954 resultados para Beet sugar
A population-based case-control design was used to investigate the association between migration, urbanisation and schistosomiasis in the Metropolitan Region of Recife, Northeast of Brazil. 1022 cases and 994 controls, aged 10 to 25, were selected. The natives and the migrants who come from endemic areas have a similar risk of infection. On the other hand, the risk of infection of migrants from nonendemic areas seems to be related with the time elapsed since their arrival in São Lourenço da Mata; those who have been living in that urban area for 5 or more years have a risk of infection similar to that of the natives. Those arriving in the metropolitan region of Recife mostly emigrate from "zona da mata" and "zona do agreste" in the state of Pernambuco. Due to the changes in the sugar agro-industry and to the increase in the area used for cattle grazing these workers were driven to villages and cities. The pattern of urbanisation created the conditions for the establishment of foci of transmission in São Lourenço da Mata.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry, Plant Physiology
This work aims to evaluate the impact of drug treatment on infection by Ascaris lumbricoides (Al), Trichuris trichiura (Tt) and hookworms (Hook) in a rural community from the sugar-cane zone of Pernambuco, Brazil. Four parasitological surveys were carried out from March 2001 to March 2002. Individual diagnosis was based on eight slides (four by the Kato-Katz method and four by the Hoffman method) per survey. Infected subjects were assigned to two groups for treatment with either albendazole (n = 62) or mebendazole (n = 57). Prevalence of infection fell significantly (p < 0.05) one month after treatment: Al (from 47.7% to 6.6%); Tt (from 45.7% to 31.8%) and Hook (from 47.7% to 24.5%). One year after treatment, infections by Tt and Hook remained significantly below pre-control levels. A substantial decrease in single-infection cases and multiple infections was found. Egg-negative rate was significant for Al (94.0%), Hook (68.3%) but not for Tt (45.5%), and did not differ significantly between subjects treated with mebendazole or albendazole. Egg counts fell significantly in the individuals remaining positive for Tt. It is recommended that antihelminthic treatment should be selective and given at yearly intervals preferably with albendazole, due to its cost-effectiveness.
To compare two yeast identification methods, i. e, the manual and the VITEK mechanical methods, 62 clinical samples from hemocultures and animal sources were analyzed. After identification as Candida yeasts by the VITEK method, the strains were recharacterized using manual assimilation methods and sugar fermentation tests. Our findings reveal 58% concurrent identification between the two methods for animal strains, and 51% for human hemoculture strains.
Salivary gland proteins of the human malaria vector, Anopheles dirus B were determined and analyzed. The amount of salivary gland proteins in mosquitoes aged between 3 - 10 days was approximately 1.08 ± 0.04 µg/female and 0.1 ± 0.05 µg/male. The salivary glands of both sexes displayed the same morphological organization as that of other anopheline mosquitoes. In females, apyrase accumulated in the distal regions, whereas alpha-glucosidase was found in the proximal region of the lateral lobes. This differential distribution of the analyzed enzymes reflects specialization of different regions for sugar and blood feeding. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that at least seven major proteins were found in the female salivary glands, of which each morphological region contained different major proteins. Similar electrophoretic protein profiles were detected comparing unfed and blood-fed mosquitoes, suggesting that there is no specific protein induced by blood. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel analysis showed the most abundant salivary gland protein, with a molecular mass of approximately 35 kilodaltons and an isoelectric point of approximately 4.0. These results provide basic information that would lead to further study on the role of salivary proteins of An. dirus B in disease transmission and hematophagy.
We detected Toxoplasma gondii oocysts in feces of experimentally infected cats, using a Kato Katz approach with subsequent Kinyoun staining. Animals serologically negative to T. gondii were infected orally with 5x10² mice brain cysts of ME49 strain. Feces were collected daily from the 3rd to the 30th day after challenge. Oocysts were detected by qualitative sugar flotation and the quantitative modified Kato Katz stained by Kinyoun (KKK). In the experimentally infected cats, oocysts were detected from the 7th to 15th day through sugar flotation technique, but oocysts were found in KKK from the 6th to 16th day, being sensitive for a larger period, with permanent documentation. The peak of oocysts excretion occurred between the 8th to 11th days after challenge, before any serological positive result. KKK could be used in the screening and quantification of oocysts excretion in feces of suspected animals, with reduced handling of infective material, decreasing the possibility of environmental and operator contamination.
This article studies the intercultural trajectory of a Portuguese female aristocrat of the eighteenth to nineteenth centuries. Her trajectory of intercultural transition from a Portuguese provincial lady into an independent owner of a sugar mill in tropical Bahia is documented through family letters, which provide a polyphonic representation of a movement of personal, family, and social transculturation over almost two decades. Maria Bárbara began her journey between cultures as a simple spectator-reader, progressively becoming a commentator-actor-protagonist-author in society, in politics, and in history. These letters function as a translation that is sometimes consecutive, other times simultaneous, of the events lived and witnessed. This concept of intercultural translation is based on the theories of Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2006, 2008), who argues that cultural differences imply that any comparison has to be made using procedures of proportion and correspondence which, taken as a whole, constitute the work of translation itself. These procedures construct approximations of the known to the unknown, of the strange to the familiar, of the ‘other’ to the ‘self’, categories which are always unstable. Likewise, this essay explores the unstable contexts of its object of study, with the purpose of understanding different rationalities and worldviews.
This research aimed to describe the frequency of parasites in stool samples in the environment of Ilha da Marambaia, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. One hundred and five stool samples were collected and processed by the coproparasitological techniques ethyl acetate sedimentation and centrifuge-flotation using saturated sugar solution. Parasites were detected in 81.9% of the samples, hookworm being the most prevalent, followed by Trichuris vulpis. Ascaris sp. eggs were also found. A high level of evolutive forms of parasites with public health risk was found in stool samples of the environment studied. We propose that health education programs, allied to an improvement of human and animal health care, must be employed to reduce the environmental contamination.
Nos últimos anos, a utilização dos materiais compósitos tem vindo a tornar-se cada vez mais comum em várias indústrias, onde se verifica uma ascensão na procura pelos mesmos. Características como o baixo peso aliado à sua alta resistência e rigidez permitem que estes materiais possuam diversas aplicações em variadas áreas, desde a medicina, aeronáutica, indústria automóvel e aeroespacial, até à indústria eletrónica. Hoje em dia, o uso de desperdícios sólidos de borracha e fibras naturais na produção de materiais compósitos é, mais que uma opção, uma necessidade ambiental. De forma a reduzir as enormes quantidades de desperdícios, foi criado um material compósito constituído por uma resina termoendurecível reforçada com esses dois tipos de desperdícios. Parâmetros de fabrico como a percentagem de borracha, o tamanho das partículas de borracha, a percentagem de fibras de cana-de-açúcar e o comprimento dessas fibras foram variados, com o objetivo de estudar a influência destes dois materiais nas propriedades mecânicas do compósito. Apesar da maior parte dos compósitos serem fabricados na forma de uma peça funcional quase pronta a ser utilizada, por vezes é necessário recorrer à maquinação de furos. Apesar das muitas técnicas de furação existentes, os defeitos resultantes deste processo aplicado aos materiais compósitos são ainda muito comuns. Desses defeitos o que mais se destaca é sem dúvida a delaminação. Trinta e seis provetes de epóxido reforçado com borracha e fibra de cana-de-açúcar foram fabricados e furados, de modo a possibilitar o estudo das propriedades mecânicas do material compósito, assim como a análise da zona danificada durante a furação. Diferentes condições de furação, como tipos de broca e velocidades de avanço diferentes, foram impostas aos provetes de forma a variar o mais possível a zona de dano de uns furos para os outros. Parâmetros como a área de dano ou ainda o fator de delaminação provam ser muito úteis na caracterização e quantificação do dano na zona periférica de um furo. Recorrendo a técnicas de processamento de imagem foi possível obter esses parâmetros. O processamento e análise de imagem pode ser feito através de vários métodos. O método utilizado neste trabalho foi o software MATLAB® associado a ferramentas de processamento de imagem. Depois de feita a análise dos furos foram realizados ensaios de esmagamento a todos os provetes. Este passo permitiu assim avaliar de que forma os parâmetros de furação influenciam a resistência mecânica do material, e se a avaliação realizada aos furos é um método viável para a avaliação da extensão de dano nesses furos.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry
Reducing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels using statins is associated with significant reductions in cardiovascular (CV) events in a wide range of patient populations. Although statins are generally considered to be safe, recent studies suggest they are associated with an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes (T2D). This led the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to change their labelling requirements for statins to include a warning about the possibility of increased blood sugar and HbA1c levels and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to issue guidance on a small increased risk of T2D with the statin class. This review examines the evidence leading to these claims and provides practical guidance for primary care physicians on the use of statins in people with or at risk of developing T2D. Overall, evidence suggests that the benefits of statins for the reduction of CV risk far outweigh the risk of developing T2D, especially in individuals with higher CV risk. To reduce the risk of developing T2D, physicians should assess all patients for T2D risk prior to starting statin therapy, educate patients about their risks, and encourage risk-reduction through lifestyle changes. Whether some statins are more diabetogenic than others requires further study. Statin-treated patients at high risk of developing T2D should regularly be monitored for changes in blood glucose or HbA1c levels, and the risk of conversion from pre-diabetes to T2D should be reduced by intensifying lifestyle changes. Should a patient develop T2D during statin treatment, physicians should continue with statin therapy and manage T2D in accordance with relevant national guidelines.
Foram isoladas duas cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi de marsupiais de área não endêmica e três cepas de área endêmica: uma de homem, uma de marsupial e uma de cão. Foram utilizados para uma prova de suscetibilidade frente a estas cepas 20 ninfas de 5º estádio das seguintes espécies de triatomíneos e testada previamente a capacidade de sugar camundongos brancos em gramas de sangue: Triatoma brasiliensis sugou uma média de 0,09 g, Triatoma infestans sugou 0,13 g, Panstrongylus megistus sugou 0,13 g e Rhodnius prolixus sugou 0,09 g. O T. infestans infectou-se com as taxas mais elevadas com todas as cepas; o T. brasiliensis foi a espécie que menos infectou-se, sendo seguida de perto pelo R. prolixus o P. megistus foi testado somente com as cepas de área não endêmica, apresentando taxas de infecção intermediárias entre o T. infestans e o T. brasiliensis. As cepas que mais infectam são as de marsupiais e a que menos infecta é a proveniente de cão.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia