957 resultados para Boyd, Andrew Kennedy Hutchison, 1825-1899.
Published copy of the 1807 College Laws with the admittatur of undergraduate Andrew O. Waterhouse signed by President Samuel Webber on September 24, 1806.
A handwritten list of the conference subjects delivered on Commencement and Exhibition Days between 1821 and 1825.
A handwritten list of disputations delivered on Commencement and Exhibition Days between 1820 and 1825 and a two-page list of "Philosophical disputations, deliberative discussions, &c." delivered between 1812 and 1820.
A handwritten list of the subjects of "Dissertations &c." delivered on Commencement and Exhibition Days in 1823 and 1824, and the titles of "Additional Diss. &c." delivered in 1811.
A handwritten list of the Latin oration subjects delivered on Commencement and Exhibition Days between 1811 and 1825.
Handwritten draft of an exhibition program with the names of the student orators from the Harvard Classes of 1825 and 1826.
In this deposition, Eliot describes Prince's anger at John Winthrop's selection as Hollis Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, which he believed was done "to vex and torture" him. Eliot claims that Prince said: "they have chosen that Boy Winthrop professor, I could teach him his A. B. C. in the Mathematicks, they want to get me away from College."