957 resultados para COMPLEX-I


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Mice lacking the complex subset of N-glycans due to inactivation of the Mgat1 gene die at mid-gestation, making it difficult to identify specific biological functions for this class of cell surface carbohydrates. To circumvent this embryonic lethality and to uncover tissue-specific functions for complex N-glycans, WW6 embryonic stem cells with inactivated Mgat1 alleles were tracked in chimeric embryos. The Mgat1 gene encodes N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (Glc-NAc-TI; EC, the transferase that initiates the synthesis of complex N-glycans. WW6 cells carry an inert beta-globin transgene that allows their identification in chimeras by DNA-DNA in situ hybridization. Independent Mgat1-/- and Mgat1+/- mutant WW6 isolates contributed like parent WW6 cells to the tissues of embryonic day (E) 10.5 to E16.5 chimeras. However, a cell type-specific difference was observed in lung. Homozygous null Mgat1-/- WW6 cells did not contribute to the epithelial layer in more than 99% bronchi. This deficiency was corrected by transfection of a Mgat1 transgene. Interestingly, heterozygous Mgat1+/- WW6 cells were also deficient in populating the layer of bronchial epithelium. Furthermore, examination of lung bud in E9.5 Mgat1-/- mutant embryos showed complete absence of an organized epithelial cell layer in the bronchus. Thus, complex N-glycans are required to form a morphologically recognizable bronchial epithelium, revealing an in vivo, cell type-specific function for this class of N-glycans.


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After birth, most of insulin-like growth factor I and II (IGFs) circulate as a ternary complex formed by the association of IGF binding protein 3-IGF complexes with a serum protein called acid-labile subunit (ALS). ALS retains the IGF binding protein-3-IGF complexes in the vascular compartment and extends the t1/2 of IGFs in the circulation. Synthesis of ALS occurs mainly in liver after birth and is stimulated by growth hormone. To study the basis for this regulation, we cloned and characterized the mouse ALS gene. Comparison of genomic and cDNA sequences indicated that the gene is composed of two exons separated by a 1126-bp intron. Exon 1 encodes the first 5 amino acids of the signal peptide and contributes the first nucleotide of codon 6. Exon 2 contributes the last 2 nt of codon 6 and encodes the remaining 17 amino acids of the signal peptide as well as the 580 amino acids of the mature protein. The polyadenylylation signal, ATTAAA, is located 241 bp from the termination codon. The cDNA and genomic DNA diverge 16 bp downstream from this signal. Transcription initiation was mapped to 11 sites over a 140-bp TATA-less region. The DNA fragment extending from nt -805 to -11 (ATG, +1) directed basal and growth hormone-regulated expression of a luciferase reporter plasmid in the rat liver cell line H4-II-E. Finally, the ALS gene was mapped to mouse chromosome 17 by fluorescence in situ hybridization.


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Intracellular transfers between membrane-bound compartments occur through vesicles that bud from a donor compartment to fuse subsequently with an acceptor membrane. We report that the membrane that delimits COP I or COP II-coated buds/vesicles from the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi complex has a thinner interleaflet clear space as compared with the surrounding, noncoated parental membrane. This change is compatible with a compositional change of the membrane bilayer during the budding process.


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Zip1 is a yeast synaptonemal complex (SC) central region component and is required for normal meiotic recombination and crossover interference. Physical analysis of meiotic recombination in a zip1 mutant reveals the following: Crossovers appear later than normal and at a reduced level. Noncrossover recombinants, in contrast, seem to appear in two phases: (i) a normal number appear with normal timing and (ii) then additional products appear late, at the same time as crossovers. Also, Holliday junctions are present at unusually late times, presumably as precursors to late-appearing products. Red1 is an axial structure component required for formation of cytologically discernible axial elements and SC and maximal levels of recombination. In a red1 mutant, crossovers and noncrossovers occur at coordinately reduced levels but with normal timing. If Zip1 affected recombination exclusively via SC polymerization, a zip1 mutation should confer no recombination defect in a red1 strain background. But a red1 zip1 double mutant exhibits the sum of the two single mutant phenotypes, including the specific deficit of crossovers seen in a zip1 strain. We infer that Zip1 plays at least one role in recombination that does not involve SC polymerization along the chromosomes. Perhaps some Zip1 molecules act first in or around the sites of recombinational interactions to influence the recombination process and thence nucleate SC formation. We propose that a Zip1-dependent, pre-SC transition early in the recombination reaction is an essential component of meiotic crossover control. A molecular basis for crossover/noncrossover differentiation is also suggested.


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Proteasomes are the multi-subunit protease thought to play a key role in the generation of peptides presented by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. When cells are stimulated with interferon gamma, two MHC-encoded subunits, low molecular mass polypeptide (LMP) 2 and LMP7, and the MECL1 subunit encoded outside the MHC are incorporated into the proteasomal complex, presumably by displacing the housekeeping subunits designated Y, X, and Z, respectively. These changes in the subunit composition appear to facilitate class I-mediated antigen presentation, presumably by altering the cleavage specificities of the proteasome. Here we show that the mouse gene encoding the Z subunit (Psmb7) maps to the paracentromeric region of chromosome 2. Inspection of the mouse loci adjacent to the Psmb7 locus provides evidence that the paracentromeric region of chromosome 2 and the MHC region on chromosome 17 most likely arose as a result of a duplication that took place at an early stage of vertebrate evolution. The traces of this duplication are also evident in the homologous human chromosome regions (6p21.3 and 9q33-q34). These observations have implications in understanding the genomic organization of the present-day MHC and offer insights into the origin of the MHC.


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The Agrobacterium tumefaciens VirB7 lipoprotein contributes to the stabilization of VirB proteins during biogenesis of the putative T-complex transport apparatus. Here, we report that stabilization of VirB7 itself is correlated with its ability to form disulfide cross-linked homodimers via a reactive Cys-24 residue. Three types of beta-mercaptoethanol-dissociable complexes were visualized with VirB7 and/or a VirB7::PhoA41 fusion protein: (i) a 9-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7 homodimer, (ii) a 54-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7/VirB7::PhoA41 mixed dimer, and (iii) a 102-kDa complex corresponding to a VirB7::PhoA41 homodimer. A VirB7C24S mutant protein was immunologically undetectable, whereas the corresponding VirB7C24S::PhoA41 derivative accumulated to detectable levels but failed to form dissociable homodimers or mixed dimers with wild-type VirB7. We further report that VirB7-dependent stabilization of VirB9 is correlated with the ability of these two proteins to dimerize via formation of a disulfide bridge between reactive Cys-24 and Cys-262 residues, respectively. Two types of dissociable complexes were visualized: (i) a 36-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7/VirB9 heterodimer and (ii) an 84-kDa complex corresponding in size to a VirB7/VirB9::PhoA293 heterodimer. A VirB9C262S mutant protein was immunologically undetectable, whereas the corresponding VirB9C262S::PhoA293 derivative accumulated to detectable levels but failed to form dissociable heterodimers with wild-type VirB7. Taken together, these results support a model in which the formation of disulfide cross-linked VirB7 dimers represent critical early steps in the biogenesis of the T-complex transport apparatus.


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Rfp-Y is a second region in the genome of the chicken containing major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II genes. Haplotypes of Rfp-Y assort independently from haplotypes of the B system, a region known to function as a MHC and to be located on chromosome 16 (a microchromosome) with the single nucleolar organizer region (NOR) in the chicken genome. Linkage mapping with reference populations failed to reveal the location of Rfp-Y, leaving Rfp-Y unlinked in a map containing >400 markers. A possible location of Rfp-Y became apparent in studies of chickens trisomic for chromosome 16 when it was noted that the intensity of restriction fragments associated with Rfp-Y increased with increasing copy number of chromosome 16. Further evidence that Rfp-Y might be located on chromosome 16 was obtained when individuals trisomic for chromosome 16 were found to transmit three Rfp-Y haplotypes. Finally, mapping of cosmid cluster III of the molecular map of chicken MHC genes (containing a MHC class II gene and two rRNA genes) to Rfp-Y validated the assignment of Rfp-Y to the MHC/NOR microchromosome. A genetic map can now be drawn for a portion of chicken chromosome 16 with Rfp-Y, encompassing two MHC class I and three MHC class II genes, separated from the B system by a region containing the NOR and exhibiting highly frequent recombination.


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To better understand the role of class II major histocompatibility complex molecules in both normal and autoimmune responses, we have produced a series of I-Ab transgenic mice. One of these transgenic constructs, designated NOD.PD, has the sequence of the NOD beta chain (Abeta(g7)) except at positions 56 and 57, where Pro-Asp replaces His-Ser. Several NOD.PD transgenic lines have been produced. One line of these mice carried a very high number of copies (>50) of the NOD.PD transgene. As has been described in other mice carrying high copy numbers of I-Ab transgenes, B-cell development was abnormal. The steady state numbers of mature B cells (IgM+/IgD(hi)) in the periphery were greatly reduced in transgenic mice compared to nontransgenic littermates. Surprisingly, rather than being accompanied by a generalized hypogammaglobulinemia, this B-cell deficiency was accompanied by elevated concentrations of IgG1 and IgE in the serum. Conversely, the levels of IgG2a were reduced in transgenic mice compared to nontransgenic littermates. Because this isotype pattern was characteristic of interleukin (IL)-4-induced class-switching, we then investigated the role of IL-4 in causing the observed phenotype. We crossed the high copy number transgenic mice with an IL-4-deficient strain of mice. As expected, the elevated levels of IgE in high copy number transgenic mice were eliminated when the IL-4 gene was inactivated. However, the reduction in the number of B cells was not ameliorated. These data indicate that the primary defect caused by the transgene was to reduce the number of B cells in these mice. This reduction was accompanied by a secondary increase in IL-4 production, which drove the remaining B cells toward the production of IgGl and IgE.


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Although mitochondrial DNA is known to encode a limited number (<20) of the polypeptide components of respiratory complexes I, III, IV, and V, genes for components of complex II [succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone); succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, EC] are conspicuously lacking in mitochondrial genomes so far characterized. Here we show that the same three subunits of complex II are encoded in the mitochondrial DNA of two phylogenetically distant eukaryotes, Porphyra purpurea (a photosynthetic red alga) and Reclinomonas americana (a heterotrophic zooflagellate). These complex II genes, sdh2, sdh3, and sdh4, are homologs, respectively, of Escherichia coli sdhB, sdhC, and sdhD. In E. coli, sdhB encodes the iron-sulfur subunit of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), whereas sdhC and sdhD specify, respectively, apocytochrome b558 and a hydrophobic 13-kDa polypeptide, which together anchor SDH to the inner mitochondrial membrane. Amino acid sequence similarities indicate that sdh2, sdh3, and sdh4 were originally encoded in the protomitochondrial genome and have subsequently been transferred to the nuclear genome in most eukaryotes. The data presented here are consistent with the view that mitochondria constitute a monophyletic lineage.


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We addressed the question as to which subtypes of G protein subunits mediate the activation of phospholipase C-beta by the muscarinic m1 receptor. We used the rat basophilic leukemia cell line RBL-2H3-hm1 stably transfected with the human muscarinic m1 receptor cDNA. We microinjected antisense oligonucleotides into the nuclei of the cells to inhibit selectively the expression of G protein subunits; 48 hr later muscarinic receptors were activated by carbachol, and the increase in free cytosolic calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) was measured. Antisense oligonucleotides directed against the mRNA coding for alpha(q) and alpha11 subunits both suppressed the carbachol-induced increase in [Ca2+]i. In cells injected with antisense oligonucleotides directed against alpha(o1) and alpha14 subunits, the carbachol effect was unchanged. A corresponding reduction of Galpha(q), and Galpha11 proteins by 70-80% compared to uninjected cells was immunochemically detected 2 days after injection of a mixture of alpha(q) and alpha11 antisense oligonucleotides. Expression of Galpha(q) and Galpha11 completely recovered after 4 days. Cells injected with antisense oligonucleotides directed against the mRNAs encoding for beta1, beta4, and gamma4 subunits showed a suppression of the carbachol-induced increase in [Ca2+]i compared to uninjected cells measured at the same time from the same coverslip, whereas in cells injected with antisense oligonucleotides directed against the beta2, beta3, gamma1, gamma2, gamma3, gamma5, and gamma7 subunits, no suppression of carbachol effect was observed. In summary, the results from RBL-2H3-hm1 cells indicate that the m1 receptor utilizes a G protein complex composed of the subunits alpha(q), alpha11, beta1, beta4, and gamma4 to activate phospholipase C.


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Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II molecules are loaded with peptides in distinct subcellular compartments. The transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) is responsible for delivering peptides derived from cytosolic proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum, where they bind to class I molecules, while the invariant chain (Ii) directs class II molecules to endosomal compartments, where they bind peptides originating mostly from exogenous sources. Mice carrying null mutations of the TAP1 or Ii genes (TAP10) or Ii0, respectively) have been useful tools for elucidating the two MHC/peptide loading pathways. To evaluate to what extent these pathways functionally intersect, we have studied the biosynthesis of MHC molecules and the generation of T cells in Ii0TAP10 double-mutant mice. We find that the assembly and expression of class II molecules in Ii0 and Ii0TAP10 animals are indistinguishable and that formation and display of class I molecules is the same in TAP10 and Ii0TAP10 animals. Thymic selection in the double mutants is as expected, with reduced numbers of both CD4+ CD8- and CD4- CD8+ thymocyte compartments. Surprisingly, lymph node T-cell populations look almost normal; we propose that population expansion of peripheral T cells normalizes the numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ cells in Ii0TAP10 mice.


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beta 2-Microglobulin is an essential subunit of major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) class I molecules, which present antigenic peptides to T lymphocytes. We sequenced a number of cDNAs and two genomic clones corresponding to chicken beta 2-microglobulin. The chicken beta 2-microglobulin gene has a similar genomic organization but smaller introns and higher G+C content than mammalian beta 2-microglobulin genes. The promoter region is particularly G+C-rich and contains, in addition to interferon regulatory elements, potential S/W, X, and Y boxes that were originally described for mammalian class II but not class I alpha or beta 2-microglobulin genes. There is a single chicken beta 2-microglobulin gene that has little polymorphism in the coding region. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms from Mhc homozygous lines, Mhc congenic lines, and backcross families, as well as in situ hybridization, show that the beta 2-microglobulin gene is located on a microchromosome different from the one that contains the chicken Mhc. We propose that the structural similarities between the beta 2-microglobulin and Mhc genes in the chicken are due to their presence on microchromosomes and suggest that these features and the microchromosomes appeared by deletion of DNA in the lineage leading to the birds.


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An efficient method of constructing recombinant adenoviruses (Ads) has been established. The expression unit to be introduced into recombinant Ad was first inserted into the unique Swa I site of the full-length Ad genome cloned in a cassette cosmid. The cassette bearing the expression unit was then cotransfected into human embryonic kidney 293 cells together with the Ad DNA-terminal protein complex digested at several sites with Eco T22I or Ase I/EcoRI. The use of the parent Ad DNA-terminal protein complex instead of the deproteinized Ad genome DNA allowed very efficient recovery of the desired recombinant Ad, and the above restriction digestion drastically reduced regeneration of the parent virus. Several hundred virus clones were readily obtained in each experiment, and about 70% of the clones were the desired recombinant viruses. Furthermore, because the cassette contained the full-length Ad genome, any position of the genome could be easily modified to develop a new vector design. We established construction systems for two types of Ad vectors, the E1-substitution type and the E4-insertion type. This method may greatly facilitate the application of recombinant Ads and should be useful for further improvement of Ad vectors.


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While there are many instances of single neurons that can drive rhythmic stimulus-elicited motor programs, such neurons have seldom been found to be necessary for motor program function. In the isolated central nervous system of the marine mollusc Tritonia diomedea, brief stimulation (1 sec) of a peripheral nerve activates an interneuronal central pattern generator that produces the long-lasting (approximately 30-60 sec) motor program underlying the animal's rhythmic escape swim. Here, we identify a single interneuron, DRI (for dorsal ramp interneuron), that (i) conveys the sensory information from this stimulus to the swim central pattern generator, (ii) elicits the swim motor program when driven with intracellular stimulation, and (iii) blocks the depolarizing "ramp" input to the central pattern generator, and consequently the motor program itself, when hyperpolarized during the nerve stimulus. Because most of the sensory information appears to be funneled through this one neuron as it enters the pattern generator, DRI presents a striking example of single neuron control over a complex motor circuit.


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GTP cyclohydrolase I of Escherichia coli is a torus-shaped homodecamer with D5 symmetry and catalyzes a complex ring expansion reaction conducive to the formation of dihydroneopterin triphosphate from GTP. The x-ray structure of a complex of the enzyme with the substrate analog, dGTP, bound at the active site was determined at a resolution of 3 A. In the decamer, 10 equivalent active sites are present, each of which contains a 10-A deep pocket formed by surface areas of 3 adjacent subunits. The substrate forms a complex hydrogen bond network with the protein. Active site residues were modified by site-directed mutagenesis, and enzyme activities of the mutant proteins were measured. On this basis, a mechanism of the enzyme-catalyzed reaction is proposed. Cleavage of the imidazole ring is initiated by protonation of N7 by His-179 followed by the attack of water at C8 of the purine system. Cystine Cys-110 Cys-181 may be involved in this reaction step. Opening of the imidazole ring may be in concert with cleavage of the furanose ring to generate a Schiff's base from the glycoside. The gamma-phosphate of GTP may be involved in the subsequent Amadori rearrangement of the carbohydrate side chain by activating the hydroxyl group of Ser-135.