” do cuidador informal, que resulta de problemas de ordem física, psicológica, emocional, social e financeira experimentados pelos familiares que cuidam de pessoas idosas com dependência. Metodologia: O principal objectivo deste estudo é avaliar a sobrecarga e estratégias de coping do cuidador informal de idosos dependentes, através de instrumentos de avaliação: Escala de Sobrecarga do Cuidador (ESC), (Sequeira, 2007, 2010) para avaliar a sobrecarga do cuidador informal; Índice para Avaliação das Maneiras como o prestador de cuidados enfrenta as dificuldades (CAMI), (Sequeira, 2007,2010) avalia a forma como cada prestador de cuidados resolve/atenua as dificuldades percepciona e; o Índice de Barthel que avalia as actividades básicas da vida diária do idoso. O presente estudo é não experimental, transversal, descritivo - correlacional com recurso à técnica de análise quantitativa. Trata-se de uma amostra de conveniência, constituída por um total de 46 cuidadores informais de idosos dependentes. Destes, 23 foram provenientes da UCCI, os restantes 23 cuidadores foram seleccionados na zona de residência da investigadora. A população - alvo deste estudo é constituída por cuidadores de ambos os sexos, sendo maioritariamente do sexo feminino (87%) com média de 58,41 anos (DP= 12,49) de idade. Resultados: Quanto mais idade tem o idoso menor é a percepção de sobrecarga subjectiva do cuidador; quanto melhor for o estado de saúde menor é a sobrecarga autopercebida do cuidador; a maior parte dos cuidadores tem a percepção de alguma eficácia das estratégias utilizadas; quanto mais estratégias o cuidador utiliza para superar as suas dificuldades na prestação de cuidados ao idoso menor é a sobrecarga da relação interpessoal com o idoso; quanto mais estratégias a este nível maiores são as expectativas do cuidador no referente aos cuidados prestados ao idoso. Conclusão: Será importante potenciar, nos cuidadores informais, os mecanismos de coping e desenvolver as competências para o cuidar, resultando em benefícios terapêuticos mais do que os que se baseiam em modelos patológicos, que visam a diminuição da sobrecarga.
Der Hamburger Schulversuch EARA (Erprobung neu strukturierter Ausbildungsformen im Rahmen des Ausbildungskonsenses 2007-2010“) wurde durch in Konsortium der Universität Hamburg evaluiert und wissenschaftlich begleitet. Die Schulversuchsevaluation gliederte sich in einen summativen und einen formativen Teil (vgl. EARA 2012, 11 f.). Im Rahmen der formativen Evaluation wurden intensive curriculare Entwicklungsarbeiten geleistet, die durch eine enge Kooperation von wissenschaftlicher Begleitung und Projektschulen geprägt waren. Dieser Beitrag stellt die theoretischen Grundlagen der gemeinsamen Curriculumentwicklung im Schulversuch EARA dar. Diese sind umfassend in der Kooperation mit der beruflichen Schule für Büro und Personalmanagement Bergedorf für das Berufsbild Kaufleute für Bürokommunikation umgesetzt worden. In diesem Beitrag werden zunächst zentrale Herausforderungen der schulnahen Curriculumentwicklung im Kontext des Lernfeldansatzes dargestellt, um dann im zweiten Abschnitt die im Schulversuch EARA zum Tragen gekommenen Lösungsansätze zu beschreiben. Die spezifischen Herausforderungen waren (1) eine veränderte curriculare Entwicklungslogik, (2) die notwendige curriculare Rekonstruktion von Lernfeldern, (3) die Schwierigkeiten prozessübergreifender Kompetenzentwicklung und (4) die geforderte Verknüpfung von Prozess- und Systemperspektive in den Lernsituationen. Die Lösungsvorschläge für diese Herausforderungen münden im Konzept der Hamburger Kompetenzmatrix und werden am Beispiel von Ergebnissen aus dem Projekt EARA dargestellt. Der Beitrag endet mit der Bilanzierung von Erfolgen und Desideraten.
This CAS report provides estimates of the quantities of fish landed in the riparian districts sharing the Ugandan waters of Lake Victoria; the monetary value of the fish catches; the contribution of different fish species to the catches; and the trends in fish catch rates, and the monthly catches for the sampled month since the beginning of harmonized CAS activities in July 2005 to December 2015. The report also compares the annual catch and gross beach value of catch landings in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2014 and 2015. A total of 15 CASs have been undertaken in the Uganda sector of the lake with data gaps in 2009, 2012 and 2013 due to financial constraints. The annual catch estimates for the years 2010, 2011, 2014 and 2015 were based on one sampling covering the rainy season and may not capture changes that could occur in dry season. There is need to include dry season sampling in future surveys.
O presente trabalho pretende analisar a divulgação do risco nos relatórios anuais das empresas portuguesas não financeiras, com valores cotados em bolsa. No momento em que vivemos, com toda esta instabilidade, os investidores e outros stakeholders estão cada vez menos confiantes e mais exigentes. Assim, relatar informação sobre risco, começa a ser um dos meios utilizados pelas empresas para transmitir confiança e viabilidade ao exterior. Contudo, será que uma empresa que divulga sobre risco é uma empresa que se encontra totalmente sã, e que não oculta nem ofusca qualquer tipo de informação? O objetivo deste trabalho passará por apurar, se de alguma forma, os gestores se fazem valer das estratégias de impression management para ocultar ou, ofuscar os stakeholders na divulgação de informações sobre risco. Para o desenvolvimento desta investigação tivemos por base as empresas cotadas na Euronext Lisbon, para as quais foi efetuada uma análise de conteúdo do Relatório de Gestão, do Anexo e do Relatório do Governo das Sociedades, nos anos de 2007, 2010 e 2013. Aos dados recolhidos aplicou-se o modelo de regressão OLS, confirmando a hipótese do índice de compreensibilidade estar associado positivamente com a dimensão da empresa. Dos resultados obtidos concluiu-se ainda a existência de uma associação negativa entre o índice de legibilidade e a dimensão e o setor de atividade.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Departamento de Linguística, Português e Línguas Clássicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística, 2015.
No pós-guerra iniciou-se um processo de internalização política dos direitos fundamentais das mulheres com base na Declaração Universal dos Direitos do Homem, (10 de dezembro de 1948), onde são enaltecidos direitos e valores como a Liberdade e a Igualdade. A adoção da Declaração por parte de países democráticos, como o caso de Portugal, conduziu ao exercício de cidadania plena, independentemente do género, da raça e da religião. Assim, a não discriminação tornou-se um princípio a aplicar nas esferas familiares, públicas e laborais. Tal significa, por exemplo, partilha de tarefas domésticas entre homens e mulheres, participação na vida comunitária e iguais oportunidades laborais. Mas foram superadas as discriminações? Que se passa a nível laboral? A presente dissertação resulta de uma investigação sobre a situação laboral das mulheres em serviços onde constitucionalmente usufruem dos mesmos direitos que os seus colegas homens. Incide sobre os serviços públicos, privados e empresas de Ponte de Sor e tem por referencial o III Plano Nacional para a Igualdade de Cidadania e Género (2007/2010), cuja principal linha orientadora é "o aprofundamento de atividade política e de realidade social (gendermainstreaming)" (2007, p.l5). Com a realização deste estudo concretizámos um trabalho constituído por 3 capítulos, onde se constata que “No Caminho da Cidadania..." é um processo lento. No primeiro capítulo procurou-se abordar a origem histórica do conceito de cidadania e no capítulo segundo tratou se da relação da mulher com o trabalho e o poder. O terceiro capítulo, e último, dá conta dos resultados de questionários realizados em Ponte de Sor, nos serviços públicos e privados, e empresas. A conclusão revela a perplexidade causada pela quase indiferença em relação às questões de género nos Serviços questionados em Ponte de Sor. SUMMARY: After World War I began a process of political antinationalization of the women fundamental rights based on the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights, (1Oth December 1948), where rights and values like liberty and equality are exalted. The adoption of the Declaration by the democratically countries, like Portugal, leaded to the execution of full citizenship, independently of gender, race and religion. Therefore, nondiscrimination became a principle to apply in the family, public and labor spheres. This means, for example, share of domestic tasks between men and women, participation in the communal life, and equal opportunities of labor. But were the discriminations surpassed? What is going on the labor level This dissertation results from an inquiry about the labor situation of women in service where constitutionally make uses of the same rights as their colleague’s men. It reflects on the public, private and companies of Ponte de Sor which has for yardstick the III National Plan for Equality of Citizenship and Gender (2007/2010), whose mainline adviser is "the political activity and the social reality deepening (gender mainstreaming)" (2007, p.15). Through this study we fixed a work constituted by three chapters, where it established that "On the Path of Citizenship ..." is a slow process. ln the first chapter tried to broach the historical origin of the concept of citizenship and in the second paragraph was approached the relation of women with labor and power. The third, and last, chapter tries to show the results of questionnaires carried out in Ponte de Sor, in the public, private services and companies. The conclusion reveals the perplexity caused by the barely indifference regarding the questions of genre in the Services questioned in Ponte de Sor.