968 resultados para Antibodies.


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Thiobacillus ferrooxidans cells grown on sulfur, pyrite, and chalcopyrite exhibit greater hydrophobicity than ferrous ion-grown cells. The isoelectric points of sulfur-, pyrite-, and chalcopyrite-grown cells were observed to be at a pH higher than that for ferrous ion-grown cells. Microbe-mineral interactions result in change in the surface chemistry of the organism as well as that of the minerals with which it has interacted. Sulfur, pyrite, and chalcopyrite after interaction with T. ferrooxidans exhibited a significant shift in their isoelectric points from the initial values exhibited by uninteracted minerals. With antibodies raised against sulfur-grown T. ferrooxidans, pyrite- and chalcopyrite-grown cells showed immunoreactivity, whereas ferrous ion-grown cells failed to do so. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of sulfur-grown cells suggested that a proteinaceous new cell surface appendage synthesized in mineral-grown cells brings about adhesion to the solid mineral substrates. Such an appendage was found to be absent in ferrous ion-grown cells as it is not required during growth in liquid substrates.


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HP0593 DNA-(N-6-adenine)-methyltransferase (HP0593 MTase) is a member of a Type III restriction-modification system in Helicobacter pylori strain 26695. HP0593 MTase has been cloned, overexpressed and purified heterologously in Escherichia coli. The recognition sequence of the purified MTase was determined as 5'-GCAG-3' and the site of methylation was found to be adenine. The activity of HP0593 MTase was found to be optimal at pH 5.5. This is a unique property in context of natural adaptation of H. pylori in its acidic niche. Dot-blot assay using antibodies that react specifically with DNA containing m6A modification confirmed that HP0593 MTase is an adenine-specific MTase. HP0593 MTase occurred as both monomer and dimer in solution as determined by gel-filtration chromatography and chemical-crosslinking studies. The nonlinear dependence of methylation activity on enzyme concentration indicated that more than one molecule of enzyme was required for its activity. Analysis of initial velocity with AdoMet as a substrate showed that two molecules of AdoMet bind to HP0593 MTase, which is the first example in case of Type III MTases. Interestingly, metal ion cofactors such as Co2+, Mn2+, and also Mg2+ stimulated the HP0593 MTase activity. Preincubation and isotope partitioning analyses clearly indicated that HP0593 MTase-DNA complex is catalytically competent, and suggested that DNA binds to the MTase first followed by AdoMet. HP0593 MTase shows a distributive mechanism of methylation on DNA having more than one recognition site. Considering the occurrence of GCAG sequence in the potential promoter regions of physiologically important genes in H. pylori, our results provide impetus for exploring the role of this DNA MTase in the cellular processes of H. pylori.


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5-fluorouracil (FUra) has been shown to modulate the aminoacylation function of rat liver tRNA. The present study was aimed at studying the structure-function relationship of FUra-substituted tRNA. Male Wistar rats (2-3 month old) were given a single i.p. injection of FUra at 50, 250, or 500 mg/kg body wt. and FUra-substituted total liver tRNA, i.e. tRNA(FUra50, 250, and 500, respectively, were isolated 3 h later. Normal tRNA (tRNA(N)) was isolated from saline-treated control rats. Thermal denaturation studies showed higher melting temperatures for tRNA(FUra) compared to tRNA(N). Heat denaturation followed by renaturation of total tRNA did not affect the activity of tRNA(N) and tRNA(FUra50), where as tRNA(FUra250 and 500) lost 35% and 72% of activity, respectively, compared to the corresponding group of non-denatured tRNA. Antibodies specific to rat liver tRNA recognized normal and FUra-substituted tRNA in the order of tRNA(N) > tRNA(FUra50) > or = tRNA(FUra250) > tRNA(FUra500) in an avidin-biotin micro-enzyme linked immunosorbant assay. tRNA(N) or tRNA(FUra50) preincubated with tRNA antiserum showed 74% and 59% of aminoacylation activity, respectively, compared to that of corresponding tRNA preincubated with normal rabbit IgG. However, activities of similarly treated tRNA(FUra250 and 500) were not affected. The observations of possible changes in the secondary structure of rat liver tRNA upon incorporation of FUra are discussed.


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gamma delta T-cell receptor-bearing T cells (gamma delta T cells) are readily activated by intracellular bacterial pathogens such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacterial antigens responsible for gamma delta T-cell activation remain poorly characterized. We have found that heat treatment of live M. tuberculosis bacilli released into the supernatant an antigen which stimulated human gamma delta T cells, gamma delta T-cell activation was measured by determining the increase in percentage of gamma delta T cells by flow cytometry in peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with antigen and by proliferation of gamma delta T-cell lines with monocytes as antigen-presenting cells. Supernatant from heat-treated M. tuberculosis was fractionated by fast-performance liquid chromatography (FPLC) on a Superose 12 column. Maximal gamma delta T-cell activation was measured for a fraction of 10 to 14 kDa. Separation of the supernatant by preparative isoelectric focusing demonstrated peak activity at a pi of <4.0. On two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, the 10- to 14-kDa FPLC fraction contained at least seven distinct molecules, of which two had a pi of <4.5. Protease treatment reduced the bioactivity of the 10- to 14-kDa FPLC fraction for both resting and activated gamma delta T cells. Murine antibodies raised to the 10- to 14-kDa fraction reacted by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with antigens of 10 to 14 kDa in lysate of M. tuberculosis. In addition, gamma delta T cells proliferated in response to an antigen of 10 to 14 kDa present in M. tuberculosis lysate. gamma delta T-cell-stimulating antigen was not found in culture filtrate of M. tuberculosis but was associated,vith the bacterial pellet and lysate of M. tuberculosis. These results provide a preliminary characterization of a 10- to 14-kDa, cell-associated, heat-stable, low-pI protein antigen of M. tuberculosis which is a major stimulus for human gamma delta T cells.


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The DNA content in the silk glands of the non-mulberry silkworm Philosamia ricini increases continuously during the fourth and fifth instars of larval development indicating high levels of DNA replication in this terminally differentiated tissue. Concomitantly, the DNA polymerase alpha activity also increases in the middle and the posterior silk glands during development, reaching maximal levels in the middle of the fifth larval instar. A comparable level of DNA polymerase delta/epsilon was also observed in this highly replicative tissue. The DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex from the silk glands of P. ricini has been purified to homogeneity by conventional column chromatography as well as by immunoaffinity techniques. The molecular mass of the native enzyme is 560 kDa and the enzyme comprises six non-identical subunits. The identity of the enzyme as DNA polymerase alpha has been established by its sensitivity to inhibitors such as aphidicolin, N-ethylmaleimide, butylphenyl-dGTP, butylanilino-dATP and antibodies to polymerase alpha. The enzyme possesses primase activity capable of initiating DNA synthesis on single-stranded DNA templates. The tight association of polymerase and primase activities at a constant ratio of 6:1 is observed through all the purification steps. The 180 kDa subunit harbours the polymerase activity, while the primase activity is associated with the 45 kDa subunit.


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Progress in the development of contraceptive vaccines for males and females is reviewed. Based on the criteria which need to be met with, none of the proposed candidate antigens meets the requirements for use as a contraceptive vaccine for human application. One of the major problems is the need for periodic injections to maintain required titre and use of an alternate method until effective titres are obtained. Some of the problems associated with active immunization approach can be overcome by the use of preformed, highly specific, potent antibodies. Some progress has been achieved in this direction by the use of humanized single chain monoclonal antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin.


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Sesbania mosaic virus (SMV) is a plant virus that infects Sesbania grandiflora plants in Andhra Pradesh, India. The amino acid sequence of the coat protein of SMV was determined using purified peptides generated by cleavage with trypsin, chymotrypsin, V8 protease and clostripain. The 230 residues so far determined were compared to the corresponding residues of southern bean mosaic virus (SBMV), the type member of sobemoviruses. The overall identity between the sequences is 61.7%. The amino terminal 64 residues, which constitute an independent domain (R-domain) known to interact with RNA, are conserved to a lower extent (52.5%). Comparison of the positively charged residues in this domain suggests that the RNA-protein interactions are considerably weaker in SMV. The residues that constitute the major domain of the coat protein, the surface domain (S-domain, residues 65-260), are better conserved (66.5%). The positively charged residues of this domain that face the nucleic acid are well conserved. The longest conserved stretch of residues (131-142) corresponds to the loop involved in intersubunit interactions between subunits related by the quasi 3-fold symmetry. A unique cation binding site located on the quasi 3-fold axis contributes to the stability of SMV. These differences are reflected in the increased stability of the SMV coat protein and its ability to be reconstituted with RNA at pH 7.5. A major epitope was identified using monoclonal antibodies to SMV in the segment 201-223 which contains an exposed helix in the capsid structure. This region is highly conserved between SMV and SBMV (70%) suggesting that it could represent the site of an important function such as vector recognition.


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Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have been used extensively for identification of sequence-specific epitopes using either the ELISA or/and IRMA methods, However, attempts to use MAbs for identification of conformation-specific epitopes have been very few as they are considered very labile. We have investigated the stability of conformation-specific epitopes of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) using a quantitative solid-phase radioimmnunoassay (SPRIA) technique. Several epitopes are stable to mild modification (chemical and proteolytic) conditions, and epitopes show differential stability for these modifications. Based on these observations, a monoclonal antibody (MAb 16) for an a-subunit-specific epitope of hCG has been used to monitor changes at the epitopic site (identified as epitope 16) on modification of hCG, using SPRIA with immobilized MAb 16. Modifications of amino groups, hydroxyl group of tyrosine as well as carboxyl group of Asp/Glu all bring about sufficient changes in the epitope integrity. Peptide bond hydrolysis at lysine residues damages the epitope, but not at arginine residues, Hydrolysis at tyrosine does not affect the epitope, though modification of the side-chain of tyrosine inactivates the epitope. Destruction of the epitope occurs on reduction of the disulphide bonds. Partial retention of the epitope activity is seen on modification of carboxyl or the epsilon-amino groups of lysine. Based on these results four to six amino acids have been identified to be at the epitopic site, and the data suggest that two peptide segments are brought together by the disulphide bond Cys10-Cys60 to form the epitope.


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Identification of conformation-specific epitopes of hCG beta has been done using a simple batch method, Chemically or enzymatically-modified hCG beta has been prepared in a batch and the effect of modifications on the integrity of different epitope regions has been investigated in a quantitative manner using monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) immobilized on plastic tubes from culture supernatants. Based on the extent of damage done to different regions by different modifications, three conformation-specific epitopes of hCG beta have been identified. The method has been shown to have important advantages over the existing methods on many considerations, Using this approach, these epitopes have been shown to be at/near the receptor-binding region.


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The epitopic core sequences recognized by three monoclonal antibodies raised to chicken riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) were mapped to the C-terminal tail-end of the protein using the pepscan method A 21-residue synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 200-219 of the protein and comprising the regions corresponding to the antibodies was synthesized. Administration of polyclonal antibodies specific to this peptide led to termination of early pregnancy in mice. Also, active immunization of rats with the peptide-purified protein derivative conjugate inhibited establishment of pregnancy. These results demonstrate the functional importance of the C-terminal 200-219 region of chicken RCP. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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A single step solid phase radioimmunoassay (SS-SPRIA) has been developed for human chorionic,gonadotropin (hCG) using monoclonal antibodies (MAb) from culture media adsorbed immunochemically on plastic tubes. The assays have been found to be very simple in terms of operation and do not demand purification of MAbs. Several MAbs which do not show any displacement in liquid phase RIA and ELISA provide a satisfactory SS-SPRIA. Our investigations revealed that the assumption regarding the stability of the primary Mab-Ag complex during incubation and washing steps in ELISAs is not strictly valid for dissociable MAbs. A comparison of different assay systems suggests that the single step SPRIA offers additional advantages over conventionally used multistep ELISA procedures and provides a quantitative probe for the analysis of epitope-paratope interactions.


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A specific protein exhibiting immunological cross-reactivity with chicken riboflavin carrier protein has been purified to homogeneity from human amniotic fluid by use of ion-exchange and affinity chromatography. The protein is similar to its avian counterpart in terms of molecular size, distribution of 125I-labelled tryptic peptides during finger printing, and preferential binding to riboflavin. Immunologically, they are homologous since most of the monoclonal antibodies raised against the avian protein cross-react with the purified human vitamin carrier.


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The relative regulatory roles of the pituitary gonadotropins, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone in the spermatogonial proliferation has been studied using specific antibodies against these hormones in the immature rats. Immunoneutralization of luteinizing hormone for 7 days resulted in significant reduction in tetraploid cells and total absence of haploid cells, while there was a relative increase in the diploid population. This was also accomopanied by a decrease in spermatogonial proliferation as indicated by a decrease in [H-3] thymidine incorporation into DNA by purified spermatogonia. Administration bf follicle stimulating hormone als for 7 days also caused a significant decrease in the rate of spermatogonial proliferation. Withdrawal of follicle stimulating hormone led to a significant reduction in tetraploid and haploid cells However interestingly, it failed to totally abolish the appearance of these cells. Administration of testosterone (3mg/day/rat) for 2 days along with the gonadotropin a/s could partially reverse the effect on spermatogonial proliferation. It is concluded that (i) both luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone are involved in spermatogonial proliferation, (ii) lack of testosterone consequent of the neutralization of luteinizing hormone prevented the entry of spermatogonial cells into meiosis, (iii) testosterone may be involved in spermatogonial proliferation providing a mitotic signal and (v) both follicle stimulating hormone and testosterone act synergistically and lack of any one of the hormones results in impairment of spermatogonial proliferation.


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The protective ability of cytotoxic T cells (CTL) raised in vitro against Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) was examined by adoptive transfer experiments. Adoptive transfer of anti-JEV effecters by intracerebral (i.c.) but not by intraperitoneal (i.p.) or intravenous (i.v.) routes protected adult BALB/c mice against lethal i.c. JEV challenge. In contrast to adult mice, adoptive transfer of anti-JEV effecters into newborn (4-day-old) and suckling (8-14-day-old) mice did not confer protection. However, virus-induced death was delayed in suckling mice compared to newborn mice upon adoptive transfer. The specific reasons for lack of protection in newborn mice are not clear but virus load was found to be higher in newborn mice brains compared to those of adults and virus clearance was observed only in adult mice brains but not in newborn mice brains upon adoptive transfer. Specific depletion of Lyt 2.2(+), L3T4(+) or Thy-1(+) T cell populations before adoptive transfer abrogated the protective ability of transferred effecters. However, when Lyt 2.2(+) cell-depleted and L3T4(+) cell-depleted effecters were mixed and transferred into adult mice the protective activity was retained, demonstrating that both Lyt 2.2(+) and L3T4(+) T cells are necessary to confer protection. Although the presence of L3T4(+) T cells in adoptively transferred effector populations enhanced virus-specific serum neutralizing antibodies, the presence of neutralizing antibodies alone without Lyt 2.2(+) cells was not sufficient to confer protection.


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The unfolding of the chicken egg white riboflavin carrier protein by disulfide reduction with dithiothreitol led to aggregation with concomitant loss of ligand binding characteristics and the capacity to interact with six monoclonal antibodies directed against surface-exposed discontinuous epitopes. The reduced protein could, however, bind to a monoclonal antibody recognizing sequential epitope. Under optimal conditions of protein refolding, the vitamin carrier protein regained its folded structure with high efficiency with simultaneous complete restoration of hydrophobic flavin binding site as well as the epitopic conformations exposed at the surface in a manner comparable to its native form.