996 resultados para Bardouleau, Thomas James.


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The present study by the researcher focuses attention on the problem of performance effectiveness among managers operating in one of the critical and socially important sectors of our economy namely commercial banking. The banking sector is selected for the study due to two reasons. Firstly, commercial banking plays an important role in the country's development. Secondly, for improving the efficiency of the banking system, we need to know more about the performance dynamics of the executives in our banking organizations


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Isoscalar collective modes in a relativistic meson-nucleon system are investigated in the framework of the time-dependent Thomas-Fermi method. The energies of the collective modes are determined by solving consistently the dispersion relations and the boundary conditions. The energy weighted sum rule satisfied by the models considered allows the identification of the giant resonances. The percentage of the energy weighted sum rule exhausted by the collective modes is in agreement with experimental data, but the agreement with the energy of the modes depends on the model considered.


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In this paper we propose a generalization of the density functional theory. The theory leads to single-particle equations of motion with a quasilocal mean-field operator, which contains a quasiparticle position-dependent effective mass and a spin-orbit potential. The energy density functional is constructed using the extended Thomas-Fermi approximation and the ground-state properties of doubly magic nuclei are considered within the framework of this approach. Calculations were performed using the finite-range Gogny D1S forces and the results are compared with the exact Hartree-Fock calculations


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We discuss the possibility of identifying superheavy elements from the observation of their M-shell x-ray spectra, which might occur during the collision of a superheavy element with a heavy target. The same question is discussed for the possible observation of the x-rays from the quasimolecule (quasi-superheavy element) which is formed during such a heavy-ion collision. It is shown that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to determine any information about the interesting quantum electrodynamical effects from the M-shell x-ray spectra of these quasimolecules.


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The chemical elements up to Z = 172 are calculated with a relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater program taking into account the effect of the extended nucleus. Predictions of the binding energies, the X-ray spectra and the number of electrons inside the nuclei are given for the inner electron shells. The predicted chemical behaviour will be discussed for a11 elements between Z = 104-120 and compared with previous known extrapolations. For the elements Z = 121-172 predictions of their chemistry and a proposal for the continuation of the Periodic Table are given. The eighth chemical period ends with Z = 164 located below Mercury. The ninth period starts with an alkaline and alkaline earth metal and ends immediately similarly to the second and third period with a noble gas at Z = 172. Mit einem relativistischen Hartree-Fock-Slater Rechenprogramm werden die chemischen Elemente bis zur Ordnungszahl 172 berechnet, wobei der Einfluß des ausgedehnten Kernes berücksichtigt wurde. Für die innersten Elektronenschalen werden Voraussagen über deren Bindungsenergie, das Röntgenspektrum und die Zahl der Elektronen im Kern gemacht. Die voraussichtliche Chemie der Elemente zwischen Z = 104 und 120 wird diskutiert und mit bereits vorhandenen Extrapolationen verglichen. Für die Elemente Z = 121-172 wird eine Voraussage über das chemische Verhalten gegeben, sowie ein Vorschlag für die Fortsetzung des Periodensystems gemacht. Die achte chemische Periode endet mit dem Element 164 im Periodensystem unter Quecksilber gelegen. Die neunte Periode beginnt mit einem Alkali- und Erdalkalimetall und endet sofort wieder wie in der zweiten und dritten Periode mit einem Edelgas bei Z = 172.


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Atomic and ionic radii are presented for the elements E104-E120 and E156-E172. It is shown that a number of effects correlated with the large relativistic contraction of orbitals with low angular momentum leads to smaller atoms for higher atomic numbers. It is expected that Cs is the largest atom in nature.


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Using a phenomenological model, the influence of quantum electrodynamical effects on the prediction of the chemical behavior of superheavy elements within a relativistic Dirac-Slater calculation was investigated. This influence will be small and nondetectable for elements up to Z = 114. For elements near Z = 164 some changes in the ground state configurations occur but the chemical behavior will not change. Using this heuristic model, it is also possible to calculate elements beyond Z = 175. As an example we have chosen element E184 and are now able to make more valid speculations about the chemical behavior of the element than Penneman and co-workers could.


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The approximations normally used in the calculation of the isomer shift are compared with the exact expressions using Dirac-Slater orbitals and a three-parameter Fermi-type nuclear charge distribution. The nonuniformity of the electronic density over the nuclear volume affects the results. Different choices of the nuclear surface thickness t and the radius c in the protonic density P_N (\gamma) also affects the isomer shift differently even though the values are chosen to yield a given value of \delta . The change in the electronic charge density which is caused by the alteration of P_N (\gamma) in the ground state and excited state of the nucleus is discussed using two extrememodels and the possible influence on the observable isomer shift is estimated.


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The extension of the Periodic Table into the range of unknown atomic numbers of above one hundred requires relativistic calculations. The results of the latter are used to indicate probable values for X-ray transition lines which will be useful for identification of the atomic species formed during collision between accelerated ions and the target. If the half-lives of the isotopes are long, then the chemistry of these new species becomes an important question which is reviewed for E110, E 111 and E112. The possible structural chemistry of the elements E108 to E112 is suggested. Finally the effects of solvation on ions of the actinide and superheavy elements have been studied.


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The comparison between the experimental binding energies for the K, L, and M electrons for fermium and the results of our Dirac-Fock calculation, taking into account all tractable corrections, leads to agreement within about 20 eV. This shows that the present method of calculation is an adequate description of this problem and that nonlinear electrodynamical effects will not be present in nature or will be smaller than 1% compared to the values recently proposed. It is found that the energies of electronic transitions can now be used to estimate the nuclear radius.


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The Lean Aircraft Initiative began in the summer of 1992 as a “quick look” into the feasibility of applying manufacturing principles that had been pioneered in the automobile industry, most notably the Toyota Production System, to the U.S. defense aircraft industry. Once it was established that “lean principles” (the term coined to describe the new paradigm in automobile manufacturing) were indeed applicable to aircraft manufacturing as well, the Initiative was broadened to include other segments of the defense aerospace industry. These consisted of electronics/avionics, engines, electro-mechanical systems, missiles, and space systems manufacturers. In early 1993, a formal framework was established in which 21 defense firms and the Air Force formed a consortium to support and participate in the Initiative at M.I.T.


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Hannah Arendt esboza una fuerte crítica a las teorías políticas modernas y a la inclusión de la economía en los asuntos del Estado con el surgimiento de la economía política. Según ella, en esta línea del pensamiento moderno se encuentran las razones que explican la crisis actual de lo político; crisis representada en el surgimiento de los totalitarismos del siglo XX y en la actual indiferencia política de las masas. Este texto expondrá los argumentos por los cuales se puede afirmar que la crítica de Hannah Arendt se refiere al pensamiento contractualista, tomando como modelo a Thomas Hobbes y John Locke, para replantear el concepto de libertad moderno, y con éste los conceptos de poder y autoridad. Replanteamiento en el que se encontrará una respuesta teórica frente a la pregunta por el verdadero sentido de lo político en su tesis de la acción. De igual forma, se expondrá el pensamiento de James Buchanan como un contraejemplo a lo que Arendt esboza como sentido de lo político y la libertad con la que los hombres entran a participar de la comunidad política.