986 resultados para Array-CGH


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Magnetic properties of Fe nanodots are simulated using a scaling technique and Monte Carlo method, in good agreement with experimental results. For the 20-nm-thick dots with diameters larger than 60¿nm, the magnetization reversal via vortex state is observed. The role of magnetic interaction between dots in arrays in the reversal process is studied as a function of nanometric center-to-center distance. When this distance is more than twice the dot diameter, the interaction can be neglected and the magnetic properties of the entire array are determined by the magnetic configuration of the individual dots. The effect of crystalline anisotropy on the vortex state is investigated. For arrays of noninteracting dots, the anisotropy strongly affects the vortex nucleation field and coercivity, and only slightly affects the vortex annihilation field


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At high magnetic field strengths (≥ 3T), the radiofrequency wavelength used in MRI is of the same order of magnitude of (or smaller than) the typical sample size, making transmit magnetic field (B1+) inhomogeneities more prominent. Methods such as radiofrequency-shimming and transmit SENSE have been proposed to mitigate these undesirable effects. A prerequisite for such approaches is an accurate and rapid characterization of the B1+ field in the organ of interest. In this work, a new phase-sensitive three-dimensional B1+-mapping technique is introduced that allows the acquisition of a 64 × 64 × 8 B1+-map in ≈ 20 s, yielding an accurate mapping of the relative B1+ with a 10-fold dynamic range (0.2-2 times the nominal B1+). Moreover, the predominant use of low flip angle excitations in the presented sequence minimizes specific absorption rate, which is an important asset for in vivo B1+-shimming procedures at high magnetic fields. The proposed methodology was validated in phantom experiments and demonstrated good results in phantom and human B1+-shimming using an 8-channel transmit-receive array.


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The objective of this study was to develop guidelines for use of the Iowa Vanes technique for sediment control in bridge waterways. Iowa Vanes are small flow-training structures (foils) designed to modify the near-bed flow pattern and redistribute flow and sediment transport within the channel cross section. The structures are installed at an angleof attack of 15 - 25' with the flow, and their initial height is 0.2 - 0.5 times water depth at design stage. The vanes function by generating secondary circulation in the flow. The circulation alters magnitude and direction of the bed shear stress and causes a reduction in velocity and sediment transport in the vane controlled area. As a result, the river bed aggrades in the vane controlled area and degrades outside. This report summarizes the basic theory, describes results of laboratory and field tests, and presents the resulting design procedure. Design graphs have been developed based on the theory. The graphs are entered with basic flow variables and desired bed topography. The output is vane layout and design. The procedure is illustrated with two numerical examples prepared with data that are typical for many rivers in Iowa and the midwest. The report also discusses vane material. In most applications, the vane height will be between 30% and 50% of bankfull flow depth and the vane length will be two to three times vane height. The vanes will be placed in arrays along the bank of the river. Each array will contain two or more vanes. The vanes in an array will be spaced laterally a distance of two to three times vane height. The streamwise spacing between the arrays will be 15 to 30 times vane height, and the vane-to-bank distance will be three to four times vane height. The study also show that the first (most upstream) array in the vane system must be located a distance of at least three array spacings upstream from the bridge, and there must be at least three arrays in the system for it to be effective at and downstream from the third array.


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The prevalence of hypertension in African Americans (AAs) is higher than in other US groups; yet, few have performed genome-wide association studies (GWASs) in AA. Among people of European descent, GWASs have identified genetic variants at 13 loci that are associated with blood pressure. It is unknown if these variants confer susceptibility in people of African ancestry. Here, we examined genome-wide and candidate gene associations with systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) using the Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe) consortium consisting of 8591 AAs. Genotypes included genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data utilizing the Affymetrix 6.0 array with imputation to 2.5 million HapMap SNPs and candidate gene SNP data utilizing a 50K cardiovascular gene-centric array (ITMAT-Broad-CARe [IBC] array). For Affymetrix data, the strongest signal for DBP was rs10474346 (P= 3.6 × 10(-8)) located near GPR98 and ARRDC3. For SBP, the strongest signal was rs2258119 in C21orf91 (P= 4.7 × 10(-8)). The top IBC association for SBP was rs2012318 (P= 6.4 × 10(-6)) near SLC25A42 and for DBP was rs2523586 (P= 1.3 × 10(-6)) near HLA-B. None of the top variants replicated in additional AA (n = 11 882) or European-American (n = 69 899) cohorts. We replicated previously reported European-American blood pressure SNPs in our AA samples (SH2B3, P= 0.009; TBX3-TBX5, P= 0.03; and CSK-ULK3, P= 0.0004). These genetic loci represent the best evidence of genetic influences on SBP and DBP in AAs to date. More broadly, this work supports that notion that blood pressure among AAs is a trait with genetic underpinnings but also with significant complexity.


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The genomic loci occupied by RNA polymerase (RNAP) III have been characterized in human culture cells by genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitations, followed by deep sequencing (ChIP-seq). These studies have shown that only ∼40% of the annotated 622 human tRNA genes and pseudogenes are occupied by RNAP-III, and that these genes are often in open chromatin regions rich in active RNAP-II transcription units. We have used ChIP-seq to characterize RNAP-III-occupied loci in a differentiated tissue, the mouse liver. Our studies define the mouse liver RNAP-III-occupied loci including a conserved mammalian interspersed repeat (MIR) as a potential regulator of an RNAP-III subunit-encoding gene. They reveal that synteny relationships can be established between a number of human and mouse RNAP-III genes, and that the expression levels of these genes are significantly linked. They establish that variations within the A and B promoter boxes, as well as the strength of the terminator sequence, can strongly affect RNAP-III occupancy of tRNA genes. They reveal correlations with various genomic features that explain the observed variation of 81% of tRNA scores. In mouse liver, loci represented in the NCBI37/mm9 genome assembly that are clearly occupied by RNAP-III comprise 50 Rn5s (5S RNA) genes, 14 known non-tRNA RNAP-III genes, nine Rn4.5s (4.5S RNA) genes, and 29 SINEs. Moreover, out of the 433 annotated tRNA genes, half are occupied by RNAP-III. Transfer RNA gene expression levels reflect both an underlying genomic organization conserved in dividing human culture cells and resting mouse liver cells, and the particular promoter and terminator strengths of individual genes.


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Huntington's disease (HD) pathology is well understood at a histological level but a comprehensive molecular analysis of the effect of the disease in the human brain has not previously been available. To elucidate the molecular phenotype of HD on a genome-wide scale, we compared mRNA profiles from 44 human HD brains with those from 36 unaffected controls using microarray analysis. Four brain regions were analyzed: caudate nucleus, cerebellum, prefrontal association cortex [Brodmann's area 9 (BA9)] and motor cortex [Brodmann's area 4 (BA4)]. The greatest number and magnitude of differentially expressed mRNAs were detected in the caudate nucleus, followed by motor cortex, then cerebellum. Thus, the molecular phenotype of HD generally parallels established neuropathology. Surprisingly, no mRNA changes were detected in prefrontal association cortex, thereby revealing subtleties of pathology not previously disclosed by histological methods. To establish that the observed changes were not simply the result of cell loss, we examined mRNA levels in laser-capture microdissected neurons from Grade 1 HD caudate compared to control. These analyses confirmed changes in expression seen in tissue homogenates; we thus conclude that mRNA changes are not attributable to cell loss alone. These data from bona fide HD brains comprise an important reference for hypotheses related to HD and other neurodegenerative diseases.


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The propagation of a pulse in a nonlinear array of oscillators is influenced by the nature of the array and by its coupling to a thermal environment. For example, in some arrays a pulse can be speeded up while in others a pulse can be slowed down by raising the temperature. We begin by showing that an energy pulse (one dimension) or energy front (two dimensions) travels more rapidly and remains more localized over greater distances in an isolated array (microcanonical) of hard springs than in a harmonic array or in a soft-springed array. Increasing the pulse amplitude causes it to speed up in a hard chain, leaves the pulse speed unchanged in a harmonic system, and slows down the pulse in a soft chain. Connection of each site to a thermal environment (canonical) affects these results very differently in each type of array. In a hard chain the dissipative forces slow down the pulse while raising the temperature speeds it up. In a soft chain the opposite occurs: the dissipative forces actually speed up the pulse, while raising the temperature slows it down. In a harmonic chain neither dissipation nor temperature changes affect the pulse speed. These and other results are explained on the basis of the frequency vs energy relations in the various arrays


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We present a theoretical study of the recently observed dynamical regimes of paramagnetic colloidal particles externally driven above a regular lattice of magnetic bubbles [P. Tierno, T. H. Johansen, and T. M. Fischer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 038303 (2007)]. An external precessing magnetic field alters the potential generated by the surface of the film in such a way to either drive the particle circularly around one bubble, ballistically through the array, or in triangular orbits on the interstitial regions between the bubbles. In the ballistic regime, we observe different trajectories performed by the particles phase locked with the external driving. Superdiffusive motion, which was experimentally found bridging the localized and delocalized dynamics, emerge only by introducing a certain degree of randomness into the bubbles size distribution.


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We present a feedback control scheme to stabilize unstable cellular patterns during the directional solidification of a binary alloy. The scheme is based on local heating of cell tips which protrude ahead of the mean position of all tips in the array. The feasibility of this scheme is demonstrated using phase-field simulations and, experimentally, using a real-time image processing algorithm, to track cell tips, coupled with a movable laser spot array device to heat the tips locally. We demonstrate, both numerically and experimentally, that spacings well below the threshold for a period-doubling instability can be stabilized. As predicted by the numerical calculations, cellular arrays become stable with uniform spacing through the feedback control which is maintained with minimal heating.


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The function of DNA-binding proteins is controlled not just by their abundance, but mainly at the level of their activity in terms of their interactions with DNA and protein targets. Moreover, the affinity of such transcription factors to their target sequences is often controlled by co-factors and/or modifications that are not easily assessed from biological samples. Here, we describe a scalable method for monitoring protein-DNA interactions on a microarray surface. This approach was designed to determine the DNA-binding activity of proteins in crude cell extracts, complementing conventional expression profiling arrays. Enzymatic labeling of DNA enables direct normalization of the protein binding to the microarray, allowing the estimation of relative binding affinities. Using DNA sequences covering a range of affinities, we show that the new microarray-based method yields binding strength estimates similar to low-throughput gel mobility-shift assays. The microarray is also of high sensitivity, as it allows the detection of a rare DNA-binding protein from breast cancer cells, the human tumor suppressor AP-2. This approach thus mediates precise and robust assessment of the activity of DNA-binding proteins and takes present DNA-binding assays to a high throughput level.


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Children and youth with autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disabilities (ASD/DD) require a comprehensive array of medical, behavioral and developmental health services that are often inadequately covered under the current system of health coverage. This leaves children at risk for missed or delayed care and their families with significant financial burdens. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) is designed to increase health coverage, improve benefits, and provide important new insurance protections for all Americans. Many of the law’s provisions will impact children, including those with ASD/DD, and will be implemented over time. This report, developed by The Catalyst Center at the Boston University School of Public Health, offers a brief description of selected provisions in the ACA that have implications for children with ASD/DD. It also describes how state Title V maternal and child health (MCH) programs can maximize opportunities under the ACA to develop and strengthen systems of care for children and youth with ASD/DD.


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Résumé : Le glioblastome (GBM, WHO grade IV) est la tumeur cérébrale primaire la plus fréquente et la plus maligne, son pronostic reste très réservé et sa réponse aux différents traitements limitée. Récemment, une étude clinique randomisée (EORTC 26981/NCIC CE.3) a démontré que le traitement combiné de temozolomide et radiothérapie (RT/TMZ) est le meilleur dans les cas de GBM nouvellement diagnostiqués [1]. Cependant, seul un sous-groupe de patients bénéficie du traitement RT/TMZ et même parmi eux, leur survie reste très limitée. Pour tenter de mieux comprendre les réponses au traitement RT/TMZ, la biologie du GBM, identifier d'autres facteurs de résistance et découvrir de nouvelles cibles aux traitements, nous avons conduit une analyse moléculaire étendue à 73 patients inclus dans cette étude clinique. Nous avons complété les résultats moléculaires déjà obtenus par un profil génomique du nombre de copies par Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization. Afin d'atteindre nos objectifs, nous avons analysé en parallèle les données cliniques des patients et leurs profils moléculaires. Nos résultats confirment des analyses connues dans le domaine des aberrations du nombre de copies (CNA) et de profils du glioblastome. Nous avons observé une bonne corrélation entre le CNA génomique et l'expression de l'ARN messager dans le glioblastome et identifié un nouveau modèle de CNA du chromosome 7 pouvant présenter un intérêt clinique. Nous avons aussi observé par l'analyse du CNA que moins de 10% des glioblastomes conservent leurs mécanismes de suppression de tumeurs p53 et Rb1. Nous avons aussi observé que l'amplification du CDK4 peut constituer un facteur supplémentaire de résistance au traitement RT/TMZ, cette observation nécessite confirmation sur un plus grand nombre d'analyses. Nous avons montré que dans notre analyse des profils moléculaires et cliniques, il n'est pas possible de différencier le GBM à composante oligodendrogliale (GBM-O) du glioblastome. En superposant les profils moléculaires et les modèles expérimentaux in vitro, nous avons identifié WIF-1 comme un gène suppresseur de tumeur probable et une activation du signal WNT dans la pathologie du glioblastome. Ces observations pourraient servir à une meilleure compréhension de cette maladie dans le futur. Abstract : Glioblastoma, (GBM, WHO grade IV) is the most malignant and most frequent primary brain tumor with a very poor prognosis and response to therapy. A recent randomized clinical trial (EORTC26981/NCIC CE.3) established RT/TMZ as the 1St effective chemo-radiation therapy in newly diagnosed GBM [1]. However only a genetic subgroup of patients benefit from RT/TMZ and even in this subgroup overall survival remains very dismal. To explain the observed response to RT/TMZ, have a better understanding of GBM biology, identify other resistance factors and discover new drugable targets a comprehensive molecular analysis was performed in 73 of these GBM trial cohort. We complemented the available molecular data with a genomic copy number profiling by Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization. We proceeded to align the molecular profiles and the Clinical data, to meet our project objectives. Our data confirm known GBM Copy Number Aberrations and profiles. We observed a good correlation of genomic CN and mRNA expression in GBM, and identified new interesting CNA pattern for chromosome 7 with a potential clinical value. We also observed that by copy number aberration data alone, less than 10% of GBM have an intact p53 and Rb1 tumor .suppressor pathways. We equally observed that CDK4 amplification might constitute an additional RT/TMZ resistant factor, an observation that will need confirmation in a larger data set. We show that the molecular and clinical profiles in our data set, does not support the identification of GBM-O as a new entity in GBM. By combining the molecular profiles and in vitro model experiments we identify WIF1 as a potential GBM TSG and an activated WNT signaling as a pathologic event in GBM worth incorporation in attempts to better understand and impact outcome in this disease.


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The genotyping of human papillomaviruses (HPV) is essential for the surveillance of HPV vaccines. We describe and validate a low-cost PGMY-based PCR assay (PGMY-CHUV) for the genotyping of 31 HPV by reverse blotting hybridization (RBH). Genotype-specific detection limits were 50 to 500 genome equivalents per reaction. RBH was 100% specific and 98.61% sensitive using DNA sequencing as the gold standard (n = 1,024 samples). PGMY-CHUV was compared to the validated and commercially available linear array (Roche) on 200 samples. Both assays identified the same positive (n = 182) and negative samples (n = 18). Seventy-six percent of the positives were fully concordant after restricting the comparison to the 28 genotypes shared by both assays. At the genotypic level, agreement was 83% (285/344 genotype-sample combinations; κ of 0.987 for single infections and 0.853 for multiple infections). Fifty-seven of the 59 discordant cases were associated with multiple infections and with the weakest genotypes within each sample (P < 0.0001). PGMY-CHUV was significantly more sensitive for HPV56 (P = 0.0026) and could unambiguously identify HPV52 in mixed infections. PGMY-CHUV was reproducible on repeat testing (n = 275 samples; 392 genotype-sample combinations; κ of 0.933) involving different reagents lots and different technicians. Discordant results (n = 47) were significantly associated with the weakest genotypes in samples with multiple infections (P < 0.0001). Successful participation in proficiency testing also supported the robustness of this assay. The PGMY-CHUV reagent costs were estimated at $2.40 per sample using the least expensive yet proficient genotyping algorithm that also included quality control. This assay may be used in low-resource laboratories that have sufficient manpower and PCR expertise.


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Prokineticin, 1 (PROK1) and prokineticin 2 (PROK2), are two closely related proteins that were identified as the mammalian homologs of their two amphibian homologs, mamba intestinal toxin (MIT-1) and Bv8. MIT-1 was initially identified as a non-toxic constituent in the venom of the black mamba snake (Dendroaspis polylepis) (Joubert and Strydom, 1980) while Bv8 was identified in the skin secretion of the toad, Bombina variegate (Mollay et al., 1999). All three homologs stimulate gastrointestinal motility thus accounting for their family name "prokineticins" (Schweitz et al., 1990, 1999). However, since its initial description, both PROK1 and PROK2 have been found to regulate a dazzling array of biological functions throughout the body. In particular, PROK1 acts as a potent angiogenic mitogen on endocrine vascular epithelium, thus earning its other name, Endocrine gland-vascular endothelial factor (EG-VEGF) (LeCouter et al., 2002). In contrast, the PROK2 signaling pathway is a critical regulator of olfactory bulb morphogenesis and sexual maturation in mammals and this function is the focus of this review.


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Ever since the pre-molecular era, the birth of new genes with novel functions has been considered to be a major contributor to adaptive evolutionary innovation. Here, I review the origin and evolution of new genes and their functions in eukaryotes, an area of research that has made rapid progress in the past decade thanks to the genomics revolution. Indeed, recent work has provided initial whole-genome views of the different types of new genes for a large number of different organisms. The array of mechanisms underlying the origin of new genes is compelling, extending way beyond the traditionally well-studied source of gene duplication. Thus, it was shown that novel genes also regularly arose from messenger RNAs of ancestral genes, protein-coding genes metamorphosed into new RNA genes, genomic parasites were co-opted as new genes, and that both protein and RNA genes were composed from scratch (i.e., from previously nonfunctional sequences). These mechanisms then also contributed to the formation of numerous novel chimeric gene structures. Detailed functional investigations uncovered different evolutionary pathways that led to the emergence of novel functions from these newly minted sequences and, with respect to animals, attributed a potentially important role to one specific tissue--the testis--in the process of gene birth. Remarkably, these studies also demonstrated that novel genes of the various types significantly impacted the evolution of cellular, physiological, morphological, behavioral, and reproductive phenotypic traits. Consequently, it is now firmly established that new genes have indeed been major contributors to the origin of adaptive evolutionary novelties.