The imaging is essential to aid the diagnosis of horses that have performance decrease associated with any pain or clinical signs related to the vertebral column. Radiography is the first imaging examination performed in these cases, particularly for disorders affecting the cervical region. However, this technique has limitations when the study of subtle changes due to the overlapping of adjacent structures. Computed tomography is a new diagnostic method in Brazil for the study of bone disorders in horses, but it is of great diagnostic value associate with the radiographic examination in order to provide an accurate assessment of the study area, owing to superiority in image quality when compared to conventional radiography. The aim of this study is increase and update knowledge of diagnostic imaging available to investigate cervical disorders in horses.
An equine, American Troter, female, 5 years of age, was referred to the Diagnostic Imaging Sector at the Veterinary Hospital of the FMVZ, Unesp, Botucatu Campus, with suspected jugular thrombosis. Ultrasonographic findings were heterogeneous tissue at the lumen of the right jugular vein with blockage of its diameter and collateral blood flow formation.
The renal pseudocysts are accumulations of fluid unilateral or bilateral perirenal location, contained in a capsule without epithelium, a characteristic that distinguishes them from true renal cysts. The capsule itself may have originated in the renal capsule or a localized inflammatory reaction. The nature of the fluid can vary, but the presence of ooze found the most common, but they are also called pseudocysts accumulations of urine, blood and lymph. The most frequently observed clinical sign is abdominal distention. However these nonspecific signs may be related to chronic kidney disease and azotemia that may develop before or after the formation of this lesion. The abdominal ultrasound is less invasive and allows you to diagnose this change more easily, also allowing the collection of fluid guided percutaneous and submit it to cytological, biochemical and bacteriological in order to obtain information about its nature. This paper aims to describe a case of perinephric pseudocyst in a cat uriniferous, highlighting the contribution ultrasound as a diagnostic method complementary quick and noninvasive, allowing evaluation of the architecture of the renal parenchyma, differentiation of cortex and spinal cord as well as detect changes in size and shape of it, aiming for better planning in clinical surgery.
The lunulae, ossification of the meniscus, are found in several species of rodents. Some studies suggest that the lunulae may be anatomical features, because there are not any pathological findings in microscopy. The objective of this study was to investigate the presence of lunulae in capybara knees, the world's largest rodent, by simple tomographic scans and three-dimensional reconstruction. For this purpose, we used two adult capybaras, in which both knees were evaluated. The lunulae were visualized with three-dimensional images, and revealed a total of two cranially. With the presence of lunulae confirmed, the capybara may be included in the group of rodents that have this structural feature, which can also contribute to the distinction between pathological processes and normal anatomic structures on imaging tests.
Bone malformation in snakes stems from inbreeding or temperature variations during gestation or incubation. Differential diagnosis are osteoarthropathy due to nutritional, metabolic and infectious diseases. For an accurate diagnosis of these changes, a radiographic exam is essential because it provides a general view of the skeleton and detects morphological abnormalities. This study aimed to report the clinical care of a rainbow boa (Epicrates cenchria crassus) with congenital kyphosis and changes in scales, from a snake pit with controlled temperature and humidity since its gestation. Multiple dorsal deviations of the column without the presence of osteoarthrosis were seen upon radiographic examination. Studies aiming to understand the cases of congenital malformation in snakes should be performed to prevent the birth of animals with this type of change.
Anatomical studies of the anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla) are scarce and the articles that describe the vertebral column of this species have variations in the number of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae. This study had the objective of adding data to the existing literature about the anatomical composition of an anteater's vertebral column using radiographic and tomographic exams. Based on the cadaver of a young female anteater, we observed a total of 7 cervical, 16 thoracic, 3 lumbar and 5 sacral vertebrae, which differed from the cited literature, especially with respect to the thoracic vertebrae. This demonstrates the need for studies with a larger number of individuals in order to standardize possible anatomic variations for the species.
The incidence of encephalic tumors in dogs and cats has increased in recent years due to the constant advancement of methods of specialist Diagnostic Imaging: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT), used in small animals. These tools, which were distant in the past, are now becoming increasingly important as an additional aid to the identification of tumor processes in the Central Nervous System. The objective, of the present study, was describe imaging findings obtained in 32 cases of encephalic tumors, through techniques of CT and MR imaging procedures during the years 2004 to 2011. Were diagnosed 19/32 by MRI and 13/32 by CT, being the most affected breed Boxer (9/32), the mean age was 10 years.
Advanced diagnostic techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography have become useful tools for confirmation of presumptive diagnosis of structural lesions in the brain such as encephalic neoplasms in small animal veterinary practice in Colombia, allowing an effective treatment planning that is more specific and less invasive for this type of pathology.
Acute spinal cord trauma is a common injury that occurs frequently in small animals. In order to acertain a prognosis of the lesion generated in the spinal cord, it is necessary to perform a complete neurological and physical examination, aided by complementary images. Magnetic resonance imaging may be advantageous over other types of images, because it can determine with greater definition the structural damage to the nervous tissue. The objective of this report was to demonstrate the contribution of magnetic resonance imaging in a case of acute spinal cord trauma in a dog.
The sonographic evaluation of thyroid glands in veterinary medicine presents challenges due to the complexity of the anatomical region, professional experience and type of ultrasonography equipment. The technique is considered a versatile diagnostic method that is noninvasive and has a low cost indicated in different clinical situations. Thyroid carcinoma is a malignant tumor that is often invasive and frequently metastatic to regional lymph nodes and lungs. The prognostic indicators for survival after surgery include tumor size, histological type, mobility and presence or absence of metastasis. The objective of the present report is to demonstrate the importance of ultrasound as a complementary method in the evaluation of thyroid carcinoma in dogs. At the Dr. Halim Atique Veterinary Hospital, an eight-year-old male Pit Bull was examined due to a history of firm painless swelling, approximately six inches in diameter, in the ventral cervical region, for about two months. The sonogram showed a nodular area, with defined and regular margins, and heterogeneous hypoechoic parenchyma, with areas of cavitation and swelling of the thyroid. Histopathology of the nodule was consistent with carcinoma. After thyreoidectomy and hormone replacemet, the patient is in good clinical condition.
Renal abscesses are rare in dogs and, although its pathogenesis is uncertain, may occur in diabetic patients with pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis, kidney injuries or after abdominal surgery or kidney biopsy. Because of nonspecific clinical signs, laboratory tests associated with ultrasonography are important to confirm the diagnosis and treatment. Generally, kidney abscesses have sonographic aspects with different degrees of echogenicity such as hypo or hyperechoic, homogeneous or heterogeneous, and may or may not have thickened and hyperechoic walls, depending on its chronicity. Our objective was to report the use of ultrasound as a complementary method in the evaluation of disorders of the urinary tract, focusing on a case of renal abscess in a dog.
Leishmaniasis is a disease emerging or re-emerging worldwide distribution (Sousa, 2008), a major impact on public health. The canine visceral leishmaniasis is an infectious parasitic zoonosis of worldwide distribution (Troncarelli, 2009), caused by a flagellate protozoan called Leishmania chagasi (Costard, 2009). Osteomyelitis can develop when the parasite reaches the bone tissue of the host via blood or continuity of adjacent soft tissue infection (Baltenperger, 2004). The histopathology of the lesions has 100% specificity when viewing the amastigote form of the parasite (Feitosa et al., 2000). A dog breed poodle, female, five years, with chronic lameness four months ago was attended by a veterinary, proceeded to the general clinical examination, radiographic evaluation of the hindquarters and the laboratory tests of enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) and indirect immunofluorescence (RIFI) for Leishmania sp. On examination, besides the enlargement of lymph nodes, the animal showed pain on flexion and extension of hind limbs. In radiographic lytic bone lesions were observed in bilateral ischial board and greater trochanter of the femur, suggestive of osteomyelitis. In specific laboratory tests for diagnosis of leishmaniasis ELISA reagent and RIFI reagent 1:40. As recommended by the Ministry of Health, the animal was euthanized. No macroscopic findings were reported during the necropsy, usually associated with leishmaniasis. The ischium bone fragments were sent for histopathological examination. There was intense proliferation of mononuclear inflammatory cells, mainly macrophages and lymphocytes. Amastigotes of Leishmania sp, were identified in the cytoplasm of some macrophages and bone tissue. In endemic areas for canine leishmaniasis, dogs with a history of intermittent lameness, and radiographic lytic bone lesions suggestive of osteomyelitis should be directed to realization of the histopathology and serologic tests for the differential diagnosis of Leishmania sp. Even without evidence of cutaneous or visceral lesions, usually associated with this disease.
Portal hypertension (PH) is the pathological increase in portal vein pressure above normal limits. Two variables control the pressure in the portal system: the resistance to blood flow and blood flow volume in the portal system. If one these variables changes, PH may develop. Classification: Pre-hepatic (e. g. compression of the portal vein), intrahepatic (e. g. chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis) or post-hepatic (e. g. right heart failure). The invasive methods (intravenous catheter) were replaced by an indirect method of diagnosis: Doppler Ultrasound. This technique does not measure portal pressure, but indirectly allows the diagnosis of PH. Average speed of portal flow decrease (<10 cm/s) and hepatofugal flow have been reported in cirrhotic dogs with PH. Currently, the focus of the ultrasound is the detection of acquired collateral portal circulation (ACPC), closely correlated with hepatic encephalopathy. The characterization of these vessels is essential to differentiate them from congenital shunts. They are usually multiple vessels, small and tortuous, with turbulent flow, near to the kidneys, and/or a single and larger vessel, draining into the left renal vein (dilated gonadal vein). Gastric, esophageal and mesenteric varices may occur. After identifying the PH, it is important to determine its origin in order to treat the underlying disease. B-Mode Ultrasound and Doppler are the best choices in cases of suspected PH, because they may recognize not just the hypertension, but also its complications and origin.
Compared with human beings, the application of ultrasound in estimating fetal age in bitches is limited due to the large variation of breed and size in this species. Several formulas were developed to calculate the gestational age and to provide the date of birth in dogs, but the efficacy of these formulas on the different gestational stages and dog breeds is unknown. The aim of this study was to compare sonographic methods for assessment of gestational age and days before parturition in dogs with different body weights and pregnancy stages. Twenty seven bitches of several sizes were examined and divided into three groups according to the initial body weight (A: <10kg; B: 10.1 - 20kg; C: >20.1kg); then each group was divided into three subgroups according to pregnancy stage (1st: 18 to 30 days; 2nd: 31 to 40 days; 3rd: >40 days) estimated according to the first day of copulation. Ultrasonography was performed weekly from the first stage of pregnancy. In the first and second stage the following formulas were applied: GA = (6XGSD) + 20; DBP = 65 - IG; by Nyland & Matton (2002); GA: gestational age; DBP: days before parturition; DSG: gestational sac diameter; in the third stage: DBP = 61,2 - (24,6 X BD); DBP = 43,5 - (10,9 X CD); by Burk & Ackerman (1996); BD: biparietal diameter; CD: body diameter, and: GA = (15 X BD) + 20; GA = (7 X CD) + 29; GA = (6 X BD) + (3 X CD) + 30; DBP = 65 - GA; by Nyland & Matton (2002). Results were compared statistically. The equations proposed by Nyland & Matton (2002), were more accurate in all pregnancy stages, with a margin of error of only three days, regardless of the size of the animal; therefore these methods are the best option in veterinary practice.
The head is the most important and specialized region in the body because it contains a range of specialized organs and, because it has interconnections between specialized organs, there is a great overlap of images. Thus, computed tomography (CT) helps in diagnosing diseases in this region, such as oral conditions, as they provide millimetric slices or cuts and demonstrate the relationship between the various anatomical structures involved, in volume and depth. Within dentistry, CT helps in the identification of pathological processes such as infection, tumors, visualization of embedded teeth and bone bed. This study aimed to assess the density of the mandibular alveolar bone at a determined point to later predict how periodontal disease is involved in bone resorption. For this, we performed a blind retrospective study (n = 124) of the CT scan files of dog skulls at FMVZ-UNESP in order to determine the density of the jaw bone using a Hounsfield scale, in the region of the dental apex of the cranial root of the first molar tooth in dogs. The results obtained were evaluated using mean and standard deviation (27.28 +/- 9.53 HU) in order to predict the normal density of the mandibular alveolar bone in the studied region. Thus, this data analysis allows a more concise evaluation of bone resorption of mandibular alveolar bone and, therefore, provides an adequate surgical planning in cases of osteosynthesis given mainly by the presence of installed periodontal disease.