958 resultados para BEHAVIORS


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We employ nanoindentation coupled with electrical contact resistance measurements for simultaneous characterization of the electrical and mechanical behaviors of a cellular assembly of carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Experimental results reveal two different responses that correspond to relatively dense and porous regions of the cellular structure. Distinct nonlinear electron transport characteristics are observed, which mainly originate from diffusive conductance in the CNT structure. In the denser region, differential conductance shows asymmetric minima at lower bias, implying that conductivity mainly results from bulk tunneling. However, the porous regions show insignificant differential conduction as opposed to the denser region.


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In this paper, we address a physics-based closed-form analytical model of flexural phonon-dependent diffusive thermal conductivity (kappa) of suspended rectangular single layer graphene sheet. A quadratic dependence of the out-of-plane phonon frequency, generally called flexural phonons, on the phonon wave vector has been taken into account to analyze the behavior of kappa at lower temperatures. Such a dependence has further been used for the determination of second-order three-phonon Umklapp and isotopic scatterings. We find that these behaviors in our model are best explained through the upper limit of Debye cut-off frequency in the second-order three-phonon Umklapp scattering of the long phonon waves that actually remove the thermal conductivity singularity by contributing a constant scattering rate at low frequencies and note that the out-of-plane Gruneisen parameter for these modes need not be too high. Using this, we clearly demonstrate that. follows a T-1.5 and T-2 law at lower and higher temperatures in the absence of isotopes, respectively. However in their presence, the behavior of kappa sharply deviates from the T-2 law at higher temperatures. The present geometry-dependent model of kappa is found to possess an excellent match with various experimental data over a wide range of temperatures which can be put forward for efficient electro-thermal analyses of encased/supported graphene.


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Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) is one of the successful wireless network paradigms which offers unrestricted mobility without depending on any underlying infrastructure. MANETs have become an exciting and im- portant technology in recent years because of the rapid proliferation of variety of wireless devices, and increased use of ad hoc networks in various applications. Like any other networks, MANETs are also prone to variety of attacks majorly in routing side, most of the proposed secured routing solutions based on cryptography and authentication methods have greater overhead, which results in latency problems and resource crunch problems, especially in energy side. The successful working of these mechanisms also depends on secured key management involving a trusted third authority, which is generally difficult to implement in MANET environ-ment due to volatile topology. Designing a secured routing algorithm for MANETs which incorporates the notion of trust without maintaining any trusted third entity is an interesting research problem in recent years. This paper propose a new trust model based on cognitive reasoning,which associates the notion of trust with all the member nodes of MANETs using a novel Behaviors-Observations- Beliefs(BOB) model. These trust values are used for detec- tion and prevention of malicious and dishonest nodes while routing the data. The proposed trust model works with the DTM-DSR protocol, which involves computation of direct trust between any two nodes using cognitive knowledge. We have taken care of trust fading over time, rewards, and penalties while computing the trustworthiness of a node and also route. A simulator is developed for testing the proposed algorithm, the results of experiments shows incorporation of cognitive reasoning for computation of trust in routing effectively detects intrusions in MANET environment, and generates more reliable routes for secured routing of data.


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We study here different regions in phase diagrams of the spin-1/2, spin-1 and spin-3/2 one-dimensional antiferromagnetic Heisenberg systems with frustration (next-nearest-neighbor interaction J(2)) and dimerization (delta). In particular, we analyze the behaviors of the bipartite entanglement entropy and fidelity at the gapless to gapped phase transitions and across the lines separating different phases in the J(2)-delta plane. All the calculations in this work are based on numerical exact diagonalizations of finite systems.


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The interaction between the digital human model (DHM) and environment typically occurs in two distinct modes; one, when the DHM maintains contacts with the environment using its self weight, wherein associated reaction forces at the interface due to gravity are unidirectional; two, when the DHM applies both tension and compression on the environment through anchoring. For static balancing in first mode of interaction, it is sufficient to maintain the projection of the centre of mass (COM) inside the convex region induced by the weight supporting segments of the body on a horizontal plane. In DHM, static balancing is required while performing specified tasks such as reach, manipulation and locomotion; otherwise the simulations would not be realistic. This paper establishes the geometric relationships that must be satisfied for maintaining static balance while altering the support configurations for a given posture and altering the posture for a given support condition. For a given location of the COM for a system supported by multiple point contacts, the conditions for simultaneous withdrawal of a specified set of contacts have been determined in terms of the convex hulls of the subsets of the points of contact. When the projection of COM must move beyond the existing support for performing some task, new supports must be enabled for maintaining static balance. This support seeking behavior could also manifest while planning for reduction of support stresses. Feasibility of such a support depends upon the availability of necessary features in the environment. Geometric conditions necessary for selection of new support on horizontal,inclined and vertical surfaces within the workspace of the DHM for such dynamic scenario have been derived. The concepts developed are demonstrated using the cases of sit-to-stand posture transition for manipulation of COM within the convex supporting polygon, and statically stable walking gaits for support seeking within the kinematic capabilities of the DHM. The theory developed helps in making the DHM realize appropriate behaviors in diverse scenarios autonomously.


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The role of a computer emerged from modeling and analyzing concepts (ideas) to generate concepts. Research into methods for supporting conceptual design using automated synthesis had attracted much attention in the past decades. To find out how designers synthesize solution concepts for multi-state mechanical devices, ten experimental studies were conducted. Observations from these empirical studies would be used as the basis to develop knowledge involved in the multi-state design synthesis process. In this paper, we propose a computational representation for expressing the multi-state design task and for enumerating multi-state behaviors of kinematic pairs and mechanisms. This computational representation would be used to formulate computational methods for the synthesis process to develop a system for supporting design synthesis of multiple state mechanical devices by generating a comprehensive variety of solution alternatives.


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Dominance and subordinate behaviors are important ingredients in the social organizations of group living animals. Behavioral observations on the two eusocial species Ropalidia marginata and Ropalidia cyathiformis suggest varying complexities in their social systems. The queen of R. cyathiformis is an aggressive individual who usually holds the top position in the dominance hierarchy although she does not necessarily show the maximum number of acts of dominance, while the R. marginata queen rarely shows aggression and usually does not hold the top position in the dominance hierarchy of her colony. In R. marginata, more workers are involved in dominance-subordinate interactions as compared to R. cyathiformis. These differences are reflected in the distribution of dominance-subordinate interactions among the hierarchically ranked individuals in both the species. The percentage of dominance interactions decreases gradually with hierarchical ranks in R. marginata while in R. cyathiformis it first increases and then decreases. We use an agent-based model to investigate the underlying mechanism that could give rise to the observed patterns for both the species. The model assumes, besides some non-interacting individuals, the interaction probabilities of the agents depend on their pre-differentiated winning abilities. Our simulations show that if the queen takes up a strategy of being involved in a moderate number of dominance interactions, one could get the pattern similar to R. cyathiformis, while taking up the strategy of very low interactions by the queen could lead to the pattern of R. marginata. We infer that both the species follow a common interaction pattern, while the differences in their social organization are due to the slight changes in queen as well as worker strategies. These changes in strategies are expected to accompany the evolution of more complex societies from simpler ones.


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We study transport across a line junction lying between two orthogonal topological insulator surfaces and a superconductor which can have either s-wave (spin-singlet) or p-wave (spin-triplet) pairing symmetry. The junction can have three time-reversal invariant barriers on three sides. We compute the charge and the spin conductance across such a junction and study their behaviors as a function of the bias voltage applied across the junction and the three parameters used to characterize the barrier. We find that the presence of topological insulators and a superconductor leads to both Dirac- and Schrodinger-like features in charge and spin conductances. We discuss the effect of bound states on the superconducting side of the barrier on the conductance; in particular, we show that for triplet p-wave superconductors, such a junction may be used to determine the spin state of its Cooper pairs. Our study reveals that there is a nonzero spin conductance for some particular spin states of the triplet Cooper pairs; this is an effect of the topological insulators which break the spin rotation symmetry. Finally, we find an unusual satellite peak (in addition to the usual zero bias peak) in the spin conductance for p-wave symmetry of the superconductor order parameter.


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C-di-GMP Bis-(3'-5')-cyclic-dimeric-guanosine monophosphate], a second messenger is involved in intracellular communication in the bacterial species. As a result several multi-cellular behaviors in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria are directly linked to the intracellular level of c-di-GMP. The cellular concentration of c-di-GMP is maintained by two opposing activities, diguanylate cyclase (DGC) and phosphodiesterase (PDE-A). In Mycobacterium smegmatis, a single bifunctional protein MSDGC-1 is responsible for the cellular concentration of c-di-GMP. A better understanding of the regulation of c-di-GMP at the genetic level is necessary to control the function of above two activities. In this work, we have characterized the promoter element present in msdgc-1 along with the + 1 transcription start site and identified the sigma factors that regulate the transcription of msdgc-1. Interestingly, msdgc-1 utilizes SigA during the initial phase of growth, whereas near the stationary phase SigB containing RNA polymerase takes over the expression of msdgc-1. We report here that the promoter activity of msdgc-1 increases during starvation or depletion of carbon source like glucose or glycerol. When msdgc-1 is deleted, the numbers of viable cells are similar to 10 times higher in the stationary phase in comparison to that of the wild type. We propose here that msdgc-1 is involved in the regulation of cell population density. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cardiac fibroblasts, when coupled functionally with myocytes, can modulate the electrophysiological properties of cardiac tissue. We present systematic numerical studies of such modulation of electrophysiological properties in mathematical models for (a) single myocyte-fibroblast (MF) units and (b) two-dimensional (2D) arrays of such units; our models build on earlier ones and allow for zero-, one-, and two-sided MF couplings. Our studies of MF units elucidate the dependence of the action-potential (AP) morphology on parameters such as E-f, the fibroblast resting-membrane potential, the fibroblast conductance G(f), and the MF gap-junctional coupling G(gap). Furthermore, we find that our MF composite can show autorhythmic and oscillatory behaviors in addition to an excitable response. Our 2D studies use (a) both homogeneous and inhomogeneous distributions of fibroblasts, (b) various ranges for parameters such as G(gap), G(f), and E-f, and (c) intercellular couplings that can be zero-sided, one-sided, and two-sided connections of fibroblasts with myocytes. We show, in particular, that the plane-wave conduction velocity CV decreases as a function of G(gap), for zero-sided and one-sided couplings; however, for two-sided coupling, CV decreases initially and then increases as a function of G(gap), and, eventually, we observe that conduction failure occurs for low values of G(gap). In our homogeneous studies, we find that the rotation speed and stability of a spiral wave can be controlled either by controlling G(gap) or E-f. Our studies with fibroblast inhomogeneities show that a spiral wave can get anchored to a local fibroblast inhomogeneity. We also study the efficacy of a low-amplitude control scheme, which has been suggested for the control of spiral-wave turbulence in mathematical models for cardiac tissue, in our MF model both with and without heterogeneities.


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We show that a shell-model version of the three-dimensional Hall-magnetohydrodynamic (3D Hall-MHD) equations provides a natural theoretical model for investigating the multiscaling behaviors of velocity and magnetic structure functions. We carry out extensive numerical studies of this shell model, obtain the scaling exponents for its structure functions, in both the low-k and high-k power-law ranges of three-dimensional Hall-magnetohydrodynamic, and find that the extended-self-similarity procedure is helpful in extracting the multiscaling nature of structure functions in the high-k regime, which otherwise appears to display simple scaling. Our results shed light on intriguing solar-wind measurements.


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Most ecosystems have multiple predator species that not only compete for shared prey, but also pose direct threats to each other. These intraguild interactions are key drivers of carnivore community structure, with ecosystem-wide cascading effects. Yet, behavioral mechanisms for coexistence of multiple carnivore species remain poorly understood. The challenges of studying large, free-ranging carnivores have resulted in mainly coarse-scale examination of behavioral strategies without information about all interacting competitors. We overcame some of these challenges by examining the concurrent fine-scale movement decisions of almost all individuals of four large mammalian carnivore species in a closed terrestrial system. We found that the intensity of intraguild interactions did not follow a simple hierarchical allometric pattern, because spatial and behavioral tactics of subordinate species changed with threat and resource levels across seasons. Lions (Panthera leo) were generally unrestricted and anchored themselves in areas rich in not only their principal prey, but also, during periods of resource limitation (dry season), rich in the main prey for other carnivores. Because of this, the greatest cost (potential intraguild predation) for subordinate carnivores was spatially coupled with the highest potential benefit of resource acquisition (prey-rich areas), especially in the dry season. Leopard (P. pardus) and cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) overlapped with the home range of lions but minimized their risk using fine-scaled avoidance behaviors and restricted resource acquisition tactics. The cost of intraguild competition was most apparent for cheetahs, especially during the wet season, as areas with energetically rewarding large prey (wildebeest) were avoided when they overlapped highly with the activity areas of lions. Contrary to expectation, the smallest species (African wild dog, Lycaon pictus) did not avoid only lions, but also used multiple tactics to minimize encountering all other competitors. Intraguild competition thus forced wild dogs into areas with the lowest resource availability year round. Coexistence of multiple carnivore species has typically been explained by dietary niche separation, but our multi-scaled movement results suggest that differences in resource acquisition may instead be a consequence of avoiding intraguild competition. We generate a more realistic representation of hierarchical behavioral interactions that may ultimately drive spatially explicit trophic structures of multi-predator communities.


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We study the basin of attraction of static extremal black holes, in the concrete setting of the STU model. By finding a connection to a decoupled Toda-like system and solving it exactly, we find a simple way to characterize the attraction basin via competing behaviors of certain parameters. The boundaries of attraction arise in the various limits where these parameters degenerate to zero. We find that these boundaries are generalizations of the recently introduced (extremal) subtracted geometry: the warp factors still exhibit asymptotic integer power law behaviors, but the powers can be different from one. As we cross over one of these boundaries ('generalized subttractors'), the solutions turn unstable and start blowing up at finite radius and lose their asymptotic region. Our results are fully analytic, but we also solve a simpler theory where the attraction basin is lower dimensional and easy to visualize, and present a simple picture that illustrates many of the basic ideas.


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The objective in this work is to develop downscaling methodologies to obtain a long time record of inundation extent at high spatial resolution based on the existing low spatial resolution results of the Global Inundation Extent from Multi-Satellites (GIEMS) dataset. In semiarid regions, high-spatial-resolution a priori information can be provided by visible and infrared observations from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The study concentrates on the Inner Niger Delta where MODIS-derived inundation extent has been estimated at a 500-m resolution. The space-time variability is first analyzed using a principal component analysis (PCA). This is particularly effective to understand the inundation variability, interpolate in time, or fill in missing values. Two innovative methods are developed (linear regression and matrix inversion) both based on the PCA representation. These GIEMS downscaling techniques have been calibrated using the 500-m MODIS data. The downscaled fields show the expected space-time behaviors from MODIS. A 20-yr dataset of the inundation extent at 500 m is derived from this analysis for the Inner Niger Delta. The methods are very general and may be applied to many basins and to other variables than inundation, provided enough a priori high-spatial-resolution information is available. The derived high-spatial-resolution dataset will be used in the framework of the Surface Water Ocean Topography (SWOT) mission to develop and test the instrument simulator as well as to select the calibration validation sites (with high space-time inundation variability). In addition, once SWOT observations are available, the downscaled methodology will be calibrated on them in order to downscale the GIEMS datasets and to extend the SWOT benefits back in time to 1993.


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Three new V-shaped boryl-BODIPY dyads (1-3) were synthesized and structurally characterized. Compounds 1-3 are structurally close molecular siblings differing only in the number of methyl substituents on the BODIPY moiety that were found to play a major role in determining their photophysical behavior. The dyads show rare forms of multiple-channel emission characteristics arising from different extents of electronic energy transfer (EET) processes between the two covalently linked fluorescent chromophores (borane and BODIPY units). Insights into the origin and nature of their emission behavior were gained from comparison with closely related model molecular systems and related photophysical investigations. Because of the presence of the Lewis acidic triarylborane moiety, the dyads function as highly selective and sensitive fluoride sensors with vastly different response behaviors. When fluoride binds to the tricoordinate borane center, dyad 1 shows gradual quenching of its BODIPY-dominated emission due to the ceasing of the (borane to BODIPY) EET process. Dyad 2 shows a ratiometric fluorescence response for fluoride ions. Dyad 3 forms fluoride-induced nanoaggregates that result in fast and effective quenching of its fluorescence intensity just for similar to 0.3 ppm of analyte (i.e., 0.1 equiv 0.26 ppm of fluoride). The small structural alterations in these three structurally close dyads (1 - 3) result in exceptionally versatile and unique photophysical behaviors and remarkably diverse responses toward a single analyte, i.e., fluoride ion.