998 resultados para 7038-204


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Os autores analisam, dentro do campo da higiene industrial, as condições sanitárias de um grande estabelecimento de artes gráficas no Rio de Janeiro — a Imprensa Nacional, o regime de trabalho aí instituído; e revistam, um a um, os processos industriais executados, especialmente atenção às causas potenciais de acidentes, que aí existem, e também àquelas cuja responsabilidade já se positivou. Ressaltam, no ponto de vista doutrinário, os diversos fatores que podem interferir na ocorrência dêsses infortúnios de trabalho; e, mostrando como tem sido superestimada a culpabilidade das máquinas, realçam a importância dos fatores individuais — idade e experiência do operário, doenças e defeitos físicos, atitude mental, constituição fisio-psicologica. Salientam como a evidência da predisposição a acidentes, que se reconheça existir, possibilita manter os operários, já em função ou pretendentes a emprego, debaixo de supervisão rigorosa; e oportuniza mesmo colocá-los melhormente, em tarefas que, no máximo, só lhes possam acarretar aciden¬tes de natureza leve. Mostram que, no período em estudo — 1942 a 1945, houve ao todo 1.123 acidentes na I.N., com o coeficiente geral de incidência de 220.3 por 1.000 operários expostos. O coeficiente de acidentes médios ou graves foi de 32 por mil, no mesmo período. Apontando ainda a descenção, no quatriênio, das curvas relativas tanto aos acidentes totais, como aos médios ou graves e aos produzidos por máquinas, dão a ver que a taxa, que retrata essa descida, é, para os primeiros, 3.5 e cêrca de 10 vêzes maior, respectivamente, que a dos acidentes por máquinas e dos médios ou graves. Mostra-se significativa a diferença, entre a tendência observada nas curvas dos acidentes em geral e dos médios ou graves; já isso, porém, não acontece, quanto à diferença entre a primeira e a dos acidentes produzidos por máquinas. De fato, sendo os valores de t respec¬tivamente, dc 2.987 e 2.333, só o primeiro fica, na tabela de Fisher, acima do nível de significância P = 5%, para v = 4 graus de liberdade (2.776). Na base dos coeficientes de incidência por 1.000 operários, em cada uma das seções da Imprensa Nacional, verifica-se terem sido eles mais elevados nas oficinas de mecânica e carpintaria e na turma de eletricidade; já quanto a oficinas pròpriamente gráficas, mostram-se mais altos os coeficientes nas de rotogravura, estereotipia e impressão. Em 8 das 14 seções, depois de baixa pronunciada do primeiro para o segundo ano e deste para o terceiro, alteou-se, no fim do período (1945), a curva de acidentes. Só na oficina mecânica, veio ela sempre em declínio. Levando em conta a severidade dos acidentes, verifica-se que, no período em estudo, os coeficientes relativos aos acidentes médios ou graves, calculados sobre 1.000 operários expostos, foram mais altos nas oficinas auxiliares de mecânica e carpintaria, seguidos, também aqui, dos ocorridos na rotogravura e estereotipia. Analisando os acidentes pelas suas causas imediatas, apontam os auto¬res ter tocado, no período e em qualquer dos quatro anos, às máquinas, a maior responsabilidade; seguiram-se-lhes os instrumentos e objetos traumatizantes, as quédas e choques. Todavia. na base do percentual dos acidentes médios ou graves sobre o total respectivo. regista-se haver contraste nítido, respeito à severidade, entre um primeiro grupo de causas de acidentes, compreendendo o esforço, os corpos estranhos (dada a sua frequente localização ocular) e os agentes causadores de queimaduras e um segundo grupo, englobando as de¬mais causas, salvo as máquinas, que ficam de permeio. A responsabilidade dos corpos estranhos e das queimaduras, como causas de acidentes de severidade, mostra o cuidado que devem merecer os recursos de proteção individual para os operários. Tabulando por meses, e na base de horas de trabalho, os acidentes ocorridos, verifica-se que a maior taxa corresponde ao verão (146.2 por 1.000 horas de trabalho), seguindo-se-lhe o outono (122.0), vindo depois o inverno e a primavera, nesta ordem. Não sendo, no Rio de Janeiro, cidade situada na zona tropical, tão nítida. como em outras de clima temperado, a diferenciação estacional, tomaram os autores para comparação os quadrimestres mais quente (dezembro a marco) e mais frio (junho a setembro), e verificaram que a taxa de acidentes no primeiro, de 136.8 por 1.000 horas de trabalho, contrasta com a relativa ao segundo período — 125.4. Levando apenas em conta os acidentes médios ou graves, não mais se aponta a diferença verificada: tocam, realmente, aos dois quadrimestres, as taxas de 17.2 e 19.7. É muito nítida, porém, a variação no pertinente aos acidentes leves - 119.6 e 105.8, sôbre os quais, segundo Osborne e Vernon, parece clara a influência da temperatura ambiente: de fato, nas verificações desses investigadores, a frequência relativa de acidentes subiu de 102 para 122, quando a temperatura ascendeu de 20°4 C a 25°2 C. No Rio de Janeiro, a temperatura media, no quadrimestre mais quente, foi dc 25°. 2 C e, no mais frio, de 20°.4 C, idênticos os valores aos dos dados de Osborne e Vernon, como pràticamente também o são as taxas de acidentes leves, aqui e ali observadas em função de tais variações. Não se mostrando de todo satisfatórios os dados de 123 das 209 fotometrias realizadas na Imprensa Nacional (59%), apontam os autores tornar-se difícil aquilatar a responsabilidade exata da deficiência de iluminamento, nos acidentes ocorridos. Salientam, todavia, que, mau grado a construção do edifício e as instalações de iluminação artificial terem sido projetadas por técnicos nesses assuntos, a verdade é que os esperados benefícios se viram prejudicados: em parte, pela colocação, nem sempre a mais satisfatória, de máquinas e operários: também, porque muitos dos pontos de luz artificial estão inaproveitados e, ainda, por não ter sido feita de maneira adequada a substituição de unidades defeituosas. Há a consignar, ademais, o descuido, por vezes grande, na limpeza dessas unidades e das superfícies transmissoras de luz natural e a ocorrência de ofuscamento para os operários em diversas situações...


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São relatados os resultados de um inquérito sôbre doença de Chagas realizado na Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brasil), com a finalidade de verificar a incidência desta moléstia e especialmente de sua forma cardíaca crônica entre os doentes ali internados. Foram examinados 181 pacientes adultos não selecionados, adotando-se os seguintes métodos: a) exame clínico geral e exame minucioso do aparelho circulatório; b) eletrocardiograma; c) reação de fixação do complemento para a doença de Chagas (antígeno de cultura do Schizotrypanum cruzi); d) reação de Wassermann; e) xenodiagnóstico e radiografia dos pacientes com reação de fixação do complemento (Guerreiro & Machado) positiva e de portadores de outras cardiopatias. Dos 181 pacientes examinados, 37 (20,44%) tinham provas de laboratório positivas para foença de Chagas. 49 (27,07%) eram portadores de cardiopatias, com as seguintes etiologias: doença de Chagas (18 casos); arteriosclerose (13 casos); hipertensão arterial (12 casos); sífilis (casos); febre reumática (3 casos); cardiopatia congênita (1 caso); cor pulmonale crônico (1 caso). De 34 pacientes com doença de Chagas, 18 (52,95%) apresentavam evidências eletrocardiográficas de comportamento miocárdico. As alterações eletrocardiográficas mais freqüentes foram: bloqueio do ramo direito, extra-sístoles ventriculares, alterações de QRS (isoladas ou associadas a alterações de T), bloqueios auriculo-ventriculares. Estes achados são semelhantes aos já descritos na cardiopatia chagásica crônica por Laranja e cols. (13,26). As alterações eletrocardiográficas mais frequentes no grupo de pacientes com provas de laboratório negativas para doença de Chagas foram: curvas de hipertrofia ventricular esquerda (strain) alteralçoes primárias de T e extra-sístoles vemtriculares. A idade de 50,0% dos pacientes com miocardite chagásica crônica não ultrapassou os 30 enquanto que 83,33% dos pacientes portafores de outras cardiopatias eram maiores de 30 anos. A reação de fixação do complemento (antígeno de cultura do Schizotrypanum cruzi), devido à sua especificidade e sensibilidade, mostrou ser muito util para o diagnóstico de laboratório da doença de Chagas em sua fase crônica. O xenodiagnóstico foi positivo em 8 casos (25,8%) de 31 pacientes com reação de Guerreiro & Machado positiva. Foi discutidoo problema da etiologia do megaesôfago e do megacolon, admitindo os Autores que adoença de Chagas possivelmente desempenhe, em determinadas zonas, papel significativo no desenvolvimento destas afecções. Foi brevemente relatada a distribuição geográfica dos triatomídeos no Estado de Minas Gerais. Os principais vetores são Panstrongylus megistus, Triatoma infestans e Triatoma sordida, se bem que outras 12 espécies ocorrem neste Estado. Estes triatomídeos existem em 204 (64,55%) dos 316 municípios do Estado de Minas. Vetores infetados foram encontrados em 143 municípios (70,09%). Foram assinaladas as áreas infetadas mais importantes. Os Autores salientaram a importância médica da doença de Chagas, acreditando ser esta infecção um dos mais importantes fatores de cardiopatia em amplas zonas rurais do Estado de Minas Gerais.


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Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), immunologically identical to CEA derived from colonic carcinoma, was identified and purified from perchloric acid (PCA) extracts of bronchial and mammary carcinoma. CEA extracted from bronchial and mammary carcinoma was quantitated by single radial immunodiffusion and was found to be in average about 50-75 times less abundant in these tumors than in colonic carcinoma. CEA could also be detected in one normal breast in lactation and at lower concentrations in normal lung (1000-4000 times lower than in colonic carcinoma). The small amounts of CEA present in normal tissues are distinct from the glycoprotein of small mol. wt showing only partial identity with CEA, that we recently identified and extracted in much larger quantities from normal lung and spleen. The demonstration of the presence of CEA in non digestive carcinoma by classical gel precipitation analysis suggests that the CEA detected in the plasma of such patients by radioimmunoassay is also identical to colonic carcinoma CEA. Our comparative study of plasma CEA from bronchial and colonic carcinoma, showing that CEA from both types of patient has the same elution pattern on Sephadex G-200 and gives parallel inhibition curves in the radioimmunoassay, is in favor of this hypothesis. However, it should not be concluded that all positive CEA radioimmunoassay indicate the presence of an antigen identical to colonic carcinoma CEA. A word of warning concerning the interpretation of radioimmunoassay is required by the observation that the addition of mg amounts of PCA extract of normal plasma, cleared of CEA by Sephadex filtration, could interfere in the test and mimic the presence of CEA.


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The plasma glucose excursion may influence the metabolic responses after oral glucose ingestion. Although previous studies addressed the effects of hyperglycemia in conditions of hyperinsulinemia, it has not been evaluated whether the route of glucose administration (oral vs. intravenous) plays a role. Our aim was to determine the effects of moderately controlled hyperglycemia on glucose metabolism before and after oral glucose ingestion. Eight normal men underwent two oral glucose clamps at 6 and 10 mmol/l plasma glucose. Glucose turnover and cycling rates were measured by infusion of [2H7]glucose. The oral glucose load was labeled by D-[6,6-2H2]glucose to monitor exogenous glucose appearance, and respiratory exchanges were measured by indirect calorimetry. Sixty percent of the oral glucose load appeared in the systemic circulation during both the 6 and 10 mmol/l plasma glucose tests, although less endogenous glucose appeared during the 10 mmol/l tests before glucose ingestion (P < 0.05). This inhibitory effect of hyperglycemia was not detectable after oral glucose ingestion, although glucose utilization was increased (+28%, P < 0.05) due to increased nonoxidative glucose disposal [10 vs. 6 mmol/l: +20%, not significant (NS) before oral glucose ingestion; +40%, P < 0.05 after oral glucose ingestion]. Glucose cycling rates were increased by hyperglycemia (+13% before oral glucose ingestion, P < 0.001; +31% after oral glucose ingestion, P < 0.05) and oral glucose ingestion during both the 6 (+10%, P < 0.05) and 10 mmol/l (+26%, P < 0.005) tests. A moderate hyperglycemia inhibits endogenous glucose production and contributes to glucose tolerance by enhancing nonoxidative glucose disposal. Hyperglycemia and oral glucose ingestion both stimulate glucose cycling.


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BACKGROUND: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) at low drug-light conditions can enhance the transport of intravenously injected macromolecular therapeutics through the tumor vasculature. Here we determined the impact of PDT on the distribution of liposomal doxorubicin (Liporubicin™) administered by isolated lung perfusion (ILP) in sarcomas grown on rodent lungs. METHODS: A syngeneic methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma cell line was implanted subpleurally in the left lung of Fischer rats. Treatment schemes consisted in ILP alone (400 μg of Liporubicin), low-dose (0.0625 mg/kg Visudyne®, 10 J/cm(2) and 35 mW/cm(2)) and high-dose left lung PDT (0.125 mg/kg Visudyne, 10 J/cm(2) and 35 mW/cm(2)) followed by ILP (400 μg of Liporubicin). The uptake and distribution of Liporubicin in tumor and lung tissues were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence microscopy in each group. RESULTS: Low-dose PDT significantly improved the distribution of Liporubicin in tumors compared to high-dose PDT (p < 0.05) and ILP alone (p < 0.05). However, both PDT pretreatments did not result in a higher overall drug uptake in tumors or a higher tumor-to-lung drug ratio compared to ILP alone. CONCLUSIONS: Intraoperative low-dose Visudyne-mediated PDT enhances liposomal doxorubicin distribution administered by ILP in sarcomas grown on rodent lungs which is predicted to improve tumor control by ILP.


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Is institutional quality a major driver of economic development? This paper tackles the question by focusing on the within-country variation of growth rates of GDP per capita. While previous attempts using this methodology have controlled for many of the standard de- terminants of the empirical growth literature, we argue that such ap- proach is not adequate if good institutions are the main reason behind decisions to invest in human or physical capital accumulation or to engage in international trade. Our regressions exclude the proximate causes of growth in order to estimate the overall e¤ect of institutional quality. Perhaps surprisingly, we nd no support for the thesis that institutional quality improves economic growth. These results encourage a reconsideration of the evidence provided elsewhere in the literature.


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Since the inception of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), little progress has been made concerning the design of cardiotomy suction (CS). Because this is a major source of hemolysis, we decided to test a novel device (Smartsuction [SS]) specifically aimed at minimizing hemolysis during CPB in a clinical setting. Block randomization was carried out on a treated group (SS, n=28) and a control group (CTRL, n=26). Biochemical parameters were taken pre-, peri-, and post CPB and were compared between the two groups using the Student's t-test with statistical significance when P<0.05. No significant differences in patient demographics were observed between the two groups. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and plasma free hemoglobin (PFH) pre-CPB were comparable for the CTRL and SS groups, respectively. LDH peri-CPB was 275+/-100 U/L versus 207+/-83 U/L for the CTRL and SS groups, respectively (P<0.05). PFH was 486+/-204 mg/L versus 351+/-176 mg/L for the CTRL and SS groups, respectively (P<0.05). LDH post CPB was 354+/-116 U/L versus 275+/-89 U/L for the CTRL and SS groups, respectively (P<0.05). PFH was 549+/-271 mg/L versus 460+/-254 mg/L for the CTRL and SS groups, respectively (P<0.05). Preoperative hematocrit (Hct) of 43+/-5% (CTRL) versus 37+/-5% (SS), and hemoglobin (Hb) of 141+/-16 g/L (CTRL) versus 122+/-17 g/L (SS) were significantly lower in the SS group. However, when normalized (N), the SS was capable of conserving Hct, Hb, and erythrocyte count perioperatively. Erythrocytes (N) were 59+/-5% (CTRL) versus 67+/-9% (SS); Hct (N) was 59+/-6% (CTRL) versus 68+/-9% (SS), and Hb (N) was 61+/-6% (CTRL) versus 70+/-10% (SS) (all P<0.05). This novel SS device evokes significantly lowered blood PFH and LDH values peri- and post CPB compared with the CTRL blood using a CS system. The SS may be a valuable alternative compared to traditional CS techniques.


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The assessment of yellow fever vaccine thermostability both in lyophilized form and after reconstitution were analyzed. Two commercial yellow fever vaccines were assayed for their thermal stability. Vaccines were exposed to test temperatures in the range of 8 (graus) C to 45 (graus) C. Residual infectivity was measured by a plaque assay using Vero cells. The titre values were used in an accelerated degradation test that follows the Arrhenius equation and the minimum immunizing dose was assumed to be 10 (ao cubo) particles forming unit (pfu)/dose. Some of the most relevant results include that (i) regular culture medium show the same degradation pattern of a reconstituted 17D-204 vaccine; (ii) reconstituted YF-17D-204 showed a predictable half life of more than six days if kept at 0 (graus) C; (iii) there are differences in thermostability between different products that are probably due to both presence of stabilizers in the preparation and the modernization in the vaccine production; (iv) it is important to establish a proper correlation between the mouse infectivity test and the plaque assay since the last appears to be more simple, economical, and practical for small laboratories to assess the potency of the vaccine, and (v) the accelerated degradation test appears to be the best procedure to quantify the thermostability of biological products.


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Background. Streptococcus gallolyticus is a causative agent of infective endocarditis associated with colon cancer. Genome sequence of strain UCN34 revealed the existence of 3 pilus loci (pil1, pil2, and pil3). Pili are long filamentous structures playing a key role as adhesive organelles in many pathogens. The pil1 locus encodes 2 LPXTG proteins (Gallo2178 and Gallo2179) and 1 sortase C (Gallo2177). Gallo2179 displaying a functional collagen-binding domain was referred to as the adhesin, whereas Gallo2178 was designated as the major pilin. Methods. S. gallolyticus UCN34, Pil1(+) and Pil1(-), expressing various levels of pil1, and recombinant Lactococcus lactis strains, constitutively expressing pil1, were studied. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the putative pilin subunits Gallo2178 and Gallo2179 were used in immunoblotting and immunogold electron microscopy. The role of pil1 was tested in a rat model of endocarditis. Results. We showed that the pil1 locus (gallo2179-78-77) forms an operon differentially expressed among S. gallolyticus strains. Short pilus appendages were identified both on the surface of S. gallolyticus UCN34 and recombinant L. lactis-expressing pil1. We demonstrated that Pil1 pilus is involved in binding to collagen, biofilm formation, and virulence in experimental endocarditis. Conclusions. This study identifies Pil1 as the first virulence factor characterized in S. gallolyticus.


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Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to measure changes in cerebral activity in patients with schizophrenia after participation in the Cognitive Remediation Program for Schizophrenia and other related disorders (RECOS). As RECOS therapists make use of problem-solving and verbal mediation techniques, known to be beneficial in the rehabilitation of dysexecutive syndromes, we expected an increased activation of frontal areas after remediation. Executive functioning and cerebral activation during a covert verbal fluency task were measured in eight patients with schizophrenia before (T1) and after (T2) 14 weeks of RECOS therapy. The same measures were recorded in eight patients with schizophrenia who did not participate in RECOS at the same intervals of time (TAU group). Increased activation in Broca's area, as well as improvements in performance of executive/frontal tasks, was observed after cognitive training. Metacognitive techniques of verbalization are hypothesized to be the main factor underlying the brain changes observed in the present study.


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The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation produces most of the yellow fever (YF) vaccine prepared world wide. As part of a broader approach to determine the genetic variability in YF l7D seeds and vaccines and its relevance to viral attenuation the 17DD virus was purifed directly from chick embryo homogenates which is the source of virus used for vaccination of millions of people in Brazil and other countries for half a century. Neutralization and hemagglutination tests showed that the purified virus is similar to the original stock. Furthermore, radioimmune precipitation of 35S-methionine-labeled viral proteins using mouse hyperimmune ascitic fluid revealed identical patterns for the purified 17DD virus and the YF l7D-204 strain except for the 17DD E protein which migrated slower on SDS-PAGE. This difference is likely to be due to N-linked glycosylation. Finally, comparison by northern blot nybridization of virion RNAs of purified 17DD with two other strains of YF virus only fenome-sized molecules for all three viruses. These observations suggest that vaccine phenotype is primarily associated with the accumulation of mutations.


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Sections through an oceanic plateau are preserved in tectonic slices in the Western Cordillera of Ecuador (South America). The San Juan section is a sequence of mafic-ultramafic cumulates. To establish that these plutonic rocks formed in an oceanic plateau setting, we have developed criteria that discriminate intrusions of oceanic plateaus from those of other tectonic settings. The mineralogy and crystallization sequence of the cumulates are similar to those of intra-plate magmas. Clinopyroxene predominates throughout, and orthopyroxene is only a minor component. Rocks of intermediate composition are absent, and hornblende is restricted to the uppermost massive gabbros within the sequence. The ultramafic cumulates are very depleted in light rare-earth elements (LREE), whereas the gabbros have flat or slightly enriched LREE patterns. The composition of the basaltic liquid in equilibrium with the peridotite, calculated using olivine compositions and REE contents of clinopyroxene, contains between 16% and 8% MgO and has a flat REE pattern. This melt is geochemically similar to other accreted oceanic plateau basalts, isotropic gabbros, and differentiated sills in western Ecuador. The Ecuadorian intrusive and extrusive rocks have a narrow range of epsilonNd(i) (+8 to +5) and have a rather large range of Pb isotopic ratios. Pb isotope systematics of the San Juan plutonic rocks and mineral separates lie along a mixing line between the depleted mantle (DMM) and the enriched-plume end members. This suggests that the Ecuadorian plutonic rocks generated from the mixing of two mantle sources, a depleted mid-oceanic ridge basalt (MORB) source and an enriched one. The latter is characterized by high (Pb-207/Pb-204)(i) ratios and could reflect a contamination by recycled either lower continental crust or oceanic pelagic sediments and (or) altered oceanic crust (enriched mantle type I, EMI). These data suggest that the San Juan sequence represents the plutonic components of an Early Cretaceous oceanic plateau, which accreted in the Late Cretaceous to the Ecuadorian margin.


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Résumé : Les relations entre un parasite et son hôte sont avant tout marquées par le coût pour l'hôte que représente la ponction de ressources au profit du parasite et ses conséquences sur les traits d'histoires de vie de l'hôte. Pour contenir la réduction de leur valeur reproductive, les hôtes ont acquis au cours de l'évolution des mécanismes soit de lutte contre les parasites, soit de réallocations des ressources. Curieusement les effets des ectoparasites sur la biologie de mammifères ont été peu étudiés. Dans une première expérience à long terme, nous avons examiné sous un angle intégratif si les puces Nosopsyllus fasciatus affectent certains paramètres physiologiques des campagnols des champs Microtus arvalis. Nous avons également testé si les puces peuvent réduire la longévité et si oui, si ce pourrait être dû à une accélération de la sénescence. Ensuite nous avons testé si la simple activation répétée du système immunitaire comme lors d'une infestation chronique pouvait aussi réduire la longévité. Dans une dernière expérience, nous avons d'abord testé si l'infestation par des puces de jeunes campagnols au stade néonatal (21 jours) pouvait modifier leur développement et leur phénotype adulte. Puis nous avons testé si la modification du phénotype adulte est une réponse prédite et potentiellement adaptative pour minimiser les effets des puces à l'âge adulte. Nos résultats montrent que l'infestation par des puces réduit la croissance subadulte, induit une forte anémie et une immunodépression, et augmente le métabolisme de repos. De plus les puces réduisent la longévité et la taille des testicules, réduisant fortement le succès reproducteur potentiel des individus parasités. La taille finale, c'est-à-dire le développement pré-adulte, détermine en grande part la longévité. La réduction de longévité ne devrait pas être due à l'investissement au profit du système immunitaire car l'activation chronique seule du système immunitaire ne réduit pas la longévité. L'infestation néonatale retarde légèrement le développement mais surtout modifie l'hématocrite et réduit les performances locomotrices des campagnols plus de 3 mois après l'infestation. Les effets immédiats du parasitisme sur la physiologie semblent bien supérieurs comparés aux effets à long terme. Nous n'avons pas d'éléments permettant d'affirmer que le parasitisme néonatal prépare les campagnols à faire face aux puces à l'âge adulte. Au contraire, le parasitisme néonatal interagit sur le parasitisme adulte pour augmenter le métabolisme de repos. Cette thèse offre une vision intégrative des mécanismes par lesquels les puces peuvent affecter la valeur reproductive de leurs hôtes. De façon générale, ces résultats 35 montrent l'importance des puces comme force de sélection chez les campagnols. Il est indispensable de prendre en compte les ectoparasites dans l'étude de l'écologie et des dynamiques de populations chez les mammifères. Summary : The relationship between a parasite and its host is fundamentally marked by the costs for host of the withdrawals of resources by parasite and the subsequent reduction in host life-history traits. Hosts have evolved a number of strategies to reduce these costs, either by fighting against the parasite directly or by reallocating resources to reduce costs on lifetime reproductive value. The effects of ectoparasites on burrowing mammals have been scarcely studied. In a first long-term experiment, we examined how fleas Nosopsyllus fasciatus affect physiological levels of the common vole, Microtus arvalis. We also examined whether fleas reduce longevity and if so, if it is due to an early senescence pattern. Then we tested if experimental activation of the immune system by repeated injections of an antigen could result in a shorter longevity. In the last experiment, we tested if short-lasting neonatal parasitism can have long-term effects on phenotype, and if these effects could induce a predictive response to reduce damages when parasitized at the adult stage. We found that parasitism by flea reduced subadult growth, induced anaemia and immunodepression, and increased energy consumption even when resting. Moreover fleas reduce longevity and testes size associated to splenomegaly, suggesting an overall reduction in fitness but we did not find any pattern of accelerated senescence explaining the early death of parasitized voles compared to non-parasitzed. The cost of mounting an immune response throughout life does not impair longevity, suggesting that it is the cost of parasitism that limits the longevity and not the immune investment. Neonatal infestation by fleas has long-term effects on physiology and reduces motor activity more than 3 months after infestation. The modification of physiology due to long-term effects seems weak compared to the immediate effects of adult infestation. We found no evidence that neonatal parasitism prepares voles to mount a predictive adaptive response in order to reduce effects of fleas on fitness components. On the contrary, neonatal parasitism seems to worsen the effect of adult parasitism. This thesis offers an integrative view of mechanisms by which fleas affect their host at the individual level. Overall, our results demonstrate the importance of fleas as a selective force in voles. These results highlight the importance of ectoparasitism in ecology of micromarnrnals and suggest a role in the dynamic of host populations.