989 resultados para Augé
BaH (and its isotopomers) is an attractive molecular candidate for laser cooling to ultracold temperatures and a potential precursor for the production of ultracold gases of hydrogen and deuterium. The theoretical challenge is to simulate the laser cooling cycle as reliably as possible and this paper addresses the generation of a highly accurate ab initio $^{2}\Sigma^+$ potential for such studies. The performance of various basis sets within the multi-reference configuration-interaction (MRCI) approximation with the Davidson correction (MRCI+Q)is tested and taken to the Complete Basis Set (CBS) limit. It is shown that the calculated molecular constants using a 46 electron Effective Core-Potential (ECP) and even-tempered augmented polarized core-valence basis sets (aug-pCV$n$Z-PP, n= 4 and 5) but only including three active electrons in the MRCI calculation are in excellent agreement with the available experimental values. The predicted dissociation energy De for the X$^2\Sigma^+$ state (extrapolated to the CBS limit) is 16895.12 cm$^{-1}$ (2.094 eV), which agrees within 0.1$\%$ of a revised experimental value of <16910.6 cm$^{-1}$, while the calculated re is within 0.03 pm of the experimental result.
Estudos recentes estabelecem uma ligação entre erros na tradução do mRNA e cancro, envelhecimento e neurodegeneração. RNAs de transferência mutantes que introduzem aminoácidos em locais errados nas proteínas aumentam a produção de espécies reactivas de oxigénio e a expressão de genes que regulam autofagia, ribofagia, degradação de proteínas não-funcionais e protecção contra o stress oxidativo. Erros na tradução do mRNA estão portanto relacionados com stress proteotóxico. Sabe-se agora que o mecanismo de toxicidade do crómio está associado à diminuição da fidelidade de tradução e à agregação de proteínas com malformações que destabilizam a sua estrutura terciária. Desta forma, é possível que os efeitos do stress ambiental ao nível da degeneração celular possam estar relacionados com a alteração da integridade da maquinaria da tradução. Neste estudo procedeu-se a uma avaliação alargada do impacto do stress ambiental na fidelidade da síntese de proteínas, utilizando S. cerevisiae como um sistema modelo. Para isso recorreu-se a repórteres policistrónicos de luciferase que permitiram quantificar especificamente a supressão de codões de terminação e o erro na leitura do codão AUG em células exposta a concentações não letais de metais pesados, etanol, cafeína e H2O2. Os resultados sugerem que a maquinaria de tradução é na generalidade muito resistente ao stress ambiental, devido a uma conjugação de mecanismos de homeostase que muito eficientemente antagonizam o impacto negativo dos erros de tradução. A nossa abordagem quantitativa permitiu-nos a identificar genes regulados por uma resposta programada ao stress ambiental que são também essenciais para mitigar a ocorrência de erros de tradução, nomeadamente, HSP12, HSP104 e RPN4. A exposição prolongada ao stress ambiental conduz à saturação dos mecanismos de homeostase, contribuindo para a acumulação de proteínas contendo erros de tradução e diminuindo a disponibilidade de proteínas funcionais directamente envolvidas na manutenção da fidelidade de tradução e integridade celular. Ao contrário de outras Hsps, a Hsp12p adopta normalmente uma localização membranar em condições de stress, que pode modular a fluidez e estabilidade membranar, sugerindo que a membrana plasmática é um alvo preferencial da perda de fidelidade da tradução. Para melhor compreender as respostas celulares aos erros de tradução, células contendo deleções em genes codificadores das Hsps foram transformadas com tRNAs mutantes que introduzem alterações no proteoma. Os nossos resultados demonstram que para além da resposta geral ao stress, estes tRNAs induzem alterações a nível do metabolismo celular e um aumento de aminoacilação com Metionina em vários tRNAs, sugerindo um mecanismo de protecção contra espécies reactivas de oxigénio. Em conclusão, este estudo sugere um papel para os erros de tradução na gestão de recursos energéticos e na adaptação das células a ambientes desfavoráveis.
If a ‘Renaturing of Cities’ strategy is to maximise the ecosystem service provision of urban green infrastructure (UGI), then detailed consideration of a habitat services, biodiversity-led approach and multifunctionality are necessary rather than relying on the assumed benefits of UGI per se. The paper presents preliminary data from three case studies, two in England and one in Germany, that explore how multifunctionality can be achieved, the stakeholders required, the usefulness of an experimental approach for demonstrating transformation, and how this can be fed back into policy. We argue that incorporating locally contextualised biodiversity-led UGI design into the planning and policy spheres contributes to the functioning and resilience of the city and provides the adaptability to respond to locally contextualised challenges, such as overheating, flooding, air pollution, health and wellbeing as well as biodiversity loss. Framing our research to encompass both the science of biodiversity-led UGI and co-developing methods for incorporating a strategic approach to implementation of biodiversity-led UGI by planners and developers addresses a gap in current knowledge and begins to address barriers to UGI implementation. By combining scientific with policy learning and defined urban environmental targets with community needs, our research to date has begun to demonstrate how nature-based solutions to building resilience and adaptive governance can be strategically incorporated within cities through UGI.
In this paper we consider the uplink transmission within CP-assisted (Cyclic Pre¯x) DS-CDMA (Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access) systems and we present a frequency-domain MUD (MultiUser Detection) receiver with iterative estimation and compensation of residual frequency errors. The proposed receiver is suitable for broadband wireless systems, with performances that can be close to the single-user MFB (Matched Filter Bound), even for fully loaded systems and/or in the presence of strong interfering signals. The receiver is powerful enough for typical asynchronous scenarios, requiring only a coarse synchronization between users.
This text describes a real data acquisition and identification system implemented in a soilless greenhouse located at the University of Algarve (south of Portugal). Using the Real Time Workshop, Simulink, Matlab and the C programming language a system was developed to perform real-time data acquisition from a set of sensors.
Dissertação de mest., Biologia Marinha (Ecologia e Conservação Marinhas), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2011
Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Portugal, alike what is verified in the remaining western countries. There are factors that increase the risk of its occurrence, that do not usually emerge isolated, tending to group in the individual. This coexistence results in a combined effect which is larger than the one expected from the sum of its individual effects. The global cardiovascular risk is defined as the percentage change of developing a cardiovascular event over a given period of time (generally 10 years). The purpose of global cardiovascular risk assessment is to identify the individuals who should be counseled and receive treatment to prevent a cardiovascular disease, as well as to establish the therapeutics aggressiveness level.
Background: Diabetes mellitus is one of the major causes of chronic morbidity and loss of quality of life, and it seems to be increasing in the coming decades. Overall prevalence of diabetes in Portugal in 2010, according to the latest National Observatory of Diabetes Report, was 12.4%, which corresponds to a total of approximately 991 thousand individuals aged between 20 and 79 years. The level of control of diabetes mellitus, as measured by glycosilated haemoglobin A1c(HbA1c) influences the long-term risk of macrovascular and microvascular complications. Given the frequent association of diabetes with hypertension/dyslipidemia/overweight, managing these risk factors is a crucial part of the diabetes control.
Background: Non-adherence to therapy contributes to the increase in hospitalizations, admissions to nursing homes, decreased quality of life and consequent increased morbimortality in the elderly. Aim: To assess whether pharmacist intervention contributes to the adherence to medical prescription by elderly patients.
Introduction: Prevention, early detection and management of diabetes are fundamental for stopping this present epidemic. Medication review may contribute to the early detection of negative clinical outcomes risk factors associated to the use of medicines. Aims: To use the medication review to identify the situations that may lead to clinical negative outcomes, described as findings, in the process of medicines use in type 2 diabetic patients. To verify if the inclusion criteria list of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia for medication review allows identifying patients of higher risks of obtaining clinical negative outcomes.
Objectives: Pharmaceutical care is a patient-centered philosophy of assistential practice in which the pharmacist, as a health care team member, has responsibilities in patient medication. The correct use of medicines will significantly decrease the negative outcomes of pharmacotherapy, namely untreated health problem..
Background:Identification of potentially non-adherent patients is a milestone in the way to the rational use of drugs. Detecting beliefs that influence intentional non-adherence behaviours may improve pharmacists[simplequote] counselling. The aim of this study was to assess the Beliefs about Medicines Questionnaire (BMQ) as a proxy for necessity..
At a time when the traditional major airlines have struggled to remain viable, the low-cost carriers have become the major success story of the European airline industry. This paper looks behind the headlines to show that although low-cost airlines have achieved much, they too have potential weaknesses and face a number of challenges in the years ahead. The secondary and regional airports that have benefited from low-cost carrier expansion are shown to be vulnerable to future changes in airline economics, government policy and patterns of air service. An analysis of routes from London demonstrates that the low-cost airlines have been more successful in some markets than others. To attractive and historically under-served leisure destinations in Southern Europe they have stimulated dramatic growth and achieved a dominant position. To major hub cities however they typically remain marginal players and to secondary points in Northern Europe their traffic has been largely diverted from existing operators. There is also evidence that the UK market is becoming saturated and new low-cost services are poaching traffic from other low-cost routes. Passenger compensation legislation and possible environmental taxes will hit the low-cost airline industry disproportionately hard. The high elasticities of demand to price in certain markets that these airlines have exploited will operate in reverse. One of the major elements of the low-cost business model involves the use of smaller uncongested airports. These offer faster turn-arounds and lower airport charges. In many cases, local and regional government has been willing to subsidise expansion of air services to assist with economic development or tourism objectives. However, recent court cases against Ryanair now threaten these financial arrangements. The paper also examines the catchment areas for airports with low-cost service. It is shown that as well as stimulating local demand, much traffic is captured from larger markets nearby through the differential in fare levels. This has implications for surface transport, as access to these regional airports often involves long journeys by private car. Consideration is then given to the feasibility of low-cost airlines expanding into the long-haul market or to regional operations with small aircraft. Many of the cost advantages are more muted on intercontinental services.