1000 resultados para Argila calcinada


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Nesta Tese foram preparados, em solução, filmes híbridos de argila e poliestireno provenientes de copos descartáveis comercializados no mercado brasileiro, com acetato de etila e glicerol. Posteriormente, foi adicionado o Hemi-hidrato de sulfato de cálcio como carga de reforço. Tanto a argila quanto o glicerol, assim como o hemihidrato de sulfato de cálcio, foram utilizados nos percentuais relativos à massa do poliestireno fragmentado correspondendo a 1%,2%, 3%,4%, 5% e 7%. Dos filmes, nos percentuais 3, 4, 5 e 7, exclui-se o percentual de 4% e os demais foram fragmentados e submetidos a extrusão, com resfriamento natural, à seco, produzindo-se grãos com os quais foi avaliado o índice de fluidez e injetados para a moldagem de corpos de prova rígidos. O desempenho dos corpos rígidos, foi comparado com os resultados do HIPS 484, e o GPPS comercializados no mercado brasileiro. Os filmes foram caracterizados por difração de raios X, microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), além dos testes de resistência à tração, fluorescência de raios X, EDS e FTIR. Amostra do filme, ultrafino, obtido a partir da solução com o percentual de 5% foi observada ao microscópio ótico e no microscópio eletrônico de transmissão, assim como amostras de corpos rígidos microtomizadas. Nos corpos rígidos, além das análises instrumentais citadas, foram avaliadas a resistência à flexão, modulo de flexão, resistência à tração, alongamento e resistência ao impacto Izod. O desempenho sob chama foi avaliado em amostras de filme e também do corpo rígido. Resultados do DRX, e da MET foram coerentes com a bibliografia para nanocompósitos argila-polímero e, associado às respostas dos demais ensaios, indicaram um material de boa qualidade morfológica e boas propriedades mecânicas comparadas ao HIPS 484 e ao GPPS. Sob a chama o material produzido apresentou maior resistência à queima avaliado pela quantidade aparente de material residual para um mesmo tempo sob fogo. Constatou-se, também, uma boa dispersão das cargas na matriz polimérica, assim como uma adequada interação entre os elementos orgânicos e inorgânicos do material, a delaminação parcial da argila e quebra da estrutura do hemi-hidrato. Isto resultou em um bom desempenho mecânico e térmico do compósito que pode ser atribuído, tanto a uma forte influência dos íons metálicos presentes nas cargas inorgânicas, quanto às adições presentes na formulação dos copos descartáveis.


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Recentemente, o uso de persulfato em processo de oxidação química in situ em áreas contaminadas por compostos orgânicos ganhou notoriedade. Contudo, a matriz sólida do solo pode interagir com o persulfato, favorecendo a formação de radicais livres, evitando o acesso do oxidante até o contaminante devido a oxidação de compostos reduzidos presentes no solo ou ainda pela alteração das propriedades hidráulicas do solo. Essa pesquisa teve como objetivos avaliar se as interações entre a solução de persulfato com três solos brasileiros poderiam eventualmente interferir sua capacidade de oxidação bem como se a interação entre eles poderia alterar as propriedades hidráulicas do solo. Para isso, foram realizados ensaios de oxidação do Latossolo Vermelho (LV), Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo (LVA) e Neossolo Quartzarênico (NQ) com solução de persulfato (1g/L e 14g/L) por meio de ensaios de batelada, bem como a oxidação do LV por solução de persulfato (9g/L e 14g/L) em colunas indeformadas. Os resultados mostraram que o decaimento do persulfato seguiu modelo de primeira ordem e o consumo do oxidante não foi finito. A maior constante da taxa de reação (kobs) foi observada para o reator com LV. Essa maior interação foi decorrente da diferença na composição mineralógica e área específica. A caulinita, a gibbsita e os óxidos de ferro apresentaram maior interação com o persulfato. A redução do pH da solução dos reatores causou a lixiviação do alumínio e do ferro devido a dissolução dos minerais. O ferro mobilizado pode ter participado como catalisador da reação, favorecendo a formação de radicais livres, mas foi o principal responsável pelo consumo do oxidante. Parte do ferro oxidado pode ter sido precipitado como óxido cristalino favorecendo a obstrução dos poros. Devido à maior relação entre massa de persulfato e massa de solo, a constante kobs obtida no ensaio com coluna foi 23 vezes maior do que a obtida no ensaio de batelada, mesmo utilizando concentração 1,5 vezes menor no ensaio com coluna. Houve redução na condutividade hidráulica do solo e o fluxo da água mostrou-se heterogêneo após a oxidação devido a mudanças na estrutura dos minerais. Para a remediação de áreas com predomínio de solos tropicais, especialmente do LV, pode ocorrer a formação de radicais livres, mas pode haver um consumo acentuado e não finito do oxidante. Verifica-se que o pH da solução não deve ser inferior a 5 afim de evitar a mobilização de metais para a água subterrânea e eventual obstrução dos poros por meio da desagregação dos grãos de argila.


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Neste trabalho compósitos foram obtidos a partir da blenda comercial 100% biodegradável Ecovio® C2224 da BASF, uma blenda formada por 55% em massa de um copoliéster biodegradável, o Ecoflex® (poli[(adipato de butileno)-co-(tereftalato de butileno)]) e 45% em massa de PLA poli(ácido láctico). Como carga, utilizaram-se dois tipos de argilas comerciais do grupo das esmectitas, ambas predominantemente montmorilonitas: Cloisite Sódica® e Cloisite 30B®. Também foi utilizado como carga a sílica coloidal comercial Aerosil 200®, com área superficial de 200 m2/g e diâmetro médio de partícula 12nm. Os compósitos estudados, ambos contendo 5% e 10% em massa de cargas, foram preparados em uma extrusora de rosca dupla, acoplada a um reômetro de torque. O estudo foi dividido em três etapas: 1ª) etapa: Obtenção e caracterização dos compósitos de Ecovio®/ argila e Ecovio® / sílica; 2ª) etapa: Avaliação da fotodegradação do Ecovio® puro e dos compósitos obtidos; 3ª) etapa: Avaliação da biodegradabilidade do Ecovio® puro e dos compósitos após exposição em câmara de UV. As propriedades mecânicas dos compósitos antes e depois de serem submetidos à exposição em câmara de UV foram avaliadas por ensaios de resistência à tração e resistência ao impacto Izod. Os resultados obtidos na 1ª etapa deste trabalho indicaram aumento nos valores de módulo de elasticidade de todos os compósitos, em relação à blenda pura. Destacam-se as composições com 5% e 10% em massa de sílica coloidal, que apresentaram aumentos de até 115% nos valores de módulo de elasticidade, sem perdas significativas em resistência à tração, alongamento e resistência ao impacto, quando comparadas à fase matriz. Na 2ª etapa, a partir de 20 dias de exposição, todas as composições (blendas e compósitos) apresentam redução nas propriedades mecânicas em função do aumento do tempo de exposição à radiação UV. Na 3ª etapa, independente do tipo ou teor de carga presente na blenda, todas as composições apresentaram índices de biodegradabilidade, depois de 120 dias, de 40 a 60%, devido à prévia exposição à radiação UV.


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O presente estudo, objeto desta dissertação de mestrado, visa demonstrar a transcendência que ocorre na produção e contemplação da cerâmica. Em outras palavras, apresentar o vínculo entre Espiritualidade e Arte e, para tanto, os conceitos sobre espiritualidade pontuados por Leonardo Boff e de Meishu-Sama constituem os pontos de apoio para o estudo. Acrescentamos igualmente as considerações de Meishu-Sama relativamente à arte, as quais constituem a forma central para estruturação da pesquisa. Todo o processo de produção da Arte Cerâmica desde a escolha da argila até as queimas é descrito na dissertação. Concomitantemente, a fase de contemplação da obra é igualmente levada em consideração a partir do resfriamento do forno até o encontro do ceramista com sua obra. Paralelamente à teoria acerca da transcendência, espiritualidade e arte, fotografias explicam as fases do fazer cerâmico, e peças de cerâmicas auxiliam na compreensão do que pretendemos analisar a presença da espiritualidade durante a produção de uma obra artística aqui, mais especificamente, a cerâmica.


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In this study we evaluated the capacity removal of PAHs in an oily solution between the bentonite hydrofobized with linseed oil and paraffin with natural bentonite. Analyses of natural bentonite and hydrofobized were made by the characterization techniques: (1) Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), which aimed to evaluate the thermal events due to mass loss, both associated with the exit of moisture and decomposition of clay as due to hidrofobizante loss agent. (2) Analysis of X-ray diffraction (XRD) in order to determine the mineralogical phases that make up the structure of clay and (3) Spectrophotometry in the infrared region used to characterize the functional groups of both the matrix mineral (bentonite) and the hidrofobizantes agents (linseed oil and paraffin). We used a factorial design 24 with the following factors; hidrofobizante, percent hidrofobizante, adsorption time and volume of the oily solution. Analyzing the factorial design 24 was seen that none of the factors apparently was more important than the others and, as all responses showed significant values in relation to the ability of oil removal was not possible to evaluate a difference in the degree of efficiency the two hidrofobizantes. For the new study compared the efficiency of the modified clay, with each hidrofobizante separately in relation to their natural form. As such, there are four new factorial designs 23 using natural bentonite as a differentiating factor. The factors used were bentonite (with and without hydrophobization), exposure time of the adsorbent material to the oily solution and volume of an oily solution, trying to interpret how these factors could influence the process of purifying water contaminated with PAHs. Was employed as a technique for obtaining responses to fluorescence spectroscopy, as already known from literature that PAHs, for presenting combined chains due to condensation of the aromatic rings fluoresce quite similar when excited in the ultraviolet region and as an auxiliary technique to gas chromatography / mass spectrometry (GC-MS) used for the analysis of PAHs in order to complement the study of fluorescence spectroscopy, since the spectroscopic method only allows you an idea of total number of fluorescent species contained in the oil soluble. The result shows an excellent adsorption of PAHs and other fluorescent species assigned to the main effect of the first factor, hydrophobization for the first planning 23 BNTL 5%, for 93% the sixth stop in the second test (+-+),factorial design 23 BNTL 10%, the fourth test (++-) with 94.5% the third factorial design 23 BNTP 5%, the second test (+--) with 91% and the fourth and final planning 23 BNTP 10%, the last test ( + + +) with 88%. Compared with adsorption of bentonite in its natural form. This work also shows the maximum adsorption of each hidrofobizante


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The preparation of nanostructured materials using natural clays as support, has been studied in literature under the same are found in nature and consequently, have a low price. Generally, clays serve as supports for metal oxides by increasing the number of active sites present on the surface and can be applied for various purposes such as adsorption, catalysis and photocatalysis. Some of the materials that are currently highlighted are niobium compounds, in particular, its oxides, by its characteristics such as high acidity, rigidity, water insolubility, oxidative and photocatalytic properties. In this scenario, the study aimed preparing a composite material oxyhydroxide niobium (NbO2OH) / sodium vermiculite clay and evaluate its effectiveness with respect to the natural clay (V0) and NbO2OH. The composite was prepared by precipitation-deposition method and then characterized by X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray (EDS), thermal analysis (TG/DTG), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), N2 adsorption-desorption and investigation of distribution of load. The application of the material NbO2OH/V0 was divided in two steps: first through oxidation and adsorption methods, and second through photocatalytic activity using solar irradiation. Studies of adsorption, oxidation and photocatalytic oxidation monitored the percentage of color removal from the dye methylene blue (MB) by UV-Vis spectroscopy. The XRD showed a decrease in reflection d (001) clay after modification; the FTIR indicated the presence of both the clay when the oxyhydroxide niobium to present bands in 1003 cm-1 related to Si-O stretching bands and 800 cm-1 to the Nb-O stretching. The presence of niobium was also confirmed by EDS indicated that 17 % by mass amount of the metal. Thermal analysis showed thermal stability of the composite at 217 °C and micrographs showed that there was a decrease in particle size. The investigation of the surface charge of NbO2OH/V0 found that the material exhibits a heterogeneous surface with average low and high negative charges. Adsorption tests showed that the composite NbO2OH/V0 higher adsorption capacity to remove 56 % of AM, while the material removed from V0 only 13 % showed no NbO2OH and adsorptive capacity due to the formation of H-aggregates. The percent removal of dye color for the oxidation tests showed little difference from the adsorption, being 18 and 66 % removal of dye color for V0 and NbO2OH/V0 respectively. The NbO2OH/V0 material shows excellent photocatalytic activity managing to remove just 95,5 % in 180 minutes of the color of MB compared to 41,4 % and 82,2 % of V0 the NbO2OH, proving the formation of a new composite with distinct properties of its precursors.


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The development of home refrigerators generally are compact and economic reasons for using simplified configuration. The thermodynamic coefficient of performance ( COP ) is limited mainly in the condenser design for reasons of size and arrangement ( layout ) of the project ( design ) and climatic characteristics of the region where it will operate. It is noteworthy that this latter limitation is very significant when it comes to a country of continental size like Brazil with diverse climatic conditions. The COP of the cycle depends crucially on the ability of heat dissipated in the condenser. So in hot climates like the northeast, north, and west-central dispel ability is highly attenuated compared to the south and southeast regions with tropical or subtropical climates when compared with other regions. The dissipation in compact capacitors for applications in domestic refrigeration has been the focus of several studies, that due to its impact on reducing costs and power consumption, and better use of the space occupied by the components of refrigeration systems. This space should be kept to a minimum to allow an increase in the useful storage volume of refrigerator without changing the external dimensions of the product. Due to its low cost manufacturing, wire on tube condensers continue to be the most advantageous option for domestic refrigeration. Traditionally, these heat exchangers are designed to operate under natural convection. Not always, the benefits of greater compactness of capacitors for forced outweigh the burden of pumping air through the external heat exchanger. In this work we propose an improvement in convective condenser changing it to a transfer mechanism combined in series with conductive pipes and wire to a moist convective porous medium and the porous medium to the environment. The porous media used in the coating was composed of a gypsum plaster impregnated fiber about a mesh of natural cellulosic molded tubular wire mesh about the original structure of the condenser , and then dried and calcined to greater adherence and increased porosity. The proposed configuration was installed in domestic refrigeration system ( trough ) and tested under the same conditions of the original configuration . Was also evaluated in the dry condition and humidified drip water under natural and forced with an electro - fan ( fan coil ) convection. Assays were performed for the same 134- refrigerant charge e under the same thermal cooling load. The performance was evaluated in various configurations, showing an improvement of about 72 % compared with the original configuration proposed in humidification and natural convection.


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Micro cracking during service is a critical problem in polymer structures and polymer composite materials. Self-healing materials are able to repair micro cracks, thus their preventing propagation and catastrophic failure of structural components. One of the self-healing approaches presented in the literature involves the use of solvents which react with the polymer. The objective of this research is to investigate a procedure to encapsulate solvents in halloysite nanotubes to promote self-healing ability in epoxy. Healing is triggered by crack propagation through embedded nanotubes in the polymer, which then release the liquid sovent into the crack plane. Two solvents were considered in this work: dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and nitrobenzene. The nanotubes were coated using the layer-by-layer technique of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes: cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and sodium polyacrylate. Solvent encapsulation was verified by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), analysis thermogravimetry (TGA), adsorption and desorption of nitrogen and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The introduction of the solvent DMSO into the cavity of the nanotubes was confirmed by the techniques employed. However, was not verified with nitrobenzene only promoted clay aggregation. The results suggest that the CTAB reacted with the halloystite to form a sealing layer on the surface of the nanotubes, thus encapsulating the solvent, while this was not verified using sodium polyacrylate.


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Currently the market requires increasingly pure oil derivatives and, with that, comes the need for new methods for obtaining those products that are more efficient and economically viable. Considering the removal of sulfur from diesel, most refineries uses catalytic hydrogenation process, the hydrodesulfurization. These processes needs high energy content and high cost of production and has low efficiency in removing sulfur at low concentrations (below 500 ppm). The adsorption presents itself as an efficient and economically viable alternative in relation to the techniques currently used. With that, the main purpose of this work is to develop and optimize the obtaining of new adsorbents based on diatomite, modified with two non ionic surfactants microemulsions, adding efficiency to the material, to its application on removal of sulfur present in commercial diesel. Analyses were undertaken of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray fluorescence (XRF), thermogravimetry (TG) and N2 adsorption (BET) for characterization of new materials obtained. The variables used for diatomite modification were: microemulsion points for each surfactant (RNX 95 and UNTL 90), microemulsion aqueous phase through the use or non-use of salts (CaCl2 and BaCl2), the contact time during the modification and the contact form. The study of adsorption capacity of materials obtained was performed using a statistical modeling to evaluate the influence of salt concentration in the aqueous phase (20 ppm to 1500 ppm), finite bath temperature (25 to 60° C) and the concentration of sulphur in diesel. It was observed that the temperature and the concentration of sulphur (300 to 1100 ppm) were the most significant parameters, in which increasing their values increase the ability of modified clay to adsorb the sulphur in diesel fuel. Adsorption capacity increased from 0.43 to mg/g 1.34 mg/g with microemulsion point optimization and with the addition of salts.


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The present study aims to evaluate the potential use of bagasse ash from sugar cane (CBC) as a flux, replacing phyllite and/or feldspar in standard industrial mass production of enameled porcelain, verifying the possibility of the CBC contribute to the overall reduction of the coefficient of thermal expansion of the ceramic mass. To this end, as a result of the research, we characterized the raw material components of the standard mass (clay, phyllite, kaolin, feldspar, quartz and talc) and the residue of BCC, by testing by XRF, XRD, AG, DTA and ATG. Specimens (CDP) were manufactured in the dimensions of 100 mm x 50 mm x 8 mm in uniaxial matrix under compaction pressure of 33 MPa, assembled in batches of 3 units subsequently sintered at temperatures of 1150°C to 1210°C by varying the Rating Scale at 10°C, heating and cooling ramp of 50°C/min and 25°C/min, with levels of 1 min, 3 min, 5 min, 8 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min and 60 min. analyzing the results of the physical properties of water absorption (WA), linear firing shrinkage (LFS), dilatometric analysis (DTA), flexural strain (SFT) and SEM of the sintered bodies in order to verify the adequacy of CDP to ISO 13006, ISO 10545, NBR 13816 standards; NBR 13817 and NBR 13818. The study showed that the formulations that best suit the requirements of the standards are:. G4 - which was applied in 10% of replacing the CBC phyllite, sintering temperature 1210 ° C for 10 min and porch, and F3 - with application of 7.5% of CBC to replace the feldspar in the sintering temperatures of 1190°C, 1200°C and 1210°C for 10 min and porch. These formulations showed better performance regarding the formation of primary and secondary mullite, with considerable reduction of cracks and pores, meeting the prerequisites of standards for glazed porcelain. The results shows that the use of the CBC as a flux in the preparation of porcelain mass meets standard parameters for the manufacture of the product, and thereby can reduce environmental impact and the cost of production. Therefore, it is recommended to use this residue in the ceramics industry, due to its industrial, commercial and collaborative viability for sustainability.


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In the last decades, analogue modelling has been used in geology to improve the knowledge of how geological structures are nucleated, how they grow and what are the main important points in such processes. The use of this tool in the oil industry, to help seismic interpretations and mainly to search for structural traps contributed to disseminate the use of this tool in the literature. Nowadays, physical modelling has a large field of applications, since landslide to granite emplacement along shear zones. In this work, we deal with physical modelling to study the influence of mechanical stratifications in the nucleation and development of faults and fractures in a context of orthogonal and conjugated oblique basins. To simulate a mechanical stratigraphy we used different materials, with distinct physical proprieties, such as gypsum powder, glass beads, dry clay and quartz sand. Some experiments were run along with a PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry), an instrument that shows the movement of the particles to each deformation moment. Two series of experiments were studied: i) Series MO: We tested the development of normal faults in a context of an orthogonal (to the extension direction) basin. Experiments were run taking into account the change of materials and strata thickness. Some experiments were done with sintectonic sedimentation. We registered differences in the nucleation and growth of faults in layers with different rheological behavior. The gypsum powder layer behaves in a more competent mode, which generates a great number of high angle fractures. These fractures evolve to faults that exhibit a higher dip than when they cross less competent layers, like the one of quartz sand. This competent layer exhibits faulted blocks arranged in a typical domino-style. Cataclastic breccias developed along the faults affecting the competent layers and showed different evolutional history, depending on the deforming stratigraphic sequence; ii) Series MOS2: Normal faults were analyzed in conjugated sub-basins (oblique to the extension direction) developed in a sequence with and without rheological contrast. In experiments with rheological contrast, two important grabens developed along the faulted margins differing from the subbasins with mechanical stratigraphy. Both experiments developed oblique fault systems and, in the area of sub-basins intersection, faults traces became very curved.


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During its operations, the oil industry generates a lot of waste, including gravel from drilling. Control of environmental impacts caused by this waste represents a major challenge. Such impacts can be minimized when it is given an appropriate management by being properly treated and properly disposed or recycled. The properties of these materials can be greatly influenced when a waste is added to its composition. This work aims to study the incorporation of gravel waste oil-well drilling in the standard body for production of red ceramic from a ceramic industry in São Gonçalo do Amarante / RN. The success of the incorporation can minimize costs in the production of ceramic pieces and reduce the environmental impacts caused by waste. The raw materials used were collected, characterized, and formulated with the percentages of 0%, 20% and 40% by weight of substitution of residue were synthesized at temperatures of 900, 1.010 and 1.120 °C using 30 minute firing intervals, 1 hour and 30min and 2 hours and 30 minutes, based on a factorial design 2³. Samples were then subjected to the tests of Water Absorption, Linear Retraction Firing, Flexural Rupture Strength, Apparent Porosity and Apparent Specific mass and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of break section. The results showed that the use of the residue for the manufacture of the ceramic products is possible (tiles, bricks and massive hollow bricks) replacing the clay to 40%, meeting the requirements of the standard and the literature for the technological properties of the final product.


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In States of Paraíba (PB) and Rio Grande do Norte (RN), northeast of Brazil, the most significant deposits of non-metallic industrial minerals are pegmatites, quartzites and granites, which are located in Seridó region. Extraction of clay, quartz, micas and feldspars occurs mainly in the cities of Várzea (PB), OuroBranco (RN) and Parelhas (RN). Mining companies working in the extraction and processing of quartzite generate large volumes of waste containing about 90% SiO2 in their chemical composition coming from quartz that is one of the basic constituents of ceramic mass for the production of ceramic coating. Therefore, this work evaluates the utilization of these wastes on fabrication of high-quality ceramic products, such as porcelain stoneware, in industrial scale. Characterization of raw materials was based on XRF, XRD, GA, TGA and DSC analysis, on samples composed by 57% of feldspar, 37% of argil and 6% of quartzite residues, with 5 different colors (white, gold, pink, green and black). Samples were synthesized in three temperatures, 1150°C, 1200°C and 1250°C, with one hour isotherm and warming-up tax of 10°C/min. After synthesizing, the specimens were submit to physical characterization tests of water absorption, linear shrinkage, apparently porosity, density, flexural strain at three points. The addition of 6% of quartzite residue to ceramic mass provided a final product with technological properties attending technical norms for the production of porcelain stoneware; best results were observed at a temperature of 1200°C. According to the results there was a high iron oxide on black quartzite, being their use in porcelain stoneware discarded by ethic and structural question, because the material fused at 1250°C. All quartzite formulations had low water absorption when synthesized at 1200°C, getting 0.1% to 0.36% without having gone through the atomization process. Besides, flexural strain tests overcame 27 MPa reaching the acceptance limits of the European Directive EN 100, at 1200°C synthesizing. Thus, the use of quartzite residues in ceramic masses poses as great potential for the production of porcelain stoneware.


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Searches using organoclays have been the subject of great interest due to its wide application in industry and removal of environmental pollutants. The organoclays were obtained using bentonite (BEN) and cationic surfactants: hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (HDTMA-Br) and trimethyloctadecyl ammonium bromide (TMOA-Br) in ratios of 50 and 100 % of its ion exchange capacity. The materials were characterized by the techniques of X-ray diffraction (DRX), infrared spectroscopy (IR), X-ray fluorescence (FRX), thermal analysis (TA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The bentonite and organobentonite were used on the adsorption of dyes, Remazol Blue RR (AZ) and Remazol Red RR (VM) in aqueous solution. The adsorption models of Langmuir and Freundlich were used for mathematical description of sorption equilibrium data and obtain the constants of the isotherms. The Freundlich model fit to the data for adsorption equilibrium of bentonite, on the other hand both the model fit to the Langmuir adsorption test of organoclays. The adsorption processes using adsorbents with both dyes interspersed with HDTMA-Br show endothermic and exothermic nature, respectively.


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This work presents a new ceramic material obtained through the incorporation of solid waste from the steel industry and known as dedusting powder PAE - in ceramic formulations based on clay, potassium and sodium feldspars, kaolin and talc. Formulations were prepared with ceramic residue levels of 0% (basic mass - MB), 2%, 4% and 8%, subjected to firing at temperatures of 1000 ° C, 1050ºC, 1100ºC and 1150ºC for periods of 15 min. and 120 min. The physicchemical and mechanical properties of these ceramic formulations were determined based on the firing temperature, residence time in the oven and the percentage of waste. Since the physicochemical and mechanical properties of the sintered materials were evaluated by chemical analysis techniques (fluorescence X-rays - FRX), particle size distribution, specific surface area, apparent density, structural analysis by diffraction of X-rays (DRX) and characterization of surface by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The magnetic response characteristics and the pattern of magnetic ferrites of the samples were analyzed in the assay conditions, having noticed that the saturation magnetic susceptibility depend on the sintering temperature of the material and it is associated with its crystal structure. From the analysis results, it was concluded that the ceramic material with better physical and mechanical properties is obtained when the 8% from PAE residue is added to standard formulation under the burn time of 15 minutes and temperature of 1150ºC.