1000 resultados para 94-25


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Bureau of Nutrition and Health Promotion part of the Iowa Department of Public Health produces of weekly newsletter about the Iowa WIC Program for the State of Iowa citizen.


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Newsletter produced by the Iowa Board of Nursing for nurses to keep them informed to CE classes, renewals, board meetings, etc. Produced 4 times a year. Also known as Nursing Newsletter.


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Newsletter produced by the Iowa Board of Nursing for nurses to keep them informed to CE classes, renewals, board meetings, etc. Produced 4 times a year. Also known as Nursing Newsletter.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos de diferentes doses de cloreto de mepiquat aplicadas parceladamente no algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cv. CNPA-ITA 90, dois experimentos foram conduzidos durante os anos agrícolas de 1993/94 e 1994/95, na Fazenda Itamarati, Ponta Porã, MS. As doses estudadas foram: 1) 0,0; 2) 12,5+12,5+25,0 (50,0); 3) 25,0+25,0+25,0 (75,0); 4) 0,0+ 50,0+50,0 (100,0) e 5) 12,5+62,5+50,0 (125,0) g ha-1 de cloreto de mepiquat. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. As aplicações foram efetuadas aos 34, 47 e 62 dias após a emergência (DAE), em 1993/94, e aos 42, 60 e 73 DAE no ano de 1994/95, quando as plantas apresentavam altura média de 51, 84 e 93 cm e 61, 79 e 97 cm, respectivamente. Com o aumento da dose de cloreto de mepiquat, verificou-se redução da altura de plantas, da matéria seca foliar, do caule e do total da parte vegetativa, do número de nós, de ramos, do comprimento de ramos, do número de frutos danificados e do número de maçãs, e aumento do número de capulhos totalmente abertos.


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Introductionþ: L'insulinothérapie intraveineuse est la mieux adaptée pour obtenirun contrôle glycémique rapidement efficace ou lors de besoins en insulinechangeants de façon peu prévisible, mais son emploi hors des soins intensifs seheurte souvent aux manque de formation et réticences des soignants. L'inclusionL'inclusiondu contrôle glycémique rapide dans nos standards institutionnels de priseen charge de l'AVC aigu a suscité une demande de protocole thérapeutiqueadapté aux besoins de l'Unité cérébrovasculaire.Patients et méthodesþ: Le protocole d'insulinothérapie a été dérivé d'algorithmespubliés intégrant glycémie actuelle, cinétique glycémique et sensibilité àl'insuline du patient. Aux repas, une augmentation du débit d'insuline iv. pendant1 h a été ajoutée. Les objectifs glycémiques étaient 4-6þmmol/l en préprandialetþ< 8þmmol/l en postprandial. L'implémentation s'est faite à travers unprocessus de co-construction (outils de gestion, documents et activités de formation)avec les responsables médico-infirmiers du service.Résultatsþ: Les données des 90 premiers patients ont été analysées (diabète connuþ:38, hyperglycémie nouvelleþ: 52, 2715h de traitement cumulées). Les duréesd'insulinothérapie iv. étaient de 34,5 h [interquartile 24-39] et 26,5 h [21-36,3] respectivement(pþ=þ0,03), les délais d'atteinte de l'objectif de 5 h [4.0-8.25] et 7 h[4.0-9.75] (pþ=þns.). Pendant les 24 h suivantes, les taux de glycémies dans la cibleétaient de 70,4þ%/81,3þ% (90,3þ%/94,6þ% entre 4-8þmmol/l), avec un faible tauxd'hypoglycémies (3,9þ%/3,1þ%þ< 4,0þmmol/l, 0,4þ%/0,2þ%þ<þ3,3þmmol/l) et un contrôleglycémique postprandial comparable (excursions +2,6þmmol/l [0,7-3,9] et+1,7þmmol/l [0,6-3,7]þ; Nþ=þ75þ; pþ=þns.).Conclusionþ: L'insulinothérapie intraveineuse hors des soins intensifs est faisable,hautement sûre et efficace, même avec des objectifs glycémiques particulièrementstricts. Outre la fiabilité perçue de l'outil de gestion, la démarche departenariat adoptée avec les soignants, permettant la prise en compte de leurspréoccupations à chaque étape du processus, a été un facteur de succès importantpour son implémentation.


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This research evaluated the concrete strength of two mixes which were used in the Polk County project NHS-500-1(3)--10-77 and were developed to meet a contract requirement of 900 psi third-point 28-day flexural strength. Two concrete mixes, the Proposed Mix and the Enhanced Mix, were tested for strength. Based on the experimental results, it was found that the addition of 50 lb of cementitious materials did not significantly increase concrete strength. The requirement of 900 psi 28-day third-point flexural strength (MOR-TPL) was not achieved by this amount of addition of cementitious materials.


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The effect of coarse aggregate gradation and cement content on strength of concrete was studied. Concrete made of Iowa Department of Transportation Standard Mix C-3 and Aggregate Gradation No. 3 were selected as reference. C-3 proportions were used for mixes #1 and #2. C-3 mix with 10% reduction of the cement content was used for mix #3. C-3 mix with 20% reduction of the cement content was used for mix #4. On the other hand, mix #1 used coarse aggregate of Gradation No. 3, while mixes #2, #3, and #4 used coarse aggregate mix of 65% concrete stone and 35% 3/8 in. chips. It was found that strengths of portland cement concrete decrease with decreasing cement factor. On the other hand, 35% of chip replacement for coarse aggregate increases strengths of concrete. By replacing 35% of coarse aggregate with chips, one could reduce cement factor 10% and achieve equivalent strengths.


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The large concrete placements at the Burlington Bridge were expected to cause great temperature differentials within the individual placements. In an attempt to reduce cracking due to the large temperature differentials, the Iowa Department of Transportation required that contractors continuously monitor the temperatures and temperature differentials in the concrete placement to assure that the temperature differentials did not exceed 35 deg F. It was felt that if temperature differentials remained below 35 deg F, cracking would be minimized. The following is a summary of the background of the project, and what occurred during individual concrete placements. The following conclusions were drawn: 1) Side temperatures are cooler and more greatly affected by ambient air temperatures; 2) When the 35 deg F limit was exceeded, it was almost exclusively the center to side differential; 3) The top temperature increases substantially when a new pour is placed; 4) The use of ice and different cement types did seem to affect the overall temperature gain and the amount of time taken for any one placement to reach a peak, but did not necessarily prevent the differentials from exceeding the 35 deg F limit, nor prevent cracking in any placement; and 5) Larger placements have a greater tendency to exceed the differential limit.


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The freeze-thaw resistance of concretes was studied. Nine concrete mixes, made with five cements and cement-Class C fly ash combinations, were exposed to freeze-thaw cycling following 110 to 222 days of moist curing. Prior to the freeze-thaw cycling, the specimens were examined by a low-vacuum scanning electron microscope (SEM) for their microstructure. The influence of a wet/dry treatment was also studied. Infilling of ettringite in entrained air voids was observed in the concretes tested. The extent of the infilling depends on the period of moist curing as well as the wet/dry treatment. The concretes with 15% Class C fly ash replacement show more infilling in their air voids. It was found that the influence of the infilling on the freeze-thaw durability relates to the air spacing factor. The greater the spacing factor, the more expansion under the freeze-thaw cycling. The infilling seems to decrease effective air content and to increase effective spacing factor. The infilling also implies that the filled air voids are water-accessible. These might lead to concrete more vulnerable to the freeze-thaw attack. By combining the above results with field observations, one may conclude that the freeze-thaw damage is a factor related to premature deterioration of portland cement concrete pavements in Iowa.


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Severe flooding occurred during July 19-25, 1999, in the Wapsipinicon and Cedar River Basins following two thunderstorms over northeast Iowa. During July 18-19, as much as 6 inches ofrainfall was centered over Cerro Gordo, Floyd, Mitchell, and Worth Counties. During July 20-21, a second storm occurred in which an additional rainfall of as much as 8 inches was centered over Chickasaw and Floyd Counties. The cumulative effect of the storms produced floods with new maximum peak discharges at the following streamflow-gaging stations: Wapsipinicon River near Tripoli, 19,400 cubic feet per second; Cedar River at Charles City, 31,200 cubic feet per second (recurrence interval about 90 years); Cedar River at Janesville, 42,200 cubic feet per second (recurrence interval about 80 years); and Flood Creek near Powersville, 19,000 cubic feet per second. Profiles of flood elevations for the July 1999 flood are presented in this report for selected reaches along the Wapsipinicon, Cedar, and Shell Rock Rivers and along Flood Creek. Information about the river basins, rain storms, and flooding are presented along with information on temporary bench marks and reference points in the Wapsipinicon and Cedar River Basins.


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Synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) is thought to play a key role in vesicle exocytosis and in the control of transmitter release. However, the precise mechanisms of action as well as the regulation of SNAP-25 remain unclear. Here we show by immunoprecipitation that activation of protein kinase C (PKC) by phorbol esters results in an increase in SNAP-25 phosphorylation. In addition, immunochemical analysis of two-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels shows that SNAP-25 focuses as three or four distinct spots in the expected range of molecular weight and isoelectric point. Changing the phosphorylation level of the protein by incubating the slices in the presence of either a PKC agonist (phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate) or antagonist (chelerythrine) modified the distribution of SNAP-25 among these spots. Phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate increased the intensity of the spots with higher molecular weight and lower isoelectric point, whereas chelerythrine produced the opposite effect. This effect was specific for regulators of PKC, as agonists of other kinases did not produce similar changes. Induction of long-term potentiation, a property involved in learning mechanisms, and production of seizures with a GABA(A) receptor antagonist also increased the intensity of the spots with higher molecular weight and lower isoelectric point. This effect was prevented by the PKC inhibitor chelerythrine. We conclude that SNAP-25 can be phosphorylated in situ by PKC in an activity-dependent manner.


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Kansas State University, with funding from the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT), has developed a computerized reduction system for profilograms produced by mechanical profilographs. The commercial version of the system (ProScan (trademark)) is marketed by Devore Systems, Inc. The system consists of an IBM Compatible PC 486SX33 computer or better, Epson LQ-570 printer, a Logitech Scanman 32 hand scanner system, a paper transport unit, and the ProScan software. The Scanner is not adaptable to IBM computers with the micro channel architecture. The Iowa DOT Transportation Centers could realize the following advantages by using ProScan: (1) Save about 5 to 8 staff hours of reduction and reporting time per Transportation Center per week for a Materials Technician 3 or 4 (the time savings would come during the busiest part of the season); (2) Reduce errors in reduction, transfer, and typing of profile values; (3) Increase the accuracy of the monitor results; and (4) Allow rapid evaluation of contractor traces when tolerance limits between monitor and certified results are exceeded.


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Examination of field portland cement concrete cores, from Iowa pavements with premature deterioration, reveals extensive infilling of calcium sulfate aluminum (CSA) compound in their air voids. A previous study (Phase I) has shown some evidence of the correlation between freeze-thaw durability of concretes and ettringite infilling. To further verify the previous observation, a more extensive experimental program was conducted in this Phase 2 study. A total of 101 concrete mixes were examined. Seven cements, six fly ashes, two water reducers and three coarse aggregates were used in the concrete mixes. Specimens were under moist curing for up to 223 days before being subjected to the freeze-thaw cycling. An environmental treatment consisting of three consecutive wet [70 deg F (21 deg C) in distilled water]/dry [120 deg F (49 deg C) in oven] cycles was applied to some specimens. Immediately prior to the freeze-thaw cycling, most specimens were examined by a low-vacuum scanning electron microscope (SEM) for their microstructure. The results obtained further demonstrate the correlation between concrete freeze-thaw response and CSA compound infilling in the air voids. The extent of the infilling depends on the period of moist curing as well as the wet/dry treatment. The extent of the infilling also relates to materials used. Concrete mixes with extensive infilling are more vulnerable to the freeze-thaw attack. Based on the obtained results, material criteria on cements and fly ashes for mainline paving were proposed for minimizing potential infilling of CSA compound in concrete.