973 resultados para Antiperiodic Boundary Conditions


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Energy auditing can be an important contribution for identification and assessment of energy conservation measures (ECMs) in buildings. Numerous tools and software have been developed, with varying degree of precision and complexity and different areas of use.   This paper evaluates PHPP as a versatile, easy-to-use energy auditing tool and gives examples of how it has been compared to a dynamic simulation tool, within the EU-project iNSPiRe. PHPP is a monthly balance energy calculation tool based on EN13790. It is intended for assisting the design of Passive Houses and energy renovation projects and as guidance in the choice of appropriate ECMs.   PHPP was compared against the transient simulation software TRNSYS for a single family house and a multi-family house. It should be mentioned that dynamic building simulations might strongly depend on the model assumptions and simplifications compared to reality, such as ideal heating or real heat emission system. Setting common boundary conditions for both PHPP and TRNSYS, the ideal heating and cooling loads and demands were compared on monthly and annual basis for seven European locations and buildings with different floor area, S/V ratio, U-values and glazed area of the external walls.   The results show that PHPP can be used to assess the heating demand of single-zone buildings and the reduction of heating demand with ECMs with good precision. The estimation of cooling demand is also acceptable if an appropriate shading factor is applied in PHPP. In general, PHPP intentionally overestimates heating and cooling loads, to be on the safe side for system sizing. Overall, the agreement with TRNSYS is better in cases with higher quality of the envelope as in cold climates and for good energy standards. As an energy auditing tool intended for pre-design it is a good, versatile and easy-to-use alternative to more complex simulation tools.


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Understanding the dynamics of blood cells is a crucial element to discover biological mechanisms, to develop new efficient drugs, design sophisticated microfluidic devices, for diagnostics. In this work, we focus on the dynamics of red blood cells in microvascular flow. Microvascular blood flow resistance has a strong impact on cardiovascular function and tissue perfusion. The flow resistance in microcirculation is governed by flow behavior of blood through a complex network of vessels, where the distribution of red blood cells across vessel cross-sections may be significantly distorted at vessel bifurcations and junctions. We investigate the development of blood flow and its resistance starting from a dispersed configuration of red blood cells in simulations for different hematocrits, flow rates, vessel diameters, and aggregation interactions between red blood cells. Initially dispersed red blood cells migrate toward the vessel center leading to the formation of a cell-free layer near the wall and to a decrease of the flow resistance. The development of cell-free layer appears to be nearly universal when scaled with a characteristic shear rate of the flow, which allows an estimation of the length of a vessel required for full flow development, $l_c \approx 25D$, with vessel diameter $D$. Thus, the potential effect of red blood cell dispersion at vessel bifurcations and junctions on the flow resistance may be significant in vessels which are shorter or comparable to the length $l_c$. The presence of aggregation interactions between red blood cells lead in general to a reduction of blood flow resistance. The development of the cell-free layer thickness looks similar for both cases with and without aggregation interactions. Although, attractive interactions result in a larger cell-free layer plateau values. However, because the aggregation forces are short-ranged at high enough shear rates ($\bar{\dot{\gamma}} \gtrsim 50~\text{s}^{-1}$) aggregation of red blood cells does not bring a significant change to the blood flow properties. Also, we develop a simple theoretical model which is able to describe the converged cell-free-layer thickness with respect to flow rate assuming steady-state flow. The model is based on the balance between a lift force on red blood cells due to cell-wall hydrodynamic interactions and shear-induced effective pressure due to cell-cell interactions in flow. We expect that these results can also be used to better understand the flow behavior of other suspensions of deformable particles such as vesicles, capsules, and cells. Finally, we investigate segregation phenomena in blood as a two-component suspension under Poiseuille flow, consisting of red blood cells and target cells. The spatial distribution of particles in blood flow is very important. For example, in case of nanoparticle drug delivery, the particles need to come closer to microvessel walls, in order to adhere and bring the drug to a target position within the microvasculature. Here we consider that segregation can be described as a competition between shear-induced diffusion and the lift force that pushes every soft particle in a flow away from the wall. In order to investigate the segregation, on one hand, we have 2D DPD simulations of red blood cells and target cell of different sizes, on the other hand the Fokker-Planck equation for steady state. For the equation we measure force profile, particle distribution and diffusion constant across the channel. We compare simulation results with those from the Fokker-Planck equation and find a very good correspondence between the two approaches. Moreover, we investigate the diffusion behavior of target particles for different hematocrit values and shear rates. Our simulation results indicate that diffusion constant increases with increasing hematocrit and depends linearly on shear rate. The third part of the study describes development of a simulation model of complex vascular geometries. The development of the model is important to reproduce vascular systems of small pieces of tissues which might be gotten from MRI or microscope images. The simulation model of the complex vascular systems might be divided into three parts: modeling the geometry, developing in- and outflow boundary conditions, and simulation domain decomposition for an efficient computation. We have found that for the in- and outflow boundary conditions it is better to use the SDPD fluid than DPD one because of the density fluctuations along the channel of the latter. During the flow in a straight channel, it is difficult to control the density of the DPD fluid. However, the SDPD fluid has not that shortcoming even in more complex channels with many branches and in- and outflows because the force acting on particles is calculated also depending on the local density of the fluid.


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Atualmente, no estudo do comportamento de descarregadores de cheias por orifício, é necessário conhecer as pressões ao longo do descarregador, para várias alturas de água na albufeira. Este tipo de estudos tem sido usualmente realizado recorrendo a ensaios experimentais. No entanto, a utilização de modelos numéricos para a simulação do escoamento em estruturas hidráulicas encontra-se numa fase emergente. Neste sentido, a presente dissertação pretende apresentar um estudo numérico relativo ao escoamento em descarregadores de cheias por orifício. Por forma a efetuar o estudo numérico, foi utlizado o programa comercial de CFD FLOW-3D®, reproduzindo um modelo reduzido construído no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) correspondente a um descarregador por orifício. Para a realização das simulações numéricas foi necessário definir o objeto de estudo, a malha de cálculo, as condições de fronteira e as propriedades do fluido e objeto de modo a reproduzir as situações ensaiadas experimentalmente no LNEC. A proximidade dos resultados experimentais e numéricos para vários níveis de água na albufeira permitiu validar o modelo numérico para este tipo de escoamentos no interior do orifício.


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O presente trabalho descreve um estudo sobre a metodologia matemática para a solução do problema direto e inverso na Tomografia por Impedância Elétrica. Este estudo foi motivado pela necessidade de compreender o problema inverso e sua utilidade na formação de imagens por Tomografia por Impedância Elétrica. O entendimento deste estudo possibilitou constatar, através de equações e programas, a identificação das estruturas internas que constituem um corpo. Para isto, primeiramente, é preciso conhecer os potencias elétricos adquiridos nas fronteiras do corpo. Estes potenciais são adquiridos pela aplicação de uma corrente elétrica e resolvidos matematicamente pelo problema direto através da equação de Laplace. O Método dos Elementos Finitos em conjunção com as equações oriundas do eletromagnetismo é utilizado para resolver o problema direto. O software EIDORS, contudo, através dos conceitos de problema direto e inverso, reconstrói imagens de Tomografia por Impedância Elétrica que possibilitam visualizar e comparar diferentes métodos de resolução do problema inverso para reconstrução de estruturas internas. Os métodos de Tikhonov, Noser, Laplace, Hiperparamétrico e Variação Total foram utilizados para obter uma solução aproximada (regularizada) para o problema de identificação. Na Tomografia por Impedância Elétrica, com as condições de contorno preestabelecidas de corrente elétricas e regiões definidas, o método hiperparamétrico apresentou uma solução aproximada mais adequada para reconstrução da imagem.


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Les aspirateurs de turbines hydrauliques jouent un rôle crucial dans l’extraction de l’énergie disponible. Dans ce projet, les écoulements dans l’aspirateur d’une turbine de basse chute ont été simulés à l’aide de différents modèles de turbulence dont le modèle DDES, un hybride LES/RANS, qui permet de résoudre une partie du spectre turbulent. Déterminer des conditions aux limites pour ce modèle à l’entrée de l’aspirateur est un défi. Des profils d’entrée 1D axisymétriques et 2D instationnaires tenant compte des sillages et vortex induits par les aubes de la roue ont notamment été testés. Une fluctuation artificielle a également été imposée, afin d’imiter la turbulence qui existe juste après la roue. Les simulations ont été effectuées pour deux configurations d’aspirateur du projet BulbT. Pour la deuxième, plusieurs comparaisons avec des données expérimentales ont été faites pour deux conditions d’opération, à charge partielle et dans la zone de baisse rapide du rendement après le point de meilleur rendement. Cela a permis d’évaluer l’efficacité et les lacunes de la modélisation turbulente et des conditions limites à travers leurs effets sur les quantités globales et locales. Les résultats ont montrés que les structures tourbillonnaires et sillages sortant de la roue sont adéquatement résolus par les simulations DDES de l’aspirateur, en appliquant les profils instationnaires bidimensionnels et un schéma de faible dissipation pour le terme convectif. En outre, les effets de la turbulence artificielle à l’entrée de l’aspirateur ont été explorés à l’aide de l’estimation de l’intermittence du décollement, de corrélations en deux points, du spectre d’énergie et du concept de structures cohérentes lagrangiennes. Ces analyses ont montré que les détails de la dynamique de l’écoulement et de la séparation sont modifiés, ainsi que les patrons des lignes de transport à divers endroits de l’aspirateur. Cependant, les quantités globales comme le coefficient de récupération de l’aspirateur ne sont pas influencées par ces spécificités locales.


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We study a one-dimensional lattice model of interacting spinless fermions. This model is integrable for both periodic and open boundary conditions; the latter case includes the presence of Grassmann valued non-diagonal boundary fields breaking the bulk U(1) symmetry of the model. Starting from the embedding of this model into a graded Yang-Baxter algebra, an infinite hierarchy of commuting transfer matrices is constructed by means of a fusion procedure. For certain values of the coupling constant related to anisotropies of the underlying vertex model taken at roots of unity, this hierarchy is shown to truncate giving a finite set of functional equations for the spectrum of the transfer matrices. For generic coupling constants, the spectral problem is formulated in terms of a functional (or TQ-)equation which can be solved by Bethe ansatz methods for periodic and diagonal open boundary conditions. Possible approaches for the solution of the model with generic non-diagonal boundary fields are discussed.


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Atualmente, sensores remotos e computadores de alto desempenho estão sendo utilizados como instrumentos principais na coleta e produção de dados oceanográficos. De posse destes dados, é possível realizar estudos que permitem simular e prever o comportamento do oceano por meio de modelos numéricos regionais. Dentre os fatores importantes no estudo da oceanografia, podem ser destacados àqueles referentes aos impactos ambientais, de contaminação antrópica, utilização de energias renováveis, operações portuárias e etc. Contudo, devido ao grande volume de dados gerados por instituições ambientais, na forma de resultados de modelos globais como o HYCOM (Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model) e dos programas de Reanalysis da NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), torna-se necessária a criação de rotinas computacionais para realizar o tratamento de condições iniciais e de contorno, de modo que possam ser aplicadas a modelos regionais como o TELEMAC3D (www.opentelemac.org). Problemas relacionados a baixa resolução, ausência de dados e a necessidade de interpolação para diferentes malhas ou sistemas de coordenadas verticais, tornam necessária a criação de um mecanismo computacional que realize este tratamento adequadamente. Com isto, foram desenvolvidas rotinas na linguagem de programação Python, empregando interpoladores de vizinho mais próximo, de modo que, a partir de dados brutos dos modelos HYCOM e do programa de Reanalysis da NOAA, foram preparadas condições iniciais e de contorno para a realização de uma simulação numérica teste. Estes resultados foram confrontados com outro resultado numérico onde, as condições foram construídas a partir de um método de interpolação mais sofisticado, escrita em outra linguagem, e que já vem sendo utilizada no laboratório. A análise dos resultados permitiu concluir que, a rotina desenvolvida no âmbito deste trabalho, funciona adequadamente para a geração de condições iniciais e de contorno do modelo TELEMAC3D. Entretanto, um interpolador mais sofisticado deve ser desenvolvido de forma a aumentar a qualidade nas interpolações, otimizar o custo computacional, e produzir condições que sejam mais realísticas para a utilização do modelo TELEMAC3D.


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An experimental and numerical study of turbulent fire suppression is presented. For this work, a novel and canonical facility has been developed, featuring a buoyant, turbulent, methane or propane-fueled diffusion flame suppressed via either nitrogen dilution of the oxidizer or application of a fine water mist. Flames are stabilized on a slot burner surrounded by a co-flowing oxidizer, which allows controlled delivery of either suppressant to achieve a range of conditions from complete combustion through partial and total flame quenching. A minimal supply of pure oxygen is optionally applied along the burner to provide a strengthened flame base that resists liftoff extinction and permits the study of substantially weakened turbulent flames. The carefully designed facility features well-characterized inlet and boundary conditions that are especially amenable to numerical simulation. Non-intrusive diagnostics provide detailed measurements of suppression behavior, yielding insight into the governing suppression processes, and aiding the development and validation of advanced suppression models. Diagnostics include oxidizer composition analysis to determine suppression potential, flame imaging to quantify visible flame structure, luminous and radiative emissions measurements to assess sooting propensity and heat losses, and species-based calorimetry to evaluate global heat release and combustion efficiency. The studied flames experience notable suppression effects, including transition in color from bright yellow to dim blue, expansion in flame height and structural intermittency, and reduction in radiative heat emissions. Still, measurements indicate that the combustion efficiency remains close to unity, and only near the extinction limit do the flames experience an abrupt transition from nearly complete combustion to total extinguishment. Measurements are compared with large eddy simulation results obtained using the Fire Dynamics Simulator, an open-source computational fluid dynamics software package. Comparisons of experimental and simulated results are used to evaluate the performance of available models in predicting fire suppression. Simulations in the present configuration highlight the issue of spurious reignition that is permitted by the classical eddy-dissipation concept for modeling turbulent combustion. To address this issue, simple treatments to prevent spurious reignition are developed and implemented. Simulations incorporating these treatments are shown to produce excellent agreement with the experimentally measured data, including the global combustion efficiency.


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The time-mean Argo float displacements and the World Ocean Atlas 2009 temperature–salinity climatology are used to obtain the total, top to bottom, mass transports. Outside of an equatorial band, the total transports are the sum of the vertical integrals of geostrophic- and wind-driven Ekman currents. However, these transports are generally divergent, and to obtain a mass conserving circulation, a Poisson equation is solved for the streamfunction with Dirichlet boundary conditions at solid boundaries. The value of the streamfunction on islands is also part of the unknowns. This study presents and discusses an energetic circulation in three basins: the North Atlantic, the North Pacific, and the Southern Ocean. This global method leads to new estimations of the time-mean western Eulerian boundary current transports maxima of 97 Sverdrups (Sv; 1 Sv ≡ 106 m3 s−1) at 60°W for the Gulf Stream, 84 Sv at 157°E for the Kuroshio, 80 Sv for the Agulhas Current between 32° and 36°S, and finally 175 Sv for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current at Drake Passage. Although the large-scale structure and boundary of the interior gyres is well predicted by the Sverdrup relation, the transports derived from the wind stress curl are lower than the observed transports in the interior by roughly a factor of 2, suggesting an important contribution of the bottom torques. With additional Argo displacement data, the errors caused by the presence of remaining transient terms at the 1000-db reference level will continue to decrease, allowing this method to produce increasingly accurate results in the future.


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This thesis presents measurements of wall heat flux and flow structure in a canonical film cooling configuration with Mach 2.3 core flow in which the coolant is injected parallel to the wall through a two-dimensional louver. Four operating conditions are investigated: no film (i.e. flow over a rearward-facing step), subsonic film, pressure-matched film, and supersonic film. The overall objective is to provide a set of experimental data with well characterized boundary conditions that can be used for code validation. The results are compared to RANS and LES simulations which overpredict heat transfer in the subsonic film cases and underpredict heat transfer in supersonic cases after film breakdown. The thesis also describes a number of improvements that were made to the experimental facility including new Schlieren optics, a better film heater, more data at more locations, and a verification of the heat flux measurement hardware and data reduction methods.


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The development of accurate modeling techniques for nanoscale thermal transport is an active area of research. Modern day nanoscale devices have length scales of tens of nanometers and are prone to overheating, which reduces device performance and lifetime. Therefore, accurate temperature profiles are needed to predict the reliability of nanoscale devices. The majority of models that appear in the literature obtain temperature profiles through the solution of the Boltzmann transport equation (BTE). These models often make simplifying assumptions about the nature of the quantized energy carriers (phonons). Additionally, most previous work has focused on simulation of planar two dimensional structures. This thesis presents a method which captures the full anisotropy of the Brillouin zone within a three dimensional solution to the BTE. The anisotropy of the Brillouin zone is captured by solving the BTE for all vibrational modes allowed by the Born Von-Karman boundary conditions.


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In this article we propose a new symmetric version of the interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the numerical approximation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Here, particular emphasis is devoted to the construction of an optimal numerical method for the evaluation of certain target functionals of practical interest, such as the lift and drag coefficients of a body immersed in a viscous fluid. With this in mind, the key ingredients in the construction of the method include: (i) An adjoint consistent imposition of the boundary conditions; (ii) An adjoint consistent reformulation of the underlying target functional of practical interest; (iii) Design of appropriate interior-penalty stabilization terms. Numerical experiments presented within this article clearly indicate the optimality of the proposed method when the error is measured in terms of both the L_2-norm, as well as for certain target functionals. Computational comparisons with other discontinuous Galerkin schemes proposed in the literature, including the second scheme of Bassi & Rebay, cf. [11], the standard SIPG method outlined in [25], and an NIPG variant of the new scheme will be undertaken.


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A parameterization of mesoscale eddy fluxes in the ocean should be consistent with the fact that the ocean interior is nearly adiabatic. Gent and McWilliams have described a framework in which this can be approximated in L-coordinate primitive equation models by incorporating the effects of eddies on the buoyancy field through an eddy-induced velocity. It is also natural to base a parameterization on the simple picture of the mixing of potential vorticity in the interior and the mixing of buoyancy at the surface. The authors discuss the various constraints imposed by these two requirements and attempt to clarify the appropriate boundary conditions on the eddy-induced velocities at the surface. Quasigeostrophic theory is used as a guide to the simplest way of satisfying these constraints.


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An energy analysis of the Fine Resolution Antarctic Model (FRAM) reveals the instability processes in the model. The main source of time-mean kinetic energy is the wind stress and the main sink is transfer to mean potential energy. The wind forcing thus helps maintain the density structure. Transient motions result from internal instabilities of the Bow rather than seasonal variations of the forcing. Baroclinic instability is found to be an important mechanism in FRAM. The highest values of available potential energy are found in the western boundary regions as well as in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) region. All subregions with predominantly zonal flow are found to be baroclinically unstable. The observed deficit of eddy kinetic energy in FRAM occurs as a result of the high lateral friction, which decreases the growth rates of the most unstable waves. This high friction is required for the numerical stability of the model and can only be made smaller by using a finer horizontal resolution. A grid spacing of at least 10-15 km would be required to resolve the most unstable waves in the southern part of the domain. Barotropic instability is also found to be important for the total domain balance. The inverse transfer (that is, transfer from eddy to mean kinetic energy) does not occur anywhere, except in very localized tight jets in the ACC. The open boundary condition at the northern edge of the model domain does not represent a significant source or sink of eddy variability. However, a large exchange between internal and external mode energies is found to occur. It is still unclear how these boundary conditions affect the dynamics of adjacent regions.