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The soil fauna is often a neglected group in many large-scale studies of farmland biodiversity due to difficulties in extracting organisms efficiently from the soil. This study assesses the relative efficiency of the simple and cheap sampling method of handsorting against Berlese-Tullgren funnel and Winkler apparatus extraction. Soil cores were taken from grassy arable field margins and wheat fields in Cambridgeshire, UK, and the efficiencies of the three methods in assessing the abundances and species densities of soil macroinver-tebrates were compared. Handsorting in most cases was as efficient at extracting the majority of the soil macrofauna as the Berlese-Tullgren funnel and Winkler bag methods, although it underestimated the species densities of the woodlice and adult beetles. There were no obvious biases among the three methods for the particular vegetation types sampled and no significant differences in the size distributions of the earthworms and beetles. Proportionally fewer damaged earthworms were recorded in larger (25 x 25 cm) soil cores when compared with smaller ones (15 x 15 cm). Handsorting has many benefits, including targeted extraction, minimum disturbance to the habitat and shorter sampling periods and may be the most appropriate method for studies of farmland biodiversity when a high number of soil cores need to be sampled. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici (Fol) is the causal agent of the Fusarium wilt disease of tomato. Soil fumigant (mainly methyl bromide) applications are in use for its control. With the increasing environmental awareness, biological control methods are under investigation for their effectiveness, including the use of antagonists. Pseudomonas oryzihabitans (=Flavimonas oryzihabitans), a symbiont of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema abbasi was investigated as an antagonism of a Fol isolate in two laboratory and two glasshouse experiments. Bacteria and cell-free filtrate antifungal activity were tested both in dual cultures and in broth culture. In pot experiments, suspensions of bacteria in five concentrations (106, 105, 104, 103 and 102 cells/ml) were tested for their ability to control the pathogen at 25±3°C. In all tests the bacterium significantly inhibited the growth of Fol mycelium in vitro. Similar results were obtained when the bacterium was also tested against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis lycopersici and against Rhizoctonia solani. Moreover, when it was introduced into the soil, it was able to suppress the Fusarium wilt of tomato.


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The grapevine moth Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermuller) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is a key pest of grapevines in Greece. As part of a broader study on integrated pest management, the effects were investigated of different cultural methods on the establishment and survival of L. botrana, specifically: application of different nitrogen levels (30 and 100 units of ammonium sulfate or 70 units of Agrobiosol); summer leaf and shoot pruning; application of growth regulators (Regalis, probexadione-calcium; or Falgro, gibberellic acid). There were significant differences among the three levels of N application. The lowest L. botrana infestation rates were found in plots treated with 30 units of (NH4)(2)SO4 and plots that received some summer pruning. Following the application of plant growth regulators, the lowest L. botrana infestation levels occurred in the plots treated with Regalis or Falgro at the manufacturers' recommended concentrations. On vines where growth regulators had been applied, the clusters had fewer berries than those not treated with growth regulators.


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ES-62 is a phosphorylcholine-containing glycoprotein secreted by filarial nematodes. This molecule has been shown to reduce the severity of inflammation in collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) in mice, a model of rheumatoid arthritis, via down-regulation of anti-collagen type 1 immune responses. Malaria parasites induce a pro-inflammatory host immune response and many of the symptoms of malaria are immune system-mediated. Therefore we have asked whether the immunomodulatory properties of ES-62 can down-regulate the severity of malaria infection in BALB/c mice infected with Plasmodium chabaudi. We have found that ES-62 has no significant effect on the course of P. chabaudi parasitaemia, and does not significantly affect any of the measures of malaria-induced pathology taken throughout infection.


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Effective extraction of nucleic acid from environmental samples is an essential starting point in the molecular analysis of microbial communities in the environment. However, there are many different extraction methods in the literature and deciding which one is best suited to a particular sample is very difficult. This article details the important steps and choices in deciding how to extract nucleic acids from environmental samples and gives specific details of one method that has proven very successful at extracting DNA and RNA from a range of different samples.


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Salmonid proliferative kidney disease (PKD) is caused by the myxozoan Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae. Given the serious and apparently growing impact of PKD on farmed and wild salmonids, we undertook a phylogeographic study to gain insights into the history of genealogical lineages of T. bryosalmonae in Europe and North America, and to determine if the global expansion of rainbow trout farming has spread the disease. Phylogenetic analyses of internal transcribed spacer 1 sequences revealed a clade composed of all North American sequences plus a subset of Italian and French sequences. High genetic diversity in North America and the absence of genotypes diagnostic of the North American clade in the rest of Europe imply that southern Europe was colonized by immigration from North America; however, sequence divergence suggests that this colonization substantially pre-dated fisheries activities. Furthermore, the lack of southern European lineages in the rest of Europe, despite widespread rainbow trout farming, indicates that T. bryosalmonae is not transported through fisheries activities. This result strikingly contrasts with the commonness of fisheries-related introductions of other pathogens and parasites and indicates that fishes may be dead-end hosts. Our results also demonstrate that European strains of T. bryosalmonae infect and induce PKD in rainbow trout introduced to Europe.


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CCR5 is a G protein-coupled receptor that binds several natural chemokines but it is also a coreceptor for the entry of M tropic strains of HIV-1 into cells. Levels of CCR5 on the cell surface are important for the rate of HIV-1 infection and are determined by a number of factors including the rates of CCR5 internalization and recycling. Here we investigated the involvement of the actin cytoskeleton in the control of ligand-induced internalization and recycling of CCR5. Cytochalasin D, an actin depolymerizing agent, inhibited chemokine-induced internalization of CCR5 and recycling of the receptor in stably transfected CHO cells and in the monocytic cell line, THP-1. CCR5 internalization and recycling were inhibited by Toxin B and C-3 exoenzyme treatment in CHO and THP-1 cells, confirming activation of members of the RhoGTPase family by CCR5. The specific Rho kinase inhibitor Y27632, however, had no effect on CCR5 internalization or recycling. Ligand-induced activation of CCR5 leads to Rho kinase-dependent formation of focal adhesion complexes. These data indicate that CCR5 internalization and recycling are regulated by actin polymerization and activation of small G proteins in a Rho-dependent manner.


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Hot spots of endemism are regarded as important global sites for conservation as they are rich in threatened endemic species and currently experiencing extensive habitat loss. Targeting pre-emptive conservation action to sites that are currently relatively intact but which would be vulnerable to particular human activities if they occurred in the future is, however, also valuable but has received less attention. Here, we address this issue by using data on Endemic Bird Areas (EBAs). First, we identify the ecological factors that affect extinction risk in the face of particular human activities, and then use these insights to identify EBAs that should be priorities for pre-emptive conservation action. Threatened endemic species in EBAs are significantly more likely to be habitat specialists or relatively large-bodied than non-threatened species, when compared across avian families. Increasing habitat loss causes a significant increase in extinction risk among habitat specialists, but we found no evidence to suggest that the presence of alien species/human exploitation causes a significant increase in extinction risk among large-bodied species. This suggests that these particular human activities are contributing to high extinction risk among habitat specialists, but not among large-bodied species. Based on these analyses, we identify 39 EBAs containing 570 species (24% of the total in EBAs) that are not currently threatened with severe habitat loss, but would be ecologically vulnerable to future habitat loss should it occur. We show that these sites tend to be poorly represented in existing priority setting exercises involving hot spots, suggesting that vulnerability must be explicitly included within these exercises if such sites are to be adequately protected.


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Several in vitro and in vivo experiments were conducted to develop an effective technique for culturing potential fungal antagonists (isolates of Trichoderma harzianum, Dactylium dendroides, Chaetomium olivaceum and one unidentified fungus) selected for activity against Armillaria mellea. The antagonists were inoculated onto (1) live spawn of the oyster mu shroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), (2) extra-moistened or sucrose-enriched mushroom composts containing living or autoclaved mycelia of P. ostreatus or Agaricus bisporus (button mushroom), (3) pasteurized compost with or without A. bisporus mycelium, wheat bran, wheat germ and (4) spent mushroom composts with living mycelia of A. bisporus, P. ostreatus or Lentinus edodes (the Shiitake mushroom). In one experiment, a representative antagonist (isolate Th2 of T. harzianum) was grown together with the A. bisporus mycelium, while in another one, the antagonist was first grown on wheat germ or wheat bran and then on mushroom compost with living mycelium of A. bisporus. Some of the carrier substrates were then added to the roots of potted strawberry plants in the glasshouse to evaluate their effectiveness against the disease. The antagonists failed to grow on the spawn of P. ostreatus even after reinoculations and prolonged incubation. Providing extra moisture or sucrose enrichment also did not improve the growth of Th2 on mushroom composts in the presence of living mycelia of A. bisporus or P. ostreatus. The antagonist, however, grew rapidly and extensively on mushroom compost with autoclaved mycelia, and also on wheat germ and wheat bran. Colonization of the substrates by the antagonist was positively correlated with its effectiveness in the glasshouse studies. Whereas only 33.3% of the inoculated control plants survived in one experiment monitored for 560 days, 100% survival was achieved when Th2 was applied on wheat germ or wheat bran. Growth of the antagonist alone on pasteurized or sterilized compost (without A. bisporus mycelia) and simultaneous growth of the antagonist and mushroom on pasteurized compost did not improve survival over the inoculated controls, but growth over mushroom compost with the living mycelium resulted in 50% survival rate. C. olivaceum isolate Co was the most effective, resulting in overall survival rate of 83.3% compared with only 8.3% for the inoculated and 100% for the uninoculated (healthy) controls. This antagonist gave the highest survival rate of 100% on spent mushroom compost with L. edodes. T harzianum isolate Th23, with 75% survival rate, was the most effective on spent mushroom compost with P. ostreatus, while D. dendroides isolate SP resulted in equal survival rates of 50% on all the three mushroom composts.


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A double minimum six-dimensional Potential energy surface (PES) is determined in symmetry coordinates for the most stable rhombic (D-2h) B-4 isomer in its (1)A(g) electronic ground state by fitting to energies calculated ab initio. The PES exhibits a barrier to the D-4h square structure of 255 cm(-1). The vibrational levels (J=0) are calculated variationally using an approach which involves the Watson kinetic energy operator expressed in normal coordinates. The pattern of about 65 vibrational levels up to 1600 cm-1 for all stable isotopomers is analyzed. Analogous to the inversion in ammonia-like molecules, the rhombus rearrangements lead to splittings of the vibrational levels. In B-4 it is the B-1g (D-4h mode which distorts the square molecule to its planar rhombic form. The anharmonic fundamental vibrational transitions of B-11(4) are calculated to be (splittings in parentheses): G(O) = 2352(22) cm(-1), v(1)(A(1g)) - 1136(24) cm(-1,) v(2)(B-1g)=209(144) cm(-1) v(3)(B-2g)=1198(19)cm(-1), v(4)(B-2u) = 271(24) cm(-1), and v(5) (E-u) = 1030( 166) cm(-1) (D-4h notation). Their variations in all stable isotoporners were investigated. Due to the presence of strong anharmonic resonances between the B-1g in-plane distortion and the B-2u, out-of-plane bending modes. the hiaher overtones and combination levels are difficult to assign unequivocally. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.


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The molecular structures of NbOBr3, NbSCl3, and NbSBr3 have been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) at nozzle-tip temperatures of 250 degreesC, taking into account the possible presence of NbOCl3 as a contaminant in the NbSCl3 sample and NbOBr3 in the NbSBr3 sample. The experimental data are consistent with trigonal-pyramidal molecules having C-3v symmetry. Infrared spectra of molecules trapped in argon or nitrogen matrices were recorded and exhibit the characteristic fundamental stretching modes for C-3v species. Well resolved isotopic fine structure (Cl-35 and Cl-37) was observed for NbSCl3, and for NbOCl3 which occurred as an impurity in the NbSCl3 spectra. Quantum mechanical calculations of the structures and vibrational frequencies of the four YNbX3 molecules (Y = O, S; X = Cl, Br) were carried out at several levels of theory, most importantly B3LYP DFT with either the Stuttgart RSC ECP or Hay-Wadt (n + 1) ECP VDZ basis set for Nb and the 6-311 G* basis set for the nonmetal atoms. Theoretical values for the bond lengths are 0.01-0.04 Angstrom longer than the experimental ones of type r(a), in accord with general experience, but the bond angles with theoretical minus experimental differences of only 1.0-1.5degrees are notably accurate. Symmetrized force fields were also calculated. The experimental bond lengths (r(g)/Angstrom) and angles (angle(alpha)/deg) with estimated 2sigma uncertainties from GED are as follows. NbOBr3: r(Nb=O) = 1.694(7), r(Nb-Br) = 2.429(2), angle(O=Nb-Br) = 107.3(5), angle(Br-Nb-Br) = 111.5(5). NbSBr3: r(Nb=S) = 2.134(10), r(Nb-Br) = 2.408(4), angle(S=Nb-Br) = 106.6(7), angle(Br-Nb-Br) = 112.2(6). NbSCl3: Nb=S) = 2.120(10), r(Nb-Cl) = 2.271(6), angle(S=Nb-Cl) = 107.8(12), angle(Cl-Nb-Cl) = 111.1(11).


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The production of volatile compounds by the probiotic strain, Lactobacillus plantarum NCIMB 8826, in cereal-based media (oat, wheat. barley and malt) was investigated. Sixty compounds, including fatty acids and their esters, amides, alcohols, aldehydes, aromatic hydrocarbons, furans, ketones, peroxides and pyrans, were identified. L. plantarum significantly changed the aroma profile of the four cereal broths. and each substrate showed a specific volatiles profile. Oat and barley media were the substrates more influenced by the fermentation process. The most abundant volatiles detected in oat, wheat, barley and malt were oleic acid, linoleic acid. acetic acid, and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, respectively. Analysis of these products confirmed the heterofermentative pathway of L plantarum. Maillard compounds were not detected during sterilisation and fermentation. This study is the first to report the volatile composition of probiotic drinks produce with non-supplemented cereal-based media and the results obtained could contribute to the development of new non-dairy probiotic formulations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Two strains of an unidentified, Gram-positive, catalase-negative, chain-forming, coccus-shaped organism recovered from seals were characterized using phenotypic and molecular taxonomic methods. Based on morphological and biochemical criteria the strains were tentatively identified as streptococci but they did not appear to correspond to any recognized species of the genus Streptococcus. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing studies showed that the strains were closely related to each other and confirmed their placement in the genus Streptococcus. Sequence divergence values of > 5 % with reference streptococcal species demonstrated the organisms from seals represent a novel species. SDS-PAGE analysis of whole-cell proteins confirmed that the two organisms were closely related to each other but were different from all currently defined streptococcal species. Based on biochemical criteria, molecular chemical and molecular genetic evidence, it is proposed that the unknown isolates from seals be assigned to a novel species of the genus Streptococcus, Streptococcus marimammalium sp. nov. The type strain is M54/01/(T) (=CCUG 48494(T)=CIP 108309(T)).