1000 resultados para 338.954
The levels of serum inflammatory cytokines and the activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) and hypoxia inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) in heart tissues in response to different frequencies of intermittent hypoxia (IH) and the antioxidant tempol were evaluated. Wistar rats (64 males, 200-220 g) were randomly divided into 6 experimental groups and 2 control groups. Four groups were exposed to IH 10, 20, 30, or 40 times/h. The other 2 experimental groups were challenged with IH (30 times/h) plus tempol, either beginning on day 0 (IH30T0) or on day 29 (IH30T29). After 6 weeks of challenge, serum levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, intracellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-1, and interleukin-10 were measured, and western blot analysis was used to detect NF-κB p65 and HIF-1α in myocardial tissues. Serum levels of TNF-α and ICAM-1 and myocardial expression of NF-κB p65 and HIF-1α were all significantly higher in IH rats than in controls (P<0.001). Increased IH frequency resulted in more significant changes. Administration of tempol in IH rats significantly reduced levels of TNF-α, ICAM-1, NF-κB and HIF-1α compared with the non-tempol-treated group (F=16.936, P<0.001). IH induced an inflammatory response in a frequency-dependent manner. Additionally, HIF-1α and NF-κB were increased following IH administration. Importantly, tempol treatment attenuated this effect.
The effects of interleukin-10 (IL-10) and glucose on mRNA and protein expression of osteoprotegerin (OPG), and its ligand, receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL), were investigated in human periodontal ligament fibroblasts (HPDLFs). Primary HPDLFs were treated with different concentrations of IL-10 (0, 1, 10, 25, 50, and 100 ng/mL) or glucose (0, 5.5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 mmol/L). Changes in mRNA and protein expression were examined using the reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and Western blot analysis, respectively. After IL-10 treatment, mRNA and protein levels of OPG were increased, while mRNA and protein levels of RANKL were decreased (P<0.05), both in a concentration-dependent manner. Glucose stimulation had the opposite concentration-dependent effect to that of IL-10 on OPG and RANKL expression. IL-10 upregulated OPG expression and downregulated RANKL expression, whereas high glucose upregulated RANKL and downregulated OPG in HDPLFs. Abnormal levels of IL-10 and glucose may contribute to the pathogenesis of periodontal disease.
Neste trabalho foi determinado o comportamento reológico do suco industrializado de acerola, mediante um reômetro de cilindros concêntricos, em concentrações de sólidos solúveis de 4, 7, 10, 13 e 16ºBrix e no intervalo de temperatura de 5ºC a 85ºC. Os dados experimentais dos reogramas foram ajustados aos modelos reológicos de Ostwald-de-Waele, Herschel-Bulkley, Mizrahi & Berk e Casson. O modelo de Herschel-Bulkley descreveu adequadamente o comportamento reológico do suco industrializado de acerola. Os baixos valores obtidos para o índice de comportamento (0,338 < n hb < 0,759) confirmaram o comportamento pseudoplástico do suco. O efeito da temperatura no comportamento reológico do suco de acerola foi descrito por uma equação análoga a de Arrhenius (etaa = eta0 exp(Eat/RT)). Foi observado que a energia de ativação diminuiu com o aumento da concentração das amostras, expressa em sólidos solúveis, variando desde 3,50kcal/gmol, para as amostras a 4ºBrix, até 1,79kcal/gmol, para as amostras a 16ºBrix. Os dados da viscosidade aparente e da concentração de sólidos solúveis foram ajustados aos modelos potencial e exponencial. O modelo potencial mostrou ser o mais adequado para descrever o efeito da concentração sobre a viscosidade aparente do suco de acerola.
This study aims to optimize an alternative method of extraction of carrageenan without previous alkaline treatment and ethanol precipitation using Response Surface Methodology (RSM). In order to introduce an innovation in the isolation step, atomization drying was used reducing the time for obtaining dry carrageenan powder. The effects of extraction time and temperature on yield, gel strength, and viscosity were evaluated. Furthermore, the extracted material was submitted to structural analysis, by infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (¹H-NMR), and chemical composition analysis. Results showed that the generated regression models adequately explained the data variation. Carrageenan yield and gel viscosity were influenced only by the extraction temperature. However, gel strength was influenced by both, extraction time and extraction temperature. Optimal extraction conditions were 74 ºC and 4 hours. In these conditions, the carrageenan extract properties determined by the polynomial model were 31.17%, 158.27 g.cm-2, and 29.5 cP for yield, gel strength, and viscosity, respectively, while under the experimental conditions they were 35.8 ± 4.68%, 112.50 ± 4.96 g.cm-2, and 16.01 ± 1.03 cP, respectively. The chemical composition, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and infrared spectroscopy analyses showed that the crude carrageenan extracted is composed mainly of κ-carrageenan.
During enzymatic process of cheese manufacturing, rennin cleaves κ-casein releasing two fractions: para-κ-casein and glycomacropeptide (GMP), which remains soluble in milk whey. GMP is a peptide with structural particularities such as chain carbohydrates linked to specific threonine residues, to which a great variety of biological activities is attributed. Worldwide cheese production has increased generating high volumes of milk whey that could be efficiently used as an alternative source of high quality peptide or protein in foodstuff formulations. In order to evaluate isolation and recovery on whey GMP by means of thermal treatment (90 °C), 18 samples (2 L each) of sweet whey, resuspended commercial whey (positive control) and acid whey (negative control) were processed. Indirect presence of GMP was verified using chemical tests and PAGE-SDS 15%. At 90 °C treated sweet whey, 14, 20 and 41 kDa bands were observed. These bands may correspond to olygomers of GMP. Peptide recovery showed an average of 1.5 g/L (34.08%). The results indicate that industrial scale GMP production is feasible; however, further research must be carried out for the biological and nutritional evaluation of GMP's incorporation to foodstuff as a supplement.
Pan bread samples available in the Brazilian market were evaluated for their physicochemical and sensory characteristics. Twelve pan breads, seven white and five whole grain breads, were evaluated. Moisture, water activity (Aw), firmness, and color (L*, a*, b*) of the crumb were evaluated on the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth days after purchasing the breads. Specific volume was evaluated on the first day of analysis with averages of 4.72 and 4.70 mL/g for the white and whole grain breads, respectively. The average results on the first day of analysis were: 37.03% and 41.23% moisture, 0.954 and 0.966 Aw, 276.27 and 267.83 gf firmness, 74.73 and 64.45 L* values, 0.37 and 3.85 a* values, and 15.51 and 18.98 b* values for the white and whole grain breads, respectively. The samples showed an increase in firmness, reduction in moisture and Aw, and no color changes over time. A survey conducted prior to the acceptance test showed that the three most important factors influencing purchase were taste (19.6%), tenderness (16.8%), and expiration date of the product (14.3%). The results showed that 37.2% of the panelists preferred white bread, 62.8% preferred bread with fibers, and 82.6% would probably or definitely buy white bread with fibers.
L-glutaminase and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) catalyzes the hydrolysis of L-glutamine and glutamate, respectively. L-glutaminase widely used in cancer therapy along with a combination of other enzymes and most importantly these enzymes were used in food industries, as a major catalyst of bioconversion. The current investigation was aimed to screen and select L-glutaminase, and GAD producing lactic acid bacteria (LAB). A total of 338 LAB were isolated from fermented meat, fermented fish, fermented soya bean, fermented vegetables and fruits. Among 338 isolates, 22 and 237 LAB has been found to be positive for L-glutaminase and GAD, respectively. We found that 30 days of incubation at 35 ºC and pH 6.0 was the optimum condition for glutaminase activity by G507/1. G254/2 was found to be the best for GAD activity with the optimum condition of pH 6.5, temperature 40 ºC and ten days of incubation. These LAB strains, G507/1 and G254/2, were identified as close relative of Lactobacillus brevis ATCC 14869 and Lactobacillus fermentum NBRC 3956, respectively by 16S rRNA sequencing. Further, improvements in up-stream of the fermentation process with these LAB strains are currently under development.
Resumo Introdução: A doença renal crônica (DRC) compromete saúde e rotina de seu portador. No estágio V da DRC, o paciente torna-se elegível para iniciar a terapia substitutiva renal por hemodiálise (HD), diálise peritoneal (DP) ou transplante renal. O tipo de tratamento pode ser importante para melhorar a qualidade de vida do paciente. Objetivo: Comparar a qualidade de vida de pacientes renais crônicos em estágio V-D (em diálise) que realizam DP domiciliar ou HD. Métodos: Estudo transversal com coleta prospectiva, por conveniência, por meio da aplicação de questionários socioeconômicos e KDQOL-SF 36 em pacientes do ambulatório de DP e pacientes em HD da Fundação Pró-Renal e clínicas-satélite de Curitiba-PR. Resultados: Amostra de 338 pacientes, sendo 222 em HD, e 116 em DP. Idade média de 54,4 ± 15,28 anos para HD e 58,0 ± 13,99 para DP. Variáveis: situação do trabalho (p < 0,05), estímulo por parte da equipe de diálise (p < 0,01) e satisfação do paciente (p < 0,001) foram favoráveis à DP, enquanto que funcionamento físico (p < 0,05) e função emocional (p < 0,01) foram favoráveis à HD. Conclusão: Objetivamente, a DP mostrou-se melhor em relação à qualidade de vida por apresentar um maior número de itens com resultados significativos quando comparada à HD. Porém, as duas variáveis de maior significância encontradas na HD (funcionamento físico e funcionamento emocional) têm um impacto maior no bem-estar e no cotidiano no ambiente externo à clínica do que aquelas superiores na DP, tornando a HD mais favorável à qualidade de vida do paciente.
Three-dimensional (3D) forming of paperboard and heat sealing of lidding films to trays manufactured by the press forming process are investigated in this thesis. The aim of the work was to investigate and recognize the factors affecting the quality of heat sealing and the leak resistance (tightness) of press-formed, polymer-coated paperboard trays heatsealed with a multi-layer polymer based lidding film. One target was to achieve a solution that can be used in food packaging using modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). The main challenge in acquiring adequate tightness properties for the use of MAP is creases in the sealing area of the paperboard trays which can act as capillary tubes and prevent leak-proof sealing. Several experiments were made to investigate the effect of different factors and process parameters in the forming and sealing processes. Also different methods of analysis, such as microscopic analysis and 3D-profilometry were used to investigate the structure of the creases in the sealing area, and to analyse the surface characteristics of the tray flange of the formed trays to define quality that can be sealed with satisfactory tightness for the use of MAP. The main factors and parameters that had an effect on the result of leak-proof sealing and must be adjusted accordingly were the tray geometry and dimensions, blank holding force in press forming, surface roughness of the sealing area, the geometry and depth of the creases, and the sealing pressure. The results show that the quality of press-formed, polymer-coated paperboard trays and multi-layer polymer lidding films can be satisfactory for the use of modified atmosphere packaging in food solutions. Suitable tools, materials, and process parameters have to be selected and used during the tray manufacturing process and lid sealing process, however. Utilizing these solutions and results makes it possible for a package that is made mostly from renewable and recyclable sources to be a considerable alternative for packages made completely from oil based polymers, and to achieve a greater market share for fibre-based solutions in food packaging using MAP.
1897/05/09 (Numéro 338).
1909/02/28 (Numéro 954).