958 resultados para Brooklyn Academy of Music.


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The effect of pressure on the conductivity of fast ion conducting AgI-Ag2O-MoO3 glasses has been investigated down to 150 K. The observed variation of conductivities appears to support the application of cluster model to the ionic glasses.


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4..T~iouridine, a thionucleoside present in the transfer RNA of the free living, nitrogen-fixing ?actenu~ Azotobacter »inelandii shows a culture condition dependent change. When thebacterium IS grown Intheabsen~e ofanyfixed nit~ogen thetRNA contains 4-thiouridine to theextent of 45% of the total sulphur Incorporated. This gets reduced to 5%when the bacterium is grown in the presen~e of.e~ces~ ofamm~nium salt.Instead, a new thionucleoside which appears to be a derivative of 4-thloundlne IS found In the tRNA to the extent of 28%of the total sulphur incorporated.


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This paper critiques a traditional approach to music theory pedagogy. It argues that music theory courses should draw on pedagogies that reflect the diversity and pluralism inherent in 21st century music making. It presents the findings of an action research project investigating the experiences of undergraduate students undertaking an innovative contemporary art music theory course. It describes the students’ struggle in coming to terms with a course that integrated composing, performing, listening and analysing coupled with what for many was their first exposure to the diversity of contemporary art music. The paper concludes with suggesting that the approach could be adopted more widely throughout music programs.


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Synthesis and structures of several new oxides containing bismuth are described. Three types of structures are common among the multinary oxides containing trivalent bismuth. They are the sillenite structure of γ-Bi2O3, the layered perovskite structure of Aurivillius phases and the pyrochlore structure. The influence of Bi3+∶6s 2 lone pair electrons is seen in all the three structures. In transition metal oxides containing trivalent bismuth,d o cations (Ti4+, Nb5+, W6+) stabilize the layered perovskite structure, while cations containing partially-filledd orbitals (V4+, Cr3+, Fe3+) favour pyrochlore-related structures. Ferroelectric distortion ofMO6 octahedra of thed o cations seems to play an important role in stabilizing layered perovskite structures.


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We present a theoretical analysis of the dynamics of crystal growth from a supercooled melt. A molecular theory of crystal growth that pays proper attention to the structure at the liquid-solid interface is discussed.


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Glasses show very interesting behavior well below the glass transition temperature. Inspite of various experimental observations, even simple quantitative explanations relating these relaxation phenomena to structural properties are absent. In this paper we have tried to point out a phenomenological approach to this problem by identifying certain parameters which we think can be used to characterize these relaxations.


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The semiconductivity inMTiO3 (M=Ba, Sr) in the temperature range of practical applications is greatly influenced by the electronic charge redistribution among the acceptor states, arising from the frozen cation vacancies as well as the transition metal ion impurities. The conductivity measurements and defect chemistry investigations above 800 K indicate that the predominant lattice defects areM− and oxygen vacancies. There is dominantp-type conduction at higherP O 2 values in acceptor doped materials at high temperatures. However, they are insulating solids around room temperature due to the redistribution of electrons between the neutral, singly-or doubly-ionised acceptor states. Results fromepr and resistivity measurements show that the above charge redistribution is dependent on crystal structure changes. Hence the electron or hole loss by the acceptor states is influenced by the soft modes which also accounts for the differences in electrical properties of BaTiO3 and SrTiO3. The results are also useful in explaining the positive temperature coefficient in resistance and some photo-electrochemcial properties of these solids.


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An engineering analysis of the design of two-wheel bullock carts has been carried out with the aid of a mathematical model. Non-dimensional expressions for the pull and the neck load have been developed. In the first instance, the cart is assumed to be cruising at constant velocity on a terrain with the effective coefficient of rolling friction varying over a wide range (0.001 to 0.5) and the gradient varying between +0.2 to −0.2. Subsequently, the effect of inertia force due to an acceleration parallel to the ground is studied. In the light of this analysis, two modifications to the design of the cart have been proposed and the relative merits of the current designs and the proposed designs are discussed.


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A strain gauge load cell with separate bridges for measurement of the pull and the bending moment in the plane containing the net neck load and pull was developed and fixed in the longitudinal member of an experimental cart. A cart fitted first with pneumatic wheels and then with steel-rimmed wooden wheels was tested on three terrains—tar road, mud road and grassy terrain. Pull vs time and moment vs time records were obtained in each test and analysed. It is found that the bullocks pull the cart rather discontinuously at the low velocities at which these carts normally operate. On the tar road and the grassy terrain, the mean static coefficient of friction is significantly higher for the cart with steelrimmed wooden wheels. The dynamic frictional resistance of the terrain for the cart with steel-rimmed wooden wheels is lower than for the cart with pneumatic wheels so long as the wheels do not dig or sink into the terrain. The fluctuation in the neck load is lower in the cart fitted with pneumatic wheels. Also, the ground-induced low-amplitude high-frequency vibratory load content in the neck load is lower in the cart with pneumatic wheels.


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We review here classical Bogomolnyi bounds, and their generalisation to supersymmetric quantum field theories by Witten and Olive. We also summarise some recent work by several people on whether such bounds are saturated in the quantised theory.


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Recent axiomatic derivations of the maximum entropy principle from consistency conditions are critically examined. We show that proper application of consistency conditions alone allows a wider class of functionals, essentially of the form ∝ dx p(x)[p(x)/g(x)] s , for some real numbers, to be used for inductive inference and the commonly used form − ∝ dx p(x)ln[p(x)/g(x)] is only a particular case. The role of the prior densityg(x) is clarified. It is possible to regard it as a geometric factor, describing the coordinate system used and it does not represent information of the same kind as obtained by measurements on the system in the form of expectation values.


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Hydrazinium acetate, metavanadate, sulfite, sulphamate and thiocyanate have been prepared by the reaction of corresponding ammonium salts with hydrazine hydrate. The compounds were characterised by chemical analysis and infrared spectra. Thermal behaviour of these hydrazinium derivatives have been investigated using thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis.


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Surface oxidation of Co has been investigated at different temperatures in the 300–600 K range at oxygen exposures upto 106 L by XPES and AES techniques. In the XPES, both the valence band and core level bands have been employed to monitor the oxidation while in the AES, metal Auger intensity ratios as well as O(KLL)/Co(L23M45M45) ratios have been examined. Only CoO is formed on the surface at high oxygen exposures at and above 500 K.


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An apolar synthetic analog of the first 10 residues at the NH2-terminal end of zervamicin IIA crystallizes in the triclinic space group P1 with cell dimensions a = 10.206 +/- 0.002 A, b = 12.244 +/- 0.002 A, c = 15.049 +/- 0.002 A, alpha = 93.94 +/- 0.01 degrees, beta = 95.10 +/- 0.01 degrees, gamma = 104.56 +/- 0.01 degrees, Z = 1, C60H97N11O13 X 2H2O. Despite the relatively few alpha-aminoisobutyric acid residues, the peptide maintains a helical form. The first intrahelical hydrogen bond is of the 3(10) type between N(3) and O(0), followed by five alpha-helix-type hydrogen bonds. Solution 1H NMR studies in chloroform also favor a helical conformation, with seven solvent-shielded NH groups. Continuous columns are formed by head-to-tail hydrogen bonds between the helical molecules along the helix axis. The absence of polar side chains precludes any lateral hydrogen bonds. Since the peptide crystallizes with one molecule in a triclinic space group, aggregation of the helical columns must necessarily be parallel rather than antiparallel. The packing of the columns is rather inefficient, as indicated by very few good van der Waals' contacts and the occurrence of voids between the molecules.