984 resultados para Braille characters


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The collection of blue green algae kept at the herbarium of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya, was collected by Ferguson more than 70 years ago. Since then many changes have taken place in the taxonomy of the blue green algae. West (1902), Lemmermann (1907), Wine (1915), Crow (1923), Bharadwaja (1934) and Holsinger (1935) had described some of the blue green algae of Ceylon. While examining the collections of blue green algae kept at the herbarium, the authors found that most of the identifications were incorrect and required revision. In the present paper 20 blue green algae are described. The classification and key to the species are based on the characters given by Desikachary (1959). Blue green algae are important to fisheries since Chanos larvae feed on them.


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The Trichoptera collected in Sri Lanka by the Austrian Indo-Pacific expedition in autumn and winter 1970 (larvae and adults) are evaluated systematically and ecologically. The following new species are described: Pseudoneureclipsis starmuehlneri, P. maliboda (Polycentropodidae), Oecetis belihuloya (Leptoceridae), and Helcopsyche sri lanka (Helicopsychidae). Helicopsyche ceylanica Brauer 1866 is re-described. Several types of larvae and cases of Hydropsyche (Hydropsychidae), Ceylanopsyche (Sericostomatidae) and Helicopsyche are described or at least roughly characterised. According to the larval characters the genus Ceylanopsyche seems to belong to Sericostomatidae s. str.


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A preliminary taxonomic study of the local cephalopods has been undertaken. 8 spp have been identified, and a key to the Sepioidea and Teuthoidea of the Ceylon seas is presented. The spp identified are described and illustrated, with notes on distinctive characters, and on distribution


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Coilia dussumieri Valenciennes, 1848 a component of 'dol' net fishery forms an important pelagic resource along northwest coast of India. The present communication deals with morphometry and length-weight relationship of this species along Mumbai coast. Morphometric study showed a positive correlation among the compared characters. The length-weight relationship for the species from Mumbai coast was found to be W=0.017L super(2.4223).


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With complete sets of chromosome-specific painting probes derived from flow-sorted chromosomes of human and grey squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), the whole genome homologies between human and representatives of tree squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis, Callosciurus erythraeus), flying squirrels (Petaurista albiventer) and chipmunks (Tamias sibiricus) have been defined by cross-species chromosome painting. The results show that, unlike the highly rearranged karyotypes of mouse and rat, the karyotypes of squirrels are highly conserved. Two methods have been used to reconstruct the genome phylogeny of squirrels with the laboratory rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) as the out-group: ( 1) phylogenetic analysis by parsimony using chromosomal characters identified by comparative cytogenetic approaches; ( 2) mapping the genome rearrangements onto recently published sequence-based molecular trees. Our chromosome painting results, in combination with molecular data, show that flying squirrels are phylogenetically close to New World tree squirrels. Chromosome painting and G-banding comparisons place chipmunks ( Tamias sibiricus), with a derived karyotype, outside the clade comprising tree and flying squirrels. The superorder Glires (order Rodentia + order Lagomorpha) is firmly supported by two conserved syntenic associations between human chromosomes 1 and 10p homologues, and between 9 and 11 homologues.


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Restriction maps of rDNA repeats of five species of Colobinae and three outgroup taxa, Hylobates leucogenys, Macaca mulatta, and Macaca irus, were constructed using 15 restriction endonucleases and cloned 18S and 28S rRNA gene probes. The site variation between Rhinopithecus roxellana and Rhinopithecus bieti is comparable to that between Presbytis francoisi and Presbytis phayrei, implying that R. bieti is a valid species rather than a subspecies of R. roxellana. Phylogenetic analysis on the 47 informative sites supports the case for Rhinopithecus being an independent genus and closely related to Presbytis. Furthermore, branch lengths of the tree seem to support the hypothesis that the leaf monkeys share some ancestral traits as well as some automorphic characters.


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The chicken is the most extensively studied species in birds and thus constitutes an ideal reference for comparative genomics in birds. Comparative cytogenetic studies indicate that the chicken has retained many chromosome characters of the ancestral avia


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The difference in cognitive skills between humans and nonhuman primates is one of the major characters that define our own species. It was previously hypothesized that this divergence might be attributable to genetic differences at gene expression level,


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Seventeen morphometric characters of Sepia aculeata of Mumbai coast have been studied and the relationships of morphometric characters with dorsal mantle length (DML) were established. The characters compared showed a fair to high degree of correlation ('r' 0.63-0.99). Number of arm suckers and shell rings were related with DML. The shell rings also showed high degree of correlation with DML ('r' 0.79-0.95). However, the relationship between arm suckers and DML was not so good ('r' 0.1-0.4). The length-weight relationship is described as W=0.1821336 L sub(2.801102). Food and feeding analysis confirm the carnivorous feeding behaviour of the species. Mature females found in all months indicate that it has prolonged spawning season with two peaks, september and march-april. Absolute fecundity ranged from 214 to 4143 eggs.


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Genetic and morphological characters of four hatchery population (Shambhuganj, Brahmaputra, Anudan and Bhai-Bhai) of Thai pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmus in Mymensingh region of Bangladesh was studied using morphological characters and allozyme markers from 29 November 2001 to 29 November 2002. A total of 14 morphometric and 6 meristic characters were verified, among which 3 morphometric (BDA, PELFL and HW) and 2 meristic characters (AFR, CFR) of Anudan hatchery population were found to be significantly higher (p>0.001) than those of the other three hatchery populations. Brahmaputra hatchery population was also significantly higher in two meristic characters (PCFR and CFR). For allozyme electrophoresis nine enzyme markers were used viz.: Esr-1*, G3pdh-2*, Gpi-1*, Gpi-2*, Ldh-1*, Ldh-2*, Mdh-1*, Mdh-2* and Pgm* where three loci (Esr-1*, Gpi-2* and Pgm*) were polymorphic (p>0.95) in Anudan and Brahmaputra hatchery populations. The mean proportion of polymorphic loci per population was higher (33.3%) in Brahmaputra and Anudan hatchery populations. Also the expected heterozygosity levels were 0.149 and 0.177 in Brahmaputra and Anudan hatchery populations, respectively. Based on Nei's (1972) genetic distances, the UPGMA dendrogram grouped the populations into two clusters. The Brahmaputra and Anudan populations are in one group; Shambhuganj, and Bhai-Bhai populations are in the second group. High genetic variation in Thai pangas was observed in the Brahmaputra and Anudan hatchery populations and less variation in the other two hatchery populations.


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Pathogenicity of Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria was tested on the stinging catfish Heteropneustes fossilis. Before artificial infection the morphological, biochemical and physiological characters of Aeromonas hydrophila were studied. The infections were done by two different methods, viz., intramuscular (IM) and intraperitoneal (IP) injection. In infection experiment, each group of 10 fish were injected either intramuscularly or intra peritoneally with one dose higher than the LD50 dose (9.6 x 107 CFU/fish). All the fish tested died within 1 to 9 days. Both in cases of intramuscular and intraperitoneal injection, external pathology were found. Haemorrhagic lesions were evident at the site of injection. The posterior end of the body surface was found to develop greyish-white lesion that was extended up to caudal fin. Hyperemic anal region and the fin bases were also observed. Total bacterial loads in liver, kidney and intestine were determined. Aeromonas hydrophila could be isolated from liver, kidney and intestine of the experimentally infected fish. In case of intramuscular injection the highest and the lowest bacterial load was found to be 2.4 x 107 CFU/g of liver and 2.1 x 102 CFU/g of kidney and in case of intraperitoneal injection they were found to be 3.6 x 106 CFU/g of kidney and 1.2 x 104 CFU/g of kidney respectively. It was concluded that A. hydrophila could cause serious disease condition to Heteropneustes fossilis and its pathogenesis in the fish was also very efficient.


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Climbing perch locally known as koi (Anabas testudineus) is a popular food fish in our country. Thai climbing perch was introduced in Bangladesh from Thailand. To explore the variation in growth performance and orphological features of local and Thai climbing perch a study was undertaken. The highest gain in length, weight and SGR were found in Thai koi 12.23±0.38 cm, 55.83±0.53 g and 7.92±0.11 %/day respectively. Fourteen morphometric characters were studied where eleven (TL, SL, HL, HBD, LBD, DFL, PECFL, PELFL, AFL, UJL and LJL) showed significant difference (p<0.01) in Thai koi from the local ones. Of the meristic characters no. of dorsal fin rays (hard), anal fin rays (hard), caudal fin rays and scale along lateral line (upper and lower) as recorded from the Thai koi were significantly higher (p<0.01) than that of the local koi. The no. of dorsal fin rays (soft) in Thai koi were also significantly higher (p<0.05) from that of local koi. The number of vertebra were also variable in local and Thai climbing perch (25 in case of local koi and 26 in case of Thai koi). Hence, the results obtained form the present study satisfy the characteristics of A. testudineus which reveals that both the local and Thai koi belongs to the same species. Growth performance of Thai koi was better compared to local koi reared in same conditions.


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An elaborate study was made on the qualitative and quantitative seasonal variations in the bacterial flora of fresh oil sardines and their biochemical reactions. It was observed that the total bacterial loads and their phosphorescent and biochemical characters were influenced by changes in seasons. During monsoon season total bacterial count was high. Mesophiles predominated during summer, but phosphorescent bacteria were less. Winter favoured the selection of biochemically less active groups of bacteria.


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The phylogeny of Chinese leaf monkeys, especially the snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus), has not been thoroughly investigated using molecular sequence data, perhaps due to their rarity in the wild and their poor representation in institutional collections. Despite several proposed classifications, systematic relationships of these species remain poorly defined and this has hindered their conservation. To clarify the phylogenetic relationships of the leaf monkey clade in China, we sequenced the mitochondrial ND3, ND4L, ND4, tRNA(Arg), tRNA(His), tRNA(Ser), and tRNA(Leu) genes for Rhinopithecus bieti, R. roxellana, Trachypithecus francoisi, T. f. leucocephalus, and T. phayrei as well as Pygathrix nemaeus and Colobus guereza. We included a rotal of 2252 characters for each individual, excluding gaps in primary sequences. Our interpretation of the results from character- and distance-based phylogenetic analyses suggest that (1) Pygathrix nemaeus is sister to Rhinopithecus rather than to Trachypithecus though it is quite divergent from the former; (2) the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus bieti, represents a valid species; (3) the white-headed leaf monkey is not a distinct species, but instead is a subspecies of Trachypithecus francoisi (T. f. leucocephalus), though it should still be considered a separate evolutionarily significant unit (ESU); and (4) because two individuals of the Phayrei's leaf monkey, T. phayrei, are genetically distinct from one another, a more extensive revision of the taxonomy of this putative species in China is needed. These results, plus ongoing work on the molecular systematics of the entire Asian leaf monkey radiation, can provide a sound basis for identifying the appropriate units of conservation for this endangered group of primates.


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We describe a new species of salamander, Paramesotriton zhijinensis, from Guizhou Province, China. The generic allocation of the new species is based on morphological and molecular characters. In morphology, it is most similar to Paramesotriton chinensis