997 resultados para Bauhin, Caspar, 1560-1624.


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The "SESAME_IT2_ZooAbundance_0-50-100m_SZN" dataset contains data of mesozooplankton species composition and abundance (ind. m-3) from samples collected in the Ionian Sea in the late winter (2-8 March) of 2008 during the SESAME-WP2 cruise IT2. Samples were collected by vertical tows with a closing WP2 net (56 cm diameter, 200 ?m mesh size) in the following depth layers: 100-200 m, 50-100 m, 0-50 m. Sampling was always performed in light hours. A flowmeter was applied to the mouth of the net, however, due to its malfunctioning, the volume of filtered seawater was calculated by multiplying the the area by the height of the sampled layer from winch readings. After collection, each sample was split in two halves (1/2) after careful mixing with graduated beakers. Half sample was immediately fixed and preserved in a formaldehyde-seawater solution (4% final concentration) for species composition and abundance. The other half sample was kept fresh for biomass measurements (data already submitted to SESAME database in different files).Here, only the zooplankton abundance of samples in the upper layers 0-50 m and 50-100 m are presented. The abundance data of the samples in the layer 50-100 m will be submitted later in a separate file. The volume of filtered seawater was estimated by multiplying the the area by the height of the sampled layer from winch readings. Identification and counts of specimens were performed on aliquots (1/20-1/5) of the fixed sample or on the total sample (half of the original sample) by using a graduate large-bore pipette. Copepods were identified to the species level and separated into females, males and juveniles (copepodites). All other taxa were identified at the species level when possible, or at higher taxonomic levels. Taxonomic identification was done according to the most relevant and updated taxonomic literature. Total mesozooplankton abundance was computed as sum of all specific abundances determined as explained above.


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A high-resolution pollen record from Lake Teletskoye documents the climate-related vegetation history of the northern Altai Mountain region during the last millennium. Siberian pine taiga with Scots pine, fir, spruce, and birch dominated the vegetation between ca. AD 1050 and 1100. The climate was similar to modern. In the beginning of the 12th century, birch and shrub alder increased. Lowered pollen concentrations and simultaneous peaks in herbs (especially Artemisia and Poaceae), ferns, and charcoal fragments point to colder and more arid climate conditions than before, with frequent fire events. Around AD 1200, regional climate became warmer and more humid than present, as revealed by an increase of Siberian pine and decreases of dry herb taxa and charcoal contents. Climatic conditions were rather stable until ca. AD 1410. An increase of Artemisia pollen may reflect slightly drier climate conditions between AD 1410 and 1560. Increases in Alnus, Betula, Artemisia, and Chenopodiaceae pollen and in charcoal particle contents may reflect further deterioration of climate conditions between AD 1560 and 1810, consistent with the Little Ice Age. After AD 1850 the vegetation gradually approached the modern one, in conjunction with ongoing climate warming.


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El campo filosófico argentino tiende a profesionalizarse hacia fines de la década del diez, en un contexto de fuerte efervescencia intelectual ligado a las repercusiones de la Primera Guerra Mundial y el inicio de la Reforma Universitaria. El presente trabajo reconstruye la disputa, producida en esos años decisivos, entre quienes adhieren a una filosofía positivista y quienes se proponen introducir las nuevas corrientes antipositivistas, para luego concentrarse en el intento de la "reacción antipositivista" de establecer una formación filosófica que se preocupa fuertemente por las cuestiones estéticas y éticas, y trama una estrecha alianza con la literatura


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El temprano y perdurable interés de Samuel Beckett por las artes pictóricas es conocido y está documentado en sus biografías más exhaustivas. Se manifestó de diversas maneras: en la amistad personal de Beckett con distintos artistas, en sus ensayos sobre pintura y en sus asiduas y concienzudas visitas a galerías y museos. Tal interés surge del atractivo que tienen para Beckett las imágenes en sí: las de su infancia, acuñadas por su memoria, y las de la fe religiosa en la que fue criado, por ejemplo, establecieron una base sobre la cual las imágenes creadas por pintores a los que admiraba acumularon capas de sentidos emocionales y sensoriales para el joven Beckett, como un espejo que refleja aspectos del pasado. En cierto punto, no obstante, el proceso se invierte: el 'espejo' del arte se proyecta hacia el futuro, en la medida en que las creaciones de Beckett son inspiradas y están imbuidas por las imágenes de aquellos pintores. El mismo Beckett señaló la conexión entre algunas de sus obras y pinturas específicas que las habían inspirado. Este trabajo se refiere a la conexión explícita entre Esperando a Godot y la pintura "Dos hombres contemplando la luna", de Caspar David Friedrich, y a aquella entre Not I and "La decapitación de San Juan el bautista", de Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. Aunque no fue declarada por Beckett, se considera también la posible conexión entre Rockaby y pinturas tales como "Whistler's Mother", "La mecedora" de van Gogh o el "Retrato de Margaretha de Geer" de Rembrandt. Finalmente, se tendrá en cuenta la relación entre las posteriores piezas breves de Beckett y algunos aspectos de las artes pictóricas (reflejados en su manejo de la escenografía y el espacio escénico)