964 resultados para CHEMICAL-STRUCTURE


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Five hydrotalcites with Mg/Al molar ratio range of 3-15 were prepared. The structure and basicity of Mg-Al mixed oxides (Mg(Al)O) transformed from hydrotalcites were investigated by TPD, XPS, XRD, FT-IR and NMR techniques. The results of elemental analysis and XPS indicate that Al is enriched in the surface regions of Mg(Al)O, and its amount increases with the Mg/Al molar ratio and, the calcination temperature. Al-27-MAS-NMR results show that Al exists in two chemical environments: tetrahedral aluminium (Al(t)) and octahedral aluminium (Al(o)) in Mg(AI)O. The amount of Al(t) increases with the Mg/Al molar ratio and the calcination temperature. It is assumed that Al(t) may be mainly from the surface Al. Temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) of CO2 shows that the number of basic sites of Mg(Al)O samples increases with the Mg/Al molar ratio, and the maximum number of basic sites is obtained for hydrotalcite calcined at 773 K. Infrared spectra of adsorbed CO2 and B(OCH3)(3) reveal that there are two kinds of basic sites: weak basic OH- sites and strong basic O2- sites on the Mg(AI)O samples, the base strength depends on the Mg/Al molar ratio and calcination temperature.


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Titania-silica (Ti/SiO2) and silica-titania-silica (Si/Ti/SiO2) catalysts were:prepared by chemical grafting using TiCl4 and tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) as precursors and SiO2 as support. The prepared catalysts were characterized by UV Raman and visible Raman spectroscopies, XRD and the epoxidation of styrene; Ti/SiO2: catalyst grafted with only titanium species is not very active for epoxidation using H2O2 (30%), but is active and-selective when one uses tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP). The catalyst grafted at high temperatures shows better epoxide selectivity. Si/Ti/SiO2 catalyst, the titanium-silica grafted further with TEOS, is active and selective for the epoxidation of styrene using either dilute H2O2 or TBHP, possibly due to the fact that the grafting of Ti/SiO2 with TEOS modifies the coordination structure of titanium and makes the titanium sites of Si-O-Ti-O-Si species less hydrophilic. A characteristic band at 1085cm(-1) due to Ti-O-Si species is detected for the grafted catalysts by UV resonance Raman spectroscopy. Reaction between TiCl4 and SiO2 at high temperatures favors the formation of Ti-O-Si species. Better activity and selectivity to epoxide,is found for the catalysts with more Ti-O-Si species. It is assumed that the active sites are the highly isolated Ti-O-Si species. For Si/Ti/SiO2 catalyst, the gas phase O-2 can participate in the catalytic oxidation of styrene when H2O2 is present ana:ii causes the formation of benzaldehyde. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The secondary pores in the nanosized HZSM-5 zeolite have been observed for the first time via Xe-129 NMR spectroscopy using xenon as a probe; the location of non-framework Al can also be identified.


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Enot, D. and King, R. D. (2003) Application of Inductive Logic Programming to Structure-Based Drug Design. 7th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD '03). Springer LNAI 2838 p156-167


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We report the observation of urchin-like nanostructures consisting of high-density spherical nanotube radial arrays of vanadium oxide nanocomposite, successfully synthesized by a simple chemical route using an ethanolic solution of vanadium tri-isopropoxide and alkyl amine hexadecylamine for 7 days at 180oC. The results show that the growth process of the NanoUrchin occurs in stages, starting with a radial self-organized arrangement of lamina followed by the rolling of the lamina into nanotubes. The longest nanotubes are measured to be several micrometers in length with diameters of ~120 nm and hollow centers typically measured to be ~75 nm. The NanoUrchin have an estimated density of nanotubes of ~40 sr-1. The tube walls comprise layers of vanadium oxide with the organic surfactant intercalated between atomic layers. The interlayer distance is measured to be 2.9 ± 0.1 nm and electron diffraction identified the vanadate phase in the VOx nanocomposite as orthorhombic V2O5. These nanostructures may be used as three-dimensional composite materials and as supports for other materials.


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The present study aimed to investigate interactions of components in the high solids systems during storage. The systems included (i) lactose–maltodextrin (MD) with various dextrose equivalents at different mixing ratios, (ii) whey protein isolate (WPI)–oil [olive oil (OO) or sunflower oil (SO)] at 75:25 ratio, and (iii) WPI–oil– {glucose (G)–fructose (F) 1:1 syrup [70% (w/w) total solids]} at a component ratio of 45:15:40. Crystallization of lactose was delayed and increasingly inhibited with increasing MD contents and higher DE values (small molecular size or low molecular weight), although all systems showed similar glass transition temperatures at each aw. The water sorption isotherms of non-crystalline lactose and lactose–MD (0.11 to 0.76 aw) could be derived from the sum of sorbed water contents of individual amorphous components. The GAB equation was fitted to data of all non-crystalline systems. The protein–oil and protein–oil–sugar materials showed maximum protein oxidation and disulfide bonding at 2 weeks of storage at 20 and 40°C. The WPI–OO showed denaturation and preaggregation of proteins during storage at both temperatures. The presence of G–F in WPI–oil increased Tonset and Tpeak of protein aggregation, and oxidative damage of the protein during storage, especially in systems with a higher level of unsaturated fatty acids. Lipid oxidation and glycation products in the systems containing sugar promoted oxidation of proteins, increased changes in protein conformation and aggregation of proteins, and resulted in insolubility of solids or increased hydrophobicity concomitantly with hardening of structure, covalent crosslinking of proteins, and formation of stable polymerized solids, especially after storage at 40°C. We found protein hydration transitions preceding denaturation transitions in all high protein systems and also the glass transition of confined water in protein systems using dynamic mechanical analysis.


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Herein is presented a novel chemical vapour deposition (CVD) route for the fabrication of oxide ferroelectrics. A versatile layer-by-layer growth mode was developed to prepare naturally super-latticed bismuth based materials belonging to the Aurivillius phase family, with which good control over composition and crystal structure was achieved. In chapter 3, the effect of epitaxial strain on one of the very simple oxide materials TiO2 was studied. It has been found that the ultra-thin TiO2 films demonstrate ferroelectric behaviour when grown on NdGaO3 substrates. TiO2 exists in various crystal phases, but none of them show ferroelectric behaviour. The epitaxial strain due to the substrate, changes the crystal structure from tetragonal to orthorhombic which in turn leads to ferroelectric behaviour. In chapter 4, a unique growth method for multiferroic BiFeO3 (BFO) thin films is shown, where a phase pure BFO thin films can be prepared even in the presence of excess bismuth precursor during the growth process. This type of growth is usually called adsorption controlled growth and can be used for growing various bismuth containing compounds, where the volatility of bismuth can create various types of defects. Chapter 5 describes the growth of Bi4Ti3O12 thin films in a layer-by-layer growth mode. In this section, the effect of Bi and Ti precursor flows on the growth of thin films is discussed and it is shown that how change in precursor flows leads to out-ofphase boundary defects during the layer-by-layer growth mode. In chapter 6, the growth of a compound Bi5Ti3FeO15, which is a 1:1 mixture of BiFeO3 and Bi4Ti3O12, is presented. The growth mechanism of Bi5Ti3FeO15 thin films is presented, where the Fe precursor flow was controlled from zero to the insertion of one full BiFeO3 perovskite unit cell into the Bi4Ti3O12 structure in addition, the effect of iron precursor flow on crystalline properties is demonstrated. The methods presented in this thesis can be adopted to grow ferroelectric and multiferroic films for industrial applications.


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X-ray crystallography is the predominant method for obtaining atomic-scale information about biological macromolecules. Despite the success of the technique, obtaining well diffracting crystals still critically limits going from protein to structure. In practice, the crystallization process proceeds through knowledge-informed empiricism. Better physico-chemical understanding remains elusive because of the large number of variables involved, hence little guidance is available to systematically identify solution conditions that promote crystallization. To help determine relationships between macromolecular properties and their crystallization propensity, we have trained statistical models on samples for 182 proteins supplied by the Northeast Structural Genomics consortium. Gaussian processes, which capture trends beyond the reach of linear statistical models, distinguish between two main physico-chemical mechanisms driving crystallization. One is characterized by low levels of side chain entropy and has been extensively reported in the literature. The other identifies specific electrostatic interactions not previously described in the crystallization context. Because evidence for two distinct mechanisms can be gleaned both from crystal contacts and from solution conditions leading to successful crystallization, the model offers future avenues for optimizing crystallization screens based on partial structural information. The availability of crystallization data coupled with structural outcomes analyzed through state-of-the-art statistical models may thus guide macromolecular crystallization toward a more rational basis.


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Human alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA), a 123-residue calcium-binding protein, has been studied using (15)N NMR relaxation methods in order to characterize backbone dynamics of the native state at the level of individual residues. Relaxation data were collected at three magnetic field strengths and analyzed using the model-free formalism of Lipari and Szabo. The order parameters derived from this analysis are generally high, indicating a rigid backbone. A total of 46 residues required an exchange contribution to T(2); 43 of these residues are located in the alpha-domain of the protein. The largest exchange contributions are observed in the A-, B-, D-, and C-terminal 3(10)-helices of the alpha-domain; these residues have been shown previously to form a highly stable core in the alpha-LA molten globule. The observed exchange broadening, along with previous hydrogen/deuterium amide exchange data, suggests that this part of the alpha-domain may undergo a local structural transition between the well-ordered native structure and a less-ordered molten-globule-like structure.


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The second round of the community-wide initiative Critical Assessment of automated Structure Determination of Proteins by NMR (CASD-NMR-2013) comprised ten blind target datasets, consisting of unprocessed spectral data, assigned chemical shift lists and unassigned NOESY peak and RDC lists, that were made available in both curated (i.e. manually refined) or un-curated (i.e. automatically generated) form. Ten structure calculation programs, using fully automated protocols only, generated a total of 164 three-dimensional structures (entries) for the ten targets, sometimes using both curated and un-curated lists to generate multiple entries for a single target. The accuracy of the entries could be established by comparing them to the corresponding manually solved structure of each target, which was not available at the time the data were provided. Across the entire data set, 71 % of all entries submitted achieved an accuracy relative to the reference NMR structure better than 1.5 Å. Methods based on NOESY peak lists achieved even better results with up to 100 % of the entries within the 1.5 Å threshold for some programs. However, some methods did not converge for some targets using un-curated NOESY peak lists. Over 90 % of the entries achieved an accuracy better than the more relaxed threshold of 2.5 Å that was used in the previous CASD-NMR-2010 round. Comparisons between entries generated with un-curated versus curated peaks show only marginal improvements for the latter in those cases where both calculations converged.


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N-acetyl-L-glutamic acid, crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit cell parameters a = 4.747(3), b = 12.852(7), c = 13.906(7) Å, V = 848.5(8) Å3, Z = 4, density (calculated) = 1.481 mg/m3, linear absorption coefficient 0.127 mm−1. The crystal structure determination was carried out with MoKalpha X-ray data measured with liquid nitrogen cooling at 100(2) K temperature. In the final refinement cycle the data/restraints/parameter ratios were 1,691/0/131; goodness-of-fit on F(2) = 1.122. Final R indices for [I > 2sigma(I)] were R1 = 0.0430, wR2 = 0.0878 and R indices (all data) R1 = 0.0473, wR2 = 0.0894. The largest electron density difference peak and hole were 0.207 and −0.154 eÅ(−3). Details of the molecular geometry are discussed and compared with a model DFT structure calculated using Gaussian 98.


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Solid-state protonated and N,O-deuterated Fourier transform infrared (IR) and Raman scattering spectra together with the protonated and deuterated Raman spectra in aqueous solution of the cyclic di-amino acid peptide cyclo(L-Asp-L-Asp) are reported. Vibrational band assignments have been made on the basis of comparisons with previously cited literature values for diketopiperazine (DKP) derivatives and normal coordinate analyses for both the protonated and deuterated species based upon DFT calculations at the B3-LYP/cc-pVDZ level of the isolated molecule in the gas phase. The calculated minimum energy structure for cyclo(L-Asp-L-Asp), assuming C-2 symmetry, predicts a boat conformation for the DKP ring with both the two L-aspartyl side chains being folded slightly above the ring. The C=O stretching vibrations have been assigned for the side-chain carboxylic acid group (e.g. at 1693 and 1670 cm(-1) in the Raman spectrum) and the cis amide I bands (e.g. at 1660 cm(-1) in the Raman spectrum). The presence of two bands for the carboxylic acid C=O stretching modes in the solid-state Raman spectrum can be accounted for by factor group splitting of the two nonequivalent molecules in a crystallographic unit cell. The cis amide II band is observed at 1489 cm(-1) in the solid-state Raman spectrum, which is in agreement with results for cyclic di-amino acid peptide molecules examined previously in the solid state, where the DKP ring adopts a boat conformation. Additionally, it also appears that as the molecular mass of the substituent on the C-alpha atom is increased, the amide II band wavenumber decreases to below 1500 cm(-1); this may be a consequence of increased strain on the DKP ring. The cis amide II Raman band is characterized by its relatively small deuterium shift (29 cm(-1)), which indicates that this band has a smaller N-H bending contribution than the trans amide II vibrational band observed for linear peptides.


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There has been much debate on the extent to which resource availability (bottom-up) versus predation pressure from fish (top-down) modulates the dynamics of plankton in marine systems. Physico/chemical bottom-up forcing has been considered to be the main mechanism structuring marine ecosystems, although some field observations and empirical correlations support top-down modulation. Models have indicated possible feedback loops to the plankton and other studies have interpreted a grazing impact from long-term changes in fish stocks. In freshwater systems, evidence for top-down forcing by fish and trophic cascading is well documented. First, evidence for equivalent top-down effects in the marine environment is presented, with an overview of relevant publications. In the second part, time series, averaged for the North Sea (when possible from 1948 to 1997), of fish catch, recruitment, and spawning stock biomass are related to the abundance of species or larger groupings of zooplankton and phytoplankton from the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey and selected environmental parameters. Preliminary analysis suggests that there is strong interaction between different fish species and the plankton and that the fishery, through top-down control, may at times be an important contributor to changes in the North Sea ecosystem.


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The marine bivalve mollusc,Mytilus edulis (blue mussel), is a noted accumulator of many environmental pollutants and is increasingly used for the chemical and biological assessment of environmental impact. The toxic effects of crude oil-derived aromatic hydrocarbons (30 μg/l total hydrocarbons) on the lysosomal-vacuolar system of the digestive cells have been investigated in cryostat sections of hexane-frozen digestive glands. Exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons reduced the cytochemically determined latency of lysosomal β-N-acetylhexosaminidase; lysosomal volume density and surface density increased while the numerical density decreased. Experimental exposure resulted in the formation of very large lysosomes which are believed to be largely autophagic in function and these results indicate a significant structural and functional disturbance of digestive cell lysosomes in response to hydrocarbons.