971 resultados para Agricultural machinery industry.
The turf industry needs to access a range of more selective, effective and environmentally acceptable pesticides, which will help to address environmental concerns while maintaining the industry's internationally competitive status. This includes both new pesticides being developed globally for turf use and older generic chemicals previously registered for other agricultural purposes and now requiring extension of that registration for use in turf.
Despite recent flooding in eastern Australia, the availability/quality of irrigation water is a long-term issue for Australian vegetable growers. To survive, producers are told to implement new technologies. However, there is often little practical information investigating which improvements could make a real difference, and keep production profitable. In an Horticulture Australia Ltd three year project, scientists from the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (QLD), CSIRO, Department of Industry and Investment (NSW), and the National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture, evaluated practical irrigation improvements. We conducted experiments and case studies on farms in southern Queensland and Riverina vegetable districts, with over 100 extension events, including irrigation workshops, conferences, and field days.
The potential for fertiliser use in Lockyer Valleys intensive vegetable production to impact on the Moreton Bay Waterways (MBW) is not well defined. Notwithstanding nutrient runoff through soil erosion of agricultural lands has been identified as a process that significantly contributes artificial fertiliser to the MBW (SEQ Healthy Waterways Draft Strategy 2006). In order to better understand this issue the present study undertakes a nutrient mass balance to evaluate nitrogen use efficiency in the intensive horticultural industry of the Lockyer Valley.
Macadamia growers are under increasing pressure to remain viable in an increasingly competitive global market. A key need is quick access to high quality information. Current industry information is poorly integrated, poorly updated, and because it is largely in hard-copy, is difficult to access efficiently. With the dramatic growth in the use of the internet by growers, as evidenced in a recent industry communications survey, an opportunity exists to address this problem through the development of a high quality, internet-based information “bank”. The bank would bring together the macadamia information resources and collective knowledge of R&D and other relevant agencies into a one-stop information shop, aligned more effectively with grower needs.
Protecting the Australian citrus industry from HLB (greening) disease.
Project aims to develop diagnostic capacity for laurel wilt and associated ambrosia beetle in Australia.
PARDI provides a platform for stronger economic growth of Pacific island countries. The initiative aims to substantially improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers in the Pacific. Benefit to Queensland includes: 1) looking at supply chain (value chain) innovations for tropical horticultural commodities in both Queensland and the South Pacific to maintain competitiveness. 2) undertaking research on a product called canarium nut which is grown in the Solomon Islands. It is a new potential high value speciality product (similar to macadamia) in which macadamia industry partners are participating. 3) involvement in specific targeted supply chain business improvement with industry partners.
Demonstrating environmental performance and sustainability is a strategic priority for the Australian banana industry. Development, delivery and uptake of an EMS will allow the industry to demonstrate this. It will maintain community confidence in the Australian banana industry and its commitment to careful environmental management and the protection of key Australian icons like the Great Barrier Reef and the Wet Tropics and ensure the industrys right to farm, now and in the future.
The aim of this project is to construct a large-scale erosion control education and demonstration facility at Redland Research Station. This will be done in collaboration with the Australian turf industry (as members of the steering committee) and consultant researcher Dr Rob Loch (project partner). The project will employ a part-time industry development officer (IDO) for Turf Australia to increase engagement with the project by the target audience. The project’s main strategy is to extend the research results from HAL funded project Optimising Turf Use to Minimise Soil Erosion on Construction Sites TU08033 so that the maximum return on investment can be derived for the turf levy payers and HAL from that study.
Grey mould, powdery mildew and stem-end rot are major diseases affecting the strawberry industry. Some of the chemicals used are ineffective under wet weather, have limits to the number of applications allowed in a season or may become ineffective in the long-term because of the development of resistance in the fungi. We will assess the effectiveness of the chemicals currently used by the strawberry industry and whether the fruit rot fungi are resistant to these fungicides. We will screen other chemicals that are used to control these diseases in related crops. We will also evaluate new chemicals in collaboration with the crop protectant industry. We will also undertake similar work to control nematodes in strawberry fields.
The project will produce practical and relevant benchmarks, protocols and recommendations for the adoption of remote sensing technologies for improved in season management and therefore production within the Australian sugar cane industry.
Monitoring aflatoxin and developing improved peanut drying practices, cadmium management and web based irrigation decision support systems.
Establish an internet platform where spatially referenced data can be viewed, entered and stored.
The project uses participatory methods to engage primary producers and advisers in central Queensland, southern Queensland, and north east New South Wales on-farm trials and demonstrations to adapt mixed farming systems to changed climate conditions. The focus is adaptation to climate change but will support abatement of greenhouse gas emissions by building soil carbon, better managing soil nitrogen and soil organic carbon. Data will be collected and integrated with data from Round 1 of the Climate Change Research Program to extend industry understanding beyond a general awareness of ‘climate change’. Nitrous oxide and soil carbon data will help farmers/advisers understand the implications of climate change and develop adaptation strategies for a more sustainable, climate sensitive future.
Commercialisation and adoption of remote sensing and GIS technologies for improved production forecasting, productivity, quality and paddock- to- plate tracking within the Australian Peanut Industry.