1000 resultados para Brasil - História - 1923-1931
The study of the size and composition of the rural household in tradicional societies in transition to modern ones is very useful as a tool in order to understand forms and organizations of the domestic groups and their possibilities of survival, social mobility e developing strategies of material accumulation. The aim of this article is to compare the size and composition of the rural households in the frontier regions of the Americas: the northwest and southwest of U.S.A with the southwest of São Paulo province in Brazil. The findings are surprising in comparative perspective, as the mean size of the American households were very high in relation to the brazilian ones. The sources used in this research are the manuscript census of the U.S.A and Brazil.
Te authors intend to present the history o Brazilian education as an important
This article seeks to understand the production of the modern school in Brazil and Portugal at the turn of the 20th century. The analysis falls on the pedagogical knowledge constituted around school programs disseminated in pedagogical manuals at the Normal Schools in Brazil and Portugal. The study uses three teacher training manuals as source of information: Curso pratico de pedagogia destinado aos alunos-mestres das escholas normaes primarias e aos instituidores em exercício (1874), by Mr. Daligault; Elementos de Pedagogia para servirem de guia aos candidatos ao magistério primário (1870), by José Maria da Graça Affreixo and Henrique Freire; and Lições de metodologia (1920), by Bernardino da Fonseca Lage.
In the 1940’s and 1950’s the Brazilian government implemented various policies towards the development of rural education adopting innovative orientations experienced in other iberoamerican countries. This article covers a study on the circulation and appropriation of education models seeking to apprehend the implications of the comparative operations by questioning the national processes in their interrelationship with much more ample phenomena of internationalization and globalization. The article uses as source of analysis the document entitled “Rural Education in Mexico” elaborated by Manoel Bergstrom Lourenço Filho, in 1951, and later published in a Brazilian Magazine of Pedagogical Studies, in 1952. The article discusses the narrative construction of this report and the comparing operations which Lourenço Filho has undertook presenting the Mexican education as a model.
Na presente publicação apresenta-se análises de um conjunto de manuais escolares que circularam na Escola Normal brasileira e portuguesa entre meados do século XIX e meados do século XX a partir de diferentes olhares, reeditando em outra chave o processo original de circulação de ideias entre Brasil e Portugal no qual esses materiais se inserem. Orientados por outros estudos que tratam do mesmo tema, os autores realizaram recolha nos dois países a fim de comprovar a circulação do corpus empírico que, ao final, foi definido como fonte. Assim, chegou-se ao seguinte conjunto de manuais didáticos: Elementos de Pedagogia de Affreixo & Freire (1870); Curso Prático de Pedagogia Destinado aos Alunos-Mestres das Escolas Normaes Primarias e aos Instituidores em Exercício de Daligault (1874); Lições de Pedagogia Geral e de História da Educação de Pimentel Filho (1875); Lições de Pedologia e Pedagogia Experimental de Faria de Vasconcelos (1910); Lições de Metodologia, de Fonseca Lage (1920); A arte da leitura, de Mário Gonçalves Viana (1949) e Lições de Pedagogia, de Aquiles Archêro Junior (1955). Os pesquisadores utilizam diferentes lentes para tecer suas análises e, cada um segundo sua especialidade de pesquisa, aprofunda aspectos que, juntos, compõem um painel interpretativo sobre o processo de escolarização e seus espaços, a normatização do trabalho docente, os princípios que nortearam a seleção cultural para a escola primária, a constituição de modos e métodos de ensino para realizar os objetivos educacionais e a especificidade que assumem os materiais e o ensino da leitura e da escrita nessa instituição. Todas as análises reiteram a importância dos impressos na consolidação da escola primária portuguesa e brasileira, notadamente no que se refere às prescrições feitas nos manuais escolares que, em trânsito, configuram-se como palavras viajeiras.
Considering the meantime of Brazilian crisis of State and redemocratization, this article looks for a description and analysis of the facts and circumstances that marked the undergraduate education of Brazilian public administration during this period, considered by the authors as one of the cycles (or stages of construction) of academic education. Methodologically, this article makes a review of academic and non-academic works which deal directly and indirectly the PA themes, including revisiting the sources and analyzing the existing laws and opinions about the undergraduate education in public administration in a continuum of time between 1983-94, through a semi-structured interview with academics who have experienced such period. Regarding the results, this article observes that the period between 1983-94, unlike the first cycle (1952-65) and second cycle (1966-82), when the academic background in public administration had an identity - adherent to the conception (and project) of State and the contours (and production) in the public administration field of knowledge - having the Ebap/FGV a model case, was a problematic stage of construction, reflecting the crisis of State in the 80's years and also the paradigmatic crisis (or discontinuity) in public administration field of knowledge in Brazil during this time.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Based on the relationship between the concept of Historical Consciousness, as Jörn Rüsen and Reinhart Koselleck proposed, and the concept of Historical Explanation, proposed by Isabel Barca, the article presents an analytical course that allows you to check levels of explanation in historical narratives produced by students Brazilian and Portuguese from the interpretation of sources related to a historical fact: the transfer of the Portuguese royal family to Brazil (1808).
Examination of methodological approaches and work possibilities for historians in the research and teaching of history of environment, its themes and potential objects of studies. The attention to books and articles helps on this balance and on the identification of future routes for the Environmental History in Brazil. This historiographical practice has been keeping, among us, a salutary opening for the dialogue with the foreign historiography, with an increasing valorization of the research in Latin America and with social science and natural subjects. The incipient Foreign Exchange Program suggests the tasks and the success found by this approach will be result of the interaction between researchers, projects in group, circulation of publications and institution strengthening of the historical knowledge in the beginning of the century.
In 1954, it was celebrated the centenary of railways in Brazil. The date refers to the first section of 14.5 km of railway in Brazil (30/04/1854), in Rio de Janeiro, between Mauá and Fragoso, of the Petropolis Railway Company (Estrada de Ferro Petrópolis). Some of the texts and commemorative events indicated the symbolic values that the railroad took in the Brazilian history. Firstly, on 30.04.1954, the railway section Mauá-Fragoso and steam locomotive “Baroness” (the first used on the track) were declared national monuments(Decree No. 35,447-A, April 30, 1954). Secondly, some entities (Clube de Engenharia, Conselho Nacional de Geografia, Ministério da Viação e Obras Públicas) highlighted the importance of celebrating the Brazilian railway history and its historical significance, economic and geographical. For this, some events was occurred (the commemoration of one hundred years in Rio de Janeiro and Recife on 30.04.1954). Among the texts wrought produced, we highlight the text I Centenary of Brazilian Railroad (1954), released by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística), and the National Council of Geography (Conselho Nacional de Geografia). The emphasis given to the railway refersto the geographical perspective (territorial expansion), but also makes mention of the Barãode Mauá, the founder of Petropolis Railway Company. We aim to understand the celebration from evocations about the Brazilian railroad history and some ideas that is assigned to the railway (and the Barãode Mauá), and railway heritage (the track and the locomotive “Baroneza”). On basis of this review will seek to understand how it was reconceived the railroad memory in view of these values and material elements.
In the last two or three decades has become common the debate on the harmful effects produced by trade and use of illicit substances in Brazil. The "drug problem" as it became known worldwide in official and media discourses, has become, if not the only, at least the most important determinant of a series of social ills that affect both the rich countries (classified as consumers), and the poor countries (the producers and exporters of these "evil substances"). This situation that today is extremely pernicious, may be better understood through some elements of the story of its constitution. In this sense, we draw a succinct history of drug prohibition worldwide and we use the Foucauldian concept of biopower and the concept of “death policy” designed by André Saldanha Costa to comment briefly on the "drug problem" in Brazil. In this initial approach, we can affirm the importance of these two concepts for the understanding of the “depoliticized life" of drug traffickers as well as the governmental policies, both legal and health focused on this issue.
In this article we draw attention to the fact that the documentation relating to the decision to colonize Brazil, as well as the early stages of colonization, comprising two interpretations about the reasons to occupy, populate and organize the production on American soil. The Brazilian historiography joined the explanation of that pressure from European nations led to the Portuguese crown decided on an occupation more effectively. But without ignoring this reason, the documentation allows to take into account their own historical circumstances created by the development of trade. These are essential conditions for the emergence and effectiveness of the proposal to colonize Brazil. Thus, when considering only the pressure of European nations the Brazilian historiography remained on the surface of events. It’s necessary to take into account the documentation on what it allows to grasp the colonial process as a historical phenomenon and not just as an act of will.
In this article, we examine the procedure of Brazilian historiography about the debate between Caio Prado Jr. and the Brazilian Communist Party, especially with regard to the relationships of feudal or semi-feudal nature. The historiography put them on opposite sides, considering the intellectual from Sao Paulo from a positive outlook, while the Communist Party is considered from a negative one. However, although distinct, their interpretations of the history of the Brazil make them close in regards to the question of socialism, in that they postpone it to the remote future. Thus, by adopting the procedure of the opposition between both, the historiography fails to consider what really distinguished them.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)