961 resultados para Breast tumor


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A novel invertebrate TNF ligand was identified and characterized in Ciona savignyi. The CsTL cDNA consisted of 995 nucleotides and encoded 281 amino acids. A conserved TNF family signature and several motifs of TNF ligand superfamily were identified in deduced amino acid sequence of CsTL. Phylogenetic analysis grouped CsTL, CiTNF (predicted TNF ligand superfamily homolog in Ciona intestinalis) and urchin TL1A with their own cluster apart from mammalian TNF alpha, LTA, TNFSF15 and fish TNFa proteins. Expression studies demonstrated that CsTL mRNA is present in all tested tissues from unchallenged ascidians and its expression was significantly upregulated in hemocytes following LIPS injection. The recombinant CsTL protein expressed using a baculovirus expression system showed potential cytotoxic activity in L929 cells. Present results indicated that TNF ligand superfamity molecules are present in marine invertebrates. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Infrared (IR) spectra of normal, hyperplasia, fibroadenoma and carcinoma tissues of human breast obtained from 96 patients have been determined and analyzed statistically. Several spectral differences were detected in the frequency regions of N-H stretching, amide I, II and III bands: (1) the bands in the region 3000-3600cm-1 shifted to lower frequencies for the carcinomatous tissue; (2) the A(3300)/A(3075) absorbance ratio was significantly higher for the fibroadenoma than for the other types of tissues; (3) the frequency of the a-helix amide I band decreased for the malignant tissue, while the corresponding beta -sheet amide I band frequency increased; (4) the A(1657)/A(1635) and A(1553)/A(1540) absorbance ratios were the highest for fibroadenoma and carcinoma tissues; (5) the A(1680)/A(1657) absorbance ratio decreased significantly in the order of normal > hyperplasia > fibroadenoma > carcinoma; (6) the A(1651)/A(1545) absorbance ratio increased slightly for the fibroadenoma and the carcinoma tissues; (7) the bands at 1204 and 1278 cm(-1), assigned to the vibrational modes of the collagen, did not appear in the original spectra as resolved peaks and were distinctly stronger in the deconvoluted spectra of the carcinoma tissue and (8) the A(1657)/A(1204) and A(1657)/A(1278) absorbance ratios, both yielding information on the relative content of collagen, increased in the order of normal < hyperplasia < carcinoma < fibroadenoma. The said differences imply that the information is useful for the diagnosis of breast cancer and malignant breast abnormalities, and may serve as a basis for further studies on conformational changes in tissue proteins during carcinogenesis. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Breast region measurements are important for research, but they may also become significant in the legal field as a quantitative tool for preoperative and postoperative evaluation. Direct anthropometric measurements can be taken in clinical practice. the aim of this study was to compare direct breast anthropometric measurements taken with a tape measure and a compass.Forty women, aged 18-60 years, were evaluated. They had 14 anatomical landmarks marked on the breast region and arms. the union of these points formed eight linear segments and one angle for each side of the body. the volunteers were evaluated by direct anthropometry in a standardized way, using a tape measure and a compass.Differences were found between the tape measure and the compass measurements for all segments analyzed (p > 0.05).Measurements obtained by tape measure and compass are not identical. Therefore, once the measurement tool is chosen, it should be used for the pre- and postoperative measurements in a standardized way.This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. for a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors www.springer.com/00266.


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Background and purpose: Accelerated partial breast irradiation (APBI) is the strategy that allows adjuvant treatment delivery in a shorter period of time in smaller volumes. This study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness and outcomes of APBI in breast cancer compared with whole-breast irradiation (WBI). Material and methods: Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of WBI versus APBI. Two authors independently selected and assessed the studies regarding eligibility criteria. Results: Eight studies were selected. A total of 8653 patients were randomly assigned for WBI versus APBI. Six studies reported local recurrence outcomes. Two studies were matched in 5 years and only one study for different time of follow-up. Meta-analysis of two trials assessing 1407 participants showed significant difference in the WBI versus APBI group regarding the 5-year local recurrence rate (HR = 4.54, 95% CI: 1.78-11.61, p = 0.002). Significant difference in favor of WBI for different follow-up times was also found. No differences in nodal recurrence, systemic recurrence, overall survival and mortality rates were observed. Conclusions: APBI is associated with higher local recurrence compared to WBI without compromising other clinical outcomes. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Oliver, A., Freixenet, J., Marti, R., Pont, J., Perez, E., Denton, E. R. E., Zwiggelaar, R. (2008). A novel breast tissue density classification framework. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in BioMedicine, 12 (1), 55-65


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El cáncer de cuello de útero o cáncer de cérvix es el segundo tumor más frecuente en las mujeres del mundo después del de mama y el quinto de todos los canceres. En España, es el sexto más frecuente, constituyendo el 4,8% de los canceres en la mujer. Este tipo de cáncer es el resultado final de una infección no resuelta por el virus del papiloma humano (VPH). Hoy en día, el VPH representa una de las infecciones de trasmisión sexual más común. El 70-80 % de hombres y mujeres sexualmente activos están o han estado expuestos al VPH. El cambio en la conducta sexual de las mujeres ha llevado a que las infecciones de trasmisión sexual sean ahora más frecuentes que en las generaciones anteriores. Hay un inicio más precoz de las primeras relaciones sexuales y un número más elevado de compañeros sexuales. Estos cambios han hecho aumentar la prevalencia del VPH en los últimos años en las mujeres jóvenes de España. La combinación de estrategias de prevención primaria (vacunación contra el VHP) y secundaria (cribado) permitiría reducir la incidencia y la mortalidad del cáncer de cuello de útero. Existen dos vacunas frente al VPH que son Gardasil ® y Cervarix ®. Al tratarse de dos vacunas nuevas, el éxito de la introducción dependerá de la comprensión apropiada de los riesgos y beneficios de la vacuna para prevenir la infección del VPH. Esto se consigue mediante programas efectivos de educación y formación sobre el VPH.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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To investigate women’s help seeking behavior (HSB) following self discovery of a breast symptom and determine the associated influencing factors. A descriptive correlation design was used to ascertain the help seeking behavior (HSB) and the associated influencing factors of a sample of women (n = 449) with self discovered breast symptoms. The study was guided by the ‘Help Seeking Behaviour and Influencing Factors” conceptual framework (Facione et al., 2002; Meechan et al., 2003, 2002; Leventhal, Brissette and Leventhal, 2003 and O’Mahony and Hegarty, 2009b). Data was collected using a researcher developed multi-scale questionnaire package to ascertain women’s help seeking behavior on self discovery of a breast symptom and determine the factors most associated with HSB. Factors examined include: socio-demographics, knowledge and beliefs (regarding breast symptom; breast changes associated with breast cancer; use of alternative help seeking behaviours and presence or absence of a family history of breast cancer),emotional responses, social factors, health seeking habits and health service system utilization and help seeking behavior. A convenience sample (n = 449 was obtained by the researcher from amongst women attending the breast clinics of two large urban hospitals within the Republic of Ireland. All participants had self-discovered breast symptoms and no previous history of breast cancer. The study identified that while the majority of women (69.9%; n=314) sought help within one month, 30.1% (n=135) delayed help seeking for more than one month following self discovery of their breast symptom. The factors most significantly associated with HSB were the presenting symptom of ‘nipple indrawn/changes’ (p = 0.005), ‘ignoring the symptom and hoping it would go away’ (p < 0.001), the emotional response of being ‘afraid@ on symptom discovery (p = 0.005) and the perception/belief in longer symptom duration (p = 0.023). It was found that women who presented with an indrawn/changed nipple were more likely to delay (OR = 4.81) as were women who ‘ignored the symptoms and hoped it would go away’ (OR = 10.717). Additionally, the longer women perceived that their symptom would last, they more likely they were to delay (OR = 1.18). Conversely, being afraid following symptom discovery was associated with less delay (OR = 0.37; p=0.005). This study provides further insight into the HSB of women who self discovered breast symptoms. It highlights the complexity of the help seeking process, indicating that is not a linear event but is influenced by multiple factors which can have a significant impact on the outcomes in terms of whether women delay or seek help promptly. The study further demonstrates that delayed HSB persists amongst women with self discovered breast symptoms. This has important implications for continued emphasis on the promotion of breast awareness, prompt help seeking for self discovered breast symptoms and early detection and treatment of breast cancer, amongst women of all ages.


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PURPOSE: To compare the efficacy of paclitaxel versus doxorubicin given as single agents in first-line therapy of advanced breast cancer (primary end point, progression-free survival ¿PFS) and to explore the degree of cross-resistance between the two agents. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three hundred thirty-one patients were randomized to receive either paclitaxel 200 mg/m(2), 3-hour infusion every 3 weeks, or doxorubicin 75 mg/m(2), intravenous bolus every 3 weeks. Seven courses were planned unless progression or unacceptable toxicity occurred before the seven courses were finished. Patients who progressed within the seven courses underwent early cross-over to the alternative drug, while a delayed cross-over was optional for the remainder of patients at the time of disease progression. RESULTS: Objective response in first-line therapy was significantly better (P =.003) for doxorubicin (response rate ¿RR, 41%) than for paclitaxel (RR, 25%), with doxorubicin achieving a longer median PFS (7.5 months for doxorubicin v 3.9 months for paclitaxel, P <.001). In second-line therapy, cross-over to doxorubicin (91 patients) and to paclitaxel (77 patients) gave response rates of 30% and 16%, respectively. The median survival durations of 18.3 months for doxorubicin and 15.6 months for paclitaxel were not significantly different (P =.38). The doxorubicin arm had greater toxicity, but this was counterbalanced by better symptom control. CONCLUSION: At the dosages and schedules used in the present study, doxorubicin achieves better disease and symptom control than paclitaxel in first-line treatment. Doxorubicin and paclitaxel are not totally cross-resistant, which supports further investigation of these drugs in combination or in sequence, both in advanced disease and in the adjuvant setting.


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The aim of this study was to determine the maximum tolerated dose (MTD), dose-limiting toxicities (DLT), and potential activity of combined gemcitabine and continuous infusion 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in metastatic breast cancer (MBC) patients that are resistant to anthracyclines or have been pretreated with both anthracyclines and taxanes. 15 patients with MBC were studied at three European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer centres. 13 patients had received both anthracylines and taxanes. Gemcitabine was given intravenously (i.v.) on days 1 and 8, and 5-FU as a continuous i.v. infusion on days 1 through to 14, both drugs given in a 21-day schedule at four different dose levels. Both were given at doses commonly used for the single agents for the last dose level (dose level 4). One of 6 patients at level 4 (gemcitabine 1200 mg/m2 and 5-FU 250 mg/m2/day) had a DLT, a grade 3 stomatitis and skin toxicity. One DLT, a grade 3 transaminase rise and thrombosis, occurred in a patient at level 2 (gemcitabine 1000 mg/m2 and 5-FU 200 mg/m2/day). Thus, the MTD was not reached. One partial response and four disease stabilisations were observed. Only 1 patient withdrew from the treatment due to toxicity. The MTD was not reached in the phase I study. The combination of gemcitabine and 5-FU is well tolerated at doses up to 1200 mg/m2 given on days 1 and 8 and 250 mg/m2/day given on days 1 through to 14, respectively, every 21 days. The clinical benefit rate (responses plus no change of at least 6 months) was 33% with one partial response, suggesting that MBC patients with prior anthracycline and taxane therapy may derive significant benefit from this combination with minimal toxicity.