991 resultados para Antibody fragments


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Synaptotagmin (Syt) is an inositol high-polyphosphate series [IHPS inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate (IP4), inositol 1,3,4,5,6-pentakisphosphate, and inositol 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexakisphosphate] binding synaptic vesicle protein. A polyclonal antibody against the C2B domain (anti-Syt-C2B), an IHPS binding site, was produced. The specificity of this antibody to the C2B domain was determined by comparing its ability to inhibit IP4 binding to the C2B domain with that to inhibit the Ca2+/phospholipid binding to the C2A domain. Injection of the anti-Syt-C2B IgG into the squid giant presynapse did not block synaptic release. Coinjection of IP4 and anti-Syt-C2B IgG failed to block transmitter release, while IP4 itself was a powerful synpatic release blocker. Repetitive stimulation to presynaptic fiber injected with anti-Syt-C2B IgG demonstrated a rapid decline of the postsynaptic response amplitude probably due to its block of synaptic vesicle recycling. Electron microscopy of the anti-Syt-C2B-injected presynapse showed a 90% reduction of the numbers of synaptic vesicles. These results, taken together, indicate that the Syt molecule is central, in synaptic vesicle fusion by Ca2+ and its regulation by IHPS, as well as in the recycling of synaptic vesicles.


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A monomorphic anti-HLA-G monoclonal antibody (mAb) was obtained by immunization of HLA-B27/human beta 2-microglobulin double-transgenic mice with transfected murine L cells expressing both HLA-G and human beta 2-microglobulin. This mAb, designated BFL.1, specifically recognizes, by flow cytometry analysis, the immunizing HLA-G-expressing cells, whereas it does not bind to parental untransfected or to HLA-B7- and HLA-A3-transfected L cells, suggesting that it distinguishes between classical HLA-A and -B and nonclassical HLA-G class I molecules. This was further assessed by the absence of BFL.1 reactivity with a number of human cell lines known to express classical HLA class I proteins. In addition, we showed that the BFL.1 mAb also labels HLA-G-naturally-expressing JEG-3 and HLA-G-transfected JAR human choriocarcinoma cell lines as well as a subpopulation of first-trimester placental cytotrophoblast cells. Further biochemical studies were performed by immunoprecipitation of biotinylated membrane lysates: BFL.1, like the monomorphic W6/32 mAb, immunoprecipitated a 39-kDa protein in HLA-G-expressing cell lines, a size corresponding to the predicted full-length HLA-G1 isoform. However, in contrast to W6/32, which immunoprecipitates both classical and nonclassical HLA class I heavy chains, BFL.1 mAb does not recognize the class Ia products. Such a mAb should be a useful tool for analysis of HLA-G protein expression in various normal and pathological human tissues and for determination of the function(s) of translated HLA-G products.


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Combined treatment with allogeneic small lymphocytes or T-depleted small lymphocytes plus a blocking antibody to CD40 ligand (CD40L) permitted indefinite pancreatic islet allograft survival in 37 of 40 recipients that differed from islet donors at major and minor histocompatibility loci. The effect of the allogeneic small lymphocytes was donor antigen-specific. Neither treatment alone was as effective as combined treatment, although anti-CD40L by itself allowed indefinite islet allograft survival in 40% of recipients. Our interpretation is that small lymphocytes expressing donor antigens in the absence of appropriate costimulatory signals are tolerogenic for alloreactive host cells. Anti-CD40L antibody may prevent host T cells from inducing costimulatory signals in donor lymphocytes or islet grafts.


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Recruitment of antigen-specific tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) is a major goal for immunotherapy of malignant tumours. We now describe that T-cell-activating superantigens targeted to a tumor by monoclonal antibodies induced large numbers of pseudospecific TILs and eradication of micrometastases. As a model for tumor micrometastases, syngeneic B16 melanoma cells transfected with the human colon carcinoma antigen C215 were injected intravenously into C57BL/6 mice and therapy with an anti-C215 Fab fragment-staphylococcal enterotoxin A (C215Fab-SEA) fusion protein reacting with the C215 antigen was initiated when visible lung metastases were established. More than 90% reduction of the number of lung metastases was observed when mice carrying 5-day-old established lung metastases were treated with C215Fab-SEA. The antitumor effect of C215Fab-SEA was shown to be T-cell-dependent since no therapeutic effect was seen in T-cell-deficient nude mice. Depletion of T-cell subsets by injection of monoclonal antibody demonstrated that CD8+ cells were the most prominent effector cells although some contribution from CD4+ cells was also noted. C215Fab-SEA treatment induced massive tumor infiltration of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, while only scattered T cells were observed in untreated tumors. SEA treatment alone induced a slight general inflammatory response in the lung parenchyme, but no specific accumulation of T cells was seen in the tumor. TILs induced by C215Fab-SEA were mainly CD8+ but a substantial number of CD4+ cells were also present. Immunohistochemical analysis showed strong production of the tumoricidal cytokines tumor necrosis factor alpha and interferon gamma in the tumor. Thus, the C215Fab-SEA fusion protein targets effector T lymphocytes to established tumors in vivo and provokes a strong local antitumor immune response.


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Major targets for autoantibodies associated with the development of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) include tryptic fragments with a molecular mass of 37 kDa and/or 40 kDa of a pancreatic islet cell antigen of unknown identity. The assay identifying autoantibodies against the 37/40-kDa antigen in human sera is based on the immunoprecipitation of 35S-labeled rat insulinoma cell proteins with sera from IDDM patients, followed by limited trypsin digestion of the immunoprecipitated material. To identify cDNA clones coding for the 37/40-kDa antigen, we have screened a cDNA expression library from rat insulinoma cells with a serum from an IDDM patient that precipitated the 37/40-kDa antigen in our assay. Among the cDNA products that reacted with the IDDM serum, we identified one cDNA clone whose open reading frame encodes a protein with a predicted mass of 105 kDa that we termed "ICA105" for 105-kDa islet cell antibody. The deduced amino acid sequence has high homology to a recently cloned putative tyrosine phosphatase IA-2 from human and mouse cDNA libraries. Translation of the cDNA in vitro results in a polypeptide with the expected molecular mass of 105 kDa. The evidence that ICA105 is indeed the precursor of the 37/40-kDa tryptic fragments is based on the following three results: (i) Sera from IDDM patients containing autoantibodies to the 37/40-kDa antigen precipitate the in vitro translated polypeptide, whereas sera from healthy subjects as well as sera from IDDM patients not reactive with the 37/40-kDa antigen do not precipitate the cDNA product. (ii) Immunoprecipitation of the in vitro translated protein with sera containing autoantibodies to the 37/40-kDa antigen followed by limited trypsin digestion of the precipitated proteins results in a 40-kDa polypeptide. (iii) The protein derived from our cDNA but not from an unrelated control cDNA clone can block immunoprecipitation of the 37/40-kDa antigen from a labeled rat insulinoma cell extract. The availability of the cloned 37/40-kDa antigen should facilitate the identification of individuals at risk of IDDM with increased accuracy. Furthermore, the identification of the 37/40-kDa antigen as the putative tyrosine phosphatase IA-2 is of relevance in elucidating the role of this antigen in the development of IDDM.


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Activated components of the complement system are potent mediators of inflammation that may play an important role in numerous disease states. For example, they have been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory joint diseases including rheumatoid arthritis (RA). To target complement activation in immune-mediated joint inflammation, we have utilized monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that inhibit the complement cascade at C5, blocking the generation of the major chemotactic and proinflammatory factors C5a and C5b-9. In this study, we demonstrate the efficacy of a mAb specific for murine C5 in the treatment of collagen-induced arthritis, an animal model for RA. We show that systemic administration of the anti-C5 mAb effectively inhibits terminal complement activation in vivo and prevents the onset of arthritis in immunized animals. Most important, anti-C5 mAb treatment is also highly effective in ameliorating established disease. These results demonstrate a critical role for activated terminal complement components not only in the induction but also in the progression of collagen-induced arthritis and suggest that C5 may be an attractive therapeutic target in RA.


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All of the DNA cleavage and strand transfer events required for transposition of insertion sequence IS10 are carried out by a 46-kDa IS10-encoded transposase protein. Limited proteolysis demonstrates that transposase has two principal structural domains, a 28-kDa N-terminal domain (N alpha beta; aa 1-246) and a 17-kDa C-terminal domain (C; aa 256-402). The two domains are connected by a 1-kDa proteolytic-sensitive linker region (aa 247-255). The N-terminal domain N alpha beta can be further subdivided into domains N alpha and N beta by a weaker protease-sensitive site located 6 kDa (53 aa) from the N terminus. The N beta and N alpha beta fragments are capable of nonspecific DNA binding as determined by Southwestern blot analysis. None of the fragments alone is capable of carrying out the first step of transposition, assembly of a synaptic complex containing a pair of transposon ends. Remarkably, complete transposition activity can be reconstituted by mixing fragment N alpha beta and fragment C, with or without the intervening linker region. We infer that the structural integrity of transposase during the transitions involved in the chemical steps of the transposition reaction is maintained independent of the linker, presumably by direct contacts between and among the principal domains. Reconstitution of activity in the absence of the linker region is puzzling, however, because mutations that block strand transfer or affect insertion specificity alter linker region residues. Additional reconstitution experiments demonstrate that the N alpha region is dispensable for formation of a synaptic complex but is required for complexes to undergo cleavage.


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We describe a method to facilitate radioimaging with technetium-99m (99mTc) by genetic incorporation of a 99mTc chelation site in recombinant single-chain Fv (sFv) antibody proteins. This method relies on fusion of the sFv C terminus with a Gly4Cys peptide that specifically coordinates 99mTc. By using analogues of the 26-10 anti-digoxin sFv as our primary model, we find that addition of the chelate peptide, to form 26-10-1 sFv', does not alter the antigen-binding affinity of sFv. We have demonstrated nearly quantitative chelation of 0.5-50 mCi of 99mTc per mg of 26-10-1 sFv' (1 Ci = 37 GBq). These 99mTc-labeled sFv' complexes are highly stable to challenge with saline buffers, plasma, or diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid. We find that the 99mTc-labeled 741F8-1 sFv', specific for the c-erbB-2 tumor-associated antigen, is effective in imaging human ovarian carcinoma in a scid mouse tumor xenograft model. This fusion chelate methodology should be applicable to diagnostic imaging with 99mTc and radioimmunotherapy with 186Re or 188Re, and its use could extend beyond the sFv' to other engineered antibodies, recombinant proteins, and synthetic peptides.


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A chronic debilitating parasitic infection, viscerotropic leishmaniasis (VTL), has been described in Operation Desert Storm veterans. Diagnosis of this disease, caused by Leishmania tropica, has been difficult due to low or absent specific immune responses in traditional assays. We report the cloning and characterization of two genomic fragments encoding portions of a single 210-kDa L. tropica protein useful for the diagnosis of VTL in U.S. military personnel. The recombinant proteins encoded by these fragments, recombinant (r) Lt-1 and rLt-2, contain a 33-amino acid repeat that reacts with sera from Desert Storm VTL patients and with sera from L. tropica-infected patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis. Antibody reactivities to rLt-1 indicated a bias toward IgG2 in VTL patient sera. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from VTL patients produced interferon gamma, but not interleukin 4 or 10, in response to rLt-1. No cytokine production was observed in response to parasite lysate. The results indicate that specific leishmanial antigens may be used to detect immune responses in VTL patients with chronic infections.


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Human monoclonal antibodies have considerable potential in the prophylaxis and treatment of viral disease. However, only a few such antibodies suitable for clinical use have been produced to date. We have previously shown that large panels of human recombinant monoclonal antibodies against a plethora of infectious agents, including herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, can be established from phage display libraries. Here we demonstrate that facile cloning of recombinant Fab fragments against specific viral proteins in their native conformation can be accomplished by panning phage display libraries against viral glycoproteins "captured" from infected cell extracts by specific monoclonal antibodies immobilized on ELISA plates. We have tested this strategy by isolating six neutralizing recombinant antibodies specific for herpes simplex glycoprotein gD or gB, some of which are against conformationally sensitive epitopes. By using defined monoclonal antibodies for the antigen-capture step, this method can be used for the isolation of antibodies to specific regions and epitopes within the target viral protein. For instance, monoclonal antibodies to a nonneutralizing epitope can be used in the capture step to clone antibodies to neutralizing epitopes, or antibodies to a neutralizing epitope can be used to clone antibodies to a different neutralizing epitope. Furthermore, by using capturing antibodies to more immunodominant epitopes, one can direct the cloning to less immunogenic ones. This method should be of value in generating antibodies to be used both in the prophylaxis and treatment of viral infections and in the characterization of the mechanisms of antibody protective actions at the molecular level.


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Secretion of anionic endo- and xenobiotics is essential for the survival of animal and plant cells; however, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain uncertain. To better understand one such model system--i.e., secretion of bile acids by the liver--we utilized a strategy analogous to that employed to identify the multidrug resistance (mdr) genes. We synthesized the methyl ester of glycocholic acid (GCE), which readily enters cells, where it is hydrolyzed to yield glycocholic acid, a naturally occurring bile acid. The rat hepatoma-derived HTC cell line gradually acquired resistance to GCE concentrations 20-fold higher than those which inhibited growth of naive cells, yet intracellular accumulation of radiolabel in resistant cells exposed to [14C]GCE averaged approximately 25% of that in nonresistant cells. As compared with nonresistant cells, resistant cells also exhibited (i) cross-resistance to colchicine, a known mdr substrate, but not to other noxious substances transported by hepatocytes; (ii) increased abundance on Northern blot of mRNA species up to 7-10 kb recognized by a probe for highly conserved nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) sequences of ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins; (iii) increased abundance, as measured by RNase protection assay, of mRNA fragments homologous to a NBD cRNA probe; and (iv) dramatic overexpression, as measured by Western blotting and immunofluorescence, of a group of 150- to 200-kDa plasma membrane proteins recognized by a monoclonal antibody against a region flanking the highly conserved NBD of mdr/P-glycoproteins. Finally, Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with mRNA from resistant cells and incubated with [14C]GCE secreted radiolabel more rapidly than did control oocytes. Enhanced secretion of glycocholic acid in this cell line is associated with overexpression of ABC/mdr-related proteins, some of which are apparently novel and are likely to include a bile acid transport protein.


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Cytokines are important regulators of hematopoesis. Mutations in gamma c, which is a subunit shared by the receptors for interleukin (IL) 2, IL-4, and IL-7, have been causally associated with human X chromosome-linked severe combined immunodeficiency disease. This finding indicates a mandatory role for cytokine receptor signaling at one or more stages of lymphocyte development. To evaluate the cellular level at which gamma c is critical for lymphopoiesis, the effect of monoclonal antibodies to gamma c on the capacity of syngeneic bone marrow cells to reconstitute the hematopoietic compartment of lethally irradiated recipient mice was examined. We show that monoclonal antibody to gamma c blocked lymphocyte development at or before the appearance of pro-B cells and prior to or at the seeding of the thymus by precursor cells while erythromyeloid cell development was normal. These results suggest that one level of lymphocyte development that requires gamma c is a point in hematopoietic cell differentiation near the divergence of lymphopoiesis and erythromyelopoesis.


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Recombinant antibodies capable of sequence-specific interactions with nucleic acids represent a class of DNA- and RNA-binding proteins with potential for broad application in basic research and medicine. We describe the rational design of a DNA-binding antibody, Fab-Ebox, by replacing a variable segment of the immunoglobulin heavy chain with a 17-amino acid domain derived from TFEB, a class B basic helix-loop-helix protein. DNA-binding activity was studied by electrophoretic mobility-shift assays in which Fab-Ebox was shown to form a specific complex with DNA containing the TFEB recognition motif (CACGTG). Similarities were found in the abilities of TFEB and Fab-Ebox to discriminate between oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing altered recognition sequences. Comparable interference of binding by methylation of cytosine residues indicated that Fab-Ebox and TFEB both contact DNA through interactions along the major groove of double-stranded DNA. The results of this study indicate that DNA-binding antibodies of high specificity can be developed by using the modular nature of both immunoglobulins and transcription factors.


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To classify Listeria monocytogenes using taxonomic characters derived from the rRNA operons and their flanking sequences, we studied a sample of 1346 strains within the taxon. DNA from each strain was digested with a restriction endonuclease, EcoRI. The fragments were separated by gel electrophoresis, immobilized on a membrane, and hybridized with a labeled rRNA operon from Escherichia coli. The pattern of bands, positions, and intensities of hybridized fragments were electronically captured. Software was used to normalize the band positions relative to standards, scale the signal intensity, and reduce the background so that each strain was reproducibly represented in a data base as a pattern. With these methods, L. monocytogenes was resolved into 50 pattern types differing in the length of at least one polymorphic fragment. Pattern types representing multiple strains were recorded as the mathematical average of the strain patterns. Pattern types were arranged by size polymorphisms of assigned rRNA regions into subsets, which revealed the branching genetic structure of the species. Subtracting the polymorphic variants of a specific assigned region from the pattern types and averaging the types within each subset resulted in reduced sets of conserved fragments that could be used to recognize strains of the species. Pattern types and reduced sets of conserved fragments were conserved among different strains of L. monocytogenes but were not observed in total among strains of other species.


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Oligogalacturonides are plant cell wall-derived regulatory molecules which stimulate defense gene expression during pathogenesis. In vitro, these compounds enhance the phosphorylation of an approximately 34-kDa protein (pp34) in purified plasma membranes from potato and tomato leaves. We now show that polygalacturonate-enhanced phosphorylation of pp34 occurs in plasma membranes purified from tomato roots, hypocotyls, and stems and from undifferentiated potato cells. Furthermore, a similar phosphorylation is detected in leaf plasma membranes from soybean, a plant distantly related to tomato. Purified oligogalacturonides 13 to at least 26 residues long stimulate pp34 thiophosphorylation in vitro. This stimulation pattern differs from the induction of many known defense responses in vivo, where a narrower range of smaller fragments, between approximately 10 and 15 residues long, are active. On the basis of these differences we suggest that observed effects of applied exogenous oligogalacturonides on defense responses may not necessarily reflect the situation during pathogenesis. The cell wall could act as a barrier to many exogenous oligo- and polygalacturonides as well as other large regulatory ligands.