996 resultados para Animais persistentemente infectados
Este trabalho visa dar resposta a um problema com que nos deparamos nos dias de hoje, a falta de contacto que existe entre as crianças que habitam em cidades e animais. Com o passar do tempo, este problema tende a agravar-se e é necessário fazer alguma coisa. No local onde realizei a minha PES, Parque Infantil de Santa Catarina, pude observar que este problema se verifica. Como meio de resposta a este problema presente nesta instituição, o meu trabalho consiste numa proposta de projecto sobre a implementação de um cão na instituição em causa. Para fundamentar aquilo que defendo e que acredito profundamente, ou seja, que a relação entre animais e crianças traz diversos benefícios para o desenvolvimento infantil, refiro diversos autores e estudos que foram realizados.
A literatura tradicional em tempos muito antigos em vários continentes apareceram histórias criadas pelo povo anónimo que depois eram contadas oralmente de geração em geração. Essas histórias, de origem popular, muitas passaram de uma terras para as outras, através dos comerciantes e outros viajantes. Por serem transmitidas oralmente, as histórias nem sempre eram contadas da mesma maneira. Cada pessoa que contava a história introduzia sempre algo pessoal e por vezes esquecia-se de certos pormenores. Para este estudo foram delineados dois objetivos: 1º Identificar e refletir quais os animais com que as crianças se identificam; 2º Compreender como é que as fábulas contribuem para a fantasia da criança. A fábula é uma pequena narrativa em prosa ou em rima que termina sempre com uma moral, os protagonistas destas histórias animais, plantas ou objetos inanimados. Geralmente contém uma parte narrativa com uma moral, onde os animais são um exemplo para o ser humano. Cada animal que entra na fábula simboliza um aspeto ou uma qualidade do homem, como por exemplo, o leão representa a força. No presente relatório a metodologia de investigação utilizada é o paradigma qualitativo interpretativo. Ao ter sido implementado o projeto penso que os objetivos que foram delineados foram de alguma forma ao encontro das crianças, visto que o mesmo foi feito a pensar nelas. Para perceber se os objetivos foram atingidos com sucesso ou não, foram feitas entrevistas ao grupo com quem estive, os resultados foram destintos. Tendo em conta os resultados obtidos, penso que este trabalho acrescenta dados importantes para a caracterização das fábulas, configurando uma estrutura argumentativa em que a narração é um elemento estruturado, que serve para fazer uma argumentação.
A presença dos animais de companhia nos lares Portugueses é uma realidade cada vez mais significativa e que carece de uma maior consciencialização, sobre a pro-blemática dos parasitas externos e suas formas de controlo. A prevenção é a chave principal e a maneira mais fácil de diminuir a hipótese das infestações e transmissão de doenças. O aumento das temperaturas, o aumento do número de animais de companhia e o acréscimo na mobilidade dos cidadãos, são factores que todos os dias potenciam a proliferação de parasitas externos, que comprometem o bem-estar e a saúde de animais e de seres humanos. Esta dissertação de Mestrado investiga e concentra-se nos parasitas externos dos animais de companhia, nas práticas utilizadas e no processo de decisão de compra dos desparasitantes externos para o cão. O levantamento de dados foi realizado através de questionário estruturado construído para o efeito, e alvo de tratamento estatístico adequado. Tendo em consideração a informação recolhida juntos dos proprietários dos animais de companhia – cão, no Concelho de Oeiras, maioritariamente são Mulheres (58,64%), com habilitações ao nível da licenciatura, com idades compreendidas en-tre 45-54 anos. Sobre o animal de companhia – cão, destaca-se a faixa etária de 3-5 anos, sendo privilegiada a raça de porte médio (48%). Confirma-se que existe uma maior preocupação com a desparasitação externa (84%), face à desparasitação in-terna (76%). A maior influência na decisão de compra dos desparasitantes externos é dos Veterinários (53%) seguida do efeito da confiança na utilização do produto (13%) e do efeito de passa-palavra (11%). O local preferencial de compra é a Clíni-ca Veterinária (40%), seguida das Farmácias (31%), Pet-Shop (19%) e Grandes Su-perfícies (10%). Verificou-se a necessidade de implementação de um sistema de gestão de informa-ção para o mercado da Saúde Animal, à semelhança dos sistemas já existentes na saúde humana, face à pertinência do tema e seus impactos tanto económicos como na Saúde Publica.
Este estudo tem por objetivo avaliar o nível de sociabilização no comportamento da criança/adolescente com deficiência intelectual em terapia assistida por animais, TAA, e por objetivos específicos levantar o perfil sócio-demográfico-clínico dessa população, observar o comportamento da criança em atendimento mediado pela TAA e verificar a opinião dos pais/responsáveis e profissionais sobre essa terapia. A TAA é uma técnica na qual o animal é parte integrante do processo terapêutico. Enquadra-se em uma abordagem multidisciplinar, que requer a intervenção de especialistas, na qual o cão ocupa uma posição mediadora entre o paciente e os objetivos terapêuticos. A pesquisa abrange 46 sujeitos, sendo 20 pacientes, 20 pais e/ou responsáveis e seis terapeutas, e desenvolve-se em uma clínica de Reabilitação Clínica de ONG em cidade de grande porte. Foram observadas 12 intervenções em TAA, aplicada a escala com foco em sociabilização baseada em Achenbach (ASEBA)e realizada entrevista junto aos pais/responsáveis e entrevistados os terapeutas em TAA. Os resultados dos instrumentos utilizados convergem no sentido de apontara validade da TAA como facilitadora da sociabilização das crianças/adolescentes com deficiência intelectual, com aumento da motivação e engajamento às intervenções, assim como, com repercussões positivas em sua autonomia, em seu humor e em sua organização cognitiva temporal e narrativa linguística. Os terapeutas ressaltam o componente lúdico presente nas intervenções, o qual facilita atingir seus objetivos terapêuticos. Já para os pais dos atendidos por essa abordagem, de forma unanime referem que filhos demonstram motivação e maior autonomia frente aos atendimentos. O estudo sugere novas investigações que possam dar suporte à divulgação dessa modalidade de terapia.
Theta rhythm consists of an electrophysiological hippocampal oscillation present in mammalian species (4-12 Hz with variations across species). This oscillation is present during active waking and is also prevalent in local field potentials (LFP) during rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep). Several studies have shown that theta rhythm is important in cognitive tasks and that the medial septum is a key region for its occurrence. The septum sends cholinergic, GABAergic and glutamatergic projections to the hippocampus, which in turn projects axons to the septum. Besides the septum, other regions are involved in regulating theta rhythm, forming a complex network of interactions among brain areas that result in theta rhythm. Optogenetics is a recently developed method that has been widely used in various research areas. It allows us to manipulate the electrical activity of neurons through light stimulation. One of the existing techniques consists in using a viral vector to induce the neuronal expression of ion channels associated with the light-sensitive molecule rhodopsin (e.g. ChR2). Once infected, the neurons become sensitive to light of a particular wavelength. The present M. Sc. research aimed to perform luminous stimulation of the brain in anesthetized and freely behaving animals using chronically implanted electrodes and optical fibers in animals infected with a viral vector for ChR2 expression. Surgical viral injections were performed in the medial septum; histological results confirmed the expression of ChR2 by way of the presence of the eYFP reporter protein in the septum and also in hippocampal processes. Moreover, we performed acute experiments with luminous stimulation of the medial septum and LFP recordings of the septum and hippocampus of anesthetized animals. Action potentials were recorded in the septum. In these experiments we observed a significant increase in the firing rates of septal neurons during luminous stimulation (n = 300 trials). Furthermore, we found an early light-evoked response in the hippocampal LFP. Chronic experiments with luminous stimulation of the medial septum and hippocampus in freely behaving animals were also performed in combination with LFP recordings. We found that the luminous stimulation of the septum is able to induce theta rhythm in the hippocampus. Together, the results demonstrate that the luminous stimulation of the medial septum in optogenetically-modified animals causes relevant electrophysiological changes in the septum and the hippocampus.
The main concern of this work is to offer an analysis of the possibility of an ethical approach to the interaction between human beings and animals. As far as possible we seek an approach which rely neither on utilitarian considerations nor on indirect reasons to explain the attribution of dignity or moral rights to animals. We take for granted that some of them (if not all) do possess it. And then we try to show that a deontological ethical theory (one which centers in the human as the agent but is not restricted to humans as the objects of the moral action) can afford us a good theoretical basis for the grounding of the attribution of rights or dignity to animals. Analyzing the main features of Kantian ethics, as well as some of its alternatives, it will be possible to show that an ethical theory which does not presuppose reciprocity nor depends solely upon particular human concerns is not only possible but also reveals itself as the most sensible and adequate to the nature of our values and of the case at hand.
The main concern of this work is to offer an analysis of the possibility of an ethical approach to the interaction between human beings and animals. As far as possible we seek an approach which rely neither on utilitarian considerations nor on indirect reasons to explain the attribution of dignity or moral rights to animals. We take for granted that some of them (if not all) do possess it. And then we try to show that a deontological ethical theory (one which centers in the human as the agent but is not restricted to humans as the objects of the moral action) can afford us a good theoretical basis for the grounding of the attribution of rights or dignity to animals. Analyzing the main features of Kantian ethics, as well as some of its alternatives, it will be possible to show that an ethical theory which does not presuppose reciprocity nor depends solely upon particular human concerns is not only possible but also reveals itself as the most sensible and adequate to the nature of our values and of the case at hand.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) consists of a non-toxic photosensitizing agent (FS) administration followed by a laser source resulting in a sequence of photochemical and photobiological processes that generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) that damaging cells. The present work evaluated the effects of PDT nanoemulsion-aluminum chloride phthalocyanine (AlClFc) mediated on malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) levels, which represent indicators involved in oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses. For this purpose, this study used 120 female rats of the Rattus norvegicus species, Wistar race, divided into 5 groups: Healthy (H), with periodontal disease (PD), with periodontal disease and treatment with FS (F), with periodontal disease and treatment with the laser (L); and periodontal disease and treatment with PDT (FL). An experimental model for represent periodontal disease (PD) was induced by ligature (split-mouth). Seven days later the induction of PD, the treatments were instituted according to the groups. In the group treated with PDT was applied 40μl FS (5μM) followed by laser irradiation diode InGaAlP (660nm, 100J / cm2). The rats were sacrificed on the 7th and 28th day after treatment and tissue specimens were removed and subjected to histological, immunohistochemical methods and enzymatic colorimetric measurements with detection by UV / VIS spectroscopy. Inflammatory changes, connective tissue disorganization and alveolar bone loss were displaying in groups with PD induced. The enzyme dosages showed that MDA levels were higher in PD induced groups, with no statistically significant differences (p> 0.05). High levels of GSH were found in groups L (p = 0.028) and FL (p = 0.028) compared with PD group, with statistically significant differences. Immunohistochemistry for SOD showed higher immunostaining in L and FL groups, compared to the PD group without statistically significant differences (p> 0.05). GPx showed lower immunoreactivity in the DP group when compared to the other groups and statistically significant differences were observed between the DPxL groups (p <0.05). TFD administered in this experiment did not induce elevation of MDA levels significantly increased the GSH levels and showed intense immunostaining pada SOD and GPx, showing that this therapy does not accentuated lipid peroxidation, however, it was able to induce effects on the antioxidant defenses processes. The LBI therapy appeared to show photomodulatory promoting effects reduction of the MDA levels, increasing GSH levels and with intense immunostaining for SOD and GPx, demonstrating that laser therapy induced antioxidant effects.
v. 17, n. 2, p. 296-302, abr./jun. 2016.
Nos últimos anos têm vindo a desenvolver-se vários estudos sobre as neoplasias espontâneas que ocorrem nas espécies domésticas, principalmente no cão e no gato,como modelo para o estudo de diferentes cancros no homem. Por um lado, existem muitas semelhanças, quer em comportamento biológico, quer mesmo histológicamente entre várias neoplasias do homem e dos animais.Por outro lado, ambos partilham vários factores de risco, como factores ambientais, genéticos, alimentares, entre outros.
American visceral leishmaniasis is a zoonosis caused by Leishmania infantum and transmitted by the bite of the sand flies Lutzomia longipalpis.The main domestic reservoir is the dog, while foxes and opposums are the known wild reservoirs. However, identification of natural infections with L. infantum in rodents appears for need of investigating the participation of these rodents how source of infection of the parasite. In the present work the Leishmania infantum infection was investigated in rodents captured in Rio Grande do Norte, aiming at to offer subsidies to the understanding of the epidemic chains of LVA in the State. Thirteen Galea spixii were distributed in four groups, being G1 the group control with four animals and the others, G2, G3 and G4, with three animals each. Those animals were intraperitoneally inoculated with 107 promastigotas of L. infantum and accompanied for, respectively, 30, 90 and 180 days. Weekly the animals were monitored as for the corporal weight and rectal temperature. At the end of each stipulated period the animals were killed. Blood were used for determination of the parameters biochemical and haematological, PCR, ELISA, microscopic examination and cultivation in NNN medium. Liver, spleen and lymph node were used in Giemsa-stained impression and cultivation in NNN medium. Liver and spleen fragments were still used in PCR and histopathological, respectively. At the same time 79 rodents of the species Rattus rattus, Bolomys lasiurus, Oligoryzomys nigripis, Oryzomys subflavus and Trichomys apereoides were captured in the Municipal districts of Brejinho, Campo Grande, Coronel Ezequiel, Passa e Fica and Vázea for identification of natural infection with L. infantum. Evidence of infection was checked by direct examination of Giemsa-stained impression of liver, spleen and blood and culture of these tissues in NNN medium. Antibodies were researched by ELISA. They were not found differences among the weigh corporal final, rectal temperature and biochemical and haematological parameters of the Galea spixii controls and infected. The rectal temperature of the animals varied from 36OC to 40OC. For the first time values of the haematocrit (33,6% to 42,8%), hemoglobin (10,2 to 14,5g/dl), erythrocyts number (4,67x106 to 6,90x106/mm3), total leukocytes (0,9x103 to 9,2x103/mm3), platelets (49x103 to 509x103/mm3) total proteins (1,56 to 6,06 g/dl), albumin (1,34 to 3,05 g/dl) and globulins (0,20 to 3,01 g/dl) of the Galea spixii were determined. The lymphocytes were the most abundant leucocytes. Infection for L. infantum was diagnosed in two animals euthanasied 180 days after the infection. In one of the animals was also identified antibodies anti-Leishmania. The parasite was not found in none of the five other species of rodents captured. Galea spixii are resistant to the infection for L. infantum and they are not good models for the study for visceral leishmaniose, although they can act as infection sources. More studies are necessary to determine the paper of the rodents in the epidemic chain of transmission of the visceral leishmaniose in the State of Rio Grande do Norte
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
El Helicobacter pylori afecta a la mitad de la población a nivel mundial, su prevalencia es mayor en países en desarrollo (70-90%), sin predominio de sexo, adquiriéndose la infección desde la infancia y aumentando en la 4ta y 5ta década de la vida. La mayoría de los pacientes cursa de forma asintomática a menos que existan complicaciones gastrointestinales y extra intestinales asociadas a esta infección. A nivel gástrico se caracteriza histopatológicamente por gastritis. Este estudio nos permite comprender aspectos epidemiológicos importantes relacionados con la infección por Helicobacter pylori en nuestro medio, al conocer la prevalencia general, por sexo y grupos de edades. Además establecer la relación entre la infección por Helicobacter pylori y los diagnósticos endoscópicos encontrados y determinar los diagnósticos histológicos más frecuentes. El presente estudio muestra las características clínicas, endoscópicas e histopatológicas de los derecho habientes del Consultorio de Especialidades de Gastroenterología del Instituto Salvadoreño del Seguro Social con biopsia gástrica positiva a infección por Helicobacter pylori, en el período de Octubre a Diciembre de 2012, mediante un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, en donde la población fue de 224 pacientes; tomando el 100 % de estos, de los cuales 176 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión; luego se recolectaron los datos de los reportes de biopsia y archivo clínico creando una base de datos para identificar variables como edad, sexo, manifestaciones clínicas, hallazgos endoscópicos e histopatológicos. La investigación se inició en Febrero de 2013 y se finalizó en Noviembre de 2013. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que la infección por Helicobacter pylori se encontró más frecuentemente en el rango de edad comprendida entre 58 a 67 años (31. 3 %), seguido de 68 a 77 años (19.9 %). En cuanto al sexo, predominó el femenino con un total de 112 mujeres (63.6 %) y 64 hombres (36.4 %). Entre las manifestaciones clínicas más comunes fueron: epigastralgia con un 83% atribuidos a 120 pacientes, seguidos de 95 pacientes con pirosis con un 53 % y 39 % para náuseas y vómitos respectivamente. La gastropatía crónica (26 %) y la gastropatía crónica folicular (19 %) predominaron en los pacientes estudiados. Por último el hallazgo histopatológico de gastritis crónica fue visto en la mayoría de casos con un 44 %. En conclusión el estudio muestra que la infección por Helicobacter pylori tuvo un predominio en el sexo femenino. Fue mayor en los grupos de edades de 48 a 77 años. Los síntomas más frecuentemente encontrados fueron epigastralgia, pirosis, nauseas, vómitos, diarrea, pérdida de peso, dispepsia y melenas.
In vitro and in animal models, APE1, OGG1, and PARP-1 have been proposed as being involved with inflammatory response. In this work, we have investigated if the SNPs APE1 Asn148Glu, OGG1 Ser326Cys, and PARP-1 Val762Ala are associated to meningitis and also developed a system to enable the functional analysis of polymorphic proteins. Patients with bacterial meningitis (BM), aseptic meningitis (AM) and controls (non-infected) genotypes were investigated by PIRA-PCR or PCR-RFLP. DNA damages were detected in genomic DNA by Fpg treatment. IgG and IgA were measured from plasma and the cytokines and chemokines were measured from cerebrospinal fluid samples using Bio-Plex assays. The levels of NF-κB and c-Jun were measured in CSF by dot blot assays. A significant (P<0.05) increase in the frequency of APE1 148Glu allele in BM and AM patients was observed. A significant increase in the genotypes Asn/Asn in control group and Asn/Glu in BM group was also found. For the SNP OGG1 Ser326Cys, the genotype Cys/Cys was more frequent (P<0.05) in BM group. The frequency of PARP-1 Val/Val genotype was higher in control group (P<0.05). The occurrence of combined SNPs increased significantly in BM patients, indicating that these SNPs may be associated to the disease. Increasing in sensitive sites to Fpg was observed in carriers of APE1 148Glu allele or OGG1 326Cys allele, suggesting that SNPs affect DNA repair activity. Alterations in IgG production were observed in the presence of SNPs APE1Asn148Glu, OGG1Ser326Cys or PARP-1Val762Ala. Reductions in the levels ofIL-6, IL-1Ra, MCP-1/CCL2and IL-8/CXCL8 were observed in the presence of APE1148Glu allele in BM patients, however no differences were observed in the levels of NF-κB and c-Jun considering genotypes and analyzed groups. Using APE1 as model, a system to enable the analysis of cellular effects and functional characterization of polymorphic proteins was developed using strategies of cloning APE1 cDNA in pIRES2-EGFP vector, cellular transfection of the construction obtained, siRNA for endogenous APE1 and cellular cultures genotyping. In conclusion, we obtained evidences of an effect of SNPs in DNA repair genes on the regulation of immune response. This is a pioneering work in the field that shows association of BER variant enzymes with an infectious disease in human patients, suggesting that the SNPs analyzed may affect immune response and damage by oxidative stress level during brain infection. Considering these data, new approaches of functional characterization must be developed to better analysis and interactions of polymorphic proteins in response to this context