973 resultados para Baixo São José dos Dourados


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Not only the progress of the radiotherapy, but also the improve of the dose in the patient with adjusted radiotherapy plannings, calculation of shield, radiometric survey, among others, are responsibilities of the medical physic inside of a sector of radiotherapy. This monograph has as objective to above show some of these cited functions of the medical physicis, starting with a theoretical basement and at as a moment to present the calculations and the results found during a visit in the Institute of Radiotherapy of the Valley of the Paraíba, located in the city of São José dos Campos, and in the Regional Hospital of Taubaté in the period of 2006, 2007 and 2008


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Um bloco de poliuretano recebeu três implantes de hexagono externo, no posicionamento compensado. Para cada implante foi conectado o pilar protético microunit. Foram realizados cinco enceramentos com três coifas plásticas cada um, que foram fundidos em monobloco numa liga de cobalto-cromo. Foram colados quatro extensomêtros tangenciando cada implante, sendo dois extensomêtros para o implante central. Após o acabamento, as estruturas foram fixadas nos respectivos locais com o parafuso de retenção com torque de 10 Ncm, obtidos com um torquímetro. Para aplicação de carga sobre os corpos-de-prova foram selecionados cinco pontos de aplicação de carga. O dispositivo de aplicação de carga–DAC foi utilizado 30 kg de cargas verticais estáticas, empregando uma ponta esférica de 2 mm de diamêtro, durante 10 segundos em cada um dos pontos estabelecidos, sendo, neste instante registradas as micro deformações de cada extensômetro. Foi utilizado o teste de análise de variância T Student e o nível de significância foi o valor convencional de 5%. Para cada implante foi analisada a microdeformação ocorrida. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que houve uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os pontos não-axiais D e E (t = 5,21 df = 4, p = 0,006 < 0,05) e não foi estatisticamente significativa para os dados axial entre os pontos B e C (t = 6, 57, df = 4, p = 0,003 < 0,05 / 3). Conclui-se que,a aplicação de carga ao redor de três implantes de hexágono externo no posicionamento compensado,mostra que os pontos não-axiais sofrem maior micro deformação do que os pontos axiais


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As formações ribeirinhas são caracterizadas como um mosaico vegetacional complexo, definido principalmente pelo histórico de evolução da paisagem regional, que se expressa nas condições topográficas locais. A mata ribeirinha estudada encontra-se dentro dos domínios da Floresta Atlântica de interior, denominada Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, que constitui-se no tipo florestal mais rápida e extensamente devastado em toda a sua área de ocorrência natural. Atualmente a vegetação remanescente nativa encontra-se em fragmentos, sendo a queda da biodiversidade um dos aspectos mais graves da fragmentação florestal. O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal caracterizar florística e fitossociologicamente a comunidade arbustivo-arbórea presente na faixa ciliar de um fragmento de aproximadamente 50 ha, no município de Indaiatuba, SP. O método fitossociológico empregado foi o de parcelas além de coletas aleatórias complementares para a florística. O critério de inclusão para os indivíduos foi de PAP ≥10 cm, servindo tanto para amostrar indivíduos arbóreos quanto arbustivos. Foram levantadas ao todo 126 espécies distribuídas em 39 famílias. No levantamento fitossociológico amostrou-se 717 indivíduos onde constatou-se 101 espécies e 37 famílias. As espécies mais importantes em VI foram Croton piptocalyx, Myrciaria cf. floribunda e Sebastiana commersoniana, as famílias mais importantes tanto em número de espécies quanto de indivíduos foram Euphorbiaceae, Myrtaceae e Rutaceae. O índice de diversidade (H’), de 3,591, ficou dentre o esperado para Florestas Estacionais Semideciduais. Em relação às comparações florísticas, a área mais similar ao presente estudo foi a Mata do Ribeirão Cachoeira em Campinas, SP, seguidas pela Mata São José em Rio Claro, SP, e outras duas áreas ciliares em Ipeúna e Caconde, ambas no Estado de São Paulo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Combining the characteristics of good adhesion and sealing of the AH Plus sealer the biological properties of the MTA, zinc oxide and calcium hydroxide, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity of these associations. The specimens of the sealers and their associations were mixed and exposure to culture medium (82.4 mm2surface/mL) after the manipulation and incubated in a humidified incubator (37°C and 100% humidity) for 24 h. Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts (V79) were exposed to different dilutions of this extracts for 24 h and cell viability was measured by MTT test. The differences between the cell survival rates were statistically analyzed for Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn (p≤0.05). All sealers showed a significant difference with the group control, except the MTA. Cytotoxicity with the control group increased in the following order: AH Plus < AH Plus + Ca(OH) 2 < AH Plus + OxZn< AH Plus + MTA < MTA (p≤ 0,05). It was concluded that the addition of biological materials in order to improve the consistency of AH Plus for use in retro cavities its toxicity has not decreased significantly


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The present study sought to identify which are the facilitators and restrictive in the creation and management of franchises from the point of view of process factors franchisees. For this, we first proposed to critically analyze its creation and management.The specific objectives of this work are: a) to understand in the light of the theory , the basic requirements for creating franchises b ) identify, from the literature review , facilitators and restrictive factors in the process of franchise management , c) develop a survey tool to critically analyze the processes of creating and managing a franchise from the point of view of the franchisee , and d ) to review the process of creating and managing franchises , from the perspective of four franchised food services in the municipalities of Ribeirão Preto and Sao Jose do Rio Preto - SP . A descriptive qualitative work, which found the most important features about the franchises, through a study of 4 franchises in the food industry of São Paulo was performed. To complete the survey was conducted a semi-structured interview, containing questions regarding the main elements of a business: creating, planning, organization, direction and control. It was found that franchising is a business model with controversies. There are people who deal well with the system and that through him realize dreams such as owning their own business. Others need to think many times before embarking in business since the entrepreneurship factor can be so intense that it hinders the acceptance of norms and duties to the system. This causes some factors such as communication, measurement of outcomes, implementation plan and among others are considered restrictive or facilitators in the process of strategy management of franchises


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The aim of this study was to verify through microtensile test the influence of time and concentration of surface conditioning with hydrofluoric acid and its interference in the adhesion of dual resin cement to porcelain.We used 32 bodies of glass-ceramic lithium disilicate system IPS e.max Press LT with dimensions of 6mm thick, 8 mm in length and 8 mm in length, which will be molded to obtain composite resin blocks corresponding to blocks ceramics. Ceramic and resin blocks were divided into 16 groups (n = 4) and numbered according to the concentration of hydrofluoric acid (2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10%) and conditioning time (20 seconds, 40 seconds, 1 minute and 2 minutes). The blocks were cleaned in ultrasonic apparatus with distilled water and dried with compressed air, subjected to acid etching and air-jet washed with water, dried with compressed air and received application of silane agent Monobond-S, followed by adhesive Excite ( Ivoclar Vivaden). Each ceramic block was bonded to the corresponding block of resin through the resin cement Multilink Automix. The specimens were cut to obtain nine micro samples for each set of ceramic-resin with 1 mm X 1 mm X 12 mm in length, which were submitted to microtensile test. The results were analyzed with descriptive statistics and analysis of variance with significance level of 5%, revealing that there were statistically significant (p = 0.000001 <0.05). From the Tukey test can be concluded that etching with hydrofluoric acid and 2.5% for 120 seconds gave the best bond strength, however, no statistical difference between the conditioning with the same acid in the concentration of 5.0% for 20 to 40 seconds


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Swamp forests, are laid down in the lowlands, with almost permanent presence of water on the soil surface and generally occupy portions fairly flat. In 2003 a phytosociological survey was conducted of the tree and shrub component of a swamp forest established on a steep slope in Rio Claro - SP, through the use of 45 permanent plots of 10 mx 10 m (0.45 ha) divided into three blocks: 1, 2 and 3. The present study aimed to review these plots and discuss the dynamics of vegetation in the swamp forest in question period of eight years. Altogether 1529 individuals were found alive, belonging to 29 families and 47 species. It can be observed that there was a decrease of one family (Flacourtiaceae) and two species (Xylosma tweediana, Inga marginata) in relation to 2003. In general there was a loss not only in number of individuals, but basal area and species diversity. The Block 1 was the only one to show a positive balance in terms of numbers of individuals (2.75%); in Block 2, there was little variation (1.72%) which is negative; whereas Block 3 had the largest decrease, 19.18%. The mortality rate (2.74% / year) for the community remained higher than the recruitment (1.81% / year). There was a decrease (3.19%) of total basal area of the sample relative to 2003, with the highest relative dominance by Calophyllum brasiliense. The decline in diversity of species could be evidenced by the Shannon index, which was 2.0 nats.individual-1 and evenness of 0.52. The most important species (IVI) were Euterpe edulis, Calophyllum brasiliense and Magnolia ovata, together accounting for 59% of IVI community. High mortality and low recruitment rates indicate disturbances in the community, some factors such as proximity to roads, the different soil types associated with a high rate of water saturation and the declivity are crucial to the balance within the community


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There are many studies about longitudinal modulus of elasticity of wood, but you can´t say the same of transverse modulus, especially for conifers. The study aimed to characterize and compare the species Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and Pinus elliottii var. elliottii x Pinus cariabeae hondurensis (hybrid), and the longitudinal modulus of elasticity (E) and lateral (G) in bending, to analyze the modulus of elasticity in different spaces and to verify the species studied the ideal range is equal to 21 times the height of the specimen, as prescribed in the normative document NBR 7190/1997, as well as analyzing the relationship G = E/20 defined in the normative document NBR 7190/1997. The wood came from the farm located in Paranapanema, split at the mill São José and the rest of the work was conducted at the Experimental Itapeva Campus - UNESP. Were removed fourteen specimens of each species. The average values of the modulus of elasticity and cross were, respectively, 5828 MPa and 452 MPa for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and 6407 MPa and 320 MPa for the species of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii x Pinus cariabeae hondurensis (hybrid). The trend lines for the plotted graphs showed an exponential behavior to near linear 21he will equal the constant after this value. We have found the relationship G = E/13, for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and G = E/20 for hybrid. The results of the modulus and strength for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and the hybrid were lower than those reported in the literature, showing that this batch inferior quality to apply to structures


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Este trabalho faz parte da pesquisa nacional interinstitucional, intitulada “Análise das conseqüências de parcerias firmadas entre municípios brasileiros e a Fundação Ayrton Senna para a oferta educacional”, financiada pelo CNPq. Esse estudo analisa o Programa Gestão Nota 10, implementado nos municípios de Cárceres, Teresina, Altamira, São José dos Pinhais, Sapiranga, São José do Rio Preto e as possíveis alterações do Plano de Carreira Docente. Para isso serão analisados trabalhos escritos sobre o referente tema, além de documentos oferecidos pelos órgãos públicos dos municípios analisados. O marco teórico para essa pesquisa é a crise do capital que entre suas estratégias de superação o Neoliberalismo e a Reforma do Estado, há qual propõem a descentralização de serviços, que antes eram do Estado, incluindo a sociedade civil organizada e o chamado “Terceiro Setor”. Outra imposição dessa reforma foi à introdução do quase-mercado na gestão pública. Esse tipo de gestão oferece diretrizes padrão, nas quais há o desenvolvimento de metas para alcance de índices elevados, assim os municípios, caso cumpram com essas diretrizes, são gratificados e recebem algum tipo de premiação, desenvolvendo a competitividade entre os educadores. Este trabalho apresenta o convênio de sistemas de ensino público com o Instituto Ayrton Senna, como uma forma de materialização dessas políticas, e as implicações para as alterações no Plano de Carreira Docente.


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With the emergence of new filling materials with different properties and behaviors, the approach of endodontic treatment must be readjusted so that the appropriate result can be achieved. New endodontic sealers include methacrylate resin-based, plant resin-based and the evolution of epoxy-based sealers. This study verified the behavior of new materials that presents controversial results in the literature, about coronal bacterial leakage. That for, 56 single-rooted human teeth were prepared in the direction crown-apex and filled with gutta-percha points with taper of 4% using the single cone technique. Roots were divided randomly into 4 groups according to the sealer (Apexit Plus, AH Plus, EndoREZ and Polifil). After filling, the roots were incorporated in a leakage model, which upper chamber contained a suspension of Streptococcus mutans, and lower chamber a broth, leaving 3 mm of root apical portion immersed. Leakage was assessed for turbidity in lower chamber every day for 60 days. Survival analysis was performed using the nonparametric Kaplan- Meier method (p<0,05). All experimental groups presented leakage during the study’s period, however the maximum time achieve was 22 days. The medium time of leakage was: Apexit Plus 6,3 days, AH Plus 6,3 days and Polifil 5,1 days, but in EndoREZ all specimens infiltrated in the first day, presenting shorter capacity of impermeabilization compared to the other groups. Concluding that none of the sealers tested was able to prevent coronal bacterial leakage


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This work aims to situate the main conceptual aspects of regional and local media and draw a brief overview of current trends in online journalism, especially practiced by TV TEM, an affiliate of Rede Globo in São Paulo. The methodology of the study is based on literature and documents, as well as systematic analysis of G1 portals, TV HAS administered by the regional districts of Bauru, Itapetininga, São José do Rio Preto and Sorocaba. Data were collected through interviews with managers, editors, reporters and some interns. As a result, we observed the news-value criteria, selection and management of the responsible gatewatching adopted by major portals Globo.com homes and G1


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The biological principles of osseointegration caused the rehabilitation treatment with osseointegrated implant become a safe, well alternative accepted by the dental community for the high success rate, allowing the preparation of functional and aesthetic prostheses in edentulous and partial patients. We passed the initial phase of functional vision for an aesthetic approach, too, depending on the demands of the patient and the quest for excellence by professionals. Over these last years, implant treatment has undergone many changes in surgical and prosthetic protocols. The less invasive surgical techniques and the development of restorative materials, especially ceramics allow the prosthetic rehabilitation of high functional quality and aesthetics. The installation of implants in sockets immediately after extraction of teeth involved by fracture, periodontal disease, endodontic lesions, is part of the arsenal of techniques for rehabilitating a number of advantages that we get to the outcome of multidisciplinary treatment. For this, we must consider several criteria in its planning as a fundamental unit, adjacent teeth, multiple losses, system, form and number of implants, type of retention of the prosthesis components, the patient expectation of the outcome perspective, gingival biotype, standard of ridge resorption, the smile line, etc. occlusal analysis. With the three-dimensional placement of the implant can immediately join the biological processes of repair of the socket, implant osseointegration, speeding treatment time. Much has been made by companies in the surface treatment of endosseous implants to be osseointegration shortened and restorative procedures started earlier, bringing benefits to the patient and professional. Among the main advantages we can emphasize the preservation of the structures adjacent to the teeth replaced, minor resorption of bone tissue involved... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vitro the antimicrobial activity of intracanal medications against Candida albicans, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli present in root canals. It was used 24 single root human teeths, contaminated for 28 days and prepared with physiological saline solution as irrigation solution. The teeth were divided into 2 groups according to the intracanal medication used: 1) 2% gel chlorhexidine, 2) sterile and pyrogen free physiological saline solution. Samples were taken of the root canals immediately after instrumentation, 7 days after intracanal medication and 7 days after removal of intracanal medication. For all samples the antimicrobial activity was performed by plating method. All results were submitted to Mann-Whitney and Dunn's test with significance of 5%. There was significant reduction of microorganisms after instrumentation and the intracanal medication of 2% gel chlorhexidine completely eliminated C. albicans and E. coli, and significantly reduced E. faecalis. It was concluded that 2% gel chlorhexidine as intracanal medication for 7 days was effective on microorganisms


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The cervical enamel projection (CEP) is an anatomic variation that can be found in the cement enamel junction, it´s recognition and early diagnosis improves outcome the tooth involved, allowing greater efficiency in treatment. The knowledge of the location, grade and incidence of CEP is decisive on prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. It were studied 1200 molars (600 mandibular molars and 600 maxillary molars) separated from the collection of teeth on the Discipline of Anatomy in FOSJCampos - UNESP. Each group of 600 teeth was separated from the second side (300 teeth) and the second type (first, second or third molar). Each tooth had thoroughly inspected the cervical region, in all their faces, in order to verify the incidence and the grade of CEP in each surface. It was found that the CEP covered in 278 (23,17%) teeth was 146 (52,52%) mandibular molars and 132 (47,48%) maxillary molars. The CEPs were concentrated on a tooth surface in 222 (79,86%) teeth, in two surfaces 53 (19,06%) teeth, and in three surfaces in three (1,08%) teeth. From the total of 4.800 surfaces examined the CEPs were found in 337 surfaces, and 228 (67,66%) surfaces of the grade I, 60 (17,8%) grade II and 49 (14,54%) grade III. The buccal surface presented 207 (61,42%) CEP, the lingual surface in 57 (16,91%), the mesial surface in 35 (10,39%) and the distal surface in 38 (11,28%) CEP. The results of this study demonstrated that the CEPs have focused more on the mandibular teeth on only one surface of the tooth, the grade I was the most found and the buccal surface the most involved


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During the orthodontic correction planning in addition to dental-jaw correction, facial aesthetics is the orthodontist's and patient's major concern. To prevent facial aesthetics damage is really important to take into account the type of craniofacial growth: mesofacial (balanced), dolichofacial (vertical) or brachyfacial (horizontal). We evaluated 152 documentation files from the Department of Orthodontics of Dental University of Sao Jose dos Campos- UNESP in order to analyze what kind of growth occurs in most Class I malocclusions, Class II and Class III Angle of treated individuals from 6 to 12 years old. From the randomly collected samples, 15 of them belonged to Class I Angle malocclusions; 123 belonged to Angle Class II and 14 to Class III malocclusion. The results showed that in Class I, 66.67% were classified as dolicocephalic; in Class II, 64.23% were classified as dolicocephalic and in Class III, 50% were brachycephalic. We conclude that the dolichofacial was the type which ocurred the most, both in females and males and both in malocclusion Class I and Class II. The brachyfacial type most occurred in Class III malocclusion and the mesofacial type occurred in smaller numbers in the three malocclusions studied