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Characterization of Equine Adipose Tissue-Derived Progenitor Cells Before and After Cryopreservation
In horses, stem cell therapies are a promising tool to the treatment of many injuries, which are common consequences of athletic endeavor, resulting in high morbidity and often compromising the performance. In spite of many advantages, the isolation of stem cells similar to human, from equine adipose tissue, occurred only recently. The aim of this study was to isolate equine adipose tissue-derived progenitor cells (eAT-PC), to characterize their proliferative potential, and to study their differentiation capacity before and after cryopreservation. The cells, isolated from horse adipose tissue, presented similar fibroblast-like cell morphology in vitro. Their proliferation rate was evaluated during 63 days (23 passages) before and after cryopreservation. After the induction of osteogenic differentiation, von Kossa staining and positive immunostaining studies revealed the formation of calcified extracellular matrix confirming the osteogenic potential of these cells. Adipogenic differentiation was induced using two protocols: routine and other one developed by us, while our protocol requires a shorter time (Oil Red O staining revealed significant accumulation of lipid droplets after 7 days). Chondrogenic differentiation was observed after 21 days of induced pellet culture, as evidenced by histological (toluidine blue) and immunohistochemistry studies. Our data demonstrate that eAT-PC can be easily isolated and successfully expanded in vitro while presenting significant proliferating rate. These cells can be maintained undifferentiated in vitro and can efficiently undergo differentiation at least into mesodermal derivates. These eAT-PC properties were preserved even after cryopreservation. Our findings classify eAT-PC as a promising type of progenitor cells that can be applied in different cell therapies in equines.
There are many techniques for the treatment of hip dysplasia, and novel research is currently being undertaken in the hope of obtaining more efficient and less traumatic techniques. The denervation of the hip joint capsule is a simple and effective technique that allows recovery of the functional activity of the affected limbs in significantly less time than other techniques. This surgical procedure consists of removing the acetabular periosteum, thus eliminating the nerve fibres with consequent analgesia. The aim of this investigation was to quantify the number of nerve fibres present in different regions of the acetabular periosteum. The knowledge of regional differences is potentially valuable for the refining of the denervation technique of the hip joint capsule. Thirty canine acetabular fragments were used to compare the nerve fibre density of the periosteum. The results showed a significant difference between the mean density of nerve fibres at the cranial and dorsal-lateral portion (approximately 75 fibres/mm(2)) and caudal lateral portion (approximately 60 fibres/mm(2)) of the acetabulum. Those fibres at the pedosteum are almost positioned in a sagittal plane, pointing towards the joint capsule, suggesting the some density in the latter region. These results indicate a new approach to the articular denervation technique, thus obtanining even better results for the treatment of hip dysplasia in dogs.
IBD are a group of complex polygenetic diseases also involving environmental factors. Evidence for a role for bacteria in IBD include an increased abundance of mucosa-associated bacteria in IBD (which occurs even where there is no intestinal inflammation), and the positive impact of antibiotics on the progress of both Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) of the pouch - pouchitis. Bacteria are necessary for most animal models of IBD. The increased abundance of mucosal bacteria in IBD is not non-specific because while some mucosal bacteria are more abundant this is not the case for all mucosal bacteria including the very abundant Bacteroides vulgatus. On the other hand, antibiotic treatments are not curative, and the humoral immune Ig response to bacterial antigens which is more evident in CD, appears to be polyclonal. While this argues against a role for specific bacteria causing a classical infection, certain mucosal bacteria may damage the mucosal barrier. This would promote invasion by other commensal mucosal bacteria triggering an immune response. Altered adaptive, and to a lesser extent, innate immunity have been extensively studied, and genetic defects in the CARD15 (or NOD2) gene that encodes a bacterial sensing protein modulating innate and adaptive immunity are strongly associated with ileal CD. However, the penetrance of the homozygous CARD15 frameshift mutation, which is the most strongly CD-associated genotype, is very low with only 4% of humans with this developing CD. Furthermore, mice with the same defects in CARD15 do not develop spontaneous ileitis or colitis. Therefore, there have to be other aetiological factor(s). Altered permeability is a consistent finding in subclinical CD. There are other data to suggest that altered mucin is an early event in UC. We propose that the pathogenesis of IBD is multifactorial involving specific mucosal bacteria, defective barrier function and altered mucosal immunity in an aetiology triangle.
Objective. To analyze, through mathematical modeling, the potential ability of sterilization campaigns to reduce the population density of pet dogs. Methods. Mathematical models were constructed to simulate the canine population dynamics and project the results of control strategies based on several sterilization rates. Results. Even at high sterilization rates (for example, 0.80 year(-1)), it would take approximately 5 years to reduce density by 20%. Even so, other sources of population growth, such as the importing of dogs from other geographic areas, could outweigh the effects of a sterilization program. Conclusions. A program`s effectiveness is contingent upon not only on the sterilization rate, but also the rate of population growth. Sterilization campaigns may potentially reduce population density, but this reduction may not be immediately evident.
Twelve pregnant female canines, naturally infected with Toxoplasma gondii, were reinfected with T. gondii: three (GI) received tachyzoites subcutaneously (1.0 x 107), three (GII) were orally inoculated with oocysts (1.5 x 104), and six (GIII) were kept as a nonreinfected control group. All the reinfected female canines (GI and GII) miscarried or presented fetal death, while only one GIII female presented a stillborn in a litter of four pups (P < 0.01). Fever, lymphoadenopathy, miscarriage, and fetal death were the main clinical alterations observed. The highest serological titers detected through the indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT) were 1,024 (GI) and 4,096 (GII). In group III, the titers ranged between 64 and 256. By bioassays in mice, T. gondii was isolated in 17 organs of the reinfected adult canines, in 11 of the control group, and in 20 of the neonates. Positive immunostaining of cysts and/or tachyzoites were observed in 26 canine tissues (14 from GI and GII and ten from GIII). The agent was detected by immunohistochemistry in the encephalon of a neonate and in the spinal cord of a stillborn, thus, confirming that T. gondii infected canine fetuses, provoking miscarriages, even in bitches that presented primoinfection.
The present study aimed to determine whether Cryptosporidium oocysts were present in stools from captive snakes at Fundacao Parque Zoo logic (Zoological Park Foundation) in Sno Paulo, Brazil. Two collections were performed; the first in July 2008 and the second in February 2009. Fecal samples were collected from 74 enclosures that housed 101 individuals of 23 snake species. The stool specimens collected from 16 out of the 74 enclosures (21.6%) contained Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts; all of them were confirmed as Cryptosporidium serpent is, using molecular techniques. Only in three (18.7%) out of the 16 enclosures with positive samples were there animals with clinical signs compatible with infection by C. serpentis, such as regurgitation and significant progressive weight loss. From the results, it was concluded that diagnostic examinations need to be performed periodically, even on clinically healthy animals, as a preventive measure.
Phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial 16S rDNA sequences were generated from Rhipicephalus sanguineus group specimens collected in 29 localities among 9 Latin-American countries, plus ticks collected in South Africa, Spain, and Italy. Sequences from Latin America generated six different haplotypes (A, B, C, D, E, and F). Phylogenetic analyses generated trees that segregated our tick sequences into two distinct clades: one is represented by haplotypes A-C, and South African R. sanguineus and Rhipicephalus turanicus ticks; the second clade is represented by haplotypes D-F, and European R. sanguineus and R. turanicus ticks. When haplotypes A-Fare plotted in the Latin America map according to their geographical coordinates, it is clearly seen that haplotypes D-F are restricted to the southern portion of this continent, whereas haplotypes A-C are distributed in areas between northern Mexico and Brazil (except for the extreme south of this last country, where haplotype E was present). Hence, our phylogenetic analyses separated New World specimens of R. sanguineus into two distinct clades, one represented by tropical and subtropical populations (haplotypes A-C), here designated as the `tropical` species. On the other hand, haplotypes D-F are here designated as the `temperate` species because of their distribution in the southern portion of South America. Until recently, it was assumed that the R. sanguineus group was represented by a single species in the New World, namely R. sanguineus. While the present results coupled with recent studies support the presence of at least two species under the taxon R. sanguineus in the New World, they also show that even in the Old World, the taxon R. sanguineus might be represented by more than one species, since our phylogenetic analysis segregated European and South African R. sanguineus ticks into two distinct clades. The same can be applied for Spanish and South African R. turanicus. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Recent studies indicated that Toxoplasma gondii isolates of many domestic animal hosts from Brazil are genetically and biologically different from those in USA and Europe. Despite of high pathogenicity of this parasite to small ruminants, the epidemiology and genetic diversity of T. gondii in these animals are not well understood in Brazil. In this study, a total of 28 T. gondii samples (16 isolates from sheep in Sao Paulo state, and 12 isolates from goats in the states of Sao Paulo and Rio Grande do Norte) were genotyped using genetic markers SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, CRAG, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, Apico and CS3. Eleven genotypes were identified from these T. gondii isolates. Eight isolates (4 from sheep and 4 from goats) were grouped into the common clonal type Brl lineage. One sheep isolate was grouped to the type BrIII lineage. Five isolates grouped to three previously identified genotypes in Brazil, and 13 isolates grouped to six novel genotypes. Mixed genotype was found in one isolate from goat in Sao Paulo. No classical clonal Type I. II or III isolates were found, confirming previous reports that these clonal lineages are rare in Brazil. The allele types at the CS3 locus are strongly linked to mouse virulence of the parasite. The results of this study indicate that even though a large number of T. gondii genotypes have been identified from a variety of animal hosts in Brazil, high percentage of new genotypes are continuously identified from different animal species, suggesting extremely high diversity of T. gondii in the population. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The magnitude of the basic reproduction ratio R(0) of an epidemic can be estimated in several ways, namely, from the final size of the epidemic, from the average age at first infection, or from the initial growth phase of the outbreak. In this paper, we discuss this last method for estimating R(0) for vector-borne infections. Implicit in these models is the assumption that there is an exponential phase of the outbreaks, which implies that in all cases R(0) > 1. We demonstrate that an outbreak is possible, even in cases where R(0) is less than one, provided that the vector-to-human component of R(0) is greater than one and that a certain number of infected vectors are introduced into the affected population. This theory is applied to two real epidemiological dengue situations in the southeastern part of Brazil, one where R(0) is less than one, and other one where R(0) is greater than one. In both cases, the model mirrors the real situations with reasonable accuracy.
The experiment was conducted to investigate the dynamics of infection by gastrointestinal nematodes during the periparturition period in cows. One hundred and six beef cows were divided into two groups: G I was formed by 42 cows of one and two parturitions, and G2 by 76 cows of three or more parturitions. From the 120 days pre partum until the 90 days post partum, feces were collected for faecal egg counts (EPG) while blood was collected to determine the packed cell volume and hemoglobin levels of each animal, with monthly intervals. In the same intervals the body condition scores (BCS) were evaluated. The mean values standard deviation of the EPG for Cl were equal to 19.4 +/- 42.9, and for G2 31.1 +/- 68.0. No significant differences were observed between Cl and G2 in relation to EPC; and hematological parameters, which remained within normal patterns for both groups. The two groups had higher counts of EPG in the post partum period than in the pre partum period, with averages of 32.5 +/- 55.5 and 51.5 +/- 84.8 for groups Cl and G2, respectively. A significant difference (p < 0.05) in the parameters was observed when comparing the pre and post partum within each group studied resulting in declining values of blood and body score and an increase in EPG in the post partum. The results suggest that the cows may be more susceptible to infection by nematodes from giving birth up to 90 days post partum. However, adult cows, when well-managed, are not an important factor in the epidemiology of gastrointestinal nematodes, even in the post partum period.
Senna occidentalis is a weed toxic to different animal species. Very little is known about the effects of prolonged exposure to low doses of S. occidentalis on developmental toxicology. Thus, the present study proposes an approach to evaluate the perinatal toxicity of S. occidentalis seeds in goats. Twenty-one pregnant goats were fed rations containing 0% (control), 1% (Sol group), 2% (So2 group) and 4% (So4 group) mature S. occidentalis seeds from pregnancy detection on day 27 after mating until parturition; weight gains and serum biochemistry were evaluated. Fetuses were evaluated using ultrasonographic measurements; neonates were evaluated by body morphometry, weight gains, and serum biochemistry. Fetal resorption occurred in 2 So4 dams and one dam died. Only a few minor alterations in serum biochemistry occurred in dams and kids; even so one So4 group dam had tissue lesions as vacuolations in hepatocytes and kidneys; necrosis in skeletal and cardiac muscles and for the first time lesions were observed in sciatic nerve cells. No relevant alterations in body morphometry were observed. This study suggests that 4% S. occidentalis seeds is toxic for pregnant goats, but levels of seeds less than 4% have little impact on fetal and post birth body development. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
We have previously shown that bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) has immunomodulatory effects on mouse natural killer (NK) cells by reducing cytotoxicity. Alternatively, it has been demonstrated that selenium can enhance NK cell activity. Therefore, the aims of the present study were to evaluate if ptaquiloside, the main toxic component found in P. aquilinum, is responsible for the immunotoxic effects observed in mice, and if selenium supplementation could prevent or even reverse these effects. Male C57BL/6 mice were administered the P. aquilinum extract by daily gavage for 30 days, and histological analyses revealed a significant reduction in splenic white pulp area that was fully reversed by selenium treatment. In addition, mice administered ptaquiloside by daily gavage for 14 days demonstrated the same reduction of NK cell activity as the P. aquilinum extract, and this reduction was prevented by selenium co-administration. Lastly, non-adherent splenic cells treated in vitro with an RPM! extract of P. aquilinum also showed diminished NM cell activity that was not only prevented by selenium co-treatment but also fully reversed by selenium post-treatment. The results of this study clearly show that the immunosuppressive effects of P. aquilinum are induced by ptaquiloside and that selenium supplementation can prevent as well as reverse these effects. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ethnopharmacological relevance: The essential oil (EO) from Cymbopogon citratus (DC) Stapf is reported to have a wide range of biological activities and is widely used in traditional medicine as an infusion or decoction. However, despite this widely use, there are few controlled studies confirming its biological activity in central nervous system. Materials and methods: The anxiolytic-like activity of the EO was investigated in light/dark box (LDB) and marble-burying test (MBT) and the antidepressant activity was investigated in forced-swimming test (FST) in mice. Flumazenil, a competitive antagonist of benzodiazepine binding and the selective 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist WAY100635 was used in experimental procedures to determine the action mechanism of EO. To exclude any false positive results in experimental procedures, mice were submitted to the rota-rod test. We also quantified some neurotransmitters at specific brain regions after EO oral acute treatment. Results: The present work found anxiolytic-like activity of the EO at the dose of 10 mg/kg in a LDB. Flumazenil, but not WAY100635, was able to reverse the effect of the EO in the LOB, indicating that the EO activity occurs via the GABA(A) receptor-benzodiazepine complex. Only at higher doses did the EO potentiate diethyl-ether-induced sleeping time in mice. In the FST and MBT, EO showed no effect. Finally, the increase in time spent in the light chamber, demonstrated by concomitant treatment with ineffective doses of diazepam (DZP) and the EO, revealed a synergistic effect of the two compounds. The lack of activity after long-term treatment in the LDB test might be related to tolerance induction, even in the DZP-treated group. Furthermore, there were no significant differences between groups after either acute or repeated treatments with the EO in the rota-rod test. Neurochemical evaluation showed no amendments in neurotransmitter levels evaluated in cortex, striatum, pons, and hypothalamus. Conclusions: The results corroborate the use of Cymbopogon citratus in folk medicine and suggest that the anxiolytic-like effect of its EO is mediated by the GABA(A) receptor-benzodiazepine complex. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sick animals show a set of organized behavioral changes (sickness behavior), which is the result of a motivational re-organization of the behavior as a whole. Sickness behavior display can be influenced by the social context. In this work, we sought to investigate the regulation of sickness behavior within a pair of mice in the presence of an intruder mouse. Dominant and subordinate mice were treated with the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and were challenged with the presence of an intruder mouse. LPS effects depended on ranking and social context. Even though dominant mice displayed more agonistic interaction towards the intruder, subordinate mice displayed agonistic behavior towards the intruder when their dominant companion was treated with LPS. The results show that, not only sickness behavior is differentially expressed among different social ranks, but also that sickness behavior is related to different reactions among surrounding animals. These data are relevant for a biological approach to the relation between sickness behavior and social behavior.
Neuroimmunomodulation describes the field focused on understanding the mechanisms by which the central nervous system interacts with the immune system, potentially leading to changes in animal behavior. Nonetheless, not many articles dealing with neuroimmunomodulation employ behavior as an analytical endpoint. Even fewer papers deal with social status as a possible modifier of neuroimmune phenomena. In the described sets of experiments, we tackle both, using a paradigm of social dominance and subordination. We first review data on the effects of different ranks within a stable hierarchical relationship. Submissive mice in this condition display more anxiety-like behaviors, have decreased innate immunity, and show a decreased resistance to implantation and development of melanoma metastases in their lungs. This suggests that even in a stable, social, hierarchical rank, submissive animals may be subjected to higher levels of stress, with putative biological relevance to host susceptibility to disease. Second, we review data on how dominant and submissive mice respond differentially to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), employing a motivational perspective to sickness behavior. Dominant animals display decreased number and frequency in several aspects of behavior, particularly agonistic social interaction, that is, directed toward the submissive cage mate. This was not observed in submissive mice that maintained the required behavior expected by its dominant mate. Expression of sickness behavior relies on motivational reorganization of priorities, which are different along different social ranks, leading to diverse outcomes. We suggest that in vitro assessment of neuroimmune phenomena can only be understood based on the behavioral context in which they occur.