997 resultados para Acute anemia
Introduction: Boerhaave syndrome (BS) is a spontaneous esophageal perforation, described in aged, alcoholic males, secondary to forceful vomiting. BS has rarely been described in children. Case presentation: The patient is a 7-year-old Nigerian girl. She has a past history of clinical gastro-esophageal reflux (treated conservatively with prokinetics and good evolution), malaria at the age of 3 months and an episode of acute pancreatitis at 5 years. One week prior admission, she had stopped atovaquone-proguanil (AP) prophylaxis after a trip in an endemic area. Two days prior admission, she presented several bouts of isolated acute vomiting, without fever or diarrhea. On admission, she complained of chest pain. Cardiac auscultation revealed crepitus. No subcutaneous emphysema nor respiratory distress was present. Chest radiography and CT-scan confirmed a pneumomediastinum extending to the neck. Esophageal perforation was suspected. An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was performed and showed a small esophageal tear, grade II-III esophagitis and a single gastric ulcer without any sign of H. Pylori infection. Enteral feeds were stopped and a nasogastric sucking tube inserted. The patient made a full recovery on intravenous antibiotics and conservative treatment. Of note a second episode of subclinical acute pancreatitis, treated conservatively, probably drug-induced. Discussion: BS is a complete rupture of all layers of the esophagus, secondary to an increased intra-abdominal pressure due to incomplete opening of the cricophayngeal sphincter occurring during vomiting or cough. Rarer causes include eosinophilic or Barrett's esophagitis, HIV and caustic ingestion. Esophageal perforation in children is rare, most of time secondary to necrotizing esophagitis in the newborn, medical intervention (endoscopy, sucking, or intubation) or trauma in the older child. Our patient had none of those risk factors and it is still unclear what predisposed her to this complication. However, we believe that preceding forceful vomiting with increased abdominal pressure acting on a weakened oesophagus due to esophagitis might be responsible. We could not find any association in the literature between AP and BS nor between BS and acute pancreatitis. The origin of her recurrent pancreatitis remains unclear, reason for which genetic testing for mutations in the trypsinogen, trypsin inhibitor and CFTR genes will be performed in case of a third episode.
Sporotrichosis associated with exposure to domestic cats is hyperendemic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A review of the clinical records at our institute revealed four patients with clinical signs of dacryocystitis and a positive conjunctival culture for Sporothrix who were diagnosed with Sporothrix dacryocystitis. Three patients were children (< 13 years of age) and one patient was an adult. Two patients reported contact with a cat that had sporotrichosis. Dacryocystitis was associated with nodular, ulcerated lesions on the face of one patient and with granulomatous conjunctivitis in two patients; however, this condition manifested as an isolated disease in another patient. All of the patients were cured of the fungal infections, but three patients had chronic dacryocystitis and one patient developed a cutaneous fistula. Sporotrichosis is usually a benign disease, but may cause severe complications when the eye and the adnexa are affected. Physicians, especially ophthalmologists in endemic areas, should be aware of the ophthalmological manifestations and complications of sporotrichosis.
BACKGROUND: Anemia is a common condition in CKD that has been identified as a cardiovascular (CV) risk factor in end-stage renal disease, constituting a predictor of low survival. The aim of this study was to define the onset of anemia of renal origin and its association with the evolution of kidney disease and clinical outcomes in stage 3 CKD (CKD-3). METHODS: This epidemiological, prospective, multicenter, 3-year study included 439 CKD-3 patients. The origin of nephropathy and comorbidity (Charlson score: 3.2) were recorded. The clinical characteristics of patients that developed anemia according to EBPG guidelines were compared with those that did not, followed by multivariate logistic regression, Kaplan-Meier curves and ROC curves to investigate factors associated with the development of renal anemia. RESULTS: During the 36-month follow-up period, 50% reached CKD-4 or 5, and approximately 35% were diagnosed with anemia (85% of renal origin). The probability of developing renal anemia was 0.12, 0.20 and 0.25 at 1, 2 and 3 years, respectively. Patients that developed anemia were mainly men (72% anemic vs. 69% non-anemic). The mean age was 68 vs. 65.5 years and baseline proteinuria was 0.94 vs. 0.62 g/24h (anemic vs. non anemic, respectively). Baseline MDRD values were 36 vs. 40 mL/min and albumin 4.1 vs. 4.3 g/dL; reduction in MDRD was greater in those that developed anemia (6.8 vs. 1.6 mL/min/1.73 m2/3 years). These patients progressed earlier to CKD-4 or 5 (18 vs. 28 months), with a higher proportion of hospitalizations (31 vs. 16%), major CV events (16 vs. 7%), and higher mortality (10 vs. 6.6%) than those without anemia. Multivariate logistic regression indicated a significant association between baseline hemoglobin (OR=0.35; 95% CI: 0.24-0.28), glomerular filtration rate (OR=0.96; 95% CI: 0.93-0.99), female (OR=0.19; 95% CI: 0.10-0.40) and the development of renal anemia. CONCLUSIONS: Renal anemia is associated with a more rapid evolution to CKD-4, and a higher risk of CV events and hospitalization in non-dialysis-dependent CKD patients. This suggests that special attention should be paid to anemic CKD-3 patients.
BACKGROUND: Topiramate (Topamax(R)) is an anti-epileptic drug of the sulfamate group used secondarily for bipolar disease. HISTORY AND SIGNS: One week after initiation of topiramate treatment for a bipolar disorder, a 57-year-old man presented with blurred vision. Clinical examination revealed a bilateral conjunctivitis, areflexic mydriasis, severe anterior chamber shallowing, with a myopic shift and vitritis. THERAPY AND OUTCOME: A spinal tap revealed an increased protein content of 1581 mg/L on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis, being compatible with a rupture of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). UBM exposed bilateral ciliochoroidal effusions with secondary angle-closure. Topiramate was promptly discontinued, whereas visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), and anterior and posterior segments anatomy normalized within 1 week. One month later, bilateral iris atrophy was present. CONCLUSION: The presence of BBB disruption with increased protein content in CSF with simultaneous blood ocular barrier breakdown may suggest a common inflammatory mechanism.
Haematological and cytokine alterations in malaria are a broad and controversial subject in the literature. However, few studies have simultaneously evaluated various cytokines in a single patient group during the acute and convalescent phases of infection. The aim of this study was to sequentially characterise alterations in haematological patters and circulating plasma cytokine and chemokine levels in patients infected with Plasmodium vivax or Plasmodium falciparum from a Brazilian endemic area during the acute and convalescent phases of infection. During the acute phase, thrombocytopaenia, eosinopaenia, lymphopaenia and an increased number of band cells were observed in the majority of the patients. During the convalescent phase, the haematologic parameters returned to normal. During the acute phase, P. vivax and P. falciparum patients had significantly higher interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, IL-17, interferon-γ, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α, macrophage inflammatory protein-1β and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor levels than controls and maintained high levels during the convalescent phase. IL-10 was detected at high concentrations during the acute phase, but returned to normal levels during the convalescent phase. Plasma IL-10 concentration was positively correlated with parasitaemia in P. vivax and P. falciparum-infected patients. The same was true for the TNF-α concentration in P. falciparum-infected patients. Finally, the haematological and cytokine profiles were similar between uncomplicated P. falciparum and P. vivax infections.
Several parasitological studies carried out in El Salvador between 2000-2012 showed a higher frequency of acute cases of Chagas disease than that in other Central American countries. There is an urgent need for improved Chagas disease surveillance and vector control programs in the provinces where acute Chagas disease occurs and throughout El Salvador as a whole.
Blood pressure is abnormally elevated in acute stroke in most patients. This blood pressure increase is usually transient and associated with a poor prognosis. Lowering blood pressure too importantly during this period may worsen the outcome of the patient. Antihypertensive therapy is therefore required only when blood pressure is severely increased, especially in the presence of intracerebral haemorrhage. Initiating treatment before admission to the hospital is not recommended. The medications to be preferred are the blockers of the renin-angiotensin system, the beta-blocker labetalol (which possesses also alpha-blocking properties) and NO donors.
Viral acute gastroenteritis (AG) is a significant cause of hospitalisation in children younger than five years. Group A rotavirus (RVA) is responsible for 30% of these cases. Following the introduction of RVA immunisation in Brazil in 2006, a decreased circulation of this virus has been observed. However, AG remains an important cause of hospitalisation of paediatric patients and only limited data are available regarding the role of other enteric viruses in these cases. We conducted a prospective study of paediatric patients hospitalised for AG. Stool samples were collected to investigate human adenovirus (HAdV), RVA, norovirus (NoV) and astrovirus (AstV). NoV typing was performed by nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. From the 225 samples tested, 60 (26%) were positive for at least one viral agent. HAdV, NoV, RVA and AstV were detected in 16%, 8%, 6% and 0% of the samples, respectively. Mixed infections were found in nine patients: HAdV/RVA (5), HAdV/NoV (3) and HAdV/NoV/RVA (1). The frequency of fever and lymphocytosis was significantly higher in virus-infected patients. Phylogenetic analysis of NoV indicated that all of these viruses belonged to genotype GII.4. The significant frequency of these pathogens in patients with AG highlights the need to routinely implement laboratory investigations.
Anemia, usually due to iron deficiency, is highly prevalent among patients with colorectal cancer. Inflammatory cytokines lead to iron restricted erythropoiesis further decreasing iron availability and impairing iron utilization. Preoperative anemia predicts for decreased survival. Allogeneic blood transfusion is widely used to correct anemia and is associated with poorer surgical outcomes, increased post-operative nosocomial infections, longer hospital stays, increased rates of cancer recurrence and perioperative venous thromboembolism. Infections are more likely to occur in those with low preoperative serum ferritin level compared to those with normal levels. A multidisciplinary, multimodal, individualized strategy, collectively termed Patient Blood Management, minimizes or eliminates allogeneic blood transfusion. This includes restrictive transfusion policy, thromboprophylaxis and anemia management to improve outcomes. Normalization of preoperative hemoglobin levels is a World Health Organization recommendation. Iron repletion should be routinely ordered when indicated. Oral iron is poorly tolerated with low adherence based on published evidence. Intravenous iron is safe and effective but is frequently avoided due to misinformation and misinterpretation concerning the incidence and clinical nature of minor infusion reactions. Serious adverse events with intravenous iron are extremely rare. Newer formulations allow complete replacement dosing in 15-60 min markedly facilitating care. Erythropoiesis stimulating agents may improve response rates. A multidisciplinary, multimodal, individualized strategy, collectively termed Patient Blood Management used to minimize or eliminate allogeneic blood transfusion is indicated to improve outcomes.
Growing awareness of cerebellar involvement in addiction is based on the cerebellum's intermediary position between motor and reward, potentially acting as an interface between motivational and cognitive functions. Here, we examined the impact of acute and repeated cocaine exposure on the two main signaling systems in the mouse cerebellum: the endocannabinoid (eCB) and glutamate systems. To this end, we investigated whether eCB signaling-related gene and protein expression {cannabinoid receptor type 1 receptors and enzymes that produce [diacylglycerol lipase alpha/beta (DAGLα/β) and N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamine phospholipase D (NAPE-PLD)] and degrade [monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) and fatty acid amino hydrolase (FAAH)] eCB} were altered. In addition, we analyzed the gene expression of relevant components of the glutamate signaling system [glutamate synthesizing enzymes liver-type glutaminase isoform (LGA) and kidney-type glutaminase isoform (KGA), metabotropic glutamatergic receptor (mGluR3/5), NMDA-ionotropic glutamatergic receptor (NR1/2A/2B/2C) and AMPA-ionotropic receptor subunits (GluR1/2/3/4)] and the gene expression of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in catecholamine biosynthesis, because noradrenergic terminals innervate the cerebellar cortex. Results indicated that acute cocaine exposure decreased DAGLα expression, suggesting a down-regulation of 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG) production, as well as gene expression of TH, KGA, mGluR3 and all ionotropic receptor subunits analyzed in the cerebellum. The acquisition of conditioned locomotion and sensitization after repeated cocaine exposure were associated with an increased NAPE-PLD/FAAH ratio, suggesting enhanced anandamide production, and a decreased DAGLβ/MAGL ratio, suggesting decreased 2-AG generation. Repeated cocaine also increased LGA gene expression but had no effect on glutamate receptors. These findings indicate that acute cocaine modulates the expression of the eCB and glutamate systems. Repeated cocaine results in normalization of glutamate receptor expression, although sustained changes in eCB is observed. We suggest that cocaine-induced alterations to cerebellar eCB should be considered when analyzing the adaptations imposed by psychostimulants that lead to addiction.
Viruses are the major contributors to the morbidity and mortality of upper and lower acute respiratory infections (ARIs) for all age groups. The aim of this study was to determine the frequencies for a large range of respiratory viruses using a sensitive molecular detection technique in specimens from outpatients of all ages with ARIs. Nasopharyngeal aspirates were obtained from 162 individuals between August 2007-August 2009. Twenty-three pathogenic respiratory agents, 18 respiratory viruses and five bacteria were investigated using multiplex real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and indirect immunofluorescence assay (IIF). Through IIF, 33 (20.4%) specimens with respiratory virus were recognised, with influenza virus representing over half of the positive samples. Through a multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay, 88 (54.3%) positive samples were detected; the most prevalent respiratory viral pathogens were influenza, human rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Six cases of viral co-detection were observed, mainly involving RSV. The use of multiplex real-time RT-PCR increased the viral detection by 33.9% and revealed a larger number of respiratory viruses implicated in ARI cases, including the most recently described respiratory viruses [human bocavirus, human metapneumovirus, influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 virus, human coronavirus (HCoV) NL63 and HCoV HKU1].
In high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the concurrence of specific trisomies confers a more favorable outcome than hyperdiploidy alone. Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) complements conventional cytogenetics (CC) through its sensitivity and ability to detect chromosome aberrations in nondividing cells. To overcome the limits of manual I-FISH, we developed an automated four-color I-FISH approach and assessed its ability to detect concurrent aneuploidies in ALL. I-FISH was performed using centromeric probes for chromosomes 4, 6, 10, and 17. Parameters established for nucleus selection and signal detection were evaluated. Cutoff values were determined. Combinations of aneuploidies were considered relevant when each aneuploidy was individually significant. Results obtained in 10 patient samples were compared with those obtained with CC. Various combinations of aneuploidies were identified. All clones detected by CC were observed also by I-FISH, and I-FISH revealed numerous additional abnormal clones in all patients, ranging from < or =1% to 31.6% of cells analyzed. We conclude that four-color automated I-FISH permits the identification of concurrent aneuploidies of potential prognostic significance. Large numbers of cells can be analyzed rapidly. The large number of nuclei scored revealed a high level of chromosome variability both at diagnosis and relapse, the prognostic significance of which is of considerable clinical interest and merits further evaluation.
Ischemic acute renal failure is characterized by damages to the proximal straight tubule in the outer medulla. Lesions include loss of polarity, shedding into the tubule lumen, and eventually necrotic or apoptotic death of epithelial cells. It was recently shown that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta) increases keratinocyte survival after an inflammatory reaction. Therefore, whether PPARbeta/delta could contribute also to the control of tubular epithelium death after renal ischemia/reperfusion was tested. It was found that PPARbeta/delta+/- and PPARbeta/delta-/- mutant mice exhibited much greater kidney dysfunction and injury than wild-type counterparts after a 30-min renal ischemia followed by a 36-h reperfusion. Conversely, wild-type mice that were given the specific PPARbeta/delta ligand L-165041 before renal ischemia were completely protected against renal dysfunction, as indicated by the lack of rise in serum creatinine and fractional excretion of Na+. This protective effect was accompanied by a significant reduction in medullary necrosis, apoptosis, and inflammation. On the basis of in vitro studies, PPARbeta/delta ligands seem to exert their role by activating the antiapoptotic Akt signaling pathway and, unexpectedly, by increasing the spreading of tubular epithelial cells, thus limiting potentially their shedding and anoikis. These results point to PPARbeta/delta as a remarkable new target for preconditioning strategies.