984 resultados para Animal tissue


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Background: An arteriovenous loop (AVL) enclosed in a polycarbonate chamber in vivo, produces a fibrin exudate which acts as a provisional matrix for the development of a tissue engineered microcirculatory network. Objectives: By administering enoxaparin sodium - an inhibitor of fibrin polymerization, the significance of fibrin scaffold formation on AVL construct size (including the AVL, fibrin scaffold, and new tissue growth into the fibrin), growth, and vascularization were assessed and compared to controls. Methods: In Sprague Dawley rats, an AVL was created on femoral vessels and inserted into a polycarbonate chamber in the groin in 3 control groups (Series I) and 3 experimental groups (Series II). Two hours before surgery and 6 hours post-surgery, saline (Series I) or enoxaparin sodium (0.6 mg/kg, Series II) was administered intra-peritoneally. Thereafter, the rats were injected daily with saline (Series I) or enoxaparin sodium (1.5 mg/kg, Series II) until construct retrieval at 3, 10, or 21 days. The retrieved constructs underwent weight and volume measurements, and morphologic/morphometric analysis of new tissue components. Results: Enoxaparin sodium treatment resulted in the development of smaller AVL constructs at 3, 10, and 21 days. Construct weight and volume were significantly reduced at 10 days (control weight 0.337 ± 0.016 g [Mean ± SEM] vs treated 0.228 ± 0.048, [P < .001]: control volume 0.317 ± 0.015 mL vs treated 0.184 ± 0.039 mL [P < .01]) and 21 days (control weight 0.306 ± 0.053 g vs treated 0.198 ± 0.043 g [P < .01]: control volume 0.285 ± 0.047 mL vs treated 0.148 ± 0.041 mL, [P < .01]). Angiogenesis was delayed in the enoxaparin sodium-treated constructs with the absolute vascular volume significantly decreased at 10 days (control vascular volume 0.029 ± 0.03 mL vs treated 0.012 ± 0.002 mL [P < .05]). Conclusion: In this in vivo tissue engineering model, endogenous, extra-vascularly deposited fibrin volume determines construct size and vascular growth in the first 3 weeks and is, therefore, critical to full construct development.


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In a recently described model for tissue engineering, an arteriovenous loop comprising the femoral artery and vein with interposed vein graft is fabricated in the groin of an adult male rat, placed inside a polycarbonate chamber, and incubated subcutaneously. New vascularized granulation tissue will generate on this loop for up to 12 weeks. In the study described in this paper three different extracellular matrices were investigated for their ability to accelerate the amount of tissue generated compared with a no-matrix control. Poly-D,L-lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) produced the maximal weight of new tissue and vascularization and this peaked at two weeks, but regressed by four weeks. Matrigel was next best. It peaked at four weeks but by eight weeks it also had regressed. Fibrin (20 and 80 mg/ml), by contrast, did not integrate with the generating vascularized tissue and produced less weight and volume of tissue than controls without matrix. The limiting factors to growth appear to be the chamber size and the capacity of the neotissue to integrate with the matrix. Once the sides of the chamber are reached or tissue fails to integrate, encapsulation and regression follow. The intrinsic position of the blood supply within the neotissue has many advantages for tissue and organ engineering, such as ability to seed the construct with stem cells and microsurgically transfer new tissue to another site within the individual. In conclusion, this study has found that PLGA and Matrigel are the best matrices for the rapid growth of new vascularized tissue suitable for replantation or transplantation.


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The dependence of second harmonic generation (SHG) from hyperplastic parenchyma and stroma in maligant human prostate tissue on excitation wavelengths was measured. A femtosecond pulsed laser, a scanning microscope and a spectrograph were used to perform the measurements. The spectra were measured under excitation power of 10 mW at excitation wavelengths of 730 nm, 750 nm, 800 nm, 850 nm and 890 nm. Analysis suggested that the SHG in prostate tissue is highly structured and wavelength dependent signifying its ability to be used as an indicator for recognizing tissue components, ultrastructures, micro-environments and diseases.


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We initially described a rat chamber model with an inserted arteriovenous pedicle which spontaneously generates 3-dimensional vascularized connective tissue (Tanaka Y et al., Br J Plast Surg 2000; 53: 51-7). More recently we have developed a murine chamber model containing reconstituted basement membrane (Matrigel®) and FGF-2 that generates vascularized adipose tissue in vivo (Cronin K et al., Plast Reconstr Surg 2004; in press). We have extended this work to assess the cellular and matrix requirements for the Matrigel®- induced neo-adipogenesis. We found that chambers sealed to host fat were unable to grow new adipose tissue. In these chambers the Matrigel® became vascularized with maximal outgrowth of vessels extending to the periphery at 6 weeks. A small amount of adipose tissue was found adjacent to the vessels, most likely arising from periadventitial adipose tissue. In contrast, chambers open to interaction with endogenous adipose tissue showed abundant new fat, and partial exposure to adjacent adipose tissue clearly showed neo-adipogenesis only in this area. Addition of small amounts of free fat to the closed chamber containing Matrigel® was able to induce neo-adipogenesis. Addition of small pieces of human fat also caused neo-adipogenesis in immunocompromised (SCID) mice. Also, we found Matrigel® to induce adipogenesis of Lac-Z-tagged (Rosa-26) murine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells, and cells similar to these have been isolated from human adipose tissue. Given that Matrigel® is a mouse product and cannot be used in humans, we have started investigating alternative matrix scaffolds for adipogenesis such as the PDA-approved PLGA, collagen and purified components derived from Matrigel®, such as laminin-1. The optimal conditions for adipogenesis with these matrices are still being elucidated. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that a precursor cell source inside the chamber is essential for the generation of vascularized adipose tissue in vivo. This technique offers unique potential for the reconstruction of soft tissue defects and may enable the generation of site-specific tissue using the correct microenvironment.


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The role of vascularization in 3-D tissue engineering was studied. Mouse fat, angiogenic growth factors, adult human stem cells and fat tissue have been inserted and subsequent tissue growth was monitored. Human fat grafts or human lipoaspirates in SCID mouse chambers induced mouse fat generation at 6 weeks. Tissue engineering models utilizing intrinsic vascularization have major advantages including rapid and appropriate vascularization of new tissues.


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Engineering adipogenic tissue in vivo requires the concomitant induction of angiogenesis to generate a stable long-term three-dimensional construct. Histiocon-ductive tissue engineering strategies have been used. The disadvantage of using biodegradable scaffolds is a delayed angiogenic induction resulting in ischemic necrosis of the central cell population in the scaffold. We evaluated an histioinductive approach for adipose tissue engineering by combining essential key components for adipogenic induction: (1) a precursor cell source; (2) a vascular pedicle; (3) a supportive matrix, and; (4) a chamber to preserve space for the new tissue to develop. We observed concomitant adipogenic and angiogenic induction after 6 weeks in three-dimensional adipose tissue constructs.


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The concentrations of Na, K, Ca, Mg, Ba, Sr, Fe, Al, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cr, Co, Se, U and Ti were determined in the osteoderms and/or flesh of estuarine crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) captured in three adjacent catchments within the Alligator Rivers Region (ARR) of northern Australia. Results from multivariate analysis of variance showed that when all metals were considered simultaneously, catchment effects were significant (P≤0.05). Despite considerable within-catchment variability, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) showed that differences in elemental signatures in the osteoderms and/or flesh of C. porosus amongst the catchments were sufficient to classify individuals accurately to their catchment of occurrence. Using cross-validation, the accuracy of classifying a crocodile to its catchment of occurrence was 76% for osteoderms and 60% for flesh. These data suggest that osteoderms provide better predictive accuracy than flesh for discriminating crocodiles amongst catchments. There was no advantage in combining the osteoderm and flesh results to increase the accuracy of classification (i.e. 67%). Based on the discriminant function coefficients for the osteoderm data, Ca, Co, Mg and U were the most important elements for discriminating amongst the three catchments. For flesh data, Ca, K, Mg, Na, Ni and Pb were the most important metals for discriminating amongst the catchments. Reasons for differences in the elemental signatures of crocodiles between catchments are generally not interpretable, due to limited data on surface water and sediment chemistry of the catchments or chemical composition of dietary items of C. porosus. From a wildlife management perspective, the provenance or source catchment(s) of 'problem' crocodiles captured at settlements or recreational areas along the ARR coastline may be established using catchment-specific elemental signatures. If the incidence of problem crocodiles can be reduced in settled or recreational areas by effective management at their source, then public safety concerns about these predators may be moderated, as well as the cost of their capture and removal. Copyright © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V.


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This article describes the first steps toward comprehensive characterization of molecular transport within scaffolds for tissue engineering. The scaffolds were fabricated using a novel melt electrospinning technique capable of constructing 3D lattices of layered polymer fibers with well - defined internal microarchitectures. The general morphology and structure order was then determined using T 2 - weighted magnetic resonance imaging and X - ray microcomputed tomography. Diffusion tensor microimaging was used to measure the time - dependent diffusivity and diffusion anisotropy within the scaffolds. The measured diffusion tensors were anisotropic and consistent with the cross - hatched geometry of the scaffolds: diffusion was least restricted in the direction perpendicular to the fiber layers. The results demonstrate that the cross - hatched scaffold structure preferentially promotes molecular transport vertically through the layers ( z - axis), with more restricted diffusion in the directions of the fiber layers ( x – y plane). Diffusivity in the x – y plane was observed to be invariant to the fiber thickness. The characteristic pore size of the fiber scaffolds can be probed by sampling the diffusion tensor at multiple diffusion times. Prospective application of diffusion tensor imaging for the real - time monitoring of tissue maturation and nutrient transport pathways within tissue engineering scaffolds is discussed.


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PURPOSE. We develop a sheep thoracic spine interbody fusion model to study the suitability of polycaprolactone-based scaffold and recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) as a bone graft substitute within the thoracic spine. The surgical approach is a mini- open thoracotomy with relevance to minimally invasive deformity correction surgery for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. To date there are no studies examining the use of this biodegradable implant in combination with biologics in a sheep thoracic spine model. METHODS. In the present study, six sheep underwent a 3-level (T6/7, T8/9 and T10/11) discectomy with randomly allocated implantation of a different graft substitute at each of the three levels; (i) calcium phosphate (CaP) coated polycaprolactone-based scaffold plus 0.54μg rhBMP-2, (ii) CaP coated PCL- based scaffold alone or (iii) autograft (mulched rib head). Fusion was assessed at six months post-surgery. RESULTS. Computed Tomographic scanning demonstrated higher fusion grades in the rhBMP-2 plus PCL- based scaffold group in comparison to either PCL-based scaffold alone or autograft. These results were supported by histological evaluations of the respective groups. Biomechanical testing revealed significantly higher stiffness for the rhBMP-2 plus PCL- based scaffold group in all loading directions in comparison to the other two groups. CONCLUSION. The results of this study demonstrate that rhBMP-2 plus PCL- based scaffold is a viable bone graft substitute, providing an optimal environment for thoracic interbody spinal fusion in a large animal model.


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The primary goal in hard tissue engineering is to combine high-performance scaffold materials with living cells to develop biologically active substitutes that can restore tissue functions. This requires relevant knowledge in multidisciplinary fields encompassing chemical engineering, material science, chemistry, biology and nanotechnology. Here we present an overview on the recent progress of how two representative carbon nanostructures, namely, carbon nanotubes and graphene, aid and advance the research in hard tissue engineering. The article focuses on the advantages and challenges of integrating these carbon nanostructures into functional scaffolds for repairing and regenerative purposes. It includes, but is not limited to, the critical physico-chemical properties of carbon nanomaterials for enhanced cell interactions such as adhesion, morphogenesis, proliferation and differentiation; the novel designs of two- and three-dimensional nanostructured scaffolds; multifunctional hybrid materials; and the biocompatible aspects of carbon nanotubes and graphene. Perspectives on the future research directions are also given, in an attempt to shed light on the innovative and rational design of more effective biomedical devices in hard tissue engineering.


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Using retinal imaging, the nature and extent of compromise of retinal structural integrity has been characterized in individuals suffering from diabetic peripheral neuropathy. These findings extend our understanding of the pathological processes involved in diabetic neuropathy and offer novel ophthalmic approaches to the diagnosis and monitoring of this debilitating condition.


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Drying is a key processing techniques used in food engineering which demands continual developments on advanced analysis techniques in order to optimize the product and the process. In this regard, plant based materials are a frequent subject of interest where microstructural studies can provide a clearer understanding on the fundamental physical mechanisms involved. In this context, considering numerous challenges of using conventional numerical grid-based modelling techniques, a meshfree particle based model was developed to simulate extreme deformations of plant microstructure during drying. The proposed technique is based on a particle based meshfree method: Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and a Discrete Element Method (DEM). A tissue model was developed by aggrading individual cells modelled with SPH-DEM coupled approach by initializing the cells as hexagons and aggregating them to form a tissue. The model also involves a middle lamella resembling real tissues. Using the model, different dried tissue states were simulated with different moisture content, the turgor pressure, and cell wall contraction effects. Compared to the state of the art grid-based microscale plant tissue drying models, the proposed model is capable of simulating plant tissues at lower moisture contents which results in excessive shrinkage and cell wall wrinkling. Model predictions were compared with experimental findings and a fairly good agreement was observed both qualitatively and quantitatively.


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This thesis has developed an innovative technology, electrospraying, that allows biodegradable microparticles to deliver pharmaceuticals that aid bone regeneration. The establishment, characterisation and optimisation of the technique are a step forward in developing an affordable and safe alternative to the products used currently in the clinical setting for the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. The researcher has also investigated electrospraying as a coating technique on biodegradable structures that are used to replace damaged tissues, in order to provide localised and efficient drug delivery in the site of the defect to help tissue reconstruction.


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INTRODUCTION Icing (cryotherapy) is being widely used for the treatment of closed soft tissue trauma (CSTT), such as those resulting from sport injuries. It is believed that cryotherapy induces vasoconstriction and through this mechanism reduces inflammation [1]. However, the impact of this technique on the healing of impaired vasculature and muscle injuries following trauma remains controversial. Recent evidence suggests that the muscle regeneration is delayed after cryotherapy [2]. Consequently, we aimed to investigate the effect of cryotherapy on the vascular morphology following CSTT using an experimental model in rats by contrast-enhanced micro-CT imaging. METHODS Fifty four rats were divided into three main groups: control (no injury, n=6), sham (CSTT but no icing treatment, n=24) and icing (CSTT, treated with one session of ice block massaged directly on the injured muscle for 20 minutes, n=24). The CSTT was induced to the left thigh (Biceps Femoris) of anaesthetised rats (Male, Wistar) to create a standardized and reproducible vascular and muscle injury using an impact device [3]. Following trauma, animals were euthanized after 1, 3, 7, and 28 days healing time (n=6 for each time point). For a three-dimensional vascular morphological assessment, the blood vessels of euthanised rats were flushed with heparinised saline and then perfused with a radio-opaque contrast agent (Microfil, MV 122, Flowtech, USA) using an infusion pump. Both hind-limbs were dissected, and then the injured and non-injured limbs were imaged using a micro-CT scanner (µCT 40, Scanco Medical, Switzerland) and total volume of the perfused blood vessels (TVV) was calculated. More detailed morphological parameters such as vessel volume (VV), diameter (VD), spacing (VSp), number (VN) and connectivity (VConn) were quantified through high resolution (6 µm), micro-CT-scanned biopsy samples (diameter: 8mm) taken directly from the region of the injured muscles. The biopsies were then analysed histologically to confirm the results derived from contrast-enhanced micro-CT imaging. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The TVV was significantly higher in the injured legs compared to the non-injured legs at day 1 and 7 in the sham group and at day 28 in both sham and icing groups. The biopsies from the injured legs of the icing group showed a significant reduction in VV, VN, VD, VConn and an increase in VSp compared to those in the sham and control groups at days 1, 3 and 7, post injury. While the injured legs of the sham group exhibited a decrease in VN and VConn 28 days post trauma, indicating a return to the original values prior to trauma, these parameters had increased in the icing group (Figure 1). Also, at day 1 post injury, VV and VD of the injured legs were significantly higher in the sham group compared to the icing group, which may be attributed to the effect of vasoconstriction induced by icing. Further histomorphological evaluation of day 1 post injury, indicated that although cryotherapy significantly reduced the injury size and influx of inflammatory cells, including macrophages and neutrophils, a delay in vascular and muscle fiber regeneration was found at later time points confirming other reports from the literature [2]. CONCLUSIONS We have demonstrated using micro-CT imaging that the vascular morphology changes after CSTT, and that its recovery is affected by therapeutic modalities such as icing. This may be useful for the development of future clinical monitoring, diagnosis and treatment of CSTT. While icing reduces the swelling after trauma, our results suggest that it may delay the recovery of the vasculature in the injured tissue.


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REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY An increased incidence of metabolic disease in horses has led to heightened recognition of the pathological consequences of insulin resistance (IR). Laminitis, failure of the weight-bearing digital lamellae, is an important consequence. Altered trafficking of specialised glucose transporters (GLUTs) responsible for glucose uptake, are central to the dysregulation of glucose metabolism and may play a role in laminitis pathophysiology. OBJECTIVES We hypothesised that prolonged hyperinsulinaemia alters the regulation of glucose transport in insulin-sensitive tissue and digital lamellae. Our objectives were to compare the relative protein expression of major GLUT isoforms in striated muscle and digital lamellae in healthy horses and during hyperinsulinaemia. STUDY DESIGN Randomised, controlled study. METHODS Prolonged hyperinsulinaemia and lamellar damage were induced by a prolonged-euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp (p-EHC) or a prolonged-glucose infusion (p-GI) and results were compared to electrolyte-treated controls. GLUT protein expression was examined with immunoblotting. RESULTS Lamellar tissue contained more GLUT1 protein than skeletal muscle (p = 0.002) and less GLUT4 than the heart (p = 0.037). During marked hyperinsulinaemia and acute laminitis (induced by the p-EHC), GLUT1 protein expression was decreased in skeletal muscle (p = 0.029) but unchanged in the lamellae, while novel GLUTs (8; 12) were increased in the lamellae (p = 0.03), but not skeletal muscle. However, moderate hyperinsulinaemia and subclinical laminitis (induced by the p-GI) did not cause differential GLUT protein expression in the lamellae vs. control horses. CONCLUSIONS The results suggest that lamellar tissue functions independently of insulin and that IR may not be an essential component of laminitis aetiology. Marked differences in GLUT expression exist between insulin-sensitive and insulin-independent tissues during metabolic dysfunction in horses. The different expression profiles of novel GLUTs during acute and subclinical laminitis may be important to disease pathophysiology and require further investigation.