991 resultados para CERN LHC
This work investigates the influence of chemical reactions on the release of elements from target-ion source units for ISOL facilities. Methods employed are thermochromatography, yield and hold-up time measurements; adsorption enthalpies have been determined for Ag and In. The results obtained with these methods are consistent. Elements exhibit reversible or irreversible reactions on different surfaces (Tantalum, quartz, sapphire). The interactions with surfaces inside the target-ion source unit can be used to improve the quality of radioactive ion beams. Spectroscopic data obtained at CERN-ISOLDE using a medium-temperature quartz transfer line show the effectivity of selective adsorption for beam purification. New gamma lines of 131Cd have been observed and a tentative decay scheme is presented.
In green plants, the function of collecting solar energy for photosynthesis is fulfilled by a series of light-harvesting complexes (LHC). The light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCP) is synthesized in the cytosol as a precursor (pLHCP), then imported into chloroplasts and assembled into photosynthetic thylakoid membranes. Knowledge about the regulation of the transport processes of LHCP is rather limited. Closely mimicking the in vivo situation, cell-free protein expression system is employed in this dissertation to study the reconstitution of LHCP into artificial membranes. The approach starts merely from the genetic information of the protein, so the difficult and time-consuming procedures of protein expression and purification can be avoided. The LHCP encoding gene from Pisum sativum was cloned into a cell-free compatible vector system and the protein was expressed in wheat germ extracts. Vesicles or pigment-containing vesicles were prepared with either synthetic lipid or purified plant leaf lipid to mimic cell membranes. LHCP was synthesized in wheat germ extract systems with or without supplemented lipids. The addition of either synthetic or purified plant leaf lipid was found to be beneficial to the general productivity of the expression system. The lipid membrane insertion of the LHCP was investigated by radioactive labelling, protease digestion, and centrifugation assays. The LHCP is partially protected against protease digestion; however the protection is independent from the supplemented lipids.
We have realized a Data Acquisition chain for the use and characterization of APSEL4D, a 32 x 128 Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor, developed as a prototype for frontier experiments in high energy particle physics. In particular a transition board was realized for the conversion between the chip and the FPGA voltage levels and for the signal quality enhancing. A Xilinx Spartan-3 FPGA was used for real time data processing, for the chip control and the communication with a Personal Computer through a 2.0 USB port. For this purpose a firmware code, developed in VHDL language, was written. Finally a Graphical User Interface for the online system monitoring, hit display and chip control, based on windows and widgets, was realized developing a C++ code and using Qt and Qwt dedicated libraries. APSEL4D and the full acquisition chain were characterized for the first time with the electron beam of the transmission electron microscope and with 55Fe and 90Sr radioactive sources. In addition, a beam test was performed at the T9 station of the CERN PS, where hadrons of momentum of 12 GeV/c are available. The very high time resolution of APSEL4D (up to 2.5 Mfps, but used at 6 kfps) was fundamental in realizing a single electron Young experiment using nanometric double slits obtained by a FIB technique. On high statistical samples, it was possible to observe the interference and diffractions of single isolated electrons traveling inside a transmission electron microscope. For the first time, the information on the distribution of the arrival time of the single electrons has been extracted.
The production of the Z boson in proton-proton collisions at the LHC serves as a standard candle at the ATLAS experiment during early data-taking. The decay of the Z into an electron-positron pair gives a clean signature in the detector that allows for calibration and performance studies. The cross-section of ~ 1 nb allows first LHC measurements of parton density functions. In this thesis, simulations of 10 TeV collisions at the ATLAS detector are studied. The challenges for an experimental measurement of the cross-section with an integrated luminositiy of 100 pb−1 are discussed. In preparation for the cross-section determination, the single-electron efficiencies are determined via a simulation based method and in a test of a data-driven ansatz. The two methods show a very good agreement and differ by ~ 3% at most. The ingredients of an inclusive and a differential Z production cross-section measurement at ATLAS are discussed and their possible contributions to systematic uncertainties are presented. For a combined sample of signal and background the expected uncertainty on the inclusive cross-section for an integrated luminosity of 100 pb−1 is determined to 1.5% (stat) +/- 4.2% (syst) +/- 10% (lumi). The possibilities for single-differential cross-section measurements in rapidity and transverse momentum of the Z boson, which are important quantities because of the impact on parton density functions and the capability to check for non-pertubative effects in pQCD, are outlined. The issues of an efficiency correction based on electron efficiencies as function of the electron’s transverse momentum and pseudorapidity are studied. A possible alternative is demonstrated by expanding the two-dimensional efficiencies with the additional dimension of the invariant mass of the two leptons of the Z decay.
Gli scintillatori organici contenenti C6D6 (benzene deuterato) sono ampiamente utilizzati per misure ad altra precisione di sezioni d'urto di cattura neutronica presso le facility che sfruttano la tecnica del tempo di volo. In particolare il loro uso nell'ambito della facility n_ToF al CERN di Ginevra ha richiesto la costruzione di nuovi rivelatori con una minore sensibilità ai neutroni di quelli presenti in commercio. In questa tesi si è studiato il nuovo prototipo di C6D6 realizzati dal gruppo italiano di n_ToF descrivendone la struttura e confrontandolo con i precedenti rivelatori realizzati nell'ambito del progetto n_ToF e le controparti commerciali evidenziandone i miglioramenti. Inoltre viene presentato lo studio, effettuato alla facility GELINA, della sensibilità ai neutroni del nuovo C6D6 e la ricerca di difetti costruttivi. Infine è mostrato come i nuovi rivelatori hanno una sezione d'urto per la cattura di nutrono molto bassa e una presenza minima di contaminanti dovuti ai materiali che li compongono.
In questo lavoro di tesi è stato studiato lo spettro di massa invariante del sistema J/psi pi+ pi-, m(J/psi pi+ pi-), in collisioni protone-protone a LHC, con energia nel centro di massa sqrt(s)) pari a 8 TeV, alla ricerca di nuovi stati adronici. Lo studio è stato effettuato su un campione di dati raccolti da CMS in tutto il 2012, corrispondente ad una luminosità integrata di 18.6 fb-1. Lo spettro di massa invariante m(J/psi pi+ pi-), è stato ricostruito selezionando gli eventi J/psi->mu+ mu- associati a due tracce cariche di segno opposto, assunte essere pioni, provenienti da uno stesso vertice di interazione. Nonostante l'alta statistica a disposizione e l'ampia regione di massa invariante tra 3.6 e 6.0 GeV/c^2 osservata, sono state individuate solo risonanze già note: la risonanza psi(2S) del charmonio, lo stato X(3872) ed una struttura più complessa nella regione attorno a 5 GeV/c^2, che è caratteristica della massa dei mesoni contenenti il quark beauty (mesoni B). Al fine di identificare la natura di tale struttura, è stato necessario ottenere un campione di eventi arricchito in adroni B. È stata effettuata una selezione basata sull'elevata lunghezza di decadimento, che riflette la caratteristica degli adroni B di avere una vita media relativamente lunga (ordine dei picosecondi) rispetto ad altri adroni. Dal campione così ripulito, è stato possibile distinguere tre sottostrutture nello spettro di massa invariante in esame: una a 5.36 GeV/c^2, identificata come i decadimenti B^0_s-> J/psi pi+ pi-, un'altra a 5.28 GeV/c^2 come i candidati B^0-> J/psi pi+ pi- e un'ultima allargata tra 5.1 e 5.2 GeV/c^2 data da effetti di riflessione degli scambi tra pioni e kaoni. Quest'ultima struttura è stata identificata come totalmente costituita di una combinazione di eventi B^0-> J/psi K+ pi- e B^0_s-> J/psi K+ K-.
Le attuali sezioni d’urto di reazioni indotte da neutroni non sono sufficientemente accurate per essere utilizzate in progetti di ricerca di frontiera. Per soddisfare la richiesta di nuovi dati nucleari è stata recentemente costruita al CERN di Ginevra la facility n_TOF (neutron Time Of Flight). Le caratteristiche che contraddistinguono questa facility sono l’elevato flusso istantaneo di neutroni, l’ampio spettro energetico e l’eccellente risoluzione energetica. In questa tesi viene analizzata la sezione d’urto di cattura neutronica su 238U, fondamentale per la realizzazione dei reattori nucleari di nuova generazione che prevedono la sostituzione del combustibile 235U con 238U, molto più abbondante in natura e che permette di ridurre drasticamente l’accumulo di scorie nucleari. Nonostante le numerose misure già effettuate su questo elemento, ancora non si è raggiunta la precisione necessaria per le tecnologie nucleari emergenti quali i reattori di quarta generazione e gli ADS (Accelerator Drive System). Inoltre la parametrizzazione della sezione d’urto in termini di matrice R, non è così accurata quanto richiesto. In questo lavoro si è dapprima studiata l’assegnazione dello spin delle risonanze riportata in letteratura, elemento fondamentale per la successiva analisi delle risonanze e la parametrizzazione della sezione d’urto della reazione 238U(n, ). Parallelamente a questa attività si è studiata la funzione di risposta dello spettrometro n_TOF, che descrive la risoluzione energetica dei neutroni incidenti e va quindi a modificare la forma delle risonanze. I risultati ottenuti sono quindi stati confrontati con quelli in letteratura per poter essere validati e per poter verificare eventuali migliorie.
The LHCb experiment at the LHC, by exploiting the high production cross section for $c\overline{c}$ quark pairs, offers the possibility to investigate $\mathcal{CP}$ violation in the charm sector with a very high precision.\\ In this thesis a measurement of time-integrated \(\mathcal{CP}\) violation using $D^0\rightarrow~K^+K^-$ and $D^0\rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-$ decays at LHCb is presented. The measured quantity is the difference ($\Delta$) of \(\mathcal{CP}\) asymmetry ($\mathcal{A}_{\mathcal{CP}}$) between the decay rates of $D^0$ and $\overline{D}^0$ mesons into $K^+K^–$ and $\pi^+\pi^-$ pairs.\\ The analysis is performed on 2011 data, collected at \(\sqrt{s}=7\) TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1 fb\(^{-1}\), and 2012 data, collected at \(\sqrt{s}=8\) TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2 fb\(^{-1}\).\\ A complete study of systematic uncertainties is beyond the aim of this thesis. However the most important systematic of the previous analysis has been studied. We find that this systematic uncertainty was due to a statistical fluctuation and then we demonstrate that it is no longer necessary to take into account.\\ By combining the 2011 and 2012 results, the final statistical precision is 0.08\%. When this analysis will be completed and published, this will be the most precise single measurement in the search for $\mathcal{CP}$ violation in the charm sector.
Electroweak precision observables and effective four-fermion interactions in warped extra dimensions
In this thesis, we study the phenomenology of selected observables in the context of the Randall-Sundrum scenario of a compactified warpedrnextra dimension. Gauge and matter fields are assumed to live in the whole five-dimensional space-time, while the Higgs sector is rnlocalized on the infrared boundary. An effective four-dimensional description is obtained via Kaluza-Klein decomposition of the five dimensionalrnquantum fields. The symmetry breaking effects due to the Higgs sector are treated exactly, and the decomposition of the theory is performedrnin a covariant way. We develop a formalism, which allows for a straight-forward generalization to scenarios with an extended gauge group comparedrnto the Standard Model of elementary particle physics. As an application, we study the so-called custodial Randall-Sundrum model and compare the resultsrnto that of the original formulation. rnWe present predictions for electroweak precision observables, the Higgs production cross section at the LHC, the forward-backward asymmetryrnin top-antitop production at the Tevatron, as well as the width difference, the CP-violating phase, and the semileptonic CP asymmetry in B_s decays.
The dominant process in hard proton-proton collisions is the production of hadronic jets.rnThese sprays of particles are produced by colored partons, which are struck out of their confinement within the proton.rnPrevious measurements of inclusive jet cross sections have provided valuable information for the determination of parton density functions and allow for stringent tests of perturbative QCD at the highest accessible energies.rnrnThis thesis will present a measurement of inclusive jet cross sections in proton-proton collisions using the ATLAS detector at the LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV.rnJets are identified using the anti-kt algorithm and jet radii of R=0.6 and R=0.4.rnThey are calibrated using a dedicated pT and eta dependent jet calibration scheme.rnThe cross sections are measured for 40 GeV < pT <= 1 TeV and |y| < 2.8 in four bins of absolute rapidity, using data recorded in 2010 corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3 pb^-1.rnThe data is fully corrected for detector effects and compared to theoretical predictions calculated at next-to-leading order including non-perturbative effects.rnThe theoretical predictions are found to agree with data within the experimental and theoretic uncertainties.rnrnThe ratio of cross sections for R=0.4 and R=0.6 is measured, exploiting the significant correlations of the systematic uncertainties, and is compared to recently developed theoretical predictions.rnThe underlying event can be characterized by the amount of transverse momentum per unit rapidity and azimuth, called rhoue.rnUsing analytical approaches to the calculation of non-perturbative corrections to jets, rhoue at the LHC is estimated using the ratio measurement.rnA feasibility study of a combined measurement of rhoue and the average strong coupling in the non-perturbative regime alpha_0 is presented and proposals for future jet measurements at the LHC are made.
Der Wirkungsquerschnitt der Charmoniumproduktion wurde unter Nutzung der Daten aus pp-Kollisionen bei s^{1/2}=7TeV, die im Jahr 2010 vom Atlas-Experiment am LHC aufgezeichnet wurden, gemessen. Um das notwendige Detektorverständnis zu verbessern, wurde eine Energiekalibration durchgeführt.rnrnrnUnter Nutzung von Elektronen aus Zerfällen des Charmoniums wurde die Energieskala der elektromagnetischen Kalorimeter bei niedrigen Energien untersucht. Nach Anwendung der Kalibration wurden für die Energiemessung im Vergleich mit in Monte-Carlo-Simulationen gemessenen Energien Abweichungen von weniger als 0,5% gefunden.rnrnrnMit einer integrierten Luminosität von 2,2pb^{-1} wurde eine erste Messung des inklusiven Wirkungsquerschnittes für den Prozess pp->J/psi(e^{+}e^{-})+X bei s^{1/2}=7TeV vorgenommen. Das geschah im zugänglichen Bereich für Transversalimpulse p_{T,ee}>7GeV und Rapiditäten |y_{ee}|<2,4. Es wurden differentielle Wirkungsquerschnitte für den Transversalimpuls p_{T,ee} und für die Rapidität |y_{ee}| bestimmt. Integration beider Verteilungen lieferte für den inklusiven Wirkungsquerschnitt sigma(pp-> J/psi X)BR(J/psi->e^{+}e^{-}) die Werte (85,1+/-1,9_{stat}+/-11,2_{syst}+/-2,9_{Lum})nb und (75,4+/-1,6_{stat}+/-11,9_{syst}+/-2,6_{Lum})nb, die innerhalb der Systematik kompatibel sind.rnrnrnVergleiche mit Messungen von Atlas und CMS für den Prozess pp->J/psi(mu^{+}mu^{-})+X zeigten gute Übereinstimmung. Zum Vergleich mit der Theorie wurden Vorhersagen mit verschiedenen Modellen in nächst-zu-führender und mit Anteilen in nächst-zu-nächst-zu-führender Ordnung kombiniert. Der Vergleich zeigt eine gute Übereinstimmung bei Berücksichtigung von Anteilen in nächst-zu-nächst-zu-führender Ordnung.
In this thesis, the phenomenology of the Randall-Sundrum setup is investigated. In this context models with and without an enlarged SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x U(1)_X x P_{LR} gauge symmetry, which removes corrections to the T parameter and to the Z b_L \bar b_L coupling, are compared with each other. The Kaluza-Klein decomposition is formulated within the mass basis, which allows for a clear understanding of various model-specific features. A complete discussion of tree-level flavor-changing effects is presented. Exact expressions for five dimensional propagators are derived, including Yukawa interactions that mediate flavor-off-diagonal transitions. The symmetry that reduces the corrections to the left-handed Z b \bar b coupling is analyzed in detail. In the literature, Randall-Sundrum models have been used to address the measured anomaly in the t \bar t forward-backward asymmetry. However, it will be shown that this is not possible within a natural approach to flavor. The rare decays t \to cZ and t \to ch are investigated, where in particular the latter could be observed at the LHC. A calculation of \Gamma_{12}^{B_s} in the presence of new physics is presented. It is shown that the Randall-Sundrum setup allows for an improved agreement with measurements of A_{SL}^s, S_{\psi\phi}, and \Delta\Gamma_s. For the first time, a complete one-loop calculation of all relevant Higgs-boson production and decay channels in the custodial Randall-Sundrum setup is performed, revealing a sensitivity to large new-physics scales at the LHC.
In this thesis we investigate several phenomenologically important properties of top-quark pair production at hadron colliders. We calculate double differential cross sections in two different kinematical setups, pair invariant-mass (PIM) and single-particle inclusive (1PI) kinematics. In pair invariant-mass kinematics we are able to present results for the double differential cross section with respect to the invariant mass of the top-quark pair and the top-quark scattering angle. Working in the threshold region, where the pair invariant mass M is close to the partonic center-of-mass energy sqrt{hat{s}}, we are able to factorize the partonic cross section into different energy regions. We use renormalization-group (RG) methods to resum large threshold logarithms to next-to-next-to-leading-logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy. On a technical level this is done using effective field theories, such as heavy-quark effective theory (HQET) and soft-collinear effective theory (SCET). The same techniques are applied when working in 1PI kinematics, leading to a calculation of the double differential cross section with respect to transverse-momentum pT and the rapidity of the top quark. We restrict the phase-space such that only soft emission of gluons is possible, and perform a NNLL resummation of threshold logarithms. The obtained analytical expressions enable us to precisely predict several observables, and a substantial part of this thesis is devoted to their detailed phenomenological analysis. Matching our results in the threshold regions to the exact ones at next-to-leading order (NLO) in fixed-order perturbation theory, allows us to make predictions at NLO+NNLL order in RG-improved, and at approximate next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in fixed order perturbation theory. We give numerical results for the invariant mass distribution of the top-quark pair, and for the top-quark transverse-momentum and rapidity spectrum. We predict the total cross section, separately for both kinematics. Using these results, we analyze subleading contributions to the total cross section in 1PI and PIM originating from power corrections to the leading terms in the threshold expansions, and compare them to previous approaches. We later combine our PIM and 1PI results for the total cross section, this way eliminating uncertainties due to these corrections. The combined predictions for the total cross section are presented as a function of the top-quark mass in the pole, the minimal-subtraction (MS), and the 1S mass scheme. In addition, we calculate the forward-backward (FB) asymmetry at the Tevatron in the laboratory, and in the ttbar rest frames as a function of the rapidity and the invariant mass of the top-quark pair at NLO+NNLL. We also give binned results for the asymmetry as a function of the invariant mass and the rapidity difference of the ttbar pair, and compare those to recent measurements. As a last application we calculate the charge asymmetry at the LHC as a function of a lower rapidity cut-off for the top and anti-top quarks.
The systematic exploration of excited meson and baryon states was the central topic of the COMPASS physics program in the years 2008 and 2009 at the CERN facility. A hadron beam of 190 GeV/c particle momentum was impinging on a 40 cm long liquid hydrogen target to create excited states of beam particles by diffractive processes. The presented work is about the study of the process $K^- p rightarrow K^- pi^+ pi^- p_{recoil}$ where special emphasis is put on how kaons were distinguished from pions with the CEDAR detectors in the initial channel as well as with the RICH detector in the final states. At the end formed 270 000 events an invariant K pi pi mass distribution of overlapping resonances. In addition a detailed MC simulation study of 44 million decays in the range of 0.8 < m(K pi pi) [GeV/c^2] < 3.0 was performed and analysed for acceptance corrections.All information was combined into a mass independent partial wave analysis to observe resonances of individual particles. The main contribution was found in the JP = 0+, 1+, 2- and 2+ spin-parity states.
This thesis presents an analysis for the search of Supersymmetry with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The final state with one lepton, several coloured particles and large missing transverse energy was chosen. Particular emphasis was placed on the optimization of the requirements for lepton identification. This optimization showed to be particularly useful when combining with multi-lepton selections. The systematic error associated with the higher order QCD diagrams in Monte Carlo production is given particular focus. Methods to verify and correct the energy measurement of hadronic showers are developed. Methods for the identification and removal of mismeasurements caused by the detector are found in the single muon and four jet environment are applied. A new detector simulation system is shown to provide good prospects for future fast Monte Carlo production. The analysis was performed for $35pb^{-1}$ and no significant deviation from the Standard Model is seen. Exclusion limits subchannel for minimal Supergravity. Previous limits set by Tevatron and LEP are extended.