988 resultados para 192-1185B


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采用动力学通量箱(Dynamic Flux Chamber , DFC) 与高时间分辨率自动大气测汞仪联用技术,于2002 年7 月和2003 年3 月对红枫湖地区土壤/ 大气界面上汞交换通量进行了测定. 夏冬2 季土壤2大气汞的交换通量分别为(2714 ±4011) ng·(m2·h) - 1 ( n = 255) 和(516 ±1914) ng·(m2·h) - 1 ( n = 192) . 夏季汞交换通量和光照、气温及土壤温度的相关系数分别为0174 、0183和0180 ,而冬季分别为0188 、0156 和0159. 对比研究表明:暖季土壤向大气的释汞通量远高于冷季;2 个季节光照、温度等气象因素对土壤/ 大气界面间汞交换均有重要的影响.


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四川力马河镍矿是峨眉山大火成岩省一个重要的岩浆硫化物矿床。本文通过对其主要岩、矿石类型Re、0s及其同位素组成的分析,综合探讨了成矿岩体原始岩浆性质、矿石硫化物成因、成矿机制及Re-Os同位素等时线年龄。结果表明,力马河镍不同类型岩矿石样品初始0s同位素组成是不均一的,富硫化物的网脉状矿石 及其选纯硫化物Os同位素组成初始值差异较小,其等时线年龄为265士35 Ma,与岩体错石SHRIMP年龄263士3Ma基本相当}硫化物含量较低的岩、矿石样品间初始Os同位素组成差异较大,其表观等时线年龄大于成矿年龄。分析认为。岩矿样品初始Os同位素组成的不均一是由含较高放射成因187Os丰度的硫化物熔体和含较低放射成因187Os丰度的硅酸盐熔体不同比例混合造成的。混合模型分析表明,硫化物含量超过3O% 的矿石样品初始187 Os/188Os基本接近,硫化物含量低于3O %的岩矿石样品初始 187Os/188Os随硫化物含量上的不同,差异很大,为岩浆硫化物矿床Re-Os等时线年龄出现多组年龄解的现象提供了一种可能的解释。成矿岩体中含放射成因187Os丰度最低的岩石样品 (t一260Ma)在5左右、Cu/Pd比值在7000左右,表明是基本没有受到地壳混染及硫化物熔离影响的原始岩浆结晶分异产物,估计原始岩浆Os含量在1×10 左右,为苦橄质岩浆。矿石硫化物Re/Os比值显著高于任何赋矿橄榄岩,7o,(£一260Ma)高达110左右,综合分析揭示了力马河镍矿硫化物为二次熔离成因,模式分析认为,矿石硫化物是由原始岩浆经历R一2000左右的硫化物熔离后,其亏损岩浆再经R一200左右的硫化物熔离形成,与二次熔离相对应,成矿岩浆也经历了两次混染作用,分别为上、下地壳7%左右的混染。


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本文从矿物岩石学、地球化学和沉积盆地分析角度,研究贵州天柱大河边-湖南贡溪两个超大型重晶石矿床中重晶石(矿)岩及其共生岩石的地球化学特征及构造地质背景。天柱-新晃-玉屏寒武纪热水沉积成矿盆地是发育在大陆斜坡上的断陷型热水沉积成矿盆地,由于同生断层作用将盆地切割成一系列次级盆地,大河边-碧林及龙背-铜盆盖三级热水沉积成矿盆地是大型重晶石矿床的构造定位空间。重晶石矿层主要赋存于下寒武统牛蹄塘组第一岩性段的黑色岩系中。 重晶石矿层是由海底低温热水同生沉积作用形成(105-192℃),古热水场的地球化学类型为硫酸盐型热水。硫酸盐型热水发生大规模同生沉积成岩成矿作用形成超大型重晶石矿床,重晶石矿层之上的黑色碳质粘土岩可能形成于封闭、还原、滞流的深水沉积环境,黑色碳质粘土岩构成矿层的封闭保存条件。


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城市生活垃圾填埋场作为大多数国家生活垃圾的主要处理场所,也常常成为一些有毒有害元素的最终归宿地。很多含汞的废弃产品,如荧光灯管、电池、水银温度计、压力计、电开关、恒温器等,在缺乏分类回收的情况下,大多混入城市生活垃圾并最终进入垃圾填埋场。在填埋场这一特殊场合,汞可以通过物理途径、化学途径、生物途径或不同途径的结合而向大气释放,并且还可能在填埋场内形成毒性很高的甲基形态汞而释放到大气中。国外对垃圾的焚烧处理已经造成了严重的大气汞污染,但是目前对垃圾填埋场向大气释放汞的研究在国内外还不多见,我国几乎还是空白。作为城市生活垃圾的生产大国,我国每年的生活垃圾产量超过1.5亿吨,占世界的1/4以上,且近九成是以填埋法进行处理的,因此研究垃圾填埋场这一人为源向大气排放汞的通量和形态、排放汞的特点以及相关的影响因素,必将为认识该释放源对大气汞的贡献以及评估其对生态环境的影响程度提供重要的参考依据,并为制定控制垃圾填埋场汞污染的相关措施提供指导,本文在理论上和现实上都具有重要意义。 2003年10月份到2006年1月份,我们对贵阳市和武汉市的5座城市生活垃圾填埋场进行了野外实地研究。这几个填埋场包括贵阳市的高雁、大转弯、仙人脚,以及武汉市的金口和岱山垃圾填埋场,它们采用不同的垃圾填埋方式(卫生填埋和简易填埋)并处于不同的运行阶段(封闭的和运行中的)。本文从两个方面开展研究:(1)垃圾填埋场通过地表向大气释放汞的通量;(2)垃圾填埋场向大气释放汞的形态。前者利用低汞空白的石英玻璃动力学通量箱法,结合高时间分辨率的大气自动测汞仪(Tekran 2537A),现场对填埋场内不同特征的地表区域(绿化区、覆土地表、裸露生活垃圾、工作面等)进行了测定;后者利用不同的捕集材料(金管、稀HCl溶液和CarbotrapTM捕集管),对排气筒垃圾填埋气中的不同形态汞(气态总汞、单甲基汞和二甲基汞)进行预富集,并结合气相色谱、冷原子荧光等检测技术进行测定。根据同步测定的相关参数对垃圾填埋场向大气释放汞的过程和影响机制进行了探讨,对垃圾填埋场向大气的排汞量进行了估算。另外对垃圾填埋场周围环境介质中的汞分布特征进行了探讨。通过两年多的野外工作,得到以下主要结论: (1)垃圾填埋场地表与大气间的汞交换通量主要以向大气的释放为主,少数情况下(如降雨、大气汞浓度较高时)也会出现大气向地表的沉降。地表/大气间的汞交换过程具有明显的日变化特征,一般在白天中午前后达到最高,夜间降至最低,并维持在稳定的水平。汞交换过程主要与光照等气象因子有关,通量强度白天高于夜间、晴天高于阴雨天。另外,通量还与基质中的汞含量密切相关,汞含量越高,排放强度越大,生活垃圾的汞含量一般高于覆盖土壤,因而裸露的生活垃圾或工作面区域汞释放强度明显高于有土壤覆盖的区域。绿化措施(植草和种树)有效的降低了汞的释放。垃圾填埋场地表汞的释放强度暖季节高出冷季节数倍。地表/大气间的汞交换通量特征显示,垃圾填埋场向大气释放汞的主要来源为上层基质,而非填埋场内部,由于覆土隔离层的屏障作用使得填埋场内部的气态汞很难垂直向上迁移和释放。垃圾填埋场的汞释放强度与城市规模以及经济发展水平没有直接相关性。 (2)垃圾填埋场地表/大气间的汞交换通量强度由于以上因素的影响,在不同地表区域以及不同时段内都可能发生很大变化。封闭的垃圾填埋场地表/大气间的汞交换通量最高出现在汞污染的覆土区,其次为未污染的覆土区,最低为绿化区,三种区域平均的汞交换通量分别为112.8~559.1、50.7~53.6、19.7 ng Hg m-2 h-1。运行中的垃圾填埋场地表/大气间的汞交换通量最高为裸露垃圾区和工作面,最高达5609.6 ng Hg m-2 h-1,平均为57.5~664.6 ng Hg m-2 h-1;其次为老的覆土区,平均为19.6~192.5 ng Hg m-2 h-1;新盖覆土区最低,平均为-1.4~27.8 ng Hg m-2 h-1。垃圾填埋场的工作面具有最大的汞释放潜力,但是因大气汞浓度较高以及波动较大等原因,动力学通量箱法无法真实测定该区域的汞释放强度,运用美国环保局提供的面状复合工业污染源模型(ISCST3)对工作面的汞释放强度估算显示,不同天气状况下的平均释汞因子为0.93 mg Hg t-1垃圾。与全球以及区域背景土壤相比,垃圾填埋场向大气的单位面积释汞强度要高出数倍乃至数千倍。因而城市生活填埋场必将对大气汞环境,特别是局域大气汞环境造成一定影响。 (3)垃圾填埋场排气筒释放的垃圾填埋气中不同形态汞的浓度差别很大。高雁、金口和岱山垃圾填埋场排气筒的气态总汞浓度为2.0~1406.0 ng Hg m-3,3座填埋场平均分别为89.8、24.6和14.2 ng Hg m-3。气态总汞浓度主要与排气筒附近的垃圾汞含量有关,并表现出一定的日变化特征,晴天比较稳定,降雨过程中上升很快,降雨过后又恢复到降雨前的水平。这一有趣现象主要与降雨时雨水置换填埋场内的含汞气体、大气压下降、通过地表释放的通道受阻有关。高雁垃圾填埋场垃圾填埋气中的单甲基汞和二甲基汞平均浓度为1.93 ng Hg m-3和9.21 ng Hg m-3,分别占同期气态总汞的0.51%和1.79%。垃圾填埋气中的甲基形态汞浓度高出背景区域大气3个数量级以上,使得垃圾填埋场成为大气甲基汞已知不多的、重要的释放来源之一。 (4)结合垃圾填埋场不同特征地表的面积以及对应的汞交换通量强度、工作面的垃圾处理量以及汞的释放因子,估算本研究的5座垃圾填埋场每年通过地表向大气的释汞量为17~1111 g Hg yr-1,工作面贡献67%~91%,覆土区较少,绿化区最少。根据垃圾填埋气的产量以及其中不同形态汞的含量,估算高雁、金口和岱山垃圾填埋场每年通过排气筒向大气的排汞量在1~2 g Hg yr-1之间;高雁填埋场通过排气筒每年向大气释放的单甲基汞和二甲基汞为20和90 mg Hg yr-1。垃圾填埋场向大气释放汞的通道主要为地表,而排气筒的贡献仅为0.2%左右(地表+排气筒)。对全国垃圾填埋场进行的初步估算显示,2004年我国这一人为源向大气的排汞量约为600 kg Hg yr-1,占我国大气人为汞释放源的1%以下。 (5)垃圾填埋场大气中的不同形态汞浓度明显高于全球背景值,但与区域大气相当或稍高一点,部分区域有轻微污染,总体而言属于“安全”浓度范围。城市生活垃圾中的汞含量分布极不均匀,浓度为0.170~46.222 mg kg-1,几何均值0.574 mg kg-1,个别异常偏高的样品可能是被含汞的废弃产品污染了,大部分垃圾汞含量低于0.5 mg kg-1。不同垃圾填埋场覆盖土壤的汞含量差异显著,反映了填埋场所在区域的土壤背景值以及垃圾填埋活动对覆盖土壤的污染程度,有时覆土的汞含量超过区域土壤背景值的2~23倍。填埋场生长的植物因生活习性的不同汞含量分布特征也不同。高雁垃圾填埋场产生的渗滤液汞含量较低,为79.4 ng l-1,主要因为垃圾汞含量低、渗滤液呈碱性、难溶硫化物的形成以及有机/无机物对汞的吸附等。以高雁垃圾填埋场为例进行的质量平衡计算显示,每年排向渗滤液和大气的汞分别占每年输入填埋场总量的0.004%和0.3%,其余超过99%的汞仍然保留在垃圾填埋场的固体废物中,这一特点使得垃圾填埋场向大气的排汞量远低于垃圾焚烧法,后者由于高温作用使得垃圾中的汞几乎全部挥发进入大气。 (6)减少垃圾填埋场汞污染的措施包括:从源头上杜绝含汞的进入,如减少含汞产品的生产和使用,对含汞废弃产品进行专门的收集和处理;垃圾填埋以后及时进行覆土和绿化,特别是在工作面,应争取做到每日覆土;垃圾填埋场产生的气体应收集和处理,将其进行焚烧(沼气发电)可以分解其中的甲基形态汞,降低其毒性。


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Simultaneous NO reduction and CO oxidation in the presence of O-2,H2O and SO2 over Cu/Mg/AUO (Cu-cat), Ce/Mg/Al/O (Ce-cat) and Cu/Ce/Mg/Al/O (CuCe-cat) were studied. At low temperatures (<340 degreesC), the presence of O-2 or H2O enhanced the activity of CuCe-cat for NO and CO conversions, but significantly suppressed the activity of Cu-cat and Ce-cat, At high temperature (720 degreesC), the presence of O-2 or H2O had no adverse effect on the NO and CO conversions over these catalysts. The addition of SO2 to NO + CO + O-2 + H2O system had no effect on the, reaction of CO + O-2 over Cu-cat, but deactivated this catalyst for NO + CO and CO + H2O reactions; over Ce-cat, all of these reactions of NO + CO, CO + O-2 and CO + H2O were suppressed significantly; over CuCe-cat, NO + CO and CO + O-2 reactions were not affected while the reaction of CO + H2O was slightly inhibited. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A mixed-conducting perovskite-type Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-delta (BSCFO) ceramic membrane reactor with high oxygen permeability was applied for the activation of methane. The membrane reactor has intrinsic catalytic activities for methane conversion to ethane and ethylene. C-2 selectivity up to 40-70% was achieved, albeit that conversion rate were low, typically 0.5-3.5% at 800-900 degreesC with a 50% helium diluted methane inlet stream at a flow rate of 34 ml/min. Large amount of unreacted molecular oxygen was detected in the eluted gas and the oxygen permeation flux improved only slightly compared with that under non-reactive air/He experiments. The partial oxidation of methane to syngas in a BSCFO membrane reactor was also performed by packing LiLaNiO/gamma -Al2O3 with 10% Ni loading as the catalyst. At the initial stage, oxygen permeation flux, methane conversion and CO selectivity were closely related with the state of the catalyst. Less than 21 h was needed for the oxygen permeation flux to reach its steady state. 98.5% CH4 conversion, 93.0% CO selectivity and 10.45 ml/cm(2) min oxygen permeation flux were achieved under steady state at 850 degreesC. Methane conversion and oxygen permeation flux increased with increasing temperature, No fracture of the membrane reactor was observed during syngas production. However, H-2-TPR investigation demonstrated that the BSCFO was unstable under reducing atmosphere, yet the material was found to have excellent phase reversibility. A membrane reactor made from BSCFO was successfully operated for the POM reaction at 875 degreesC for more than 500h without failure, with a stable oxygen permeation flux of about 11.5 ml/cm(2) min. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Job Burnout has been a focus of the Occupational Stress Research. As a typical,helping occupation, teacher has attracted widely attention and researches in the areas of pedagogy and psychology. The special subgroup of teacher, headmasters who are the elites of the Basic Education, is ignored. The research about principals’ Job Burnout is nearly blank after analyzing related documents and information. With the development of the society, people pay more and more attention to the education and put more demands on the headmasters, especially middle-school principals. They are required not only to be good educators, who are equipped with all the inner qualities as a teacher, but also good managers. So the main purpose of this research was to compare the principal group with ordinary teacher group, and reveal underling factors, such as background variables and psychological protection variables. A representative sample of Wenzhou middle school principals sized 192 and a sample of middle school teacher sized 302 were sampled from various schools. The educational version of burnout inventory, self consistency scale, and interpersonal trust scale were administrated to the two samples, together with some demographic variables of interest. The applicability and equivalence of the three instruments used in this study were checked. Based on well-established reliability and cross-sample congruence of measures, the difference between principals and teachers was test. Then the contributing factors were analysis gradually. The five background variables were examined one by one in the two samples separately. A multiple covariance analysis was conducted to test whether there remained any difference between these two samples on the variables of interest. Regression analysis was used to further control the effect of self harmony and interpersonal trust to test the difference between two samples. Mediating analysis was conducted to build the relationship among the three constructs. The main results of the research were stated as following: 1. The internal consistency coefficients of all the scales were good, and no difference exited between the two groups. The measurement equivalence of three instruments was established well. The measures could be applied to and comparing the two samples. 2. The self-harmony, and interpersonal trust of principals were better than the ordinary middle-school teachers. Job Burnout of principals was significant lower than teachers. 3. Demographic variables like the gender, age groups, income levels, disricts, and the type of school, were important influencing factors. The difference patterns of the variables on these five variables in two samples had similarity and distinction. 4. After controlling the background variables, there remained significant difference between principals and teachers on the variables of interest. 5. Job Burnout negatively correlated with self-harmony and interpersonal trust. That is to say,the lower the degree of self-harmony and interpersonal are, the serious of the Job Burnout is, The correlation between the self-harmony and the interpersonal trust was positive. 6. After statistically controlling the background variables and psychological variables, there still exited significant difference between two groups of this study. Also, self harmony and interpersonal trust were significant protection predictors to different aspect of job burnout. 7. Mediating analysis was conducted to the residual score of the three constructs after controlling the five variables and group membership. Self harmony partially mediated the relationship between interpersonal trust and job burnout. That is, interpersonal trust had indirect effect to burnout mediated by self harmony, also had direct effect to burnout.


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A Grade de Agrotóxicos da PICitros é a lista contendo os produtos registrados no Brasil para o controle de pragas da cultura de citros, conforme a legislação vigente, tendo em conta a eficiência e seletividade dos mesmos, em relação a riscos de surgimento de resistência, persistência, toxicidade, resíduos em frutas e impactos ambientais (Marco Legal da PI, 2002).


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Academic feedback is taken here as the reporting to student writers of the strengths and weaknesses of their submitted draft work, while academic feedforward refers to constructive advice regarding possible strengthening of students’ next work. Both originate from a tutor’s initial judgement of a student’s work. Feedback and feedforward on work showing need for improvement are problematic in a Confucian Heritage Culture. Even gently constructive advice within a programme seeking evidence for assessment of critical thinking may lead to perception of hurtful criticism by Taiwanese students. Some could withdraw from class activity accordingly. So the writers adjusted their response style. They now choose between different approaches featuring tutorial feedback or feedforward, depending on the standard of work being judged. When individual postings feature poor critical thinking, the writers opt for private messages concentrating on constructive feedforward. For better postings, they provide positive feedback with reasons for their judgements, and summarise to the class these exemplars of generic strengths in critical thinking. They also offer private prompting when they see scope for further enrichment of an able student’s critical thinking. This might also be a useful practice when tutoring solely in the West. (192 words) Keywords: Confucian Heritage Culture, public feedback, private feedforward, assessment