969 resultados para 319.237


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MELECON 2012 - 2012 16th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, 25 Mar - 28 Mar 2012, Túnez


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可控坍塌芯片连接 (C4)技术可以实现高速、高密度、小外形的封装 ,因此日渐得到关注和发展。然而 ,随着C4技术的普及 ,C4封装内由于芯片和基板间热膨胀系数 (CTE)的不匹配而引起的可靠性问题将日益突出 ,为此研究者在C4封装中引入芯下材料来提高C4封装的可靠性。文中侧重于制造工艺、可靠性以及最新进展对C4技术进行介绍 ,并且对C4技术中所用的芯下材料的力学性能及其对C4封装可靠性影响的研究现状进行评述


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A emenda da anistia aos microempresários ganha um novo texto que poderá facilitar o acordo para a votação. O primeiro turno deve acabar na próxima semana. Na sessão de ontem foram aprovados três temas importantes. Uma das emendas aprovadas, com 319 votos, é que todos os incentivos fiscais concedidos pela União, estados e municípios serão revistos e poderão ser extintos caso a lei venha considerar que esses incentivos não sejam mais válidos. Foi aprovada a emenda que retira a obrigatoriedade da contribuição sindical. A contribuição só poderá ser definida entre os sindicatos e os empregados. Foi aprovada uma fusão de emendas estabelecendo uma lei agrícola para o país. Os autores da emenda da anistia aos microempresários fizeram um novo texto para facilitar o acordo e a votação da próxima semana. Será anistiada a correção monetária aos micro e pequenos empresários urbanos que fizeram empréstimo entre 28 de fevereiro de 1986 a 31 de dezembro de 1987 e aos pequenos e médios que conseguiram o crédito nesse mesmo período. São classificados como pequenos empresários aqueles que tiveram como receita anual máxima cinco mil OTNS. Os médios empresários serão classificados se tiveram a receita anual máxima de quinze mil OTNS. O novo texto dez que a anistia será concedida se a liquidação dos débitos for feita no prazo de 180 dias a partir da promulgação da nova constituição. E não será excluído o pagamento do débito inicial, acrescido dos juros e taxas. O presidente da constituinte, Ulysses Guimarães, acredita que na próxima semana aconteça o fim do primeiro turno de votação.


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在波动有限元模拟中, 若采用传统的显式数值积分方法求解运动方程, 计算时间步长需采用计算区内满足稳定条件要求的最小时间步长. 然而, 对于大部分计算区域, 这一时间步长过小, 是不必要的. 本文提出了一种不等时间步长的显式数值积分方法, 其基本思想是不同的计算区域采用满足各自稳定条件的计算时间步长. 最后, 本文通过数值试验检验了这一方法的可行性及其对数值计算精度的影响.


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In this paper, the influence on corrugation of the most significant track parameters has been examined. After this parametric study, the optimization of the track parameters to minimize the undulatory wear growth has been achieved. Finally, the influence of the dispersion of the track and contact parameters on corrugation growth has been studied. A method has been developed to obtain an optimal solution of the track parameters which minimizes corrugation growth, thus ensuring that this solution remains optimum despite dispersion of track parameters and wheel-rail contact uncertainties. This work is based on the computer application RACING (RAil Corrugation INitiation and Growth) which has been developed by the authors to predict rail corrugation features.


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo.


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Ichthyoplankton surveys in the Potomac River and Upper Chesapeake Bay were carried out in 1989 to estimate striped bass egg productions, age specific spawning biomasses of adult females, cohort-specific larval growth and mortality rates, and hatch dates of 8.0 mm larvae survivors. Possible consequences to recruitment of environmental factors were examined in 1989 and for data collected in 1987-1988. The temporal and spatial occurrences and distributions of eggs and larvae In both spawning areas are described and discussed in relation to environmental factors (temperature, rainfall, river discharge, pH, conductivity, zooplankton abundances) (PDF contains 319 pages)


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Davidson Seamount is one of the largest seamounts in U.S. waters and the first to be characterized as a “seamount.” In 2002 and 2006, the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) led two multi-institutional expeditions to characterize the geology and natural history of Davidson Seamount. Results from these expeditions to Davidson Seamount are adding to the scientific knowledge of seamounts, including the discovery of new species. In November 2008, the MBNMS boundary was expanded to include the Davidson Seamount. In addition, a management plan for Davidson Seamount was created to develop resource protection, education, and research strategies for the area. The purpose of this taxonomic guide is to create an inventory of benthic and mid-water organisms observed at the Davidson Seamount to provide a baseline taxonomic characterization. At least 237 taxa were observed and are presented in this guide; including 15 new or undescribed species (8 sponges, 3 corals, 1 ctenophore, 1 nudibranch, 1 polychaete, 1 tunicate) recently or currently being described by taxonomic experts. This is the first taxonomic guide to Davidson Seamount, and is intended to be revised in the future as we learn more about the seamount and the organisms that live there. (PDF has 145 pages.)


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ENGLISH: This is a data report based on information collected from the logbooks of baitboats and purse-seiners engaged in the fishery for yellowfin (Neothunnus macropterus) and skipjack (Katsulvonus pelamis) tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean from 1951 through 1958. The detailed analysis of these data appears in other research bulletins, some already published and others in preparation. SPANISH: Este es un informe basado en los datos contenidos en la información recogida de los registros de bitácora de los barcos de carnada y rederos que se dedicaron a la pesca de atún aleta amarilla (Neothunnus macropterus) y barrilete (Katsuwonus pelamis) en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical de 1951 a 1958. El análisis detallado de estos datos aparece en otros boletines de investigación, algunos de los cuales ya han sido publicados y otros están en preparación.


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Eterio Pajares, Raquel Merino y José Miguel Santamaría (eds.)


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Raquel Merino Álvarez, José Miguel Santamaría, Eterio Pajares (eds.)


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Adiabatic shear localization is a mode of failure that occurs in dynamic loading. It is characterized by thermal softening occurring over a very narrow region of a material and is usually a precursor to ductile fracture and catastrophic failure. This reference source is the first detailed study of the mechanics and modes of adiabatic shear localization in solids, and provides a systematic description of a number of aspects of adiabatic shear banding. The inclusion of the appendices which provide a quick reference section and a comprehensive collection of thermomechanical data allows rapid access and understanding of the subject and its phenomena. The concepts and techniques described in this work can usefully be applied to solve a multitude of problems encountered by those investigating fracture and damage in materials, impact dynamics, metal working and other areas. This reference book has come about in response to the pressing demand of mechanical and metallurgical engineers for a high quality summary of the knowledge gained over the last twenty years. While fulfilling this requirement, the book is also of great interest to academics and researchers into materials performance.

Table of Contents

1.1What is an Adiabatic Shear Band?1
1.2The Importance of Adiabatic Shear Bands6
1.3Where Adiabatic Shear Bands Occur10
1.4Historical Aspects of Shear Bands11
1.5Adiabatic Shear Bands and Fracture Maps14
1.6Scope of the Book20
2Characteristic Aspects of Adiabatic Shear Bands24
2.1General Features24
2.2Deformed Bands27
2.3Transformed Bands28
2.4Variables Relevant to Adiabatic Shear Banding35
2.5Adiabatic Shear Bands in Non-Metals44
3Fracture and Damage Related to Adiabatic Shear Bands54
3.1Adiabatic Shear Band Induced Fracture54
3.2Microscopic Damage in Adiabatic Shear Bands57
3.3Metallurgical Implications69
3.4Effects of Stress State73
4Testing Methods76
4.1General Requirements and Remarks76
4.2Dynamic Torsion Tests80
4.3Dynamic Compression Tests91
4.4Contained Cylinder Tests95
4.5Transient Measurements98
5Constitutive Equations104
5.1Effect of Strain Rate on Stress-Strain Behaviour104
5.2Strain-Rate History Effects110
5.3Effect of Temperature on Stress-Strain Behaviour114
5.4Constitutive Equations for Non-Metals124
6Occurrence of Adiabatic Shear Bands125
6.1Empirical Criteria125
6.2One-Dimensional Equations and Linear Instability Analysis134
6.3Localization Analysis140
6.4Experimental Verification146
7Formation and Evolution of Shear Bands155
7.1Post-Instability Phenomena156
7.2Scaling and Approximations162
7.3Wave Trapping and Viscous Dissipation167
7.4The Intermediate Stage and the Formation of Adiabatic Shear Bands171
7.5Late Stage Behaviour and Post-Mortem Morphology179
7.6Adiabatic Shear Bands in Multi-Dimensional Stress States187
8Numerical Studies of Adiabatic Shear Bands194
8.1Objects, Problems and Techniques Involved in Numerical Simulations194
8.2One-Dimensional Simulation of Adiabatic Shear Banding199
8.3Simulation with Adaptive Finite Element Methods213
8.4Adiabatic Shear Bands in the Plane Strain Stress State218
9Selected Topics in Impact Dynamics229
9.1Planar Impact230
9.5Ignition of Explosives261
9.6Explosive Welding268
10Selected Topics in Metalworking273
10.1Classification of Processes273
AQuick Reference298
BSpecific Heat and Thermal Conductivity301
CThermal Softening and Related Temperature Dependence312
DMaterials Showing Adiabatic Shear Bands335
ESpecification of Selected Materials Showing Adiabatic Shear Bands341
FConversion Factors357
 Author Index369
 Subject Index375