1000 resultados para 164-991


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On remarque (f. 119-131) un fragment de registre de maintenue de noblesse, pour le Cotentin, fin novembre-8 décembre 1598, anciennement paginé 31-56, copie du XVIIe siècle.


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A falha ou perda da eficácia relativa dos resíduos culturais compromete o controle da erosão hídrica por meio da cobertura do solo em sistemas conservacionistas de preparo do solo. Com o objetivo de investigar a falha de resíduos culturais em diferentes situações no sistema de semeadura direta, foi instalado um experimento na Estação Experimental Agronômica da UFRGS, em Eldorado do Sul (RS), sobre um Argissolo Vermelho distrófico típico com 0,105 m m-1 de declividade média. Os tratamentos consistiram de resíduos recém-colhidos de aveia preta (out/97) e soja (maio/98) e resíduos semidecompostos de milho e soja (150 e 175 dias após a colheita, out/97 e 98, respectivamente), em diferentes quantidades e formas de manejo. Aplicou-se chuva simulada nas parcelas experimentais com intensidade constante de 63,5 mm h-1, até obtenção da taxa constante de enxurrada e, então, iniciou-se, concomitantemente à aplicação de chuva, a adição de fluxos extras de água limpa na cabeceira das parcelas, para simular comprimentos de rampa mais longos. Os dez níveis de fluxos extras de água planejados variaram de 16 a 197 (10-5) m³ s-1 m-1, com duração de 7 min cada nível. A falha do resíduo foi identificada e o equivalente comprimento crítico de rampa calculado, a partir da observação visual no campo e do uso de critério teórico baseado na relação da taxa de erosão com a taxa de descarga da enxurrada. Os intervalos de ocorrência dos comprimentos críticos de rampa obtidos variaram de 29-58 m (3.950 kg ha-1 de resíduos semidecompostos de soja, soltos) a 152-164 m (6.200 kg ha-1 de resíduos semidecompostos de milho, semi-ancorados). No tratamento com 5.600 kg ha-1 de resíduos de aveia preta, semi-ancorados, não foi observada falha do resíduo. Os resultados comprovaram que existem limites de comprimento de rampa no sistema de semeadura direta, dependendo do regime de chuva, solo, declividade e condições de manejo.


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Hypertension is a heritable and major contributor to the global burden of disease. The sum of rare and common genetic variants robustly identified so far explain only 1%-2% of the population variation in BP and hypertension. This suggests the existence of more undiscovered common variants. We conducted a genome-wide association study in 1,621 hypertensive cases and 1,699 controls and follow-up validation analyses in 19,845 cases and 16,541 controls using an extreme case-control design. We identified a locus on chromosome 16 in the 5' region of Uromodulin (UMOD; rs13333226, combined P value of 3.6×10(-11)). The minor G allele is associated with a lower risk of hypertension (OR [95%CI]: 0.87 [0.84-0.91]), reduced urinary uromodulin excretion, better renal function; and each copy of the G allele is associated with a 7.7% reduction in risk of CVD events after adjusting for age, sex, BMI, and smoking status (H.R. = 0.923, 95% CI 0.860-0.991; p = 0.027). In a subset of 13,446 individuals with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) measurements, we show that rs13333226 is independently associated with hypertension (unadjusted for eGFR: 0.89 [0.83-0.96], p = 0.004; after eGFR adjustment: 0.89 [0.83-0.96], p = 0.003). In clinical functional studies, we also consistently show the minor G allele is associated with lower urinary uromodulin excretion. The exclusive expression of uromodulin in the thick portion of the ascending limb of Henle suggests a putative role of this variant in hypertension through an effect on sodium homeostasis. The newly discovered UMOD locus for hypertension has the potential to give new insights into the role of uromodulin in BP regulation and to identify novel drugable targets for reducing cardiovascular risk.


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RESUM El llum electric és un tipus d’energia amb la que s’il•lumina tot el món i s’utilitza tant per a il•luminar la nit com per a disposar de llum addicional durant el dia. L’energia es pren directament de la xarxa de subministrament elèctric i permet encendre tot tipus de focus i bombetes. Actualment la necessitat de controlar la intensitat lumínica de focus és de gran utilitat i es poden veure exemples en escenaris de teatres, concerts musicals, domòtica bàsica a vivendes, botigues, restaurants, etc. on s’incorporen aparells òptims per aquest control. Aspectes com la programació d’encesa, apagat i intensitat desitjada de focus a una hora convinguda facilita el fet de fer-ho manualment i disposar de més temps propi. L’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és dissenyar i construir un regulador de llum controlat per ordinador capac de regular la intensitat lumínica de 8 focus independentment l’un de l’altre. El control de regulació s’efectua mitjancant un programa informàtic compatible amb ordinadors que incorporin el sistema operatiu Windows i és programable en el temps permetent seleccionar la intensitat desitjada a diferents hores del dia seleccionat. Com a conclusions es pot destacar un estalvi energètic al regular la intensitat dels focus evitant així la permanent connexio a una tensió màxima de 230 VAC i la oportunitat de construir un regulador de llum amb els documents subministrats.


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Résumé : Le positionnement correct du fuseau mitotique est crucial pour les divisions cellulaires asymétriques, car il gouverne le contrôle spatial de la division cellulaire et assure la ségrégation adéquate des déterminants cellulaires. Malgré leur importance, les mécanismes contrôlant le positionnement du fuseau mitotique sont encore mal compris. Chez l'embryon au stade une-cellule du nématode Caenorhabditis elegans, le fuseau mitotique est positionné de manière asymétrique durant l'anaphase grâce à l'action de générateurs de force situés au cortex cellulaire, et dont la nature était jusqu'alors indéterminée. Ces générateurs de force corticaux exercent une traction sur les microtubules astraux et sont dépendants de deux protéines Gα et de leurs protéines associées. Cette thèse traite de la nature de la machinerie responsable pour la génération des forces de tractions, ainsi que de son lien avec les protéines Gα et associées. Nous avons combiné des expériences de coupure par faisceau laser du fuseau mitotique avec le contrôle temporel de l'inactivation de gènes ou de l'exposition à des produits pharmacologiques. De cette manière, nous avons établi que la dynéine, un moteur se déplaçant vers l'extrémité négative des microtubules, ainsi que la dynamique des microtubules, sont toutes deux requises pour la génération efficace des forces de tractions. Nous avons démontré que les protéines Gα et leurs protéines associées GPR-1/2 et LIN-5 interagissent in vivo avec LIS-1, un composant du complexe de la dynéine. De plus, nous avons découvert que les protéines Gα, GPR-1/2 et LIN-5 promeuvent la présence du complexe de la dynéine au cortex cellulaire. Nos résultats suggèrent un mécanisme par lequel les protéines Gα permettent le recrutement cortical de GPR-1/2 et LIN-5, assurant ainsi la présence de la dynéine au cortex. Conjointement avec la dynamique des microtubules, ce mécanisme permet la génération des forces de tractions afin d'obtenir une division cellulaire correcte. Comme les mécanismes contrôlant le positionnement du fuseau mitotique et les divisions cellulaires asymétriques sont conservés au cours de l'évolution, nous espérons que les mécanismes élucidés par ce travail sont d'importance générale pour la génération de la diversité cellulaire durant le développement. De plus, ces mécanismes pourraient être applicables à d'autres divisions asymétriques, comme celle des cellules souches, dont le disfonctionnement peut entraîner la génération de cellules cancéreuses. Abstract : Proper spindle positioning is crucial for asymmetric cell division, because it controls spatial aspects of cell division and the correct inheritance of cell-fate determinants. However, the mechanisms governing spindle positioning remain incompletely understood. In the Caenorhabditis elegans one-cell stage embryo, the spindle becomes asymmetrically positioned during anaphase through the action of as-yet unidentified cortical force generators that pull on astral microtubules and that depend on two Gα proteins and associated proteins. This thesis addresses the nature of the force generation machinery and the link with the Gα and associated proteins. By performing spindle-severing experiments following temporally restricted gene inactivation and drug exposure, we established that microtubule dynamics and the minus-end directed motor dynein are both required for generating efficient pulling forces. We discovered that the Gα proteins and their associated proteins GPR-1/2 and LIN-5 interact in vivo with LIS-1, a component of the dynein complex. Moreover, we uncovered that LIN-5, GPR-1/2 and the Gα proteins promote the presence of the dynein complex at the cell cortex. Our findings suggest a mechanism by which the Gα proteins enable GPR-1/2 and LIN-5 recruitment to the cortex, thus ensuring the presence of cortical dynein. Together with microtubule dynamics, this allows pulling forces to be exerted and proper cell division to be achieved. Because the mechanisms of spindle positioning and asymmetric cell division are conserved across evolution, we expect the underlying mechanism uncovered here to be of broad significance for the generation of cell diversity during development. Moreover, this mechanism could be relevant for other asymmetric cell divisions, such as stem cell divisions, whose dysfunction may lead to the generation of cancer cells.


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Fin assemblage entre démarches théoriques et empiriques, l'ouvrage illustre les logiques sous-jacentes à la mondialisation du marché des footballeurs. Il présente des informations de première main sur le fonctionnement des réseaux de transfert, collectées par l'auteur au cours de dix années de recherches menées en Europe et en Afrique. Des données statistiques inédites, élaborées par l'Observatoire des footballeurs professionnels, et de nombreuses illustrations cartographiques rendent la lecture particulièrement agréable. L'analyse des réseaux et circuits migratoires des footballeurs permet de saisir le rôle décisif joué par de nombreux intermédiaires dans le développement d'un marché global de talents. L'ouvrage dévoile la manière dont agents, dirigeants de clubs et spéculateurs privés investissent sur des joueurs dans l'optique de mettre en place des chaînes de transferts à valeur ajoutée. Ce processus est exemplifié à travers l'étude du cas des footballeurs africains


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Sequencing of the cytochrome b mitochondrial gene (732 base pairs) in samples of Apodemus sylvaticus from Central Europe (eastern France, Switzerland, southern Germany and western Austria) revealed significant molecular variation not reflected in previous morphological and genetic studies of this species. A comparison with the sequences (150 bp) of 54 specimens available from GenBank (NCBI) showed that two problematic individuals originating from southern Germany have to be assigned to A. fulvipectus, a species not yet known in western Europe. A. sylvaticus specimens (n = 14) sampled north of the Alps exhibited a maximum intraspecific sequence divergence of about 5.1%, whereas the maximum divergence is much Lower in A. flavicollis (1%, n = 5) and in A. alpicola (0.5%, n = 4), although the samples originate from a similar geographic range of about 350 km. We also found a high rate of erroneously assigned specimens in GenBank, which indicates that the discrimination of Apodemus species remains a problem and requires further investigations.


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Comprend aussi une enveloppe


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Os sistemas de manejo do solo modificam a dinâmica do fósforo alterando o conteúdo das diferentes formas de P. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de sistemas de cultivo em longo prazo (16 anos de plantio) sobre as diferentes formas de P no solo. Os tratamentos constaram de combinações entre dois sistemas de cultivo: milho exclusivo (M) e milho consorciado com feijão (MF), com duas doses (0 e 40 m³ ha-1 ano-1) de adubo orgânico (AO), e três doses (0, 250 e 500 kg ha-1) de N-P-K, 4-14-8 (AM). Solo sob um fragmento de Floresta Atlântica foi utilizado como referência de um estado em equilíbrio. Os valores de P orgânico total (Pot) variaram de 184,2 a 280,2 e de 147,9 a 282,9 mg kg-1, em amostras de solo das camadas de 0-10 e 10-20 cm, respectivamente, sendo os maiores valores observados para combinação 500 kg ha-1 + adubação orgânica, correspondendo, em média, a 26,4 % do P total no solo. Houve tendência da relação C/Pot manter-se constante, entre os tratamentos, constatando-se aumento dos valores de Pot com o aumento do teor de carbono orgânico total no solo. O adubo mineral promoveu incremento do P na biomassa microbiana (Pbm) apenas no sistema de milho exclusivo. Em média, o aumento do Pbm foi de 262 e 164 % para o sistema que recebeu o composto orgânico no sistema de milho exclusivo e consorciado com feijão, respectivamente. Em média, a fração de P orgânico solúvel em meio ácido correspondeu a 90 % do Pot predominando sobre a fração solúvel em base. Nos tratamentos com 500 kg ha-1 de 4-14-8 e 500 kg ha-1 + composto orgânico, no sistema de consórcio, foram obtidos aumentos nos valores de P total lábil de 53 e 157 %, respectivamente, comparados aos da testemunha. O P orgânico lábil (Pol) correspondeu, em média, a 3,7 % do Pot para os sistemas de cultivo, já para a Floresta Atlântica, esta relação foi de 10,7 %, nas duas profundidades. Os aumentos nos teores das formas mais lábeis de P, proporcionados pela adubação orgânica, evidenciam a importância deste sistema de manejo no favorecimento da ciclagem de P.


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Scarabée poussant le disque solaire ; Nout aux aîles déployées, scène inspirée du chapitre 89 du Livre des Morts (Isis et Nephtys veille sur le défunt momifié dont s’éloigne le ba) ; représentation de génies funéraires. Une formule funéraire en colonne au nom de l’Osiris Rérésyt juste de voix (Rw-Rsy.t).Très similaire à E. 164


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Average physical stature has increased dramatically during the 20th century in many populations across the world with few exceptions. It remains unclear if social inequalities in height persist despite improvements in living standards in the welfare economies of Western Europe. We examined trends in the association between height and socioeconomic indicators in adults over three decades in France. The data were drawn from the French Decennial Health Surveys: a multistage, stratified, random survey of households, representative of the population, conducted in 1970, 1980, 1991, and 2003. We categorised age into 10-year bands, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54 and 55-64 years. Education and income were the two socioeconomic measures used. The slope index of inequality (SII) was used as a summary index of absolute social inequalities in height. The results show that average height increased over this period; men and women aged 25-34 years were 171.9 and 161.2 cm tall in 1970 and 177.0 and 164.0 cm in 2003, respectively. However, education-related inequalities in height remained unchanged over this period and in men were 4.48 cm (1970), 4.71 cm (1980), 5.58 cm (1991) and 4.69 cm (2003), the corresponding figures in women were 2.41, 2.37, 3.14 and 2.96 cm. Income-related inequalities in height were smaller and much attenuated after adjustment for education. These results suggest that in France, social inequalities in adult height in absolute terms have remained unchanged across the three decades under examination.


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Background: The anti-TNFα agent Infliximab (IFX) is used for the treatment of moderate to severe inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) with insufficient response to conventional immunomodulator therapy. IFX maintenance therapy is expensive and it is unknown if indirect costs (eg. by loss of work productivity) can be reduced by this therapy. Goal: to evaluate the direct and indirect costs of an IBD patient cohort under maintenance IFX compared to a cohort under "conventional" immunomodulator therapy. Methods: Direct and indirect costs of an IBD cohort under IFX and a reference cohort (similar disease activity and location) under conventional immunomodulator therapy (Azathioprine, or 6-MP, or MTX) were retrospectively evaluated over 12 months (January to December 2008). Results: 54 IFX-patients (24f/30m, 37 CD, 10 UC, 7 IC) and 71 non-IFX-patients (38f/33m, 56 CD, 12 UC, 3 IC) were included. IFX patients were younger than non-IFX patients (36 vs. 47 years, P = 0.0003). The mean duration of inpatient stay in hospital (23 in IFX vs. 21 days for non-IFX, P = 0.909) and the hospitalization costs (7,692 in IFX vs. 4,179 SFr for non-IFX, P = 0.4540) did not differ. IFX-patients had significantly more frequently specialist outpatient consultations (8 vs. 4, P < 0.001) and outpatient-related costs (3,633 vs. 2,186 SFr, P <0.001). Total costs for all diagnostic procedures (blood work, endoscopies, radiology) were higher in the IFXcohort (2,265 vs. 1,164 SFr, P < 0.001). Sixty-five percent of IFX-patients had a 100% job employment compared to 80% in the non-IFX cohort (P = 0.001). Conclusions: The direct and indirect costs of maintenance IFX-treated IBD patients are higher compared to IBD patients under conventional immunomodulators. Care should be taken not only to judge the costs as the IFX treated population may represent a cohort with more aggressive disease phenotype, furthermore, quality of life aspects were not assessed.


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RATIONALE: Concomitant deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE) has an uncertain prognostic significance. OBJECTIVES: In a cohort of patients with PE, this study compared the risk of death in those with and those without concomitant DVT. METHODS: We conducted a prospective cohort study of outpatients diagnosed with a first episode of acute symptomatic PE. Patients underwent bilateral lower extremity venous compression ultrasonography to assess for concomitant DVT. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The primary study outcome, all-cause mortality, and the secondary outcome of PE-specific mortality were assessed during the 3 months of follow-up after PE diagnosis. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression was done to adjust for significant covariates. Of 707 patients diagnosed with PE, 51.2% (362 of 707) had concomitant DVT and 10.9% (77 of 707) died during follow-up. Patients with concomitant DVT had an increased all-cause mortality (adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 2.05; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.24 to 3.38; P = 0.005) and PE-specific mortality (adjusted HR, 4.25; 95% CI, 1.61 to 11.25; P = 0.04) compared with those without concomitant DVT. In an external validation cohort of 4,476 patients with acute PE enrolled in the international multicenter RIETE Registry, concomitant DVT remained a significant predictor of all-cause (adjusted HR, 1.66; 95% CI, 1.28 to 2.15; P < 0.001) and PE-specific mortality (adjusted HR, 2.01; 95% CI, 1.18 to 3.44; P = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: In patients with a first episode of acute symptomatic PE, the presence of concomitant DVT is an independent predictor of death in the ensuing 3 months after diagnosis. Assessment of the thrombotic burden should assist with risk stratification of patients with acute PE.