973 resultados para AIRCRAFT


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This thesis is the culmination of field and laboratory studies aimed at assessing processes that affect the composition and distribution of atmospheric organic aerosol. An emphasis is placed on measurements conducted using compact and high-resolution Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometers (AMS). The first three chapters summarize results from aircraft campaigns designed to evaluate anthropogenic and biogenic impacts on marine aerosol and clouds off the coast of California. Subsequent chapters describe laboratory studies intended to evaluate gas and particle-phase mechanisms of organic aerosol oxidation.

The 2013 Nucleation in California Experiment (NiCE) was a campaign designed to study environments impacted by nucleated and/or freshly formed aerosol particles. Terrestrial biogenic aerosol with > 85% organic mass was observed to reside in the free troposphere above marine stratocumulus. This biogenic organic aerosol (BOA) originated from the Northwestern United States and was transported to the marine atmosphere during periodic cloud-clearing events. Spectra recorded by a cloud condensation nuclei counter demonstrated that BOA is CCN active. BOA enhancements at latitudes north of San Francisco, CA coincided with enhanced cloud water concentrations of organic species such as acetate and formate.

Airborne measurements conducted during the 2011 Eastern Pacific Emitted Aerosol Cloud Experiment (E-PEACE) were aimed at evaluating the contribution of ship emissions to the properties of marine aerosol and clouds off the coast of central California. In one study, analysis of organic aerosol mass spectra during periods of enhanced shipping activity yielded unique tracers indicative of cloud-processed ship emissions (m/z 42 and 99). The variation of their organic fraction (f42 and f99) was found to coincide with periods of heavy (f42 > 0.15; f99 > 0.04), moderate (0.05 < f42 < 0.15; 0.01 < f99 < 0.04), and negligible (f42 < 0.05; f99 < 0.01) ship influence. Application of these conditions to all measurements conducted during E-PEACE demonstrated that a large fraction of cloud droplet (72%) and dry aerosol mass (12%) sampled in the California coastal study region was heavily or moderately influenced by ship emissions. Another study investigated the chemical and physical evolution of a controlled organic plume emitted from the R/V Point Sur. Under sunny conditions, nucleated particles composed of oxidized organic compounds contributed nearly an order of magnitude more cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) than less oxidized particles formed under cloudy conditions. The processing time necessary for particles to become CCN active was short ( < 1 hr) compared to the time needed for particles to become hygroscopic at sub-saturated humidity ( > 4 hr).

Laboratory chamber experiments were also conducted to evaluate particle-phase processes influencing aerosol phase and composition. In one study, ammonium sulfate seed was coated with a layer of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from toluene oxidation followed by a layer of SOA from α-pinene oxidation. The system exhibited different evaporative properties than ammonium sulfate seed initially coated with α-pinene SOA followed by a layer of toluene SOA. This behavior is consistent with a shell-and-core model and suggests limited mixing among different SOA types. Another study investigated the reactive uptake of isoprene epoxy diols (IEPOX) onto non-acidified aerosol. It was demonstrated that particle acidity has limited influence on organic aerosol formation onto ammonium sulfate seed, and that the chemical system is limited by the availability of nucleophiles such as sulfate.

Flow tube experiments were conducted to examine the role of iron in the reactive uptake and chemical oxidation of glycolaldehyde. Aerosol particles doped with iron and hydrogen peroxide were mixed with gas-phase glycolaldehyde and photochemically aged in a custom-built flow reactor. Compared to particles free of iron, iron-doped aerosols significantly enhanced the oxygen to carbon (O/C) ratio of accumulated organic mass. The primary oxidation mechanism is suggested to be a combination of Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions which enhance particle-phase OH radical concentrations.


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[ES]El Trabajo Fin de Grado “Diseño electrónico de una red de comunicaciones para monitorización de estructuras” consiste en el desarrollo de un sistema de comunicación orientado al despliegue y gestión de una red con un alto número de sensores para monitorización de estructuras a bordo de una aeronave. El objetivo principal es hacer viable la utilización de dicha red, partiendo de la premisa de crear una alternativa con mayor eficiencia energética que los sistemas actualmente disponibles para tal fin.


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An air filled ionization chamber has been constructed with a volume of 552 liters and a wall consisting of 12.7 mg/cm2 of plastic wrapped over a rigid, lightweight aluminum frame. A calibration in absolute units, independent of previous Caltech ion chamber calibrations, was applied to a sealed Neher electrometer for use in this chamber. The new chamber was flown along with an older, argon filled, balloon type chamber in a C-135 aircraft from 1,000 to 40,000 feet altitude, and other measurements of sea level cosmic ray ionization were made, resulting in the value of 2.60 ± .03 ion pairs/cm3 sec atm) at sea level. The calibrations of the two instruments were found to agree within 1 percent, and the airplane data were consistent with previous balloon measurements in the upper atmosphere. Ionization due to radon gas in the atmosphere was investigated. Absolute ionization data in the lower atmosphere have been compared with results of other observers, and discrepancies have been discussed.

Data from a polar orbiting ion chamber on the OGO-II, IV spacecraft have been analyzed. The problem of radioactivity produced on the spacecraft during passes through high fluxes of trapped protons has been investigated, and some corrections determined. Quiet time ionization averages over the polar regions have been plotted as function of altitude, and an analytical fit is made to the data that gives a value of 10.4 ± 2.3 percent for the fractional part of the ionization at the top of the atmosphere due to splash albedo particles, although this result is shown to depend on an assumed angular distribution for the albedo particles. Comparisons with other albedo measurements are made. The data are shown to be consistent with balloon and interplanetary ionization measurements. The position of the cosmic ray knee is found to exhibit an altitude dependence, a North-South effect, and a small local time variation.


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The purpose of this thesis is to characterize the behavior of the smallest turbulent scales in high Karlovitz number (Ka) premixed flames. These scales are particularly important in the two-way coupling between turbulence and chemistry and better understanding of these scales will support future modeling efforts using large eddy simulations (LES). The smallest turbulent scales are studied by considering the vorticity vector, ω, and its transport equation.

Due to the complexity of turbulent combustion introduced by the wide range of length and time scales, the two-dimensional vortex-flame interaction is first studied as a simplified test case. Numerical and analytical techniques are used to discern the dominate transport terms and their effects on vorticity based on the initial size and strength of the vortex. This description of the effects of the flame on a vortex provides a foundation for investigating vorticity in turbulent combustion.

Subsequently, enstrophy, ω2 = ω • ω, and its transport equation are investigated in premixed turbulent combustion. For this purpose, a series of direct numerical simulations (DNS) of premixed n-heptane/air flames are performed, the conditions of which span a wide range of unburnt Karlovitz numbers and turbulent Reynolds numbers. Theoretical scaling analysis along with the DNS results support that, at high Karlovitz number, enstrophy transport is controlled by the viscous dissipation and vortex stretching/production terms. As a result, vorticity scales throughout the flame with the inverse of the Kolmogorov time scale, τη, just as in homogeneous isotropic turbulence. As τη is only a function of the viscosity and dissipation rate, this supports the validity of Kolmogorov’s first similarity hypothesis for sufficiently high Ka numbers (Ka ≳ 100). These conclusions are in contrast to low Karlovitz number behavior, where dilatation and baroclinic torque have a significant impact on vorticity within the flame. Results are unaffected by the transport model, chemical model, turbulent Reynolds number, and lastly the physical configuration.

Next, the isotropy of vorticity is assessed. It is found that given a sufficiently large value of the Karlovitz number (Ka ≳ 100) the vorticity is isotropic. At lower Karlovitz numbers, anisotropy develops due to the effects of the flame on the vortex stretching/production term. In this case, the local dynamics of vorticity in the strain-rate tensor, S, eigenframe are altered by the flame. At sufficiently high Karlovitz numbers, the dynamics of vorticity in this eigenframe resemble that of homogeneous isotropic turbulence.

Combined, the results of this thesis support that both the magnitude and orientation of vorticity resemble the behavior of homogeneous isotropic turbulence, given a sufficiently high Karlovitz number (Ka ≳ 100). This supports the validity of Kolmogorov’s first similarity hypothesis and the hypothesis of local isotropy under these condition. However, dramatically different behavior is found at lower Karlovitz numbers. These conclusions provides/suggests directions for modeling high Karlovitz number premixed flames using LES. With more accurate models, the design of aircraft combustors and other combustion based devices may better mitigate the detrimental effects of combustion, from reducing CO2 and soot production to increasing engine efficiency.


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Esta dissertação, ao tomar como objeto de pesquisa a Sociedade Brasileira de Direito Aeronáutico (SBDA), tendo por recorte cronológico os anos entre 1950 e 1965, pretende trazer para a análise histórica mais um elemento no auxílio à compreensão do processo de formação do Estado brasileiro no cerne de um projeto de desenvolvimento capitalista de matizes nacionalistas envolvendo infraestrutura, industrialização, ciência e tecnologia, inclusive a modernização das Forças Armadas, no qual a reorganização das incumbências das esferas pública e privada transpassada pela expansão tanto das atividades de regulamentação quanto dos órgãos e agências estatais conduziu a uma ampla institucionalização dos setores econômicos por parte do governo, no caso específico deste estudo o ramo Aeronáutico. A SBDA funcionou como articuladora de interesses entre a sociedade política (Ministério da Aeronáutica) e a sociedade civil (empresas e sindicatos), exercendo desta maneira no parelho estatal um papel que a insere na aplicação do conceito de Estado gramsciano. A formulação de um campo jurídico no Brasil, mediante a perspectiva de análise de Pierre Bourdieu relativa ao campo intelectual, integra a trajetória de luta da SBDA pela autonomia do Direito Aeronáutico, agindo como organizadora das demandas provenientes deste setor específico de atividades.


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[ES]Este proyecto se basa en la idea de llevar a cabo un código CAM de un diseño anterior (CAD). El modelo CAD consiste en una broca, que está diseñado específicamente para perforar materiales apilados, como el titanio y fibra de carbono que son ampliamente utilizados por la industria de la aviación en la actualidad. Para lograr este objetivo se sería necesario contar con los recursos adecuados, licencias de software, soporte de fábrica y por supuesto el conocimiento de la materia. Este texto tiene como objetivo la ceración del código CAM, así como demostrar la rentabilidad de este método de mecanizado alternativo.


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[ES]Este documento pretende describir de manera clara y concisa la creacion de un dispositivo detector de impactos para estructuras de avion durante su transporte de muy bajo consumo, desde su concepcion como idea hasta su montaje, programacion y posterior comprobacion. El objetivo sera la culminacion exitosa del producto para mas adelante exponerlo ante posibles compradores y/o investigadores. Este dispositivo esta compuesto de tres partes, una unidad de adquisicion y adecuacion de la señal, que ser a recogida por un piezoelectrico; la unidad de inteligencia, que sera un microcontrolador programado en ensamblador mediante la herramienta MPLAB y un chip de radio, que se encargara de transmitir los datos a una unidad mas potente, lease un PC, tablet, movil...


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International fisheries regulations which are now being developed will lead the tuna fisheries to improve their fleet management. An optimized fishing strategy is proposed for a tuna fleet, with or without aircraft surveys. 2 extreme situations are discussed: a complete coverage of the fishing area by planes, or no coverage at all.