972 resultados para Arabic poetry--19th century--Early works to 1800


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Yakutia, Sakha Republic, in the Siberian Far East, represents one of the coldest places on Earth, with winter record temperatures dropping below -70 °C. Nevertheless, Yakutian horses survive all year round in the open air due to striking phenotypic adaptations, including compact body conformations, extremely hairy winter coats, and acute seasonal differences in metabolic activities. The evolutionary origins of Yakutian horses and the genetic basis of their adaptations remain, however, contentious. Here, we present the complete genomes of nine present-day Yakutian horses and two ancient specimens dating from the early 19th century and ∼5,200 y ago. By comparing these genomes with the genomes of two Late Pleistocene, 27 domesticated, and three wild Przewalski's horses, we find that contemporary Yakutian horses do not descend from the native horses that populated the region until the mid-Holocene, but were most likely introduced following the migration of the Yakut people a few centuries ago. Thus, they represent one of the fastest cases of adaptation to the extreme temperatures of the Arctic. We find cis-regulatory mutations to have contributed more than nonsynonymous changes to their adaptation, likely due to the comparatively limited standing variation within gene bodies at the time the population was founded. Genes involved in hair development, body size, and metabolic and hormone signaling pathways represent an essential part of the Yakutian horse adaptive genetic toolkit. Finally, we find evidence for convergent evolution with native human populations and woolly mammoths, suggesting that only a few evolutionary strategies are compatible with survival in extremely cold environments.


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Since the late 19th century different social actors have played an important role in providing social security in Switzerland. Cooperatives, philanthropic organisations, social insurances, and the poor relief of the communes were all part of a "mixed economy of welfare". This article examines how the different actors in this "mixed economy" worked together, and asks what forms of help they supplied. It raises the question of whether a dichotomy between public and private forms of relief can be traced in the Swiss case. Did democratically legitimised processes of redistribution shape the social security system? Or was social security rather funded by private relief programs? The author argues that in the early 20th century, a complex public-private mix structured the Swiss welfare state and the poor often depended on both public and private funding. In this system, financially potent philanthropic organisations successfully contested the legal power of public actors.


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Tras la denominación de Real Sitio a mediados del siglo XVIII, bajo el reinado de Fernando VI, su sucesor Carlos III procedió a la incorporación a su Patrimonio de todos los Montes y Bosques de El Pardo. Comenzó entonces el proceso de planeamiento urbano y de construcción arquitectónica que finalizó en torno al año 1800. En lo sucesivo, no sólo se mantiene el curso de la conservación y consolidación de los edificios principales, sino que se realiza obra nueva de índole civil. Algunos edificios cambiaron de propiedad y de uso hasta que tras la Guerra Civil se procedió a la mayor transformación vivida por el Real Sitio. El intervalo que aquí se trata (1885 a 1965), no ha suscitado, en los estudios sobre El Pardo, atención suficiente al no acontecer obra nueva de carácter patrimonial ni ha sido objeto de análisis el trazado y la fisonomía del centro urbano residencial del pueblo que Carlos III configuró. Sin embargo se estima relevante analizar los cambios en la actividad residencial; en primer lugar porque coexiste con la arquitectura oficial y, por tanto, se entiende necesario un análisis global del conjunto y en segundo lugar porque facilita la comprensión sobre la imagen original de carácter histórico del conjunto de finales del siglo XVIII. Este marco temporal determina tres partes principales de estudio que estructuran la presente tesis, cuyas fechas establecen los intervalos históricos clave: Actuaciones sobre el núcleo urbano consolidado (1885-1931). Cese de la actividad constructiva (1931-1939). Propuestas regeneradoras y crecimiento acelerado (1939-1965). Dentro de ellos se establecen, a su vez, dos subcapítulos diferenciados con la finalidad de explicar los sucesos que pautaron los cambios trascendentales en la historia de El Pardo. En el estudio del estado de la cuestión se observa que en El Pardo, al igual que sucede en otros Reales Sitios, se investigan los edificios destacados como el Palacio, la Casita del Príncipe, la Casa de Oficios y la Casa de Infantes desde el punto de vista de su historia pero no desde la arquitectura ni de cómo esta afecta al desarrollo del trazado y por tanto al contexto urbano. Se manifiestan determinadas carencias de tratamiento gráfico que facilitarían la comprensión histórica mediante el análisis de la forma y cómo esta ha ido variando sustancialmente. El concepto de escala y orientación reordena el estudio, no sólo de estos edificios protagonistas sino de los que se entretejen a su alrededor y componen el conjunto histórico, lo cual aporta nuevas conclusiones al estado de la cuestión que aquí compete. El principal objetivo de la tesis es, por tanto, contribuir a la dimensión patrimonial mediante el estudio de la arquitectura residencial del pueblo de El Pardo y en cómo esta ha ido conformando y consolidando el entramado urbano original en torno a edificios de la realeza y corte. Analizar aquellos edificios que perduran, los que fueron reconstruidos, rehabilitados, y apuntar acontecimientos históricos que formularon la actual fisonomía. Sistematizar y reordenar sobre la traza actual los edificios que desaparecieron, nos da las pistas sobre las modificaciones en concepto de escala arquitectónica y urbana. El estudio de las fuentes y establecer una metodología de conexión de estas, ayuda a detectar dónde no se han dirigido aún los focos de interés así como las lagunas que han quedado por explorar con el fin de responder a nuevas hipótesis, conceder conclusiones y abrir otras líneas de investigación. Como conclusiones generales, la tesis aporta documentación nueva sobre el objeto de estudio, no solicitada, digitalizada o publicada con anterioridad. En ella se analizan los procesos de configuración, consolidación y transformación en el Real Sitio mediante la sistematización de estados comparativos. Con respecto al estudio de los diferentes contextos natural y urbano la tesis analiza cómo los accidentes naturales, el desarrollo de infraestructuras y el impulso de la agronomía afectaron a El Pardo a partir del siglo XIX, y estudia los procesos de configuración, consolidación y transformación en el Real Sitio mediante la sistematización de la documentación encontrada de manera gráfica y escrita. En relación al marco patrimonial arquitectónico, la tesis analiza los procesos edificatorios históricos. Se estudian, a su vez, cambios de ocupación o uso que derivaron en reformas, ampliaciones, obras de nueva planta e incluso en derribos, así como los proyectos no materializados o que se llevaron a cabo de manera parcial. Con respecto al análisis del momento histórico, la tesis analiza las posibles afectaciones, políticas, sociales y económicas en las etapas de Monarquía, Segunda República, Guerra Civil y Posguerra. Por último, la tesis abre cuatro vías de investigación (que ya se han tratado y avanzado en parte pero que escapan a los límites de este trabajo) que pueden plantear nuevas hipótesis, reportando así respuestas sobre objetos de estudio complementarios y paralelos al presente. Estas refieren a análisis más concretos sobre El Palacio Real de El Pardo y la Casa de Oficios, el Camino Real de Madrid a El Pardo desde la Puerta de Hierro, los cuarteles, puertas y portilleras del Monte de El Pardo y los proyectos desarrollados por el arquitecto Diego Méndez en los Reales Sitios para el Patrimonio Nacional. ABSTRACT Following the Royal Site denomination being granted in the mid-18th Century, during the reign of Ferdinand VI, his successor Charles III proceeded to include all the Forests and Woodlands of El Pardo in his heritage. That then gave rise to the process of town planning and architectural construction that was completed around 1800. Thereafter, not only the process of conservation and consolidation of the main buildings has been maintained, but new civil engineering works have also been carried out. Some buildings changed ownership and use until, after the Civil War, the greatest transformation experienced by the Royal Site was undertaken. The time frame this paper concerns (1885 to 1965), has not attracted sufficient attention in studies of El Pardo due to there having been no new works with heritage status, nor has there been an analysis of the layout and external appearance of the residential centre in the town once conceived by Charles III. However, it is considered relevant to analyse the changes in residential activity, firstly, because it coexists with the official architecture and, thus, it is considered necessary to perform a global analysis of the complex and, secondly, because it facilitates a historical understanding of the original appearance of the complex at the end of the 18th Century. This time framework defines three main parts of the study that provide the structure of this thesis, the dates of which establish the key historical time frames: Actions in the consolidated town centre (1885-1931). Cessation of construction works (1931-1939). Proposals of regeneration and accelerated growth (1939-1965). Two distinct sub-chapters are also established within these, in order to explain the events that marked the transcendental changes in the history of El Pardo. When studying the subject matter, it is noted that in El Pardo, as is the case in other Royal Sites, outstanding buildings such as the Palace, the Prince's Cottage, the Trades House and the Infantes House are usually researched strictly from the point of view of their history, but not from an architectural perspective, nor analysing how that affects the development of the site layout and thus the urban area. Specific shortcomings are evident in the graphic treatment that would have otherwise facilitated a historical understanding through the analysis of the shape and the way it has gradually undergone substantial variation. The concept of scale and orientation reorganises the study, not only of these key buildings, but also of those that are woven around them and make up the historic complex, allowing entirely new conclusions concerning the subject matter analysed herein. Therefore, the main purpose of this thesis is to outline our heritage through the study of the residential architecture of the town of El Pardo and the analysis of the way the original town has been built up and consolidated around the buildings erected by royalty and the court; to analyse the buildings that still remain, those that were rebuilt, refurbished, and to note historic events that shaped its current appearance. To this end, a systematic classification and reorganisation on the current urban layout of the buildings that have disappeared will give us the key to understand changes in the concept of architectural and urban scale. Studying the sources and establishing a methodology to connect them will help us detect those areas where the focus of interest has not concentrated yet, and will also reveal the gaps that remain unexplored, in order to respond to new hypotheses, reach new conclusions and open up new lines of research. As general conclusions, this thesis provides new documentation on the subject matter that had not been requested, digitized or published before. There we find an analysis of the processes of configuration, consolidation and transformation of the Royal Site through a systematic classification of comparative states. With regard to the study of the multiple natural and urban environments, this thesis analyses the way natural features, development of infrastructures and agricultural driving forces affected El Pardo as of the 19th Century, and it studies the processes of configuration, consolidation and transformation of the Royal Site by systematically classifying the documentation found in graphic and written documents. In relation to the architectural heritage framework, this thesis analyses historical building processes. Likewise, a study is also performed on the changes in land occupation or use that led to reforms, extensions, new buildings and even to demolitions, as well as on unrealized projects, or even on those that were partially implemented. As for the analysis of the historical time period, this thesis assesses the potential political, social and economic effects of the Monarchy, Second Republic, Civil War and Post-War Periods. Finally, this thesis opens up four lines of investigation (that have already been discussed and partially advanced, but which fall beyond the scope of this work) that could pose new hypotheses, thus giving answer to other subject matters parallel and complementary to the one assessed herein. These refer to more specific analyses of El Palacio Real de El Pardo (Royal Palace of El Pardo) and the Casa de Oficios (Trades House), the Royal Highway from Madrid to El Pardo from Puerta de Hierro, the barracks, gates and entrances to estates in the Woodlands of El Pardo and the projects developed on the Royal Sites by the architect Diego Méndez for the National Heritage.


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The surface of most aerial plant organs is covered with a cuticle that provides protection against multiple stress factors including dehydration. Interest on the nature of this external layer dates back to the beginning of the 19th century and since then, several studies facilitated a better understanding of cuticular chemical composition and structure. The prevailing undertanding of the cuticle as a lipidic, hydrophobic layer which is independent from the epidermal cell wall underneath stems from the concept developed by Brongniart and von Mohl during the first half of the 19th century. Such early investigations on plant cuticles attempted to link chemical composition and structure with the existing technologies, and have not been directly challenged for decades. Beginning with a historical overview about the development of cuticular studies, this review is aimed at critically assessing the information available on cuticle chemical composition and structure, considering studies performed with cuticles and isolated cuticular chemical components. The concept of the cuticle as a lipid layer independent from the cell wall is subsequently challenged, based on the existing literature, and on new findings pointing toward the cell wall nature of this layer, also providing examples of different leaf cuticle structures. Finally, the need for a re-assessment of the chemical and structural nature of the plant cuticle is highlighted, considering its cell wall nature and variability among organs, species, developmental stages, and biotic and abiotic factors during plant growth.


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Esta tesis doctoral desarrolla una investigación original sobre las torres defensivas de Menorca y las torres Martello de las costas sur y este de Inglaterra. Con respecto a las torres menorquinas, se distinguen las de Alcaufar y Punta Prima, construidas por ingenieros militares españoles, en 1786; de las levantadas por el ejército británico durante su último periodo de dominación de la isla, entre 1798 y 1802. Estos ingenieros reales británicos construyen las torres Martello en las costas inglesas, entre 1805 y 1812; y otras, semejantes a ellas, en el resto de su Imperio, hasta mediados del siglo XIX. La falta de estudios que relacionen las torres defensivas de Menorca y las Martello inglesas dentro del marco disciplinario de la construcción, ha constituido la justificación de esta investigación. La hipótesis de trabajo plantea un objetivo principal: el estudio y análisis comparativo entre ellas, que se desarrolla en varios niveles de análisis: morfológico, físico-constructivo, de visibilidades; pero también territorial, histórico y poliorcético. Esta tesis cuestiona, en consecuencia, la idea tradicionalmente aceptada de que las torres Martello tomaran la torre de Mortella, en Córcega, o cualquiera de las denominadas torres "preMartello", como referencia para crear su prototipo. La metodología empleada combina los trabajos de gabinete con una intensa labor de campo, en la que se documentaron cincuenta y siete torres, catorce en Menorca y cuarenta y tres en Inglaterra. Se han redactado sus correspondientes fichas de datos, que incluyen aspectos generales - morfológicos y constructivos -, así como documentación fotográfica. Se han elaborado los levantamientos morfológicos de siete de estas torres, aquellas que por sus particularidades constructivas, o bien representan un determinado tipo de torre, o bien se distinguen del resto. Del mismo modo, se han desarrollado los levantamientos físico-constructivos y la caracterización de materiales de las cuatro torres más relevantes para este estudio: las menorquinas Alcaufar y Punta Prima, y las torres 24 y C, que ejemplifican, respectivamente, las levantadas en las costas sur y este de Inglaterra. El sistemático método de trabajo llevado a cabo ha favorecido la investigación y ha ayudado a obtener conclusiones que verifican la hipótesis planteada en la tesis y cumplen los objetivos establecidos al comienzo de la misma. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis develops an original research on the defensive towers of Minorca, and the Martello towers on the south and east coasts of England. Regarding the Minorcan towers, Alcaufar and Punta Prima, built by the Spanish military engineers in 1786, must be distinguished from those erected by the British Army during its last period of domination of the island between 1798 and 1802. These Royal Engineers build the Martello towers on the English coasts between 1805 and 1812; and others, similar to them, in the rest of their Empire until the middle of the 19th century. The lack of studies linking these Minorcan and English towers, within the disciplinary framework of construction, has been the justification for this research. The hypothesis poses a main goal: the study and comparative analysis of them, which takes place at several levels of analysis: morphological, constructive, of visibilities; but also territorial, historical and poliorcetic. Consequently, this thesis questions the traditionally accepted notion that the Martello towers took the Corsican Mortella Tower, or any of the so-called “preMartello” towers as a reference to create their prototype. The methodology combines the cabinet works with significant fieldwork, in which fifty seven towers were documented, fourteen in Minorca and forty three in England. The corresponding data sheets were drafted including general aspects - morphological and constructive-, and photographic documentation. Morphological survey plans were developed for seven of these towers due to their construction peculiarities, which either denote a specific type of tower or makes it stand out from the rest. Likewise, constructive survey plans and material characterisation sheets of the four more relevant towers in this study were developed: the Minorcan Alcaufar and Punta Prima, and towers 24 and C, both respectively exemplifying those built on the south and east coasts of England. The systematic method of work encouraged the research and helped to draw conclusions that both confirm the hypothesis raised in the thesis and meet the objectives established at the beginning of it.


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La tesis plantea el estudio de la figura de Fernando García Mercadal (1896- 1985) y su obra, en el contexto del proyecto moderno perteneciente a la racionalidad teórica colectiva de la segunda generación del Movimiento Moderno en Europa, y explora la vida y circunstancias de un arquitecto que aunque nacido en el XIX, trajo la modernidad a España. El Movimiento Moderno en España, se articula en las décadas de los años 20 y 30 a través del GATEPAC y un grupo de arquitectos racionalistas en Madrid que Carlos Flores denomina Generación del 1925. Fernando García Mercadal, primero de su promoción en 1921 y pensionado en Roma, pertenece a ambos y pronto se convierte junto con Josep Lluis Sert, en una de las figuras más relevantes del panorama moderno español. Único miembro fundador del GATEPAC que había nacido en el siglo XIX, publica habitualmente en la revista AC (1931-1937), y en la revista Arquitectura desde 1920. Organiza en la Residencia de Estudiantes, entre 1928 y 1932, un famoso ciclo de Conferencias que imparten Le Corbusier, Mendelsohn, Van Doesburg, Gropius y Giedion. También asiste a la reunión constituyente de los CIAM en La Sarraz en 1928, al CIAM II en Frankfurt en 1929 y al CIAM III en Bruselas en 1930. Fue profesor en la Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid y Arquitecto Jefe de la Oficina de Urbanismo y de Parques y Jardines del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, cargo al que accede por oposición en 1932. Tras la guerra fue depurado e inhabilitado profesionalmente, hasta que en 1946 comienza a trabajar en el Departamento de Arquitectura del I.N.P. donde continúa hasta los años 70. En 1979 es nombrado Académico de número de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando y muere en Madrid en 1985. Estos son los datos conocidos y aunque en la tesis se aportan nuevos datos inéditos, es en las premisas para su interpretación donde este trabajo de investigación pone el acento. En la historiografía de nuestra arquitectura moderna, pervive una tendencia a suponer una desconexión entre la vanguardia arquitectónica en los años 20 y 30 y el movimiento moderno internacional. El manto de silencio que cayó sobre la generación anterior a la guerra, una vez terminada esta, contribuye a reforzar la idea, cuyo origen y causas exceden el ámbito de trabajo, aunque se tratarán tangencialmente por ser ineludible hacerlo. La tesis pone en cuestión ese planteamiento desde el convencimiento fundamentado en los datos y en la consulta de fuentes originales, que la arquitectura española anterior a la guerra, aun con las circunstancias particulares del país, estuvo en sintonía con la europea, siendo esta la hipótesis de partida de la investigación. Las aportaciones más significativas que, a mi entender, presenta la tesis doctoral, y tienen mayor originalidad, son las siguientes; 1.Puesta en valor de la arquitectura de FGM, antes y después de la guerra, abandonando la idea de su supuesta renuncia a las ideas modernas a partir de los 30; 2. Puesta en valor, con aportación de datos concretos, de la Intensa relación mantenida por FGM y otros arquitectos españoles del Movimiento Moderno con los arquitectos de igual tendencia en el resto de Europa, a través de contactos recíprocos y continuos; 3. Estudio de la obra de FGM en el marco del Movimiento Moderno como una nueva arquitectura basada no tanto en la epidermis, como en una forma de hacer y encarar los problemas donde el proceso es tan importante como el resultado; con el Urbanismo como una nueva ciencia, y con el desarrollo de nuevos programas funcionales acordes a las necesidades de la sociedad contemporánea como el Rincón de Goya y el Hospital de Zaragoza. Se manejan tres métodos de trabajo. Los dos primeros aportan un nuevo enfoque al análisis crítico de FGM y su obra, situándole en el contexto internacional, además del español. El tercero, de carácter instrumental, permite el manejo y sistematización de la documentación. El primer método, consiste en aplicar el criterio generacional de Pevsner o Giedion entre otros, al Movimiento Moderno en España, situando a Fernando García Mercadal como arquitecto de la segunda generación, para hacer un análisis crítico comparativo de su trayectoria con otros arquitectos europeos de la misma, que permita establecer semejanzas y diferencias. El segundo método, complementario al anterior, consiste en estudiar las relaciones internacionales de FGM con las figuras más próximas a él y sus posibles influencias. Por último, y en relación con la documentación de obras y proyectos, se manejan a su vez dos criterios. Para la obra completa, y debido a la inexistencia de originales del Legado García Mercadal, se utiliza con carácter general el material ya publicado, disperso en libros y revistas. En el caso de las cinco obras seleccionadas, se completa con búsqueda en archivos, toma de datos in situ actualizados cuando es posible, y una recopilación de su repercusión en prensa escrita de su momento. ABSTRACT This research study focuses on Fernando Garcia Mercadal (1896-1985) and his work in the context of the Modern project as part of the collective theoretical rationality of the second generation of European Modern architecture. It explores the life and circumstances of the architect, who even though born in 19th century introduced Modern architecture in Spain. Modern architecture (Modern Movement) in Spain covered two decades between 20's and 30's through GATEPAC and a group of rationalists in Madrid that Carlos Flores named “generation of '25”. Fernando Garcia Mercadal, top of his class in 1921 and granted with the scholarship in Rome, belonged to both groups and early in his career he became, along with Josep Lluis Sert, one of the most relevant figures of Modern Architecture in Spain. He was the only member of GATEPAC who was born in 19th century. He frequently published on the magazine “AC” (1931-1937) and on “Arquitecture” magazine since 1920. He organized a series of famous lectures at “Residencia de Estudiantes” (Madrid) between 1928 and 1932 in which Le Corbusier, Mendelsohn, Van Doesburg, Gropius or Giedion took part. He was a member of the constituent meeting of CIAM in La Sarraz in 1928, CIAM II in Frankfurt in 1929 and CIAM III in Brussels in 1930. Mercadal was a teacher at Escuela de Arquitectura de Madrid and the Chief of the Urban Planning, Parks and Gardens Office of the Council of Madrid. He earned his position by public examination in 1932. After the civil war he was disqualified professionally until 1946, when he started working at the Architecture Department at INP until 70's. In 1979 he was elected as an academic member of “Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando” and later died in 1985. These are the well-known facts and even though this research study provides unpublished facts, it focuses on the premises to interpret them. Throughout the historiographical discourse of Spanish Modern architecture there is a tendency to assume a disconnection between the Avant-garde architecture movements in 20's and 30's and International Modern architecture (Modern Movement). The generation preceding the war remained silent in regard to this issue and once the war was over, they contributed to support the disconnection. The origin and cause exceed the frame of this work, even though they are incidentally commented due to its importance. This research study questions the approach explained above, based on the facts and the original sources. Its first hypothesis states that Spanish architecture before the civil war was, under its own circumstances, in tune with European architecture. The most important and original contributions of this research study are the following under my point of view: 1. To highlight the architecture of FGM, before and after the war, leaving behind his reputed withdrawal of Modernity after 30's; 2. To highlight the intense relationship between FGM and other Modern Spanish architects and other European architects sharing the same ideas, providing detailed facts; 3. Study of FGM's work in the context of Modern architecture as a new architecture based on its know-how and the way problems are faced. The process is as important as the result, not so much based on the dermis; with urban planning as the new science and with the development of the new functional programs based on the needs of contemporary society as in Rincón de Goya or Hospital de Zaragoza. Three work methods are used. The first two add a new vision of the critical analysis related to FGM and his work, positioning him in the international context in addition to Spain. The third is used as an instrument to manage and systematize the documentation. The first method applies the generational criteria of Pevsner or Giedion (among others) to Modern architecture in Spain, positioning Fernando Garcia Mercadal as a second generation architect. A critical-comparative analysis of his career and contemporary European architects is made to establish similarities and differences. The second method is complementary to the previous one and studies the international relationships of FGM with other recognised architects that were close to him and their possible influences. At last, in relation to his works and projects, two methods are used. For the complete works, due to the lack of originals, published material found on magazines and books is used as the source. In the case of the five selected buildings, it is complemented with archive search, onsite data collection when possible and the impact on the press at that moment.


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Essa dissertação faz uma introdução aos aspectos arqueológicos e literários de Moab, temática carente de publicações em língua portuguesa. Trata, primeiramente, dos fatos relacionados à descoberta da inscrição de Mesa na segunda metade do século 19, das disputas diplomáticas que ocasionaram a destruição da inscrição, bem como das obras científicas que, durante as décadas seguintes, abordaram o assunto. Na seqüência, apresenta as principais características geográficas e arqueológicas de Moab, durante as Idades do Bronze Recente, do Ferro Antigo e do Ferro Recente, dando especial atenção aos assentamentos humanos, mas também às grandes construções e às esculturas, consideradas recursos culturais necessários ao estado moabita, patrimonial e segmentário, que fazia uso de metáforas domésticas para referendar sua hegemonia; além do mais, apresenta o lugar de Moab no mundo assírio, e sua importância como rota comercial. A tradução da estela de Mesa, os comentários filológicos e a análise da sua forma e do seu gênero literário, apontam para um texto elaborado a partir de ferramentas literárias claras, utilizado para marcar o poder da monarquia moabita. Tais aspectos arqueológicos e literários sustentam que o desenvolvimento de Moab ocorreu após o fim da dominação do Israel omrida, além de sugerirem um novo olhar sobre a Bíblia Hebraica.(AU)


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Essa dissertação faz uma introdução aos aspectos arqueológicos e literários de Moab, temática carente de publicações em língua portuguesa. Trata, primeiramente, dos fatos relacionados à descoberta da inscrição de Mesa na segunda metade do século 19, das disputas diplomáticas que ocasionaram a destruição da inscrição, bem como das obras científicas que, durante as décadas seguintes, abordaram o assunto. Na seqüência, apresenta as principais características geográficas e arqueológicas de Moab, durante as Idades do Bronze Recente, do Ferro Antigo e do Ferro Recente, dando especial atenção aos assentamentos humanos, mas também às grandes construções e às esculturas, consideradas recursos culturais necessários ao estado moabita, patrimonial e segmentário, que fazia uso de metáforas domésticas para referendar sua hegemonia; além do mais, apresenta o lugar de Moab no mundo assírio, e sua importância como rota comercial. A tradução da estela de Mesa, os comentários filológicos e a análise da sua forma e do seu gênero literário, apontam para um texto elaborado a partir de ferramentas literárias claras, utilizado para marcar o poder da monarquia moabita. Tais aspectos arqueológicos e literários sustentam que o desenvolvimento de Moab ocorreu após o fim da dominação do Israel omrida, além de sugerirem um novo olhar sobre a Bíblia Hebraica.(AU)


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Esta tese analisa a poesia de Joaquim de Sousa Andrade (1832-1902), ou Sousândrade, e tem por objetivo discutir o imaginário político republicano como elo de ligação entre os poemas O Guesa, especialmente o Canto Décimo (1877), Novo Éden: Poemeto da adolescência, 1888-1889 (1893), Harpa de Ouro (189?) e a continuação O Guesa, o Zac (1902). A cronologia dessas obras indica que é a partir dos anos vividos por Sousândrade nos Estados Unidos que as figurações da República passam a permear os seus escritos. No Canto Décimo, gestado em Nova York, Sousândrade traça um panorama da sociedade estadunidense na década de 1870 e, embora haja críticas à certas práticas econômicas nesse canto, conforme discutiremos com vagar, destaca-se a emulação do poeta em exaltar aquele modelo sociopolítico. Essa atitude do escritor maranhense afinava-se com a visão de brasileiros imigrados nos Estados Unidos naquele mesmo período, os quais formavam uma rede de pensadores liberais comprometidos com a modernização do Brasil. Esse diálogo transatlântico que começa a ser traçado entre Estados Unidos e Brasil caracteriza uma alternativa ao modelo de civilização europeu até então em voga, tema ainda pouco explorado pela historiografia literária. De volta a pátria, Sousândrade dá prosseguimento ao seu fazer poético e, além do seu engajamento na nova conjuntura política do país, dedica-se à construção do mito fundador da República brasileira nos poemas concebidos desde 1893. A trajetória do poeta republicano foi marcada pelo seu anseio de progresso e modernização do Brasil, tarefa na qual ele empenhou-se política e literariamente.


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This paper puts forth an alternate reading of the artistic climate in late nineteenth-century Paris than that which has traditionally been suggested. I propose that the expansion of creative opportunity during this time reveals a climate of communal support, consent, and progressive reform for women artists, rather than a struggle to undermine central (masculine) control, as many scholars have claimed. Specifically, I explore the work of American expatriates living in Paris, including but not limited to Cecilia Beaux, Anna Klumpke, Alice Kellogg, and Ellen Day Hale. The birth of the private academy in Paris offered women the chance to develop their artistic ability and assert their independence. The Académie Julian in particular provided a comparatively accepting and progressive environment where American women studying abroad could study from the nude model, receive proper training, and explore their full creative potential. Through an examination of a) these women’s self-portraits, and b) depictions of them painted by their contemporaries – both male and female – I further investigate the artistic education of American women in the highly-gendered cultural milieu of late nineteenth-century France.


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The three articles in this special issue of Ambix were among the twenty-one papers presented at the conference “Sites of Chemistry in the Nineteenth Century,” held in Valencia at the Institute for the History of Medicine and Science ‘López Piñero’ in July 2012. This meeting was the second of the series of conferences organised as part of the project Sites of Chemistry, 1600–2000, the aim of which was to investigate the wide and diverse range of physical spaces and places where chemistry has been practised from the early modern period to the twentieth century.


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Hector Orr began recording entries in this commonplace book during his first year as a student at Harvard and continued writing in the volume sporadically until 1804. The entries written while he was a student, from 1789 to 1792, include themes written on the following topics: Time, Discontent, Patriotism, Virtue, Conscience, Patience, Avarice, Compassion, Mortality, Self-knowledge, Benevolence, Morning, Anger, Profanity, Bribery, Autumn and Winter, Hermitage, Conscience and Anticipation. He also wrote detailed entries about the forensic disputations in which he and his classmates participated, explaining both the affirmative and negative positions. One of these disputations involved discussion of the Stamp Act, which was then quite recent history. Orr's entries about the disputations list the names of students involved and specify their position in the argument.


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Elias Mann kept this diary during his undergraduate years at Harvard College. The diary begins August 17, 1796 and ends in August of 1800 and also includes several undated sheets filled with excerpts of poems. The daily entries describe many aspects of Mann's life, including not only his experiences at Harvard but also his involvement in the larger community. Entries related to life at Harvard describe club meetings (coffee club, Hasty Pudding Club and Phi Beta Kappa); trips to the theater; dinners at taverns; games and recreation, including a card game called "Loo," cribbage, backgammon, bowling, playing ball, fishing, skating and going for sleigh rides; gathering, and sometimes taking from others' gardens, food (most often plums, peaches, nuts and apples); what he ate (including one breakfast of three raw eggs and two glasses of wine); what he read (including Tristram Shandy and one of "Mrs. Ratcliffe's novels"); his friends, often mentioned by name; and academic work and formalities. In one entry he mentions the theft of several possessions from his room, and there are several entries about trips to Fresh Pond.


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One-page handwritten letter from William Ashurt to President Leverett discussing the annual payment on an unspecified donation, and the progress of the Hopkins' bequest recovery. The folder also contains a handwritten 19th century copy of the letter.


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The volumes contain student notes on a course of medical lectures given by Dr. Benjamin Rush (1746-1813) while he was Professor of the Institutes of Medicine and Clinical Practice at the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, likely in circa 1800-1813. The notes indicate Rush often referenced the works or teachings of contemporaries such as Scottish physicians William Cullen, John Brown, John Gregory, and Robert Whytt, and Dutch physician Herman Boerhaave. He frequently included anecdotes and case histories of his own patients, as well as those of other doctors, to illustrate his lecture topics. He also advised students to take notes on the lectures after they ended to allow them to focus on what they were hearing. Volume 1 includes notes on: physician conduct during visits to patients; human and animal physiology; voice and speech; the nervous system; the five senses; and faculties of the mind. Volume 2 includes notes on: food, the sources of appetite and thirst, and digestion; the lymphatic system; secretions; excretions; theories of nutrition; differences in the minds and bodies of women and men; reproduction; pathology; a table outlining the stages of disease production; “disease and the origin of moral and natural evil”; contagions; the role of food, drink, and clothing in producing disease; worms; hereditary diseases; predisposition to diseases; proximate causes of diseases; and pulmonary conditions. Volume 3 includes notes on: the pulse; therapeutics, such as emetics, sedatives, and digitalis, and treatment of various illnesses like pulmonary consumption, kidney disease, palsy, and rheumatism; diagnosis and prognosis of fever; treatment of intermitting fever; and epidemics including plague, smallpox, and yellow fever, with an emphasis on the yellow fever outbreaks in Philadelphia in 1793 and 1797.