942 resultados para Abastecimento de água - Paranapanema, Pontal do (SP)
Nos peixes, durante a vida reprodutiva o desenvolvimento gonadal é cíclico e anual. As alterações estruturais das gônadas de machos e fêmeas provêm parâmetros úteis para a sua classificação macroscópica e microscópica. Porém, o desenvolvimento das células germinativas, nem sempre é consoante com os diferentes tipos de classificação e, machos e fêmeas nem sempre parecem concatenados. Neste estudo, aplicando-se propostas recentes, utilizadas primariamente para peixes derivados, notadamente os Perciformes marinhos, e tomando como modelo experimental representantes da série Otophysi, Hoplias malabaricus (Characiformes), Tanichthys albonubes (Cypriniformes), Sorubim lima (Siluriformes) e Gymnotus sp. (Gymnotiformes), e dos Perciformes Neotropicais, Cichla temensis, foram descritos, comparativamente, os eventos iniciais da oogênese e da espermatogênese, assim como o desenvolvimento oocitário a fim de traçar um paralelo entre grupos basais e derivados. A partir dos resultados, verificou-se que a maioria dos eventos morfológicos durante o desenvolvimento oocitário é similar entre grupos basais e derivados. Os Perciformes de água doce divergem dos grupos basais por duas características: a presença de inclusões lipídicas, que surgem no citoplasma perinuclear após o início da formação dos alvéolos corticais e deposição de vitelo e por uma tênue proteólise do vitelo durante a maturação final. A foliculogênese e espermatogênese não apresentam divergências e parecem ser processos conservados entre os Teleostei. Durante a fase de Regeneração, os eventos iniciais desses processos em fêmeas e machos, respectivamente, são responsáveis por altos índices de proliferação das células germinativas, quando comparado às demais fases. Além disso, analisou-se ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This paper focuses on the implementation of a geological and geotechnical mapping to the planning of the region stream Bertini, territorial expansion area of the municipality of Americana (SP), a medium-sized city in the countryside of Sao Paulo state, with great potential for growth industrial and residential. To this end, based on the methodology established by the Institute for Technological Research, the charters geological and geotechnical aimed at exposing the capabilities and limitations of the soil. The analysis of similar soil characteristics such as geology, geomorphology, slope, geotechnical testing and the current use and land cover was possible to recognize four geotechinical units. The units I and III are related to areas of top and concave and convex parts of the study area, shown to be sites of low occupancy restriction. However the units II and IV, respectively allocated in the floodplain of the Piracicaba River and the banks of the stream Bertini and some of its drainage, showed a more restricted area due to proximity to water bodies and drainages that offer higher slopes.
There are many studies about longitudinal modulus of elasticity of wood, but you can´t say the same of transverse modulus, especially for conifers. The study aimed to characterize and compare the species Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and Pinus elliottii var. elliottii x Pinus cariabeae hondurensis (hybrid), and the longitudinal modulus of elasticity (E) and lateral (G) in bending, to analyze the modulus of elasticity in different spaces and to verify the species studied the ideal range is equal to 21 times the height of the specimen, as prescribed in the normative document NBR 7190/1997, as well as analyzing the relationship G = E/20 defined in the normative document NBR 7190/1997. The wood came from the farm located in Paranapanema, split at the mill São José and the rest of the work was conducted at the Experimental Itapeva Campus - UNESP. Were removed fourteen specimens of each species. The average values of the modulus of elasticity and cross were, respectively, 5828 MPa and 452 MPa for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and 6407 MPa and 320 MPa for the species of Pinus elliottii var. elliottii x Pinus cariabeae hondurensis (hybrid). The trend lines for the plotted graphs showed an exponential behavior to near linear 21he will equal the constant after this value. We have found the relationship G = E/13, for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and G = E/20 for hybrid. The results of the modulus and strength for Pinus elliottii var. elliottii and the hybrid were lower than those reported in the literature, showing that this batch inferior quality to apply to structures
O município de Franca-SP situa-se na Província Geomorfológica das Cuestas Basálticas no nordeste paulista, a qual possui características ambientais próprias. De uma forma geral, a região de Franca enfrenta problemas ambientais como a suscetibilidade à erosão linear e laminar, aos movimentos de massa e ao assoreamento dos canais de drenagem. Estes problemas, por sua vez, induzem a situações socioeconômicas, como o incremento da pobreza, aglomeração urbana e, uma emergente demanda da sociedade por mudanças no âmbito da gestão local. Assim, devem ser efetuados estudos detalhados sobre o meio, a fim de minimizar e/ou evitar tais problemas. Desta forma, propos-se a realização do Zoneamento Geoambiental, o que implica no levantamento, análise, interpretação e correlação dos diferentes componentes ambientais, visando dar subsídio a órgãos públicos e proprietários rurais, tanto na fase de planejamento como na implantação de culturas agrícolas, pecuária, reflorestamento e uso da água superficial (lençol freático), de maneira racional e ambientalmente sustentável, garantindo assim a ocupação adequada do solo e a melhor conservação dos recursos naturais. O trabalho iniciou-se com a organização e reinterpretação dos dados pré-existentes (topográficos, geológicos, pedológicos, geomorfológicos, morfoestruturais, de coberturas de alteração intempérica e sócio-econômicos) e geração e/ou reorganização de novos dados e propostas para a minimização dos impactos sócio-ambientais (rede de drenagem, hipsométricos, morfométricos, tectônicos, geológicos, geomorfológicos, climáticos e bióticos) com a utilização de técnicas de fotointerpretação de diversos sensores remotos e de campo. Deste modo, a correlação de todas as informações geoambientais relativas ao município proporcionou a delimitação das suas zonas e subzonas geoambientais... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
O presente estudo foi realizado na Escola do Meio Ambiente (EMA) (22° 55' 23 S e 48° 27' 28 W), localizada a cinco km do centro do município de Botucatu. Foi realizado o levantamento preliminar da ictiofauna e dos invertebrados habitantes de uma represa de pequeno porte, inserida no perímetro da escola. Visando investigar os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos que realizam a Trilha da água, referentes às espécies habitantes do reservatório do Ribeirão Lavapés, 356 questionários foram aplicados aos alunos dos 6ºs anos e 150 questionários aos dos 2ºs anos de três escolas municipais de Botucatu. Quatro espécies de peixes e uma do grupo dos invertebrados foram coletadas. A análise dos questionários demonstrou o desconhecimento dos alunos em relação à fauna local. Este trabalho apresenta as etapas para a construção de um material didático, de apoio ao professor visitante da Trilha da Água, o qual aborda a fauna de peixes e invertebrados que habitam um açude pertencente à Escola do Meio Ambiente
The growing concern over deforestation of native forests from Brazil to the marketing of wood in various sectors had made greater attention from lawmakers. In this context, did the reforestation, which came into existence to meet the demand for forest raw material. This paper attempts to make a survey, focusing on the interplay between small and medium producers, consumers of forest products and reforestation associations. For this, we conducted a survey of legislation at the federal and state since the emergence, evolution and current context for understanding the legal basis on the subject. In addition, literature reviews have been made seeking to direct the concepts and importance of reforestation, reforestation, forest plantations and productive use of the species Eucalyptus sp for the supply of forest raw material. Approach was also sought on the structure of the system of reforestation of the state of Sao Paulo and their assignments. We also present an in loco study of Chairman Wenceslas municipality in order to analyze the participation of the municipality in the reforest the region of Pontal Paranapanema and actions of regulatory agencies. As a result presents a survey of consumers of timber enterprises in the municipality of President Wenceslas based on the resolution SMA No. 082/2008, which describes the characteristics of these companies and their fields of activity
This paper deals with a case study of assessing risk to human health, with the study area of an industrial site in the city of Paulinia (SP) contaminated by oil, which is disturbing situation that occurs in the state of Sao Paulo, which represents risks for human health, as toxic and carcinogenic potential of petroleum products. As an essential foundation for risk assessment, a Geo-environmental diagnosis of the region was made, posing as historical information of the area and accidents, regional geology and hydrogeology, characterization of contaminants and affected media, contaminant transport and data on potential receptors and pathways. Because of the detection of contaminants above the intervention values CETESB (2005) it was possible to proceeded to quantify risks to human health and the determination of maximum acceptable concentrations for no damage to health, using the methodology and software RBCA Tier 2 (ASTM , 1998) and Spreadsheet Risk Assessment recently published by CETESB. The results showed the risk to the health of industrial workers and regular employees of civil works (both on site) for ingestion of groundwater and inhalation of vapors indoors.
Located in Apiaí, Vale do Ribeira, southern region of São Paulo state, the Usina do Calabouço areas (CIEM / CPRM) and Morro do Ouro (Parque Municipal do Morro do Ouro), were targeted for stud ies due to its old buildings, respectively a foundry in lead ore, called Experimental de Chumbo e Prata (Usina Calabouço), and a gold mine with processing plant of the gold-bearing ore produced there. Nowadays, the areas are used for public visitation, and in both places the rests of the buildings remains. Particularly in the CIEM/CPRM, due to the materials witch was produced before, it can suggest the existence of anomalous amounts of the involved metals (CIEM / CPRM) and possible contaminations by chemical products used in the improvement of the auriferous ore (P. M. Morro do Ouro). These potential contamination were confirmed with geochemical survey of soils and current sediments accomplished in both areas, for the elements arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper, mercury, silver and zinc, which were used as parameters guiding values for soil and groundwater the state of São Paulo (CETESB), and watershed values stipulated by CPRM (poor, background and anomalous), in it rising geochemistry during Folha Apiaí's execution (SG-22-X-B-V).
The term model refers to any representation of a real system. The use of models in Hydrogeology can be valuable predictive tools for management of groundwater resources. The numeric models of groundwater flow, object of this study, consist on a set of differential equations that describe the water flow in the porous medium. In this context, numeric simulations were made for a sub-basin located at Cara Preta farm – Santa Rita do Passa Quatro – SP. The aquifer at the local is composed by rocks of Pirambóia Formation, which is part of Guarani Aquifer System. It was developed a conceptual model from previous studies in the area, and from that, simulations were made through the software Visual Modflow®. The conceptual model established previously was considered consistent through the results of simulation.
Currently, the dam of Salto Grande is very degraded. Water quality is seriously amended, and lack of riparian vegetation, as well as the advance of feed crops and land occupation in areas that should be permanently preserved, only complicate this situation. The permanent preservation area is essential for the water sources protection, soil erosion control and consequent watercourse sedimentation. Through aerial photography, using GIS techniques, it was able to identify the outwards bounds of the dam, to demarcate the permanent preservation areas and generate maps for land use. With this data, in addition to studies and ideas of reforestation in different environments, the development of a plan for restoration of degraded areas surrounding the dam is easier to be done. This study confirmed that about 72% of land use in permanent preservation areas is not in accordance with specific laws, making necessary its recovering.
O reconhecimento de braquiúros jovens, obtidos na natureza, é extremamente difícil, pois nesta fase os caranguejos não apresentam as mesmas características dos adultos. Além disso, há falta de estudos sobre o desenvolvimento pós-embrionário desses animais. Nada é conhecido sobre o desenvolvimento juvenil para os representantes da família Pseudorhombilidae. Este trabalho analisa o crescimento de Bathyrhombila sp., e apresenta detalhes morfológicos para identificação dos estágios de desenvolvimento. Os decapoditos de braquiúros foram coletados com redes de nêuston na região de Ubatuba, estado de São Paulo, Brasil. As larvas foram transportadas para o laboratório e cultivadas isoladamente em recipientes rotulados, contendo água do mar filtrada e aerada, além de alimentadas com nauplius de Artemia sp. Obteve-se 11 estágios juvenis para machos e 14 para fêmeas. A morfologia e o número de cerdas presentes nos apêndices são descritos, em especial, para o 1º estágio juvenil. Os caracteres sexuais secundários aparecem a partir do 4º estágio juvenil. Uma comparação com as demais espécies de caranguejos já estudadas evidenciou que Bathyrhombila sp. possui a forma da carapaça semelhante à de Eurytium limosum. Além disso, Bathyrhombila sp. possui cinco artículos no endopodito do segundo maxilípede, enquanto as outras espécies de Xanthoidea e Eriphioidea possuem quatro
The decreasing availability of drinking water is a problem that has existed for a long time and continues to be aggravated, especially by the increase in population and pollution of water resources. Due to the need to find alternatives in order to ensure water supplies in sufficient quantity and quality for consumption by populations, rainwater collection arises as an alternative. The present study was developed in Ipeúna-SP, consisting of an experimental system of collection and storage of rainwater on the roofs of buildings. Samples of the same precipitation, differentiated through the initial disposal and treatment of the collected water, were stored during a period of six months and monitored through physical, chemical and microbiological analyses. With the results, the qualitative characteristics of the stored precipitation were found, the main differences among the samples were identified and the needs of treatment were studied.