985 resultados para Ammonia - Volatilization


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Guanabara Bay (GB) comprises of estuarine and marine environments of high ecological and socio-economic relevance, together with port, industrial and urban areas. The anthropogenic activities produce environmental impacts, including the aquatic pollution. The sediment quality assessment is important to evaluate the effects of contamination, once sediments are a repository for most of the contaminants. In this Study, the quality of sediments from GB was evaluated, in rainy and dry periods, throughout the employment of acute toxicity tests with the amphipod Tiburonella viscana, and chronic bioassays with embryos of the sea-urchin Lytechinus variegatus. In the dry period, acute toxicity was found in the sediments from stations 1, 2 3 (NW) and 7 (near Guapimirim Environmental Protection Area). The bioassays with liquid phases showed effects, but were strongly influenced by the unionized ammonia levels, which were high in this period. In the rainy period, acute toxicity was found in sediments samples from stations 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 15. Chronic toxicity could be clearly detected, as ammonia concentrations tended to be low in the most part of the samples. The results showed that the sediment toxicity is influenced by precipitation rates, which increase the input of contaminants to the Bay, and also allowed subdividing GB in three main zones: northwest (stations 1, 2, 3, 5), northeast (stations 6, 7, 8, 9) and centre-south (stations 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15). Results also showed that the quality of GB sediments is poor, and that toxicity tests could determine the combined effects of pollutants.


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The effects of the Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonate (LAS) were evaluated on the mussel Perna perna, using physiological and genotoxic biomarkers. The Micronuclei (MN) assay was used to estimate effects at nuclear level, whereas the physiological effects were evaluated by measuring the oxygen consumption and ammonia excretion rates. Significant effects were observed for the MN assay and the ammonia excretion rate, even in low concentrations. The oxygen consumption was not affected in the tested concentrations. For MN and ammonia excretion, the animals exposed to intermediate concentrations were not affected, but responded to the higher concentrations, indicating the existence of compensatory mechanisms at physiological level. However, parallel to this study other authors indicate the presence of progressive effects at the cellular level, suggesting that the organisms are not capable to recover of such increasing effects. Additionally, the results show that the levels of LAS observed for Brazilian coastal waters may chronically affect the biota.


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The present study evaluated the physiological responses of matrinxa, Brycon cephalus (Gunther), submitted to transport stress under the influence of sodium chloride, Different salt concentrations (0.0%, 0.1%, 0.3% and 0.6%) were added to four 200-L plastic tanks. Each tank was stocked with 30 fish (mean weight 1.0 +/- 0.2 kg) and transported for 4 h. Blood was sampled prior to transport and immediately after and 24 and 96 h after transport. Plasma cortisol and glucose and serum sodium and potassium, plasma chloride and ammonia were analysed, Changes in plasma cortisol were observed immediately after transportation, except in fish transported in 0.3% and 0.6% salt. Twenty-four hours later, this hormone had returned to its initial level in all fish. Blood glucose was not changed in fish treated with 0.6% salt immediately after transport, and returned to the initial level within 96 h after the other treatments. All treatments resulted in lower levels of plasma chloride after transport, except for fish treated with 0.6% salt, with fish treated with 0.0% and 0.3% salt recovering 24 h later, Serum sodium decreased immediately after transport only in the control fish, returning to the initial level 24 h later, the results indicate that treatment with 0.6% NaCl reduces most of the physiological responses of matrinxa to the stress of transport.


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Matrinxa, Brycon cephalus, is a native teleost fish from the Amazon Basin, and is of economic importance for cultivation for food and sport in Brazil. Mortality losses due to handling and transport of this stenohaline freshwater species are common. The effects of transportation at different densities on the biochemical stress responses of matrinxa (mean weight 1 kg) were examined. Fish were subjected to three different transport densities (100, 200, and 300 kg m(-3)) for four h in water with added salt (0.6%). The fish were bled at departure (baseline level), arrival (immediately after transportation) and at 24 and 96 h after arrival (recovery period). Blood glucose, cortisol, sodium, chloride, potassium and ammonia were used as stress bioindicators. No mortality was observed and no alterations in plasma cortisol were registered. However, blood glucose and ammonia levels increased and serum sodium and plasma chloride decreased on arrival for the fish transported at the highest densities. These stress responses were transient and the concentrations returned to baseline levels within 24 h. This study showed that matrinxa can be transported at densities as high as those tested in the present study, at least under the conditions employed in this study. A recovery period of at least 24 h is strongly recommended.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Transportation of curimbata Prochilodus lineatus juveniles in different densities. Tins study evaluated the effects of curimbata Prochilodus lineatus transportation in three densities (100, 150 and 250 g L-1) on survival, metabolic, ionic and hematological (red series) variables Curimbata juveniles were transported in plastic bag during six hours, and sampled before packing, immediately after die arrival, 24 and 96 hours after transportation During recovery, higher mortality was seen in fish transported in die highest density Water variables, such as conductivity and total ammonia, presented increased values as density increased (p < 005). whereas the opposite occurred with dissolved oxygen Glucose level observed in the arrival was high, significantly reducing after 96 hours Among ionic variables, chloride decreased in higher fish densities and according to sampling times Red series hematological variables, such as hematocrit, red blood cell and hemoglobin, Increased in arrival, but diminished 96 hours after transportation There were no significant differences in the interaction between density and time of sampling for mentioned variables 250 g L-1 density induced the highest mortality rate and the worst variables values measured 96 hours of recovery after the stressing event was enough to return to initial values for hematological variables, but was not sufficient to return to initial values for metabolic and ionic variables.


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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of food type on growth performance and water quality of angelfish juvenile. A total of 168 angelfish Pterophyllum scalare var. marble (w(i) = 151.3 +/- 37.9 mg e l(i) = 2.2 +/- 0.07 cm) were distributed in 12 aquaria 14 L (1.0 fish L(-1)). The experiment was conducted in a complete randomized design with three treatments and four replicates. Foods evaluated were: Artemia nauplii, commercial flakes diet and commercial powder diet. Fish weight and length were recorded in the beginning and the end of 60 experimental days. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH and total ammonia were monitored during experiment. Best averages of final weight, final length, weight gain and condition factor were observed on fish fed powder diet. Specific growth rate, weight uniformity and survival were not influenced (p > 0.05) by food type. Just on length uniformity fish fed Artemia showed better averages than fish fed flakes diet and powder diet. Foods evaluated did not influenced (p > 0.05) on water quality parameters. In conclusion, for juvenile angelfish, the food type influences growth performance without affect water quality parameters. Powder diet resulted in better growth performance.


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We evaluated the water characteristics and particle sedimentation in Macrobrachium amazonicum (Heller 1862) grow-out ponds supplied with a high inflow of nutrient-rich water. Prawns were subject to different stocking and harvesting strategies: upper-graded juveniles, lower-graded juveniles, non-graded juveniles + selective harvesting and traditional farming (non-grading juveniles and total harvest only). Dissolved oxygen, afternoon N-ammonia and N-nitrate and soluble orthophosphate were lower in the ponds in comparison with inflow water through the rearing cycle. Ponds stocked with the upper population fraction of graded prawns showed higher turbidity, total suspended solids and total Kjeldahl nitrogen than the remaining treatments. An increase in the chemical oxygen demand:biochemical oxygen demand ratio from inlet (4.9) to pond (7.1-8.0) waters indicated a non-readily biodegradable fraction enhancement in ponds. The sedimentation mean rate ranged from 0.08 to 0.16 mm day(-1) and sediment contained >80% of organic matter. The major factors affecting pond ecosystem dynamic were the organic load (due to primary production and feed addition) and bioturbation caused by stocking larger animals. Data suggest that M. amazonicum grow-out in ponds subjected to a high inflow of nutrient-rich water produce changes in the water properties, huge accumulation of organic sediment at the pond bottom and non-readily biodegradable material in the water column. However, the water quality remains suitable for aquaculture purposes. Therefore, nutrient-rich waters, when available, may represent a source of unpaid nutrients, which may be incorporated into economically valued biomass if managed properly.


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Avaliou-se o efeito da inclusão de um complexo enzimático em dietas para tilápias-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) sobre o desempenho, a composição química da carcaça e a qualidade da água. Foram utilizados 200 alevinos revertidos (4,57 ± 1,24 g), distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado em 20 tanques de 500 litros, com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições, considerando a unidade experimental uma caixa com dez peixes. Os peixes foram alimentados com dietas contendo 0; 0,033; 0,066 ou 0,099% de complexo enzimático. As dietas foram processadas na forma peletizada e fornecidas quatro vezes ao dia, às 8, 11, 14 e 17 h. Os valores médios de pH, condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido, temperatura, fósforo total, amônia e nitrato da água de cultivo não foram influenciados pela dieta. A inclusão do complexo enzimático na dieta não afetou o ganho de peso, as taxas de sobrevivência e de crescimento específico, mas influenciou o consumo de ração e a conversão alimentar, cujos valores foram maiores nos peixes alimentados com a dieta com 0,066% de complexo enzimático. Não foram observadas diferenças nos teores de matéria seca, umidade, proteína bruta, matéria mineral, cálcio e fósforo na carcaça dos peixes, no entanto, o teor de extrato etéreo reduziu de forma linear com o aumento do nível de complexo enzimático. A utilização de complexo enzimático (amilase, protease, celulase, lipase, pectinase, xilanase, β-glucanase e fitase) no nível de 0,066% em dietas para juvenis de tilápia-do-nilo piora a conversão alimentar, mas não influencia o desempenho e a composição corporal dos peixes.


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O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar a dinâmica fermentativa e microbiológica de silagens de capins tropicais acrescidas de polpa cítrica. Os capins tanzânia (Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia) e marandu (Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst ex. A. Rich) Stapf cv. Marandu) foram colhidos aos 64 e 49 dias de rebrota, respectivamente, e ensilados com 0, 5 ou 10% de polpa cítrica peletizada (PCP), em relação à matéria verde, durante 1, 4, 7, 14, 21, 28 e 56 dias. Foram utilizados silos experimentais de PVC adaptados com válvula do tipo Bunsen para eliminação dos gases. A forragem foi compactada visando obter densidade de 550 kg/m³. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente ao acaso com três repetições, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas. A inclusão de PCP aumentou os teores de MS e diminuiu o pH das silagens. A adição de PCP influenciou os teores de N-NH3 (N total), uma vez que, nas silagens sem PCP, os teores N-NH3 foram significativamente elevados, o que as caracteriza como de qualidade duvidosa. A adição de PCP aumentou a concentração molar dos ácidos acético e propiônico. A população de enterobactérias foi detectada somente no primeiro dia de fermentação nas silagens do capim-tanzânia e até o 18º dia nas do capim-marandu. Nas silagens avaliadas, a população de bactérias homofermentativas foi semelhante à das bactérias heterofermentativas.


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Avaliou-se o efeito da adição de subprodutos de oleaginosas na dieta de ovinos em substituição ao farelo de soja. Foram distribuídos quatro ovinos Santa Inês, com peso corporal de, aproximadamente, 40kg, canulados no rúmen, em quadrado latino (4x4), com quatro dietas e quatro períodos, analisados por regressão para a avaliação da degradação ruminal, dos valores de pH e das concentrações de nitrogênio amoniacal in vivo. Os subprodutos foram as tortas de amendoim, girassol e soja, em dietas isonitrogenadas, com 70% de concentrado e 30% de volumoso (feno de tifton). Não foi observado efeito da interação tempo x dieta para os valores de pH e concentração ruminal de nitrogênio amoniacal (P>0,05). O pH apresentou valor médio de 6,2. As concentrações ruminais de nitrogênio amoniacal não foram afetadas, com valor médio de 29,9mg/dL. Não foram observadas diferenças (P>0,05) nas taxas de degradação da matéria seca e na degradabilidade potencial.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Um experimento foi realizado com o objetivo de avaliar os parâmetros ruminais, a produção de ácidos graxos voláteis e a degradabilidade in situ em tourinhos Santa Gertrudes canulados no rúmen alimentados com dietas compostas de feno de capim-marandu e concentrado. Empregou-se o delineamento em quadrado latino 4 ´ 4, no qual os tratamentos foram compostos dos concentrados, ajustados para ganho de peso corporal (GPC) diário de 0,5 e 1 kg/animal e potencial de fermentação microbiana (y) de 9,5 e 11 g de proteína bruta microbiana/MJ energia metabolizável fermentável. Não foram encontradas interações significativas nem diferenças entre as dietas para pH, concentração molar dos ácidos acético e butírico e proporção molar dos ácidos acético, propiônico e butírico e relação acético:propiônico. Os teores de amônia diferiram entre os potenciais de fermentação microbiana, 14,67 e 20,83 mg/100 mL para baixo e alto, respectivamente, e a concentração molar de ácido propiônico foi diferente entre os potenciais de ganho de peso, 7,62 e 8,94 mM, respectivamente, para baixo e alto ganho de peso. Não foram detectadas diferenças entre dietas para as degradabilidades das frações do feno de capim-marandu e da soja em grão. Houve diferença no parâmetro b e na degradabilidade efetiva a 5%/hora da proteína bruta para os potencias de GPC do milho em grão moído. Para o farelo de soja, ocorreu interação significativa entre os potencias de GPC e de fermentação microbiana para alguns dos parâmetros da MS e PB, o mesmo observado para o farelo de algodão. As diferenças encontradas não justificaram o balanceamento dos concentrados para os diferentes potenciais de produção avaliados.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)