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This paper investigates in how to utilize ICT and Web 2.0 technologies and e-democracy software for policy decision-making. It introduces a cutting edge decision-making system that integrates the practice of e-petitions, e-consultation, e-rulemaking, e-voting, and proxy voting. The paper demonstrates how under precondition of direct democracy through the use this system the collective intelligence (CI) of a population would be gathered and used throughout the policy process.


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This paper is a summary of a PhD thesis proposal. It will explore how the Web 2.0 platform could be applied to enable and facilitate the large-scale participation, deliberation and collaboration of both governmental and non-governmental actors in an ICT supported policy process. The paper will introduce a new democratic theory and a Web 2.0 based e-democracy platform, and demonstrate how different actors would use the platform to develop and justify policy issues.


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This is the second article in a series of three that examines the legal role of medical professionals in decisions to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment from adults who lack capacity. This article considers the position in Queensland, including the parens patriae jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. A review of the law in this State reveals that medical professionals play significant legal roles in these decisions. However, the law is problematic in a number of respects and this is likely to impede medical professionals’ legal knowledge in this area. The article examines the level of training medical professionals receive on issues such as advance health directives and substitute decision-making, and the available empirical evidence as to the state of medical professionals’ knowledge of the law at the end of life. It concludes that there are gaps in legal knowledge and that law reform is needed in Queensland.


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In a study of socioeconomically disadvantaged children's acquisition of school literacies, a university research team investigated how a group of teachers negotiated critical literacies and explored notions of social power with elementary children in a suburban school located in an area of high poverty. Here we focus on a grade 2/3 classroom where the teacher and children became involved in a local urban renewal project and on how in the process the children wrote about place and power. Using the students' concerns about their neighborhood, the teacher engaged her class in a critical literacy project that not only involved a complex set of literate practices but also taught the children about power and the possibilities for local civic action. In particular, we discuss examples of children's drawing and writing about their neighborhoods and their lives. We explore how children's writing and drawing might be key elements in developing "critical literacies" in elementary school settings. We consider how such classroom writing can be a mediator of emotions, intellectual and academic learning, social practice, and political activism.


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Information overload has become a serious issue for web users. Personalisation can provide effective solutions to overcome this problem. Recommender systems are one popular personalisation tool to help users deal with this issue. As the base of personalisation, the accuracy and efficiency of web user profiling affects the performances of recommender systems and other personalisation systems greatly. In Web 2.0, the emerging user information provides new possible solutions to profile users. Folksonomy or tag information is a kind of typical Web 2.0 information. Folksonomy implies the users‘ topic interests and opinion information. It becomes another source of important user information to profile users and to make recommendations. However, since tags are arbitrary words given by users, folksonomy contains a lot of noise such as tag synonyms, semantic ambiguities and personal tags. Such noise makes it difficult to profile users accurately or to make quality recommendations. This thesis investigates the distinctive features and multiple relationships of folksonomy and explores novel approaches to solve the tag quality problem and profile users accurately. Harvesting the wisdom of crowds and experts, three new user profiling approaches are proposed: folksonomy based user profiling approach, taxonomy based user profiling approach, hybrid user profiling approach based on folksonomy and taxonomy. The proposed user profiling approaches are applied to recommender systems to improve their performances. Based on the generated user profiles, the user and item based collaborative filtering approaches, combined with the content filtering methods, are proposed to make recommendations. The proposed new user profiling and recommendation approaches have been evaluated through extensive experiments. The effectiveness evaluation experiments were conducted on two real world datasets collected from Amazon.com and CiteULike websites. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed user profiling and recommendation approaches outperform those related state-of-the-art approaches. In addition, this thesis proposes a parallel, scalable user profiling implementation approach based on advanced cloud computing techniques such as Hadoop, MapReduce and Cascading. The scalability evaluation experiments were conducted on a large scaled dataset collected from Del.icio.us website. This thesis contributes to effectively use the wisdom of crowds and expert to help users solve information overload issues through providing more accurate, effective and efficient user profiling and recommendation approaches. It also contributes to better usages of taxonomy information given by experts and folksonomy information contributed by users in Web 2.0.


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Raman spectroscopy has been used to study selected mineral samples of the copiapite group. Copiapite (Fe2+Fe3+(SO4)6(OH)2 · 20H2O) is a secondary mineral formed through the oxidn. of pyrite. Minerals of the copiapite group have the general formula AFe4(SO4)6(OH)2 · 20H2O, where A has a + 2 charge and can be either magnesium, iron, copper, calcium and/or zinc. The formula can also be B2/3Fe4(SO4)6(OH)2 · 20H2O, where B has a + 3 charge and may be either aluminum or iron. For each mineral, two Raman bands are obsd. at around 992 and 1029 cm-1, assigned to the (SO4)2-ν1 sym. stretching mode. The observation of two bands provides evidence for the existence of two non-equiv. sulfate anions in the mineral structure. Three Raman bands at 1112, 1142 and 1161 cm-1 are obsd. in the Raman spectrum of copiapites, indicating a redn. of symmetry of the sulfate anion in the copiapite structure. This redn. in symmetry is supported by multiple bands in the ν2 and ν4(SO4)2- spectral regions.


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Thermogravimetry combined with evolved gas mass spectrometry has been used to ascertain the stability of the soil minerals destinezite and diadochite. These two minerals are identical except for their morphology. Diadochite is amorphous whereas destinezite is crystalline. Both minerals are found in soils. It is important to understand the stability of these minerals because soils are subject to bush fires especially in Australia. The thermal analysis patterns of the two minerals are similar but not identical. Subtle differences are observed in the DTG patterns. For destinezite, two DTG peaks are observed at 129 and 182°C attributed to the loss of hydration water, whereas only a broad peak with maximum at 84°C is observed for diadochite. Higher temperature mass losses at 685°C for destinezite and 655°C for diadochite, based upon the ion current curves, are due to sulphate decomposition. This research has shown that at low temperatures the minerals are stable but at high temperatures, as might be experienced in a bush fire, the minerals decompose.


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Raman spectra of the uranyl containing mineral coconinoite, Fe2Al2(UO2)2(PO4)4(SO4)(OH)220H2O, are presented and compared with the mineral’s infrared spectra. Bands connected with (UO2)2+, (PO4)3- , (SO4)2-, (OH)- and H2O stretching and bending vibrations, are assigned. Approximate U-O bond lengths in uranyl, (UO2)2+, and O-H...O hydrogen bond lengths are calculated from the wavenumbers of the U-O stretching vibrations and (OH)- and H2O stretching vibrations, respectively, and compared with published data for similar natural and synthetic compounds.


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The two minerals diadochite and destinezite of formula Fe2(PO4,SO4)2(OH)•6H2O have been characterised by Raman spectroscopy and complimented with infrared spectroscopy. These two minerals are both found in soils and are identical except for their morphology. Diadochite is amorphous whereas destinezite is highly crystalline. The spectra of diadochite are broad and ill-defined, whereas the spectra of destinezite are intense and well defined. Bands are assigned to phosphate and sulphate stretching and bending modes. Two symmetric stretching modes for both the phosphate and sulphate symmetric stretching modes support the concept of non-equivalent phosphate and sulphate units in the mineral structure. Multiple water bending and stretching modes imply that non-equivalent water molecules in the structure exist with different hydrogen bond strengths.