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The present paper reports 22 pandaloid shrimp species from the South China Sea and its adjacent area, including two new records of the South China Sea, 14 new records of the Nanshan Islands, and one new speices. Heterocarpus chani, new species, type localities from the Philippines and Nansha Islands, is distinguished from its allied species, H. gibbosus Bate, 1888, H. tricarinatus Alcock & Anderson, 1894 and H. lepidus De Man, 1917, by the third maxilliped with a short rudimentary exopod.


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In the production tail of oilfield, water-cut is very high in thick channel sand oil reservoir, but recovery efficiency is relative low, and recoverable remaining oil reserves is more abundant, so these reserves is potential target of additional development. The remaining oil generally distributed with accumulation in certain areas, controlled by the reservoir architecture that mainly is the lateral accretion shale beddings in the point bar, so the study of reservoir architecture and the remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by architecture are very significant. In this paper, taking the Minghuazhen formation of Gangxi oilfield as a case, using the method of hierarchy analysis, pattern fitting and multidimensional interaction, the architecture of the meandering river reservoir is precisely anatomized, and the remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by the different hierarchy architecture are summarized, which will help to guide the additional development of oil fields. Not only is the study significant to the remaining oil forecasting, but also it is important for the theory development of reservoir geology. With the knowledge of sequence correlation and fluvial correlation model, taking many factors into account, such as combination of well and seismic data, hierarchical controlling, sedimentary facies restraint, performance verification and 3-D closure, an accurate sequence frame of the study area was established. On the basis of high-resolution stratigraphic correlation, single layer and oil sand body are correlated within this frame, and four architecture hierarchies, composite channel, single channels, point bars and lateral accretion sandbody are identified, The result indicates that Minghuazhen Formation of Gangxi oilfield are dominated by meandering river deposition, including two types of channel sandbodies, narrow band and wide band channel sandbody, and each of them has different characteristics of facies variation laterally. Based on the identification of composite channel, according to the spatial combination patterns and identified signs of single channel, combined with channel sandbody distribution and tracer material data, single channel sandbodies are identified. According to empirical formula, point-bar scales of the study area are predicted, and three identification signs are summarized, that is, positive rhythm in depositional sequence, the maximum thick sand and near close to the abandoned channel, and point bars are identified. On the basis of point bar recognition, quantitative architecture models inner point bar are ascertained, taking the lateral accretion sand body and lateral accretion shale beddings in single well as foundation, and quantitative architecture models inner point bar as guidance, and result of tracer material data as controlling, the the lateral accretion sand body and lateral accretion shale beddings are forecasted interwell, so inner architecture of point bar is anatomied. 3-D structural model, 3-D facies model and 3-D petrophysical properties models are set up, spatial distribution characteristics of sedimentary facies and petrophysical properties is reappeared. On the basis of reservoir architecture analysis and performance production data, remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by different hierarchy architecture units, stacked channel, single channel and inner architecture of point bar, are summarized, which will help to guide the additional development of oil fields.


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A novel zirconium-based membrane material of BaCo0.4Fe0.4Zr0.2O3-6 with cubic perovskite structure was synthesized for the first time through a method of citric and EDTA acid combined complexes. The structural stability was characterized by XRD, O-2-TPD and H-2-TPR techniques respectively. The high oxygen permeation flux of 0.873 mL/cm(2) min at 950 degreesC was obtained under He/Air gradient. Meanwhile, the single activation energy for oxygen permeation and the long-term steady operation of 200 h at 800 degreesC were achieved.


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A baixa taxa de multiplicação de mandioca é um dos obstáculos à sua propagação em larga escala. De cada planta de mandioca obtém-se de 5 a 10 manivas de 20 cm de comprimento, num período médio de 12 meses, o que equivale a dizer que a taxa de propagação de mandioca varia de 1:5 a 1:10. Embora produza sementes, comercialmente a mandioca é propagada vegetativamente por meio de pedaços de caule. A propagação vegetativa tem a desvantagem de permitir a transmissão de pragas e patógenos entre as gerações sucessivas de cultivo, caso não sejam tomados cuidados com relação à qualidade do material de propagação. Essa duas características, a baixa taxa de multiplicação e a degenerescência causada pelo acúmulo de pragas, contribuem para escassez de manivas de boa qualidade à disposição de agricultores. Um método simples e barato para aumento da taxa de multiplicação, da mandioca é a multiplicação rápida a qual consiste em cortar hastes da planta de mandioca em pedaços com duas ou três gemas, e plantá-los em canteiro cobertos com plásticos transparente, para reter o calor do sol. Esses canteiros são regados frequentemente, e assim, a umidade e a temperatura elevadas induzem as manivas a brotar. Ao atingir o tamanho de 10 a 15 cm, os brotos são cortados e posto em água, para enraizar. Por sua vez, as manivas de duas ou três gemas voltam a brotar, e nisso consiste a capacidade que essa técnica tem de aumentar a taxa de multiplicação da mandioca. As taxas de multiplicação obtidas nesse trabalho variaram entre 1:140 a 1:170, isto é, um aumento de 14 a 17 vezes em relação a taxa de multiplicação convencional da mandioca (1:10). Embora esses índices estejam abaixo do potencial máximo de multiplicação apresentado na literatura ( aumento de 60 vezes), demonstram o potencial da técnica da multiplicação rápida no aumento da taxa de multiplicação da mandioca, em razão da sua simplicidade e baixo custo.


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Estudos sobre o balanço entre o carbono estocado na biomassa e o perdido por meio da ecomposição, visando a quantificacão do acúmulo líquido de carbono de um sistema florestal.


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Principais vírus da macieira e da pereira. Danos causados por vírus. Limpeza clonal: produção de macieiras e pereiras livres de vírus. Análises e testes de avaliação de sanidade.


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