968 resultados para Amino acid specificity


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Substance P (SP) is a neuropeptide that mediates multiple physiological responses including transmission of painful stimuli and inflammation via an interaction with a receptor of known primary sequence. To identify the regions of the SP receptor, also termed the NK-1 receptor, involved in peptide recognition, we are using analogues of SP containing the photoreactive amino acid p-benzoyl-L-phenylalanine (Bpa). In the present study, we used radioiodinated Bpa8-SP to covalently label with high efficiency the rat SP receptor expressed in a transfected mammalian cell line. To identify the amino acid residue that serves as the site of covalent attachment, a membrane preparation of labeled receptor was subjected to partial enzymatic cleavage by trypsin. A major digestion product of 22 kDa was identified. Upon reduction with 2-mercaptoethanol the mass of this product decreased to 14 kDa. The 22-kDa tryptic fragment was purified in excellent yield by preparative SDS/PAGE under nonreducing conditions. Subcleavage with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease and endoproteinase ArgC yielded fragments of 8.2 and 9.0 kDa, respectively. Upon reductive cleavage, the V8 protease fragment decreased to 3.0 kDa while the endoproteinase ArgC fragment decreased to 3.2 kDa. Taking into consideration enzyme specificity, molecular size, determination of the presence or absence of N-glycosylation sites, and recognition by antibodies to specific sequences of the SP receptor, the V8 protease fragment is Thr-173 to Glu-183, while the endoproteinase ArgC fragment is Val-178 to Arg-190. These two fragments share the common sequence Val-Val-Cys-Met-Ile-Glu (residues 178-183). The site of covalent attachment of radioiodinated Bpa8-SP is thus restricted to a residue within this overlap sequence. The data presented here also establish that the cysteine residue in this sequence Cys-180, which is positioned in the middle of the second extracellular loop, participates in a disulfide bond that links the first and second extracellular loops of the receptor.


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Several di- and tripeptides containing protected purine (adenine) and pyrimidine (thymine) residues on their side chains were synthesized. The parent amino acids alpha, alpha-dialkylated in a symmetrical manner. An effective coupling procedure was developed for these sterically hindered amino acids: the fluoren-9-ylmethyloxycarbonyl-protected amino acid was dehydrated to its oxazolinone form, which was coupled in good yields with amino esters in hot tetrachloroethane.


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In most plants amino acids represent the major transport form for organic nitrogen. A sensitive selection system in yeast mutants has allowed identification of a previously unidentified amino acid transporter in Arabidopsis. AAT1 encodes a hydrophobic membrane protein with 14 membrane-spanning regions and shares homologies with the ecotropic murine leukemia virus receptor, a bifunctional protein serving also as a cationic amino acid transporter in mammals. When expressed in yeast, AAT1 mediates high-affinity transport of basic amino acids, but to a lower extent also recognizes acidic and neutral amino acids. AAT1-mediated histidine transport is sensitive to protonophores and occurs against a concentration gradient, indicating that AAT1 may function as a proton symporter. AAT1 is specifically expressed in major veins of leaves and roots and in various floral tissues--i.e., and developing seeds.


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An in vitro enzyme system for the conversion of amino acid to oxime in the biosynthesis of glucosinolates has been established by the combined use of an improved isolation medium and jasmonic acid-induced etiolated seedlings of Sinapis alba L. An 8-fold induction of de novo biosynthesis of the L-tyrosine-derived p-hydroxybenzylglucosinolate was obtained in etiolated S. alba seedlings upon treatment with jasmonic acid. Formation of inhibitory glucosinolate degradation products upon tissue homogenization was prevented by inactivation of myrosinase by addition of 100 mM ascorbic acid to the isolation buffer. The biosynthetically active microsomal enzyme system converted L-tyrosine into p-hydroxyphenylacetaldoxime and the production of oxime was strictly dependent on NADPH. The Km and Vmax values of the enzyme system were 346 microM and 538 pmol per mg of protein per h, respectively. The nature of the enzyme catalyzing the conversion of amino acid to oxime in the biosynthesis of glucosinolates has been subject of much speculation. In the present paper, we demonstrate the involvement of cytochrome P450 by photoreversible inhibition by carbon monoxide. The inhibitory effect of numerous cytochrome P450 inhibitors confirms the involvement of cytochrome P450. This provides experimental documentation of similarity between the enzymes converting amino acids into the corresponding oximes in the biosynthesis of glucosinolates and cyanogenic glycosides.


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A family of interferon (IFN) regulatory factors (IRFs) have been shown to play a role in transcription of IFN genes as well as IFN-stimulated genes. We report the identification of a member of the IRF family which we have named IRF-3. The IRF-3 gene is present in a single copy in human genomic DNA. It is expressed constitutively in a variety of tissues and no increase in the relative steady-state levels of IRF-3 mRNA was observed in virus-infected or IFN-treated cells. The IRF-3 gene encodes a 50-kDa protein that binds specifically to the IFN-stimulated response element (ISRE) but not to the IRF-1 binding site PRD-I. Overexpression of IRF-3 stimulates expression of the IFN-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) promoter, an ISRE-containing promoter. The murine IFNA4 promoter, which can be induced by IRF-1 or viral infection, is not induced by IRF-3. Expression of IRF-3 as a Gal4 fusion protein does not activate expression of a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase reporter gene containing repeats of the Gal4 binding sites, indicating that this protein does not contain the transcription transactivation domain. The high amino acid homology between IRF-3 and ISG factor 3 gamma polypeptide (ISGF3 gamma) and their similar binding properties indicate that, like ISGF3 gamma, IRF-3 may activate transcription by complex formation with other transcriptional factors, possibly members of the Stat family. Identification of this ISRE-binding protein may help us to understand the specificity in the various Stat pathways.


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Ionotropic receptors for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are important to inhibitory neurotransmission in the mammalian retina, mediating GABAA and GABAC responses. In many species, these responses are blocked by the convulsant picrotoxinin (PTX), although the mechanism of block is not fully understood. In contrast, GABAC responses in the rat retina are extremely resistant to PTX. We hypothesized that this difference could be explained by molecular characterization of the receptors underlying the GABAC response. Here we report the cloning of two rat GABA receptor subunits, designated r rho 1 and r rho 2 after their previously identified human homologues. When coexpressed in Xenopus oocytes, r rho 1/r rho 2 heteromeric receptors mimicked PTX-resistant GABAC responses of the rat retina. PTX resistance is apparently conferred in native heteromeric receptors by r rho 2 subunits since homomeric r rho 1 receptors were sensitive to PTX; r rho 2 subunits alone were unable to form functional homomeric receptors. Site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that a single amino acid residue in the second membrane-spanning region (a methionine in r rho 2 in place of a threonine in r rho 1) is the predominant determinant of PTX resistance in the rat receptor. This study reveals not only the molecular mechanism underlying PTX blockade of GABA receptors but also the heteromeric nature of native receptors in the rat retina that underlie the PTX-resistant GABAC response.


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The homeodomain is a 60-amino acid module which mediates critical protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions for a large family of regulatory proteins. We have used structure-based design to analyze the ability of the Oct-1 homeodomain to nucleate an enhancer complex. The Oct-1 protein regulates herpes simplex virus (HSV) gene expression by participating in the formation of a multiprotein complex (C1 complex) which regulates alpha (immediate early) genes. We recently described the design of ZFHD1, a chimeric transcription factor containing zinc fingers 1 and 2 of Zif268, a four-residue linker, and the Oct-1 homeodomain. In the presence of alpha-transinduction factor and C1 factor, ZFHD1 efficiently nucleates formation of the C1 complex in vitro and specifically activates gene expression in vivo. The sequence specificity of ZFHD1 recruits C1 complex formation to an enhancer element which is not efficiently recognized by Oct-1. ZFHD1 function depends on the recognition of the Oct-1 homeodomain surface. These results prove that the Oct-1 homeodomain mediates all the protein-protein interactions that are required to efficiently recruit alpha-transinduction factor and C1 factor into a C1 complex. The structure-based design of transcription factors should provide valuable tools for dissecting the interactions of DNA-bound domains in other regulatory circuits.


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Murine suppressor T-cell hybridoma cells (231F1) secrete not only bioactive glycosylation-inhibiting factor (GIF) but also an inactive peptide comparable to bioactive GIF peptide in its molecular size and reactivity with anti-GIF; the amino acid sequence of the inactive peptide is identical to that of the bioactive homologue. The inactive GIF peptide in culture supernatant of both the 231F1 cells and a stable transfectant of human GIF cDNA in the murine suppressor T hybridoma selectively bound to Affi-Gel 10, whereas bioactive GIF peptides from the same sources failed to bind to the gel. The inactive cytosolic human GIF from the stable transfectant and Escherichia coli-derived recombinant human GIF also had affinity for Affi-Gel 10. Both the bioactive murine GIF peptide from the suppressor T hybridoma and bioactive recombinant human GIF from the stable transfectant bound to the anti-I-J monoclonal antibody H6 coupled to Affi-Gel. However, bioactive hGIF produced by a stable transfectant of human GIF cDNA in BMT10 cells failed to be retained in H6-coupled Affi-Gel. These results indicate that the I-J specificity is determined by the cell source of the GIF peptide and that the I-J determinant recognized by monoclonal antibody H6 does not represent a part of the primary amino acid sequence of GIF. It appears that the epitope is generated by a posttranslational modification of the peptide.


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Varicella-zoster virus open reading frame 10 (ORF10) protein, the homolog of the herpes simplex virus protein VP16, can transactivate immediate-early promoters from both viruses. A protein sequence comparison procedure termed hydrophobic cluster analysis was used to identify a motif centered at Phe-28, near the amino terminus of ORF10, that strongly resembles the sequence of the activating domain surrounding Phe-442 of VP16. With a series of GAL4-ORF10 fusion proteins, we mapped the ORF10 transcriptional-activation domain to the amino-terminal region (aa 5-79). Extensive mutagenesis of Phe-28 in GAL4-ORF10 fusion proteins demonstrated the importance of an aromatic or bulky hydrophobic amino acid at this position, as shown previously for Phe-442 of VP16. Transactivation by the native ORF10 protein was abolished when Phe-28 was replaced by Ala. Similar amino-terminal domains were identified in the VP16 homologs of other alphaherpesviruses. Hydrophobic cluster analysis correctly predicted activation domains of ORF10 and VP16 that share critical characteristics of a distinctive subclass of acidic activation domains.


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Fatty acid synthase (FAS; EC was purified to near homogeneity from a human hepatoma cell line, HepG2. The HepG2 FAS has a specific activity of 600 nmol of NADPH oxidized per min per mg, which is about half that of chicken liver FAS. All the partial activities of human FAS are comparable to those of other animal FASs, except for the beta-ketoacyl synthase, whose significantly lower activity is attributable to the low 4'-phosphopantetheine content of HepG2 FAS. We cloned the human brain FAS cDNA. The cDNA sequence has an open reading frame of 7512 bp that encodes 2504 amino acids (M(r), 272,516). The amino acid sequence of the human FAS has 79% and 63% identity, respectively, with the sequences of the rat and chicken enzymes. Northern analysis revealed that human FAS mRNA was about 9.3 kb in size and that its level varied among human tissues, with brain, lung, and liver tissues showing prominent expression. The nucleotide sequence of a segment of the HepG2 FAS cDNA (bases 2327-3964) was identical to that of the cDNA from normal human liver and brain tissues, except for a 53-bp sequence (bases 3892-3944) that does not alter the reading frame. This altered sequence is also present in HepG2 genomic DNA. The origin and significance of this sequence variance in the HepG2 FAS gene are unclear, but the variance apparently does not contribute to the lower activity of HepG2 FAS.


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Initial studies suggested that major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted viral epitopes could be predicted by the presence of particular residues termed anchors. However, recent studies showed that nonanchor positions of the epitopes are also significant for class I binding and recognition by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). We investigated if changing nonanchor amino acids could increase class I affinity, complex stability, and T-cell recognition of a natural viral epitope. This concept was tested by using the HLA-A 0201-restricted human immunodeficiency virus type 1 epitope from reverse transcriptase (pol). Position 1 (P1) amino acid substitutions were emphasized because P1 alterations may not alter the T-cell receptor interaction. The peptide with the P1 substitution of tyrosine for isoleucine (I1Y) showed a binding affinity for HLA-A 0201 similar to that of the wild-type pol peptide in a cell lysate assembly assay. Surprisingly, I1Y significantly increased the HLA-A 0201-peptide complex stability at the cell surface. I1Y sensitized HLA-A 0201-expressing target cells for wild-type pol-specific CTL lysis as well as wild-type pol. Peripheral blood lymphocytes from three HLA-A2 HIV-seropositive individuals were stimulated in vitro with I1Y and wild-type pol. I1Y stimulated a higher wild-type pol-specific CTL response than wild-type pol in all three donors. Thus, I1Y may be an "improved" epitope for use as a CTL-based human immunodeficiency virus vaccine component. The design of improved epitopes has important ramifications for prophylaxis and therapeutic vaccine development.


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Reef-building corals and other tropical anthozoans harbor endosymbiotic dinoflagellates. It is now recognized that the dinoflagellates are fundamental to the biology of their hosts, and their carbon and nitrogen metabolisms are linked in important ways. Unlike free living species, growth of symbiotic dinoflagellates is unbalanced and a substantial fraction of the carbon fixed daily by symbiont photosynthesis is released and used by the host for respiration and growth. Release of fixed carbon as low molecular weight compounds by freshly isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates is evoked by a factor (i.e., a chemical agent) present in a homogenate of host tissue. We have identified this "host factor" in the Hawaiian coral Pocillopora damicornis as a set of free amino acids. Synthetic amino acid mixtures, based on the measured free amino acid pools of P. damicornis tissues, not only elicit the selective release of 14C-labeled photosynthetic products from isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates but also enhance total 14CO2 fixation.


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Escherichia coli RuvC protein is a specific endonuclease that resolves Holliday junctions during homologous recombination. Since the endonucleolytic activity of RuvC requires a divalent cation and since 3 or 4 acidic residues constitute the catalytic centers of several nucleases that require a divalent cation for the catalytic activity, we examined whether any of the acidic residues of RuvC were required for the nucleolytic activity. By site-directed mutagenesis, we constructed a series of ruvC mutant genes with similar amino acid replacements in 1 of the 13 acidic residues. Among them, the mutant genes with an alteration at Asp-7, Glu-66, Asp-138, or Asp-141 could not complement UV sensitivity of a ruvC deletion strain, and the multicopy mutant genes showed a dominant negative phenotype when introduced into a wild-type strain. The products of these mutant genes were purified and their biochemical properties were studied. All of them retained the ability to form a dimer and to bind specifically to a synthetic Holliday junction. However, they showed no, or extremely reduced, endonuclease activity specific for the junction. These 4 acidic residues, which are dispersed in the primary sequence, are located in close proximity at the bottom of the putative DNA binding cleft in the three-dimensional structure. From these results, we propose that these 4 acidic residues constitute the catalytic center for the Holliday junction resolvase and that some of them play a role in coordinating a divalent metal ion in the active center.


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The tendency of a polypeptide chain to form alpha-helical or beta-strand secondary structure depends upon local and nonlocal effects. Local effects reflect the intrinsic propensities of the amino acid residues for particular secondary structures, while nonlocal effects reflect the positioning of the individual residues in the context of the entire amino acid sequence. In particular, the periodicity of polar and nonpolar residues specifies whether a given sequence is consistent with amphiphilic alpha-helices or beta-strands. The importance of intrinsic propensities was compared to that of polar/nonpolar periodicity by a direct competition. Synthetic peptides were designed using residues with intrinsic propensities that favored one or the other type of secondary structure. The polar/nonpolar periodicities of the peptides were designed either to be consistent with the secondary structure favored by the intrinsic propensities of the component residues or in other cases to oppose these intrinsic propensities. Characterization of the synthetic peptides demonstrated that in all cases the observed secondary structure correlates with the periodicity of the peptide sequence--even when this secondary structure differs from that predicted from the intrinsic propensities of the component amino acids. The observed secondary structures are concentration dependent, indicating that oligomerization of the amphiphilic peptides is responsible for the observed secondary structures. Thus, for self-assembling oligomeric peptides, the polar/nonpolar periodicity can overwhelm the intrinsic propensities of the amino acid residues and serves as the major determinant of peptide secondary structure.


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A compact, well-organized, and natural motif, stabilized by three disulfide bonds, is proposed as a basic scaffold for protein engineering. This motif contains 37 amino acids only and is formed by a short helix on one face and an antiparallel triple-stranded beta-sheet on the opposite face. It has been adopted by scorpions as a unique scaffold to express a wide variety of powerful toxic ligands with tuned specificity for different ion channels. We further tested the potential of this fold by engineering a metal binding site on it, taking the carbonic anhydrase site as a model. By chemical synthesis we introduced nine residues, including three histidines, as compared to the original amino acid sequence of the natural charybdotoxin and found that the new protein maintains the original fold, as revealed by CD and 1H NMR analysis. Cu2+ ions are bound with Kd = 4.2 x 10(-8) M and other metals are bound with affinities in an order mirroring that observed in carbonic anhydrase. The alpha/beta scorpion motif, small in size, easily amenable to chemical synthesis, highly stable, and tolerant for sequence mutations represents, therefore, an appropriate scaffold onto which polypeptide sequences may be introduced in a predetermined conformation, providing an additional means for design and engineering of small proteins.