976 resultados para Athletic horses.


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To assess the relationships between player characteristics (including age, playing experience, ethnicity, physical fitness) and in-season injury in elite Australian football.


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Empire re-animates found historic stereographic photographs predominantly of Melbourne’s city centre between 1927 and 1940 when the colonial trace was slowly receding. Melbourne’s main Flinder’s Street Intersection is unsettlingly transformed into a Cubist perceptual maelstrom through repetition and flicker.


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Monitoring athletic preparation facilitates the evaluation and adjustment of practices to optimize performance outcomes. Self-report measures such as questionnaires and diaries are suggested to be a simple and cost-effective approach to monitoring an athlete’s response to training, however their efficacy is dependent on how they are implemented and used. This study sought to identify the perceived factors influencing the implementation of athlete self-report measures (ASRM) in elite sport settings. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with athletes, coaches and sports science and medicine staff at a national sporting institute (n = 30). Interviewees represented 20 different sports programs and had varying experience with ASRM. Purported factors influencing the implementation of ASRM related to the measure itself (e.g., accessibility, timing of completion), and the social environment (e.g., buy-in, reinforcement). Social environmental factors included individual, inter-personal and organizational levels which is consistent with a social ecological framework. An adaptation of this framework was combined with the factors associated with the measure to illustrate the inter-relations and influence upon compliance, data accuracy and athletic outcomes. To improve implementation of ASRM and ultimately athletic outcomes, a multi-factorial and multi-level approach is needed.


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Athlete self-report measures (ASRM) are a common and cost-effective method of athlete monitoring. It is purported that ASRM be used to detect athletes at risk of overtraining, injury or illness, allowing intervention through training modification. However it is not known whether ASRM are actually being used for or are achieving these objectives in the applied sport setting. Therefore the aim of this study was to better understand how ASRM are being used in elite sports and their role in athletic preparation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted one-on-one with athletes, coaches and sports science and medicine staff (n=30) at a national sporting institute. Interview recordings were transcribed and analysed for emergent themes. Twelve day-to-day and seven longer-term practices were identified which contributed to a four-step process of ASRM use (record data, review data, contextualize, act). In addition to the purported uses, ASRM facilitated information disclosure and communication amongst athletes and staff and between staff, and improved the understanding and management of athlete preparation. These roles of ASRM are best achieved through engagement of athletes, coaches and support staff in the systematic, cyclic process.


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 Paralympic athletes represent a very high functioning group within the population. They not only report high levels of SWB but also have robust psychological resources that support adaptation to environmental challenges and athletic success. This would suggest that important lessons in resilience could be learned from this high profile group.


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PURPOSE: To compare a novel sprint test on a cycle ergometer with a countermovement-jump (CMJ) test for monitoring neuromuscular fatigue after Australian rules football match play. METHODS: Twelve elite under-18 Australian rules football players (mean ± SD age 17.5 ± 0.6 y, stature 184.7 ± 8.8 cm, body mass 75.3 ± 7.8 kg) from an Australian Football League club's Academy program performed a short sprint test on a cycle ergometer along with a single CMJ test 1 h prematch and 1, 24, and 48 h postmatch. The cycle-ergometer sprint test involved a standardized warm-up, a maximal 6-s sprint, a 1-min active recovery, and a 2nd maximal 6-s sprint, with the highest power output of the 2 sprints recorded as peak power (PP). RESULTS: There were small to moderate differences between postmatch changes in cycle-ergometer PP and CMJ PP at 1 (ES = 0.49), 24 (ES = -0.85), and 48 h postmatch (ES = 0.44). There was a substantial reduction in cycle-ergometer PP at 24 h postmatch (ES = -0.40) compared with 1 h prematch. CONCLUSIONS: The cycle-ergometer sprint test described in this study offers a novel method of neuromuscular-fatigue monitoring in team-sport athletes and specifically quantifies the concentric component of the fatigue-induced decrement of force production in muscle, which may be overlooked by a CMJ test.


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Genre films are constructed out of narrative patterns and plot points that involve or are predicted on crisis, on danger. This is the logic of much if not all mainstream genre cinema: drama has to take place for there to be a story to be told, and for pleasure and identification to be arrested and enthused. Forms of threatening disequilibrium can be personal, domestic, familial, local, external, supernatural and murderous; a way of life can be threatened as well as life itself. There are ideological dimensions at play; the crisis threatens to destabilize patriarchy, heterosexuality, social norms and expectations. Feelings and modes of affect are set in dangerous motion as the crisis unfolds. Trouble may emerge from a wayward or transgressive family member, or it may arrive in town on horses, stagecoaches, trains, cars, spaceships, and on the wind and in the water. The main (and minor) characters in the film are at the center of this storm, and that places viewers at the epicenter of the danger, also. The genre film places us all in danger. The genre film, then, has phenomenal, phenomenological and bio-political potential as a site of cognitive, ideological and carnal endangerment.


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We tested, using a low starting dilution, sequential serum samples from dromedary camels, sheep and horses collected in Dubai from February/April to October of 2005 and from dromedary camels for export/import testing between Canada and USA in 2000-2001. Using a standard Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) neutralization test, serial sera from three sheep and three horses were all negative while sera from 9 of 11 dromedary camels from Dubai were positive for antibodies supported by similar results in a MERS-CoV recombinant partial spike protein antibody ELISA. The two negative Dubai camels were both dromedary calves and remained negative over the 5 months studied. The six dromedary samples from USA and Canada were negative in both tests. These results support the recent findings that infection with MERS-CoV or a closely related virus is not a new occurrence in camels in the Middle East. Therefore, interactions of MERS-CoV at the human-animal interface may have been ongoing for several, perhaps many, years and by inference, a widespread pandemic may be less likely unless significant evolution of the virus allow accelerated infection and spread potential in the human population.


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Recent research highlights the importance of redox signalling pathway activation by contraction-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitric oxide (NO) in normal exercise-related cellular and molecular adaptations in skeletal muscle. In this review, we discuss some potentially important redox signalling pathways in skeletal muscle that are involved in acute and chronic responses to contraction and exercise. Specifically, we discuss redox signalling implicated in skeletal muscle contraction force, mitochondrial biogenesis and antioxidant enzyme induction, glucose uptake and muscle hypertrophy. Furthermore, we review evidence investigating the impact of major exogenous antioxidants on these acute and chronic responses to exercise. Redox signalling pathways involved in adaptive responses in skeletal muscle to exercise are not clearly elucidated at present, and further research is required to better define important signalling pathways involved. Evidence of beneficial or detrimental effects of specific antioxidant compounds on exercise adaptations in muscle is similarly limited, particularly in human subjects. Future research is required to not only investigate effects of specific antioxidant compounds on skeletal muscle exercise adaptations, but also to better establish mechanisms of action of specific antioxidants in vivo. Although we feel it remains somewhat premature to make clear recommendations in relation to application of specific antioxidant compounds in different exercise settings, a bulk of evidence suggests that N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is ergogenic through its effects on maintenance of muscle force production during sustained fatiguing events. Nevertheless, a current lack of evidence from studies using performance tests representative of athletic competition and a potential for adverse effects with high doses (>70 mg/kg body mass) warrants caution in its use for performance enhancement. In addition, evidence implicates high dose vitamin C (1 g/day) and E (≥260 IU/day) supplementation in impairments to some skeletal muscle cellular adaptations to chronic exercise training. Thus, determining the utility of antioxidant supplementation in athletes likely requires a consideration of training and competition periodization cycles of athletes in addition to type, dose and duration of antioxidant supplementation.


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 In team sports accelerometers are used to monitor the physical demands of athletic performance. Daniel's research showed that accelerometer accuracy can be improved through filtering. He also showed that the accelerometer can be used to automatically classify the type of movement performed. Further improving the understanding of team sports.


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Esta dissertação fala sobre o corpo. Mais especificamente sobre representações de corpo adolescente feminino produzidas e/ou veiculadas pela revista Capricho. Considerada por mim como um produto da mídia cujas imagens e textos falam às adolescentes deste tempo, analisei todas as edições publicadas nos anos de 2000 e 2001 buscando compreender o que a Capricho ensina às garotas com relação aos seus corpos. Fundamentada no campo teórico dos Estudos Culturais e na História do Corpo, teci minhas análises a partir de três temas: saúde, beleza e moda. Temas esses que emergiram da própria revista uma vez que ela está a falar deles o tempo todo. Decorrente das análises realizadas é possível afirmar que a Capricho, como parte integrante de uma pedagogia cultural, educa as garotas no que respeita à construção de um corpo jovem, moderno e saudável. Um corpo que, ao ser visto, sustenta um look. O look produzido pelas suas páginas e para o qual a garota deve investir diferenciados esforços, seja na aquisição de um jeito atlético e saudável de ser, seja na valorização da magreza e, ainda, na composição de um estilo baseado nos hits da moda.


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Este trabalho procura compreender quais são os fatores criticos de sucesso na gestão das AABBs - Associações Atleticas Banco do Brasil Com 1.267 unidades espalhadas por todo o território nacionaL as AABBs constituem uma das maiores redes de clubes ligados a uma única empresa - no caso. o Banco do Brasii - de todo o mundo Para realizar a taret~l foi util izado o referencial teórico da perspectiva teórico-critica da Escola de Frankfun. mais especificamente as contribuiçôl's de jllrgen Haberma". da segunda geração frankfuniana Foram le\'adas em conta as cmicas de Habermas à racio/lalidade "'.\lrll/l1<:lIlal e o conceiro dele de raâol1ul/(lade COl1llllÚCalll'U, em conexão com as noções de açào gerel/nul nlOnoláglclI e a~ilo gerencial dialriglca desell\ol\'idas por Fernando Tenório As opiniões de três segmentos principais embasam o presente estudo: associados das AABH.\, admilli,\/rl1dorcs do !JUIlCO do !Jrasti e dirigentes das A.A!J!Js A panir desses pontos de vista procurou-se detinir o que caracteriza sucesso na gestão dos clubes: quais são os tipos de racionalidade. de ação gerencial e de práticas administrativas que predominam nas AAB85: como é vista e utilizada a infra-estrutura das associações: como o relacionamento dos dirigentes dos clubes com os administradores do Banco do Brasil e com a Federação Nacional das AABBs - Fenabb impacta a "ida das associações. e de que forma se dá o processo de comunicação das AABBs com os seus associados Os resultados do estudo podem contribuir para a melhoria dos processos de gestão das AABBs. além de subsidiar as pesquisas sobre a atuação de outras entidades de natureza semelhante.


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A interação sexual no sentido de ação conjunta ou recíproca supõe a existência de parceiros dimorficamente caracterizados a partir da estrutura cromossomial X-X ou X-Y. A diferenciação do sexo, entretanto, não depende apenas da condição cromossomial, podendo mesmo ser invertida quando a ação hormonal for alterada. Os dados disponíveis apontam os andrógenos como um dos principais agentes de diferenciação, afetando o organismo "básico" feminino num sentido masculinizante. A medida que se progride na escala animal, contudo, os aspectos estritamente biológicos perdem em importância e as condições ambientais aos poucos se impõem . Nos primatas superiores, caso não se estabeleçam condições adequadas de aprendizagem, o desenvolvimento sexual não se completa e a cópula se torna inviável. No ser humano, além dessa aprendizagem, fatores socio-culturais respondem pelo comportamento considerado masculino ou feminino que supostamente será exibido por cada parceiro da interação. Também as noções de estética são seriamente determinadas pela tradição cultural, com cada povo tendendo a valorizar os próprios traços raciais como ideal de beleza. Do ponto de vista físico, entretanto, pode-se tentar estabelecer algumas constantes, como as formas arredondadas para a mulher e o porte atl6tico ou capacidades gerais , para o homem. Uma vez estabelecida a atração e encontrado local e momento adequado, a interação sexual tende a uma progressiva intensificação e genitalização, que, nas sociedades de tradição judaico-cristã se reflete numa sequência, mais ou menos previsível, envolvendo carícias gerais, beijos, acariciamento de seios e genitais até a união genito-genital o significado e a forma como cada cultura desenvolve os contatos físicos de intercambio erógeno revelam tão grande variedade que já se apontou essa polimorfismo corno aquisição típica do ser humano. Assim, ao contrário do que faz supor o ideal de abstinência, é na capacidade de buscar e estender o prazer além da s1mples atividade orgânico-sexual que o homem, em sexo, se liberta da limitação animal.


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Esta pesquisa está contextualizada no cenário nacional atual: o Brasil passa por um momento singular que culminará em dois eventos esportivos de repercussão mundial: a Copa do Mundo de Futebol em 2014 e as Olimpíadas em 2016. Estes eventos geram impactos nas mais diversas áreas, inclusive na indústria de fitness que, em sua expansão, aproveita a visibilidade gerada por tais acontecimentos. Tendo isto em vista, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar modelos alternativos de atuação no setor de fitness de maneira a contribuir para sua expansão. O modelo alternativo selecionado foi o CrossFit, cujo crescimento internacional o posiciona como a opção de fitness não convencional de maior expressão, ainda que pouco conhecido no Brasil.