987 resultados para Bulkan Peninsula


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Fenneropenaeus chinensis distributed in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea of China and the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. Different geographical populations represent potentially different genetic resources. To learn further the characteristics of different geographical population, crosses among two wild and three farmed populations were produced. The two wild populations were from the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea (WYP), and the west coast of the Korean Peninsula and coast (WKN). The three farmed populations included the offspring of first generation of wild shrimp from coast in Korea (FKN), the Huang Hai (the Yellow Sea in Chinese) No.1 (HH1), and JK98. The phenotypes growth and survival rates of these populations were compared to confirm the feasibility for crossbreeding. The body length (BL), carapace length (CL), carapace width (CW), height of the second and third abdominal segment (HST), width of the second and third abdominal segment (WST), length of the first abdominal segment (LF), length of the last abdominal segment (LL), live body weight (BW), and survival rate were measured. Different combinations were statistically performed with ANOVA and Duncan's Multiple Range Test. The results show that the survival rate of JK98(a (TM) Euro)xWKN(a (TM),) was the highest, followed by WYP(a (TM) Euro)xWKN(a (TM),), FKN(a (TM) Euro)xWYP(a (TM),), FKN(a (TM) Euro)xHH1(a (TM),) and WYP(a (TM) Euro)xFKN(a (TM),); the body weight of FKN(a (TM) Euro)sxHH1(a (TM),) was the highest, followed by FKN(a (TM) Euro)xWYP(a (TM),), WYP(a (TM) Euro)xWKN(a (TM),), WYP(a (TM) Euro)xFKN(a (TM),) and JK98(a (TM) Euro)xWKN(a (TM),); the total length had the same ranking as the body weight. All growth traits in hybrids JK98(a (TM) Euro)xWKN(a (TM),) were the lowest among all combinations. F1 hybrids had significant difference (P < 0.05) in BL, CL, HST, LL, and BW; and insignificant difference (P > 0.05) in other growth traits and survival rate. The results of Duncan's Multiple Range Test are that BL and CL of JK98(a (TM) Euro)xWKN(a (TM),) were significantly different from the other combinations; HST different from the combination of FKN(a (TM) Euro)xWYP(a (TM),), FKN(a (TM) Euro)xHH1(a (TM),) and WYP(a (TM) Euro)xWKN(a (TM),); and BW different from FKN(a (TM) Euro)xWYP(a (TM),) and FKN(a (TM) Euro)xHH1(a (TM),). As a whole, the results indicate that the FKN(a (TM) Euro)xHH1(a (TM),) was the best combination in all growth traits. Therefore, hybridization can introduce the variation to base populations. The systematic selection program based on additive genetic performance may be more effective than crossbreeding.


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The composition of the leaf oils from seven populations of J. sabina L., one population of Juniperus sabina var. arenaria (E. H. Wilson) Farjon were examined for their geographic variation. In addition, the leaf oils of J. chinensis L. and J. davurica Pall. were compared to J. sabina. Juniperus sabina var. arenarla, the sand loving juniper, oil was found to be very similar to that of J. davurica, Mongolia, and J. sabina, on sand dunes in Mongolia. This suggests that J. sabina var. arenaria might be conspecific with J. davurica. Farjon's move (2001) of J. sabina var. arenaria out of J. chinensis is supported. Considerable differentiation was found in populations of J. sabina from the Iberian peninsula. Cedrol, citronellol, safrole, trans-sabinyl acetate, terpinen-4-ol and beta-thujone were found to be polymorphic in several populations.


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As a kind of strategic resource,petroleum play an very important role in current social stability, economic development and state safety. Since 1993 China has turned from a net oil exporter into a net oil importer, the figure of imported oil increased from then on. In 2004 China's total energy consumption exceeded Japan’s, and ranked in the second place, just inferior to America. Today China is the world’s third-largest importing nation, accounting for 6% of world imports and 8% of world consumption. Comparing with other strategic petroleum reserve schemes, underground oil storage possess many advantages, such as security, economy, less pollution, save land, suited for strategic reserve and so on, so it is the most ideal form for strategic petroleum reserve. In the background of China Strategic Petroleum Reserve Program started just now, this paper choose Circum-Bo sea region as a study area, and do some system study on the underground oil storage caverns constructed in inter-large granite rock masses in Circum-Bo sea region. On the foundation of a great amount of information come from both home and abroad, firstly this paper analysed the principle, economy, cavern shape, profile dimension, and gain some cognizances and logos, as follows: ①Hard rock mass such as granite is the major rock, in which underground oil storage are constructed; ②Unlined underground oil storage caverns had been wide spread used as a sort of oil storage form abroad, there already exist a suit of skilled experience and technologies to prevent oil product from leaking; ③Compared with surface tanks, underground oil storage cavern possess predominance in economy clearly. In general, it will be more economical when the storage capacity exceed 50000m3. The quality of rock mass is the most important factor for underground storage cost, however such as hydrogeology, storage capacity, the number of storage galleries, the length, storage product, mechanical equipments, geographic location also influent the cost. In designed depth of the underground storage, the rock mass of Jinzhou mainly belong to class Ⅱ, but parts with dykes, clayization alteration, and dense joints are Ⅲ, Ⅳ; ④Now, there are few underground oil storages span more than 25m in both abroad and home. The examples of some ancient underground works and modern underground excavation with wide span surely give us many precious elicitations to construct more great unlined storage caverns, when the rock mass quality is good, cavern shape and construction method also are proper, it is quite possible to construct underground oil storage cavern with span more than 30m . The main axis orientation of Jinzhou underground oil storage cavern is NW direction, the cavern's elevation locate between -53msl and -76msl. The storage's total volume is about 3×106m3, composed of 8 parallel galleries with 950m length, the pillars between them are 45m, and every two of galleries form one unit, which can deposit 75×104m3 for each unit. The product will be stored are Saudi light and Saudi medium crude oil, the main cavern's section is 411.5m2, with 23m height and 19m width. According to the principle and technique of engineering geomechanics, this study supply a sort of system scientific thinking and method for sitting location of underground oil storage in granite region: ① On the foundation of the earth crust stability sub-zone appraise of Circum-Bo sea region, farther research concerning granite distribution, genesis, geological period and fault structure are conducted in stable areas, generally, this paper select Liaoxi, east shore of Liaotung peninsula and Jiaotung peninsula as target areas for underground oil storage regions, where Mesozoic granite is magnitude; ②After roundly comparison in facts of geologic structure, engineering geology, hydrogeology, topography, transportation and so on of three granite distributed areas, at last, selecting Jingzhou granite zone in Liaoxi out as an ideal construction area; ③ Detailed investigation is conducted in the southeast of Baimashi in Jingzhou development district, the final field. Ultrasonic Borehole Television, as a major way to collect original information of borehole rock mass were used, which is very effective to appraise the quality of deep rock mass; ④ According to the field data of tectonic stress, rock mass quality, the spatial distribution of fracture water, some optimum designs in cross section, axial direction and cavern span have been designed for the underground oil storage cavern layout in Jinzhou. To understand the characteristics of swelling alteration rock in Jinzhou granite mass, collected abundant swelling alteration rock engineering examples in granite, which study them in detail, concluded the swelling alteration rock distribute nearly everywhere in China, intruded medium-basic dykes alteration, along discontinuities and mineral hydrothermal alteration with genesis of granite are three main forms clayization alteration rock in granite rock mass. In Jinzhou field, from macro to micro studied the swelling rock which induced by mid-basic dyke intrusion, with weak swelling. In conclusion, this paper conclude the distribution rule and features of expansion alteration rock in filed, and advise some technical suggestions for excavation at swelling alteration rock part. The main features of this paper: ①In the process of site selection, investigation and design, a suit of technique and method of engineering geomechanics metasynthesis were formed, which is significative to guide the large scale underground oil storage cavern sitting location, investigation and design in granite rock mass; ②The detailed discussion on the engineering geology problems in granite mass, such as weathering crust, faults, dykes and clayization alteration rock, are useful for other projects in aspects of site selection, engineering geology evaluation and stability estimation; ③The summary and integration of the genesis, type, countermeasure relate to swelling alteration rock, also is likely to be used for other underground oil storage caverns constructed in swelling alteration granite. In conclusion, this study is meaningful for guiding the large scale underground oil storage for site selection, investigation and design in granite rock mass.


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Maichen Depression lie between Leizhou Peninsula and Qiongzhou Strait. Oil and gas have been discovered in Weixinan Depression, Wushi Depression and Fushan Depression, which pertain to a same basin — North Sea Basin along with Maichen Depression.Jiangsu Oil started exploration at 2002. The first well began to drill at November, 2004 after gravity survey, electric method prospecting and 2D seismic exploration had been finished. Generating rock and hydrocarbon shows have been verified by the drilling. Low yield oil stream has been tested. And we started 3D seismic exploration at November, 2005. My thesis topic came from the actual needs of our exploration in the Maichen Depression. In the thesis, I give emphasis to analyse the own seismic geologic conditions of Maichen Depression. By real tests, we choosed the means to overcome or weaken the unfavorably impress owing to the own coditions in Maichen Depression. Finally, we obtained the usable seismic data. 1. Owing to the multiphase eruptive rock during the Quaternary Period, the near surface layers are very inhomogeneous. By simultaneous testing at same point with short refraction, uphole surveys of radial source and of surface source, the most appropriate method had been sorted out. Radial source uphole survey has been regarding the best practicable means in the complex area. Accurate surficial geology was very helpful to choosing of acquirement means and parameters. Basically the appropriate method of seismic acquirement has been built at Maichen area. 2. The seismic primary data has many, very strong and complex noise. By noise characteristic analysis in different domain, many means of denoising had been paralleled individual and joint application researched. As a result, the pre-stack multidomain joint denoise flow was the appropriate method. It can improve the seismic signal-to-noise ratio. 3. The problem of seismic static correction at Maichen Depression is very conspicuous. Many static correction methods had been tested individual and joint researched. The seismic data quality has been improved after choosing the appropriate combination of static correction flows. 4. Although the above-mentioned process are resultful, the seismic profile quality is just passable. Some reflector continuity and fault zone imagery are ambiguity. So it was the useful method to reduce the structural ambiguity during seismic interpretation that built-up geologic model in accord with real geologic character by areal structure study upon backbone seismic profiles. In the same way, traps have been assessed and drill targets have been selected.


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The Huade Group, consisting of low-grade and un-metamorphosed sedimentary rocks with no volcanic interlayer, is located at the northern margin of the North China craton and adjoining the south part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. It is east to the Paleo- to Meso-Proterozoic Bayan Obo and Zhaertai-Langshan rifts and northwest to the Paleo- to Neo-proterozoic Yanshan aulacogen, in which the typical Changcheng, Jixian and Qingbaikou systems are developed. The Huade Group are mainly composed of pebbly sandstones, sandstones, greywackes,shales,calc-silicate rocks and limestones, partly undergoing low-grade metamorphism and being changed to meta-sandstones, schists, phyllites, slates and crystalline limestones or marbles. The stratigraphic sequences show several cycles of deposition. Each of them developed coarse clastic rocks – interbedded fine clastic rocks and pelites from bottom upward or from coarse clastic rocks to interbedded fine clastic rocks and pelites to carbonate rocks. The Tumen Group outcrop sporadically around or west to the Tanlu faults in western Shandong. They are mainly composed of pebbly sandstones, sandstones, shales and limestones. This thesis deals with the characteristics of petrology, geochemistry and sedimentary of the Huade Group and the Tumen Group, and discusses the LA-ICP-MS and SIMS U-Pb ages, Hf isotope and trace element composition of the detrital zircons from 5 meta-sandstone samples of the Huade Group and 3 sandstone samples of the Tumen Group. The age populations of the detrital zircons from the Huade Group are mainly ~2.5 Ga and ~1.85 Ga, and there are also minor peaks at ~2.0 Ga, ~1.92 Ga and ~1.73 Ga. Most of the detrital zircon grains of 2.47-2.57 Ga and a few of 1.63-2.03 Ga have Hf crust model ages of 2.7-3.0 Ga, and most of the detrital zircon grains of 1.63-2.03 Ga have Hf crust model ages of 2.35-2.7 Ga, with a peak at 2.54 Ga. The main age peaks of the detrital zircons from the Tumen Group are ~2.5 Ga、~1.85 Ga, 1.57 Ga, 1.5 Ga, 1.33 Ga and 1.2 Ga. Different samples from the Tumen Group have distinct Hf isotopic characteristics. Detrital zircon grains of ~2.52 Ga from one sandstone sample have 2.7-3.2 Ga Hf crust model ages, whereas zircon grains of 1.73-2.02 Ga and 2.31-2.68 Ga from another sample have Hf crust model ages of 2.95-3.55 Ga. Detrital zircon grains of Mesoproterozoic ages have Paleoproterozoic (1.7-2.25 Ga) crust model ages. Through detailed analyses of the detrital zircons from the Huade and Tumen Group and comparison with those from the sedimentary rocks of similar sedimentary ages, the thesis mainly reaches the following conclusions: 1. The youngest age peaks of the detrital zircons of 1.73 Ga constrains the sedimentary time of the Huade Group from late Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic. 2. The age peaks of detrital zircons of the Huade Group correspond to the significant Precambrian tectonic-thermal events of the North China craton. The basement of the North China craton is the main provenance of the Huade Group, of which the intermediate to high grade metamorphic sedimentary rocks are dominant and provide mainly 1.85-1.92 Ga sediments. 3. The Huade basin belongs to the North China craton and it is suggested that the northern boundary of the North China craton should be north to the Huade basin. 4. The stratigraphic characteristics indicate the Huade Group formed in a stable shallow-hypabyssal sedimentary basin. The rock association and sedimentary time of the Huade Group are similar to those of the Banyan Obo Group and the Zhaertai Group, and they commonly constitute late Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic continental margin basins along the northern margin of the North China craton. 5. The continental margin basins would have initiated coeval with the Yanshan and Xiong’er aulacogens. 6. The ages of the detrital zircons from the Tumen Group and the Penglai Group at Shandong peninsula and the Yushulazi Group at south Liaoning are similar, so their sedimentary time is suggested to be Neoproterozoic,coeval with the Qingbaikou system. The detrital zircon ages of 1.0-1.2 Ga from the Tumen Group, the Penglai Group and the Yushulazi Group indicate that there have being 1.0-1.2 Ga magmatic activities at the eastern margin of the North China craton. 7. The U-Pb age populations of the detrital zircons from the late Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks suggest that the main Precambrian tectonic-thermal events of the North China craton happened at ~2.5 Ga and ~1.85 Ga. But the events at 2.7 Ga and 1.2 Ga are also of great significance. Hf isotope characteristics indicate that the significant crust growth periods of the North China craton are 2.7-3.0 Ga and ~2.5 Ga.


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Jiaodong Peninsula is the largest repository of gold in China. Varieties of studies have been involved in the mechanism of metallogenesis. This thesis is a part of the project "Study of basic geology related to the prespecting of the supra-large deposits" which supported by National Climbing Program of China to Prof. Zhou. One of the key scientific problems is to study the age and metallogenic dynamics of ore deposit and to understand how interaction between mantle and crust constrains on metallogenesis and lithogenesis. As Jiaodong Peninsula to be study area, the Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd and Pb isotopic systematics of pyrite and altered rocks are measured to define the age and origin of gold. The elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions of dikes and granites was studied to implicate the source and lithogenesis of the dike and granite and removal of lithosphere and the interaction between mantle and crust in the Jiaodong Peninsula. Considering the tectonic of Jiaodong Peninsula, basic on the time and space, this thesis gives a metallogenic dynamics of gold mineralization and discusses the constraints of the interaction between mantle and crust on the metallogenesis and lithogenesis. This thesis reports the first direct Rb-Sr dating of pyrites and ores using sub-sampling from lode gold deposit in Linglong, Jiaodong Peninsula and the results demonstrate this as a useful geochronological technique for gold mineralization with poor age constraint. The Rb-Sr data of pyrites yields an isochron age of (121.6-122.7) Ma, whereas, those of ore and ore-pyrite spread in two ranges from 120.0 to 121.8 Ma and 110.0-111.7 Ma. Studies of characteristic of gold deposit, microscopy of pyrite and quartz indicate that the apparent ages of ore and ore-pyrite are not isochron ages, it was only mixed by two end members, i.e., the primitive hydrothermal fluids and wall rocks. However, the isochron age of pyrite samples constrains the age of gold mineralization, i.e., early Cretaceous, which is in good consistence with the published U-Pb ages of zircon by using the SHRIMP technique. The whole rock Rb-Sr isochron age of altered rocks indicates that the age of gold mineralizing in the Xincheng gold deposit is 116.6 ± 5.3 Ma. The Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of pyrite and altered rocks indicate that the gold and relevant elements were derived from multi-sources, i.e. dikes derived from enriched lithospheric mantle and granites, granodiorites and metamorphic rocks outcropped on the crust. It also shows that the hydrothermal fluids derived from mantle magma degassing had play an important role in the gold mineralizing. The major and trace elements, Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic data of granites and granodiorites suggest that the Linglong Granite and Kunyushan Granite were derived from partial melting of basement rocks in the Jiaodong Peninsula at post-collision of North China Craton with South China Craton. Guojialing Granodiorite was considered to be derived from a mixture source, that is, mixed by magmas derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle and crust during the delamination of lithosphere induced by the subduction of Izanagi Plate and the movement of Tancheng-Lujiang Fault. There are kinds of dikes occurred in the Jiaodong Peninsula, which are accompanying with gold mineralization in time and space. The dikes include gabrro, diabase, pyroxene diorite, gabrrophyre, granite-porphyry, and aplite. The whole rock K-Ar ages give two age intervals: 120-124 Ma for the dikes that erupted at the gold mineralizing stage, and <120 Ma of the dikes that intruded after gold mineralizing. According to the age and the relationship between the dikes and gold mineralizing, the dikes could be divided into two groups: Group I (t = 120-124 Ma) and Group II (t < 120Ma). Group I dikes show the high Mg and K, low Ti contents, negative Nb anomalies and positive Eu anomalies, high ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr and negative εNd(t) values and an enrichment in light rare earth elements, large ion lithosphile elements and a depletion in high field strength elements. Thus the elemental and isotopic characteristics of the Group I dikes indicate that they were derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle perhaps formed by metasomatism of the melt derived from the recycled crustal materials during the deep subduction of continent. In contrast, the Group II dikes have high Ti, Mg and K contents, no negative Nb anomalies, high ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr and positive or little negative εNd(t) values, which indicate the derivation from a source like OIB-source. The geochemical features also give the tectonic constraints of dikes, which show that Group I dikes were formed at continental arc setting, whereas Group II dikes were formed within plate background. Considering the tectonic setting of Jiaodong Peninsula during the period of gold mineralizing, the metallogenic dynamics was related to the subduction of Izanagi Plate, movement of Tancheng-Lujiang Fault and removal of lithopheric mantle during Late Mesozoic Era.


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Kunyushan composite granite pluton is located in northeast part of the Sulu UHP collisional belt, Jiaodong peninsula, eastern China. It is regarded as the boundary of the Jiaodong block and the Sulu UHP collisional belt. The body is unique in the Dabieshan-Sulu UHP collisional orogen for its feature of multiple intrusions of diverse types granitoid rocks in a long span after UHP the collision between the North China and the Yangtze plates in late Triassic. It can be grouped into four series on the basis of petrology and petrochemistry. They are mid-K calc-alkaline granitoids, strongly peraluminous granites, high-K calc-alkaline granitoids and syenitic granite of shoshonitic series. In this thesis, the later three types of rocks are investigated geochronologically in detail. The grain zircon U-Pb isotope dilution dating technique has been employed in this study. Zircon morphology are presented and discussion on the chemical and physical conditions of the granite formation have been carried out in addtion. Strongly peraluminous granites comprises foliated monzogranite and garnet bearing leucogranite. They occupy more than half of the area of the Kunyushan composite body. Three zircon samples of foliated monzogranites have been analyzed, they yield lower intercept ages mainly in the range of 140-150 Ma. The formation of these rocks was likely to be at 700-600 ℃, implied by zircon morphology. Two zircon samples of the garnet bearing leucogranite yield lower intercept ages from 130 Ma to 140 Ma. Zircon morphology indicate that the liquidus temperature of the magma was about 750 °C. Syenitic granite of shoshonitic series occur in the north central part of the body, and the volume is quite small contrast to other types. One zircon sample was chosen from this rock, and yield lower intercept age of 121+1.8/-2.1 Ma. Zircon morphology indicate that the liquidus temperature of this rock is up to 900 °C, which is much higher than others'. High-K calc-alkaline granitoids can be divided into two types on the basis of rock texture and structure. One is Kf-porphyritic monzogranite. It's outcrop is quite small. Zircon ages of one sample constrain the emplacement of this rock at about 112 Ma. The other is medium-grain to coarse-grain monzogranite. Zircons from it yield lower intercept age of 100.5+2.9/-4.6 Ma. The variation of zircon morphology suggest that these two monzogranites were outcomes of a single magma at different stage. The former emplaced earlier than the latter. The liquidus temperature of the magma was about 800 ℃ Inherited zircon is ubiquitous in the Kunyushan composite body. Most of the samples yield upper intercept ages of late Proterozoic. It was considered that only the Yangtze plate underwent a crustal growth during late Proterozoic among the two plates which involved into the UHP collision. Inherited zircon of about 200 Ma can also be observed in strongly peraluminous and high-K calc-alkaline granitoids. Two samples out of eight yield upper intercept ages of Achaean.


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Three soil spots were found in Grove Mountains, east Antarctica during 1999-2000, when the Chinare 16th Antarctic expedition teams entered the inland Antarctica. The characteristics of soils in Grove Mountains are desert pavement coating the surface, abundant water soluble salt, negligible organ matter, and severe rubification and salinization, scarces of liquid water, partly with dry permafrost, corresponding with the soils of McMurdo, Transantarctic. The soils age of Grove Mountains is 0.5-3.5Ma. Podzolization and redoximorphism are the main features in coastal Wilks region, in addition, there is strong enrichment of organic matter in many soils of this region. The main soil processes of Fildes Peninsula of King George Island include the intense physical weathering, decalcification and weakly biochemical processes. Peat accumulation is the main processes in Arctic because of humid and cold environment.Based on synthesis of heavy minerals, particle size, quartz grain surface textures, as well as pollen in soils, the soils parent materials of Grove Mountains derived from alluvial sediment of the weathering bedrocks around soils, and formed during the warm period of Pliocene. The detailed information is followed .l)The results of heavy minerals particle size showed the parent minerals derived form the weathering bedrocks around soils. 2)The quartz sand surface textures include glacial crushing and abrasion such as abrasive conchoidal fractures and grain edges, abrasive subparallel linear fractures and angularity, subaqueous environments produce V-shaped and irregular impact pits, polished surface, and chemical textures, such as beehive solution pits, which showed the water is the main force during the sediment of the soil parent minerals. 3)The pollen consist of 40 plant species, of which at least 5 species including Ranunculaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia, Gramineae, Podocarpus belong to the Neogene vegetation except the species from the old continent. Compared with Neogene vegetation of Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctic, we concluded that they grow in warm Pliocene.


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This three movement work was first performed by members of the Research Ensemble at the Peninsula Arts Contemporary Music Festival, 26 February 2010. Material from the first movement reappears in the second and third in various guises. The second movement is dedicated to the choreographer, Merce Cunningham, and the constant piano part with pedal sustained throughout is a reference to the fluidity of dance. As a contrast to this there are passages of imitation between the horn and violin, some more audible than others, which are included as an acknowledgement of the intimate relationship which exists between co-dancers on stage. The third movement is dedicated to John Cage (Cunningham's partner) and, while the piano sustains chords (reworking content from the first movement), the gestures in the other parts loosely follow the outline of sections of one of Cage's watercolours, River Rocks and Smoke no.6. Much of my music is inspired by visual art and, having admired Cage's music and writings since by student days, it seemed appropriate after dedicating the second movement to Cunningham, to turn to Cage's art work in the final part of the composition.


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W artykule został przeanalizowany dyskurs bałkański XX wieku z kolonialnego i postkolonialnego punktu widzenia. Pierwsza część przybliża geopolityczny stosunek do Bałkanów,The Balans in the Gaze of Western Travellers (2004) jako przykłady korygującego wobec istniejących dotychczas reprezentacji i wyobrażeń Bałkanów. skupia się jednak nie tylko na nazwie geograficznej Półwysep Bałkański, lecz przede wszystkim na figuratywnym i metaforycznym języku, bazującym na stereotypach i negatywnych „etykietkach” Bałkanów, takich jak: „beczka prochu”, obszar „zadawnionej nienawiści”, „zderzenie cywilizacji”, „strefa rozłamu”, europejskie „jądro ciemności”, „dzika Europa”, „jeszcze- nie” Europa. Ten stosunek opiera się na opozycji My-Oni z kolonialnego, punktu widzenia Zachodu. W drugiej części tekstu zostaje przeprowadzona analiza trzech utworów prozatorskich autorstwa wybitnych pisarzy z Bałkanów – chorwacki dyskurs literacki jest reprezentowany przez Miroslava Krležę w opowiadaniu W Dreźnie. Mister Wu San Pej interesuje się problemem serbsko-chorwackim (1924), serbski dyskurs przedstawia Ivo Andrić w opowiadaniu List z roku 1920 (1946), natomiast bośniacki – Nenad Veličković i jego powieść epistolarna Sahib. Impresje z depresji (2001). Te trzy dyskursy z różnych przełomowych dla Jugosławii okresów pokazują, że pisarze chętnie sięgali po figurę „Obcego”, by uwypuklić problemy związane z własną złożoną, często zwielokrotnioną tożsamością. Ostatnia część akcentuje nowe, postkolonialne podejście do problemu Bałkanów – uczestniczą w nim wybitni naukowcy pochodzący z tego regionu, którzy zrobili kariery w Europie Zachodniej i USA. W tej części zostają zaprezentowane trzy fundamentalne dla tego problemu książki – studium Marii Todorowej (Bułgarka) Imagining the Balkans (1997), monografia Vesny Bjelogrlić-Goldsworthy (Serbka) Inventing Ruritania: The Imperializm of the Imagination (1998) oraz antropologiczna książka Božidara Jezernika (Słoweniec) Wild Europe.


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In the wake of the latest news regarding IPB’s award for best Polytechnic Institute in Portugal, we would like to congratulate the IPB community who has always striven for the quality of the institution within the national and international academic milieu. We are, undoubtedly, bowled over by the 1st place in the national context (out of the 27 national institutions under evaluation) and the 7th position in the international scope. In fact, it is worth mentioning that the IPB has won this award, three years in a row, being in a leading position in the ranking promoted and sponsored by the European Union. This year’s edition has selected and evaluated over 1300 world higher education institutions. Teaching Crossroads intends thus to give a watershed contribution to the IPB’s successful and most valued pathway. Numbers indicate that Teaching Crossroads has had over 2550 downloads since it first came out. But let’s cut to the chase. Once again, we are delighted to present the 5th number of Teaching Crossroads. This wholly calculated and well-sustained editorial adventure started in 2012 when the first number of Teaching Crossroads first saw the light. This year’s publication includes the areas of Human Geography/anthropology, Information Technology and Forensics and Language and culture, focusing on minority languages. Alongside this, as in the two last previous numbers, we’ve included the specific area for International mobility, Intensive Programmes and Erasmus+ Mobility of Individuals, being the latter financed by the European Union within the Erasmus+ Programme, whereas the former is sponsored uniquely by the foreign partner institution, in this case, Lillebaelt Academy in Denmark. These types of programmes convey very positive and overarching ideas, resonant in cross-cultural and educational benefits, valuable for all the involved partners. We would very kindheartedly like to thank the authors for having contributed with much enlightening and serious articles on a wide array of areas. Pablo M. Orduna Pórtus’s article focuses on border culture and heritage management. The author’s study is placed on two borderlands of the Iberian Peninsula: Roncal Valley (Navarre) and Riverbanks of Douro. Going beyond the linear or physical conception of the border, the author centres his study on the metaphysical and symbolic ideas of the frontier that sustain his anthropological analysis. Michal Popdora manages to find evidence for his proposal of a new conception of teaching Image Processing, based on the student-centered approach. A hands-on experience on a Project-based Learning methodology sustains the teaching project. Grounded on “a forensic-flavored style”, using the author’s own words, he shows how students can become engaged in a highly effective learning process. Cláudia Martins is already a confirmed habitué of this publication, as in every Erasmus Week she delivers a lecture on Portuguese language and culture to visiting teaching and non-teaching staff. This time, the author decided to delve into a Portugal’s official language, Mirandese, spoken in a small designated area in the northeastern part of Portugal, Miranda do Douro and its surrounding area. The author gives account of some thought-provoking facts about the language, from the origin and the survival of the language, however still a minority language, up to the moment when it was acknowledged Portugal’s second official language, together with the challenges that nowadays faces. Luís Frölen Ribeiro, João Eduardo Ribeiro, Carlos Casimiro Costa, António Duarte, Carlos Andrade from the Polytechnic Institute and Arne Svinth, John Madsen, Morten Thomsen, Kent Smidstrup, Carsten John Jacobsen from the Lillebaelt Academy, in Denmark, participate in a joint project which they describe, outlining the main goals and gains of the project. To overcome teaching difficulties regarding the engineering degrees, a 12-ECTS joint course from Lillebaelt Academy and Polytechnic Institute of Bragança was created based on the Danish model. The course Product Development and Industrial Processing was hence created. Rui Pedro Lopes presents an insightful and acute account of the Internationalization programmes in Higher Education in Europe. At one go, the author describes his own experience as a visiting lecturer, within the Erasmus+ programme, to Università Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona, Italy, in a Master’s degree in computer science, bringing to light a personal reflection on the goals and benefits of the mobility for both students and teachers. Finally, the author puts forth some suggestions that would improve the whole mobility process. We sincerely hope to have stimulated you to keep on reading, upholding the belief that these texts can represent valuable sources for both teachers and students in their research work.


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Knowledge of the reproductive cycle of a species is a prerequisite for sustainable management of a fishery. The infaunal marine bivalve, Ensis siliqua, is a commercially important species in Europe, and is exploited in many countries, including Ireland, where it is sold by wet weight. Seasonal variations in the reproductive cycle of subtidal razor clams from the Skerries region of the Irish Sea, an important fisheries area, were examined between June 2010 and September 2011 while monitoring weight. Histological examination revealed that the E. siliqua sex-ratio was not different from parity, and no hermaphrodites were observed in the samples collected. In the summer months of 2010 all female clams were either spent or in early development, with just a small percentage of males still spawning. The gonads of both sexes developed over the autumn and winter months of 2010, with the first spawning individuals recorded in January 2011. Spawning peaked in March 2011, but unlike in 2010, spawning continued through June and July with all animals spent in August 2011. The earlier and longer spawning period found in this species in 2011 compared to 2010 may have been due to the colder than normal temperature observed during the winter of 2010 plus the relatively warmer temperatures of Spring 2011, which could have affected the gametogenic development of E. siliqua in the Irish Sea. It was noted that wet weight dropped in the summer months of both years, immediately after the spawning period which may impact on the practicality of fishing for this species during this period. Timing of development and spawning is compared with other sites in the Irish Sea and elsewhere in Europe, including the Iberian Peninsula.


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The flora of the Yucatan peninsula (Mexico) includes approximately 3000 plant species. Sideroxylon foetidissimum Jacq. subsp. gaumeri (Sapotaceae) is an endemic plant to the Yucatan peninsula; its fruit is edible and local people use the plant for medicinal purposes, although no details on its preparation or application are available [1,2]. A preliminary cytotoxic evaluation of the ethanolic root extract of S. foetidissimum revealed a potent activity against murine macrophage like cell line RAW 264.7 (IC50=39.54±4.11µg/mL). The systematic bioassay-guided fractionation of the extract resulted in the identification of the active saponin-containing fraction (IC50=33.69±6.19µg/mL). Four new triterpenoid saponins and a 1:1 mixture of two saponins were isolated from the active saponin- containing fraction. The evaluation of their cytotoxic activity revealed no activity for the tested pure saponins; however, the 1:1 mixture of saponins showed a potent activity (IC50=11.91±1.49µg/mL). The isolation of the saponins was carried out using semi-preparative HPLC. The structural assignments of the pure saponins were based on 1D (1H and 13C and DEPT-135) and 2D (COSY, HMBC, HSQC and TOCSY) NMR and mass spectrometry analyses. In this presentation, the isolation, identification and cytotoxic activity of the isolated compounds is discussed in more detail.


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The paper explores differences as well as commonalities in corporate risk management practices and risk exposures in the large non-financial Slovenian and Croatian companies. Comparative analysis of survey results have revealed that the majority of analysed companies in both Croatia and Slovenia are using some form of risk management to manage interest-rate, foreign exchange, or commodity price risk. Regarding the intensity of influence of financial risks on the performance of the analysed companies, the results have shown that the price risk has the highest influence among the Slovenian as well as the Croatian companies. Croatian companies are more affected by currency risk than the Slovenian companies, while the interest-rate risk has been ranged as less important in comparison with commodity price and currency risks. The survey’s results have clearly indicated that Croatian and Slovenian non-financial companies manage financial risks primarily with simple risk management instruments such as natural hedging. In the case of derivatives use, forwards and swaps are by far the most important instruments in both countries, but futures as representatives of standardised derivatives and structured derivatives are more important in the Slovenian than in the Croatian companies.


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The occurrence of Mytilicola intestinalis in populations of mussels in south-west England is recorded and compared with previous data. Since 1955 there have been two main changes in the distribution of Mytilicola: (a) it has invaded all the major estuarine mussel populations on the Bristol Channel coast, and (b) many previously uninfested open-coast populations all round the peninsula are now lightly infested. It is suggested that differences in infestation levels between estuarine and open-coast populations of mussels are due primarily to differences in the degree of exposure to wave action although factors such as size, population density and location of the hosts also influence infestation. The chance of the establishment of breeding pairs of Mytilicola depends on the parasite population size and its distribution through the host population.