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During Leg 127, the formation microscanner (FMS) logging tool was used as part of an Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) logging program for only the second time in the history of the program. Resistivity images, also known as FMS logs, were obtained at Sites 794 and 797 that covered nearly the complete Yamato Basin sedimentary sequence to a depth below 500 mbsf. The FMS images from these two sites at the northeastern and southwestern corners of the Yamato Basin thus were amenable to comparison. A strong visual correlation was noticed between the FMS logs taken in Holes 794B and 797C in an upper Miocene interval (350-384 mbsf), although the two sites are approximately 360 km apart. In this interval, the FMS logs showed a series of more resistive thin beds (10-200 cm) alternating with relatively lower resistivity layers: a pattern that was manifested by alternating dark (low resistivity) and light (high resistivity) banding in the FMS images. We attribute this layering to interbedding of chert and porcellanite layers, a common lithologic sequence throughout Japan (Tada and Iijima, 1983, doi:10.1306/212F82E7-2B24-11D7-8648000102C1865D). Spatial frequency analysis of this interval of dominant dark-light banding showed spatial cycles of period of 1.1 to 1.3 and 0.6 m. This pronounced layering and the correlation between the two sites terminate at 384 mbsf, coincident with the opal-CT to quartz transition at Site 794. We think the correlation in the FMS logs might well extend earlier in the middle Miocene, but the opal-CT to quartz transition obscures this layering below 384 mbsf. Although 34 m is only a small part of the core recovered at these two sites, it is significant because it represents an area of extremely poor core recovery and an interval for which a near-depositional hiatus was postulated for Site 797, but not for Site 794.


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We present a 40-year long monthly resolved Sr/Ca record from a fossil Diploria strigosa coral from Bonaire (Southern Caribbean Sea) dated with U/Th at 2.35 ka before present (BP). Secondary modifiers of this sea surface temperature (SST) proxy in annually-banded corals such as diagenetic alteration of the skeleton and skeletal growth-rate are investigated. Extensive diagenetic investigations reveal that this fossil coral skeleton is pristine which is further supported by clear annual cycles in the coral Sr/Ca record. No significant correlation between annual growth rate and Sr/Ca is observed, suggesting that the Sr/Ca record is not affected by coral growth. Therefore, we conclude that the observed interannual Sr/Ca variability was influenced by ambient SST variability. Spectral analysis of the annual mean Sr/Ca record reveals a dominant frequency centred at 6-7 years that is not associated with changes of the annual growth rate. The first monthly resolved coral Sr/Ca record from the Southern Caribbean Sea for preindustrial time suggests that fossil corals from Bonaire are suitable tools for reconstructing past SST variability. Coastal deposits on Bonaire provide abundant fossil D. strigosa colonies of Holocene age that can be accurately dated and used to reconstruct climate variability. Comparisons of long monthly resolved Sr/Ca records from multiple fossil corals will provide a mean to estimate seasonality and interannual to interdecadal SST variability of the Southern Caribbean Sea during the Holocene.