966 resultados para Banks and banking, Central


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We undertook a quantitative study of Thecosomata shells (pelagic gastropods) and their remains in Quaternary foraminiferal oozes deposited on the tilted calcareous platform of the Bougainville Guyot (Hole 831 A), and in the late Quaternary volcanic siltstones, claystones and sandy interbeds on the upper forearc slope of the central New Hebrides Island Arc (Hole 830A). The distribution of the species is based on the identification of adult shells, juvenile stages, protoconchs, and characteristic shell fragments. By studying thecosomatous shells using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), we were able to specify the fine microstructure of the coiled Limacina inflata and compare it with the rod-type crossed-lamellar structure of some other Limacina species, as well as with the helical structure of the Cavoliniidae.


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In view of the drastic growth in the Canadian Inuit population, the rising costs of living, the missing job and income alternatives and the high unemployment rate in the arctic, efforts are being made to make use of the muskox populations in order to provide additional sources of food and/or revenue. The present paper attempts to review the course of muskox utilization in the Canadian Arctic and to tentatively assess its present as weIl as its future economic importance. Starting with the pre-European status of muskoxen in Canada, the drastic reduction in numbers resulting from the combined efforts of hide traders, whalers and expedition parties in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the impact of the legal protection and the recovery since 1917 are being described. Establishing muskox farms with semi-domesticated herds failed in Canada in the 1970's. Since 1969, though, increasing numbers of animals have been allotted to many Inuit communities, and despite the fact that most of the animals were primarily used for subsistence purposes, some communities could reserve part of their quotas for trophy (sport) hunters. While controlled sustainable subsistence and trophy hunts may eventually be carried out over the whole muskox range, including recently colonized northern Quebec, commercial harvesting for meat, hides and wool, introduced in 1981, will at least for some time be restricted to Banks and Victoria islands which at present show 78 % of the Canadian muskox population and 94 % of the overall quota.


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Response of phytoplankton to increasing CO2 in seawater in terms of physiology and ecology is key to predicting changes in marine ecosystems. However, responses of natural plankton communities especially in the open ocean to higher CO2 levels have not been fully examined. We conducted CO2 manipulation experiments in the Bering Sea and the central subarctic Pacific, known as high nutrient and low chlorophyll regions, in summer 2007 to investigate the response of organic matter production in iron-deficient plankton communities to CO2 increases. During the 14-day incubations of surface waters with natural plankton assemblages in microcosms under multiple pCO2 levels, the dynamics of particulate organic carbon (POC) and nitrogen (PN), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and phosphorus (DOP) were examined with the plankton community compositions. In the Bering site, net production of POC, PN, and DOP relative to net chlorophyll-a production decreased with increasing pCO2. While net produced POC:PN did not show any CO2-related variations, net produced DOC:DOP increased with increasing pCO2. On the other hand, no apparent trends for these parameters were observed in the Pacific site. The contrasting results observed were probably due to the different plankton community compositions between the two sites, with plankton biomass dominated by large-sized diatoms in the Bering Sea versus ultra-eukaryotes in the Pacific Ocean. We conclude that the quantity and quality of the production of particulate and dissolved organic matter may be altered under future elevated CO2 environments in some iron-deficient ecosystems, while the impacts may be negligible in some systems.


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Ozone (O3) phytototoxicity has been reported on a wide range of crops and wild Central European plantspecies, however no information has been provided regarding the sensitivity of plantspecies from dehesa Mediterranean therophytic grasslands in spite of their great plantspecies richness and the high O3 levels that are recorded in this area. A study was carried out in open-top chambers (OTCs) to assess the effects of O3 and competition on the reproductiveability of threecloverspecies: Trifolium cherleri, Trifolium subterraneum and Trifolium striatum. A phytometer approach was followed, therefore plants of these species were grown in mesoscosms composed of monocultures of four plants of each species, of threeplants of each species competing against a Briza maxima individual or of a single plant of each cloverspecies competing with threeB. maximaplants. Three O3 treatments were adopted: charcoal filtered air (CFA), non-filtered air (NFA) and non-filtered air supplemented with 40 nl l−1 of O3 (NFA+). The different mesocosms were exposed to the different O3 treatments for 45 days and then they remained in the open. Ozoneexposure caused reductions in the flower biomass of the threecloverspecies assessed. In the case of T. cherleri and T. subterraneum this effect was found following their exposure to the different O3 treatments during their vegetative period. An attenuation of these effects was found when the plants remained in the open. Ozone-induced detrimental effects on the seed output of T. striatum were also observed. The flower biomass of the cloverplants grown in monocultures was greater than when competing with one or threeB. maxima individuals. An increased flower biomass was found in the CFA monoculture mesocosms of T. cherleri when compared with the remaining mesocosms, once the plants were exposed in the open for 60 days. The implications of these effects on the performance of dehesa acid grasslands and for the definition of O3 critical levels is discussed


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Esta investigación se centra en determinar los grupos estratégicos (GE) de la industria bancaria venezolana y su influencia sobre el desempeño en el sector, así como su relación con la cobertura y la exclusión geográfica, durante el período 2008-2010. El test M de Box demostró que hubo inestabilidad financiera durante este lapso de tiempo, por ello se evaluó el comportamiento de los GE en cada año de estudio. La muestra se constituyó para el año 2008 por 58 entidades financieras, en el año 2009 por 52 entidades bancarias y para el período 2010 por sólo 39 instituciones. Antes de la aplicación del análisis cluster a las variables de alcance de la estrategia y recursos comprometidos, se realizó un análisis de componentes principales para determinar la relación entre estas variables y detectar valores atípicos; mientras que para distinguir las estrategias que caracterizaron a los grupos se siguió el procedimiento de uso común propuesto por Amel y Rhoades (1988), y se reforzó con la realización de las pruebas de contraste de medias o medianas ANOVA, Scheffé, Kruskal-Wallis y U de Mann-Whitney. Se empleó el paquete estadístico SPSS (versión 15.0) y el software de sistema de información geográfica Arcgis (versión 9.2) para lograr el objetivo propuesto. Los resultados indican que: 1) Al aplicar un procedimiento estadístico es posible detectar gradaciones en la implementación o evasión de las estrategias o del compromiso de recursos por parte de los GE, 2) En momentos de inestabilidad financiera los bancos cambian de estrategia y por tanto de GE, con el fin de obtener un buen desempeño, o al menos sobrevivir, 3) Sólo hubo evidencia parcial de la validez predictiva de los grupos estratégicos, 4) Al menos en Venezuela, los GE bancarios tienden a adoptar una estrategia de cobertura geográfica acorde con su estrategia financiera y, además que, los GE difieren en el nivel de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial en la lucha contra la exclusión financiera geográfica. ABSTRACT This research focuses on identifying strategic groups (SG) of the Venezuelan banking industry and its influence on the performance in the sector and its relationship with geographical coverage and exclusion, during the period 2008-2010. Box M test showed that there was financial instability during this period, so the behavior of SG in each year of study was evaluated. The sample was established for 2008 by 58 financial institutions, in 2009 by 52 banks and for the period 2010 to only 39 institutions. Before applying the cluster analysis variables scope of the strategy and committed resources, principal component analysis was performed to determine the relationship between these variables and outliers; while distinguishing strategies that characterized the group proposed by Amel and Rhoades (1988) commonly used procedure was followed and reinforced by the performance of tests contrast mean or median ANOVA, Scheffé, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney. SPSS (version 15.0) and software Arcgis geographic information system (version 9.2) was used to achieve the objective. The results indicate that: 1) By applying a statistical procedure can detect gradations in implementation or avoidance strategies or resource commitment by SG, 2) In times of financial instability banks change their strategy and therefore SG, in order to get a good performance, or at least survive, 3) There was only partial evidence for the predictive validity of strategic groups, 4) At least in Venezuela, banking SG tend to adopt a strategy of geographical coverage according to their financial strategy and also that the SG differ in the level of corporate social responsibility in the fight against financial exclusion Geographic.


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Rising demand for food, fiber, and biofuels drives expanding irrigation withdrawals from surface water and groundwater. Irrigation efficiency and water savings have become watchwords in response to climate-induced hydrological variability, increasing freshwater demand for other uses including ecosystem water needs, and low economic productivity of irrigation compared to most other uses. We identify three classes of unintended consequences, presented here as paradoxes. Ever-tighter cycling of water has been shown to increase resource use, an example of the efficiency paradox. In the absence of effective policy to constrain irrigated-area expansion using "saved water", efficiency can aggravate scarcity, deteriorate resource quality, and impair river basin resilience through loss of flexibility and redundancy. Water scarcity and salinity effects in the lower reaches of basins (symptomatic of the scale paradox) may partly be offset over the short-term through groundwater pumping or increasing surface water storage capacity. However, declining ecological flows and increasing salinity have important implications for riparian and estuarine ecosystems and for non-irrigation human uses of water including urban supply and energy generation, examples of the sectoral paradox. This paper briefly considers three regional contexts with broadly similar climatic and water-resource conditions – central Chile, southwestern US, and south-central Spain – where irrigation efficiency directly influences basin resilience. The comparison leads to more generic insights on water policy in relation to irrigation efficiency and emerging or overdue needs for environmental protection.


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Geographic variation in cancer rates is thought to be the result of two major factors: environmental agents varying spatially and the attributes, genetic or cultural, of the populations inhabiting the areas studied. These attributes in turn result from the history of the populations in question. We had previously constructed an ethnohistorical database for Europe since 2200 B.C., permitting estimates of the ethnic composition of modern European populations. We were able to show that these estimates correlate with genetic distances. In this study, we wanted to see whether they also correlate with cancer rates. We employed two data sets of cancer mortalities from 42 types of cancer for the European Economic Community and for Central Europe. We subjected spatial differences in cancer mortalities, genetic, ethnohistorical, and geographic distances to matrix permutation tests to determine the magnitude and significance of their association. Our findings are that distances in cancer mortalities are correlated more with ethnohistorical distances than with genetic distances. Possibly the cancer rates may be affected by loci other than the genetic systems available to us, and/or by cultural factors mediated by the ethnohistorical differences. We find it remarkable that patterns of frequently ancient ethnic admixture are still reflected in modern cancer mortalities. Partial correlations with geography suggest that local environmental factors affect the mortalities as well.


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Sandhoff disease is a neurodegenerative disorder resulting from the autosomal recessive inheritance of mutations in the HEXB gene, which encodes the β-subunit of β-hexosaminidase. GM2 ganglioside fails to be degraded and accumulates within lysosomes in cells of the periphery and the central nervous system (CNS). There are currently no therapies for the glycosphingolipid lysosomal storage diseases that involve CNS pathology, including the GM2 gangliosidoses. One strategy for treating this and related diseases is substrate deprivation. This would utilize an inhibitor of glycosphingolipid biosynthesis to balance synthesis with the impaired rate of catabolism, thus preventing storage. One such inhibitor is N-butyldeoxynojirimycin, which currently is in clinical trials for the potential treatment of type 1 Gaucher disease, a related disease that involves glycosphingolipid storage in peripheral tissues, but not in the CNS. In this study, we have evaluated whether this drug also could be applied to the treatment of diseases with CNS storage and pathology. We therefore have treated a mouse model of Sandhoff disease with the inhibitor N-butyldeoxynojirimycin. The treated mice have delayed symptom onset, reduced storage in the brain and peripheral tissues, and increased life expectancy. Substrate deprivation therefore offers a potentially general therapy for this family of lysosomal storage diseases, including those with CNS disease.


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Agrin is a heparan sulfate proteoglycan that is widely expressed in neurons and microvascular basal lamina in the rodent and avian central nervous system. Agrin induces the differentiation of nerve-muscle synapses, but its function in either normal or diseased brains is not known. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by loss of synapses, changes in microvascular architecture, and formation of neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. Here we have asked whether AD causes changes in the distribution and biochemical properties of agrin. Immunostaining of normal, aged human central nervous system revealed that agrin is expressed in neurons in multiple brain areas. Robust agrin immunoreactivity was observed uniformly in the microvascular basal lamina. In AD brains, agrin is highly concentrated in both diffuse and neuritic plaques as well as neurofibrillary tangles; neuronal expression of agrin also was observed. Furthermore, patients with AD had microvascular alterations characterized by thinning and fragmentation of the basal lamina. Detergent extraction and Western blotting showed that virtually all the agrin in normal brain is soluble in 1% SDS. In contrast, a large fraction of the agrin in AD brains is insoluble under these conditions, suggesting that it is tightly associated with β-amyloid. Together, these data indicate that the agrin abnormalities observed in AD are closely linked to β-amyloid deposition. These observations suggest that altered agrin expression in the microvasculature and the brain parenchyma contribute to the pathogenesis of AD.


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Spinal muscular atrophy is caused by defects in the survival motor neuron (SMN) gene. To better understand the patterns of expression of SMN in neuronal cells and tissues, we raised a polyclonal antibody (abSMN) against a synthetic oligopeptide from SMN exon 2. AbSMN immunostaining in neuroblastoma cells and mouse and human central nervous system (CNS) showed intense labeling of nuclear “gems,” along with prominent nucleolar immunoreactivity in mouse and human CNS tissues. Strong cytoplasmic labeling was observed in the perikarya and proximal dendrites of human spinal motor neurons but not in their axons. Immunoblot analysis revealed a 34-kDa species in the insoluble protein fractions from human SY5Y neuroblastoma cells, embryonic mouse spinal cord cultures, and human CNS tissue. By contrast, a 38-kDa species was detected in the cytosolic fraction of SY5Y cells. We conclude that SMN protein is expressed prominently in both the cytoplasm and nucleus in multiple types of neurons in brain and spinal cord, a finding consistent with a role for SMN as a determinant of neuronal viability.


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The placenta contains several types of feto-maternal interfaces where zygote-derived cells interact with maternal cells or maternal blood for the promotion of fetal growth and viability. The genetic factors regulating the interactions between different cell types within feto-maternal interfaces and the relative contributions of the maternal and zygotic genomes are poorly understood. Genomic imprinting, the epigenetic process responsible for parental origin-dependent functional differences between homologous chromosomes, has been proposed to contribute to these events. Previous studies showed that mouse conceptuses with an absence of imprinted differences between the two copies of chromosome 12 (upon paternal inheritance of both copies) die late in gestation and have a variety of defects, including placentomegaly. Here we examined the role of chromosome 12 imprinting in these placentae in more detail. We show that the spatial interactions between different cell types within feto-maternal interfaces are defective and identify abnormal behaviors in both zygote-derived and maternal cells that are attributed to the genome of the zygote but not the mother. These include compromised invasion of the maternal decidualized endometrium and the central maternal artery situated within it by zygote-derived trophoblast, abnormalities in the wall of the central maternal artery, and defects within the zygote-derived cellular layer of the labyrinth, which is in direct contact with maternal blood. These findings demonstrate multiple roles for chromosome 12 imprinting in the placenta that have not previously been associated with imprinting effects. They provide insights into the function of imprinting in placental development and have evolutionary and clinical implications.


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Behavioral models indicate that persistent small afferent input, as generated by tissue injury, results in a hyperalgesia at the site of injury and a tactile allodynia in areas adjacent to the injury site. Hyperalgesia reflects a sensitization of the peripheral terminal and a central facilitation evoked by the persistent small afferent input. The allodynia reflects a central sensitization. The spinal pharmacology of these pain states has been defined in the unanesthetized rat prepared with spinal catheters for injection and dialysis. After tissue injury, excitatory transmitters (e.g., glutamate and substance P) acting though N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) and neurokinin 1 receptors initiate a cascade that evokes release of (i) NO, (ii) cyclooxygenase products, and (iii) activation of several kinases. Spinal dialysis show amino acid and prostanoid release after cutaneous injury. Spinal neurokinin 1, NMDA, and non-NMDA receptors enhance spinal prostaglandin E2 release. Spinal prostaglandins facilitate release of spinal amino acids and peptides. Activation by intrathecal injection of receptors on spinal C fiber terminals (μ,/∂ opiate, α2 adrenergic, neuropeptide Y) prevents release of primary afferent peptides and spinal amino acids and blocks acute and facilitated pain states. Conversely, consistent with their role in facilitated processing, NMDA, cyclooxygenase 2, and NO synthase inhibitors act to diminish only hyperalgesia. Importantly, spinal delivery of several of these agents diminishes human injury pain states. This efficacy emphasizes (i) the role of facilitated states in humans, (ii) shows the importance of spinal systems in human pain processing, and (iii) indicates that these preclinical mechanisms reflect processes that regulate the human pain experience.